
Chapter 14 : Can you get something for free just by lying down?


  "The host has picked up the skill from the filled bubble: Charming Smile +1, today's pick-up progress is 3/10."


  Gu Ran was completely stunned:

  What the hell is this?

  Where is the Crescent Moon Scimitar I want?

  Where is the Golden Right Foot I want?

  Where is the long lob I want?

  What's the point of giving me a skill to pick up girls? Am I supposed to use a smile to confuse my opponents on the court?

  "Warm Tip: This skill can make the host's smile produce an uncontrollable heart-pounding reaction in girls, and the effect is doubled for Victoria Beckham."

  Isn't Victoria Beckham?

  I'm O...

  Is it okay if Mrs. Beckham's heartbeat for me doubles?

  I feel like I'm not serious...

  This wave is such a loss, two bubbles, both are so disappointing!

  Gu Ran was feeling depressed.

The director recovered his breath and stared at Gu Ran with a frown. "That's not right. Where are you from, photographer? I was wondering when I got the coffee just now. Why haven't I seen you before?"

  Gu Ran's heart skipped a beat, but he remained calm.

  It's time to show off my realistic acting skills again!

  Gu Ran said calmly, "Director James Dolores, you didn't really forget, did you? We met last night! I told you that I was Edward Stark, the photographer sent by the higher-ups to assist in the filming, and you told me to just come to the beach."

  "Edward Stark?" The director looked confused and tried hard to search his memory.

  The director felt that he didn't know any Edward Stark, but the name sounded very familiar, and Gu Ran could easily say his full name... The director himself was a little confused.

  Gu Ran lowered his voice and said, "After you finish talking to me, go back to the RV with a handsome guy who plays football to communicate..."

  The director immediately put his arm around Gu Ran's shoulders, "Aha! I remember now, Edward! That's right, the boss always mentioned you and said that you have great skills! Well, the photographers I brought with me today are enough, you just need to stand aside and give us some assistance."

  Just what I want!

  Gu Ran grinned, "Okay, Director."

  The director asked Beckham carefully again: "Mr. Beckham, are you feeling better? Can we shoot now?"

  Beckham waved his hands palely.

  The director immediately said, "Mr. Beckham said it's OK! Let's applaud Mr. Beckham for his dedication! All departments, please pay attention, the five football actors, hurry up and get in position!"


  Soon, the actors began to walk on stage.

  Gu Ran followed the close-up photographer, pretending to assist.

  After going through the advertisement once, Gu Ran understood the content of the advertisement.

  This advertisement doesn't have many lines. The general meaning is that Beckham is having a leisurely vacation on the beach, and a few muscular guys come and challenge him to play football.

Beckham takes a sip of Pepsi, and then performs a fancy dribbling move, successfully convincing these muscular guys.

  After understanding the content of the advertisement, Gu Ran couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

  Theoretically, this kind of advertising idea is more suitable for Messi and Ronaldinho, but not so suitable for Beckham.

  Let Beckham show off his dribbling skills?

  Beckham's weakness is his dribbling skills. Although it is creative to say that drinking a sip of Pepsi can make Beckham dribbling, as for Beckham himself, it is definitely impossible to film the smooth dribbling effect in the director's mind.


  After the actual shooting started, Beckham tried more than ten times but failed to pass the five strong guys smoothly.

  The five strong guys the director found are all quite capable and each of them is in their prime.

  There were several times when Beckham was almost pinned to the beach by the strong guys. This scene made the director extremely anxious.

  Beckham became more and more impatient, either kicking his opponent down or kicking the ball so hard that he couldn't catch up.

  After half an hour of shooting, there was no progress on the commercial and not a single decent shot was used.

  "No more filming!"

  Beckham finally exploded, waved his hands and went back to the recliner to rest. 

  The five strong young men stood on the beach with their hands spread out and shrugged, not knowing what to do.

  The director squatted on the beach with his head in his hands, thinking; the shooting of the advertisement came to a standstill.

  As a bystander, Gu Ran was thinking about whether to give the director some suggestions when he suddenly heard a familiar system prompt in his mind:


  "Feeling 76 points of negative emotions from David Beckham, the system is generating bubbles..."

  Oh huh?

  Gu Ran was stunned!

  This is not the negative emotion caused by me!

  During the half-hour filming, I didn't say anything and did nothing!

  Beckham has negative emotions, and they should be directed at those five strong guys!

  Could it be that... as long as anyone within a five-meter radius of me has any negative emotions, I can pick them up?

  Gu Ran looked up and saw that, as expected, a blue bubble appeared under Beckham's feet!


  This is so cool!

  As long as my pickup range is larger, I can get free items even if I just lie down!

  It's a pity that the upper limit for picking up items per day is 10, and I don't know how high my personal rating must be to break this limit.


  Before Gu Ran could walk over to pick up Beckham's bubbles, the system prompts sounded one after another:

  "Feeling 35 points of negative emotion from Nelson Matt, the system bubble is being generated..."


  "Feeling 38 points of negative emotions from Maurice Jeremy, the system bubble is being generated..."


  "Feeling 40 points of negative emotions from Ross Emmanuel, the system is generating bubbles..."


  "Feeling 43 points of negative emotion from Rory Kewolf, the system is generating bubbles..."


  "Feeling 45 points of negative emotion from Boyle Borg, system bubbles are being generated..."

  The five strong young players from the Championship team had ordinary white bubbles appearing around them.


  It turns out that these five young players from the English Championship team are secretly dissatisfied with Beckham!

  Gu Ran felt secretly happy as he walked past these strong young players and touched the five bubbles one by one.

  Five white bubbles turned into five rays of light and flowed into Gu Ran's body.

  "Light~ The host has picked up the results from the ordinary bubble: Leg training degree +10 hours, today's picking progress 4/10."

  "Light~ The host has picked up the results from the ordinary bubble: aerobic long-distance running training +10 hours, today's collection progress 5/10."

  "Light~ The host has picked up the results from the ordinary bubble: Anaerobic acceleration running training +10 hours, today's collection progress 6/10."

  "Light~ The host has picked up the results from the ordinary bubble: dribbling training +10 hours, today's collection progress 7/10."

  "Light~ The host has picked up the results from the ordinary bubble: Comprehensive strength training +10 hours, today's picking progress 8/10."


  Gu Ran instantly felt that his physical condition had improved again.

  The white bubbles of these five Championship players are all so spot on!

  This wave is equivalent to completing 50 hours of high-intensity special training!

  Moreover, adding the 40 hours accumulated before, you only need to pick up 10 more hours of training results to exchange for a precious talent point!

  Other professional players need to sweat and train for 100 hours to improve one attribute value, but Gu Ran only needs to do it for free!

  This wave of picking up is not over yet!

  Under Beckham's feet, there is a blue bubble with a negative emotion value of 76 points!

  This time, I should be able to learn some useful football skills, right?

  (End of this chapter)
