
The largest spinosaurus ever found

Sobek's awakening hadn't been the best. At some point his sharpest hearing began to perceive a loud shouting. Because of this, he had gone from restless sleep to half-sleep, and from half-sleep to full awakening. And first of all, as soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself in front of the undoubted silhouette of a boat.

Immediately he had panicked, thinking that they were other poachers, but he had quickly rejected that idea: no poacher would have ever used such a flashy and easily traceable boat. It was clear that whoever was on that boat wasn't doing anything morally questionable.

"Rest assured and lower your voice! If we talk too loud we could irritate it!" a brown-haired woman on the edge of the ship said. "Spinosaurs don't have very strong hearing and smell, but they are still quite sensitive to noise. Do you see those holes in the back of the head? They are its ears. The sounds enter from them and reach the eardrum, which amplifies the frequency and..."


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