
Fighting for a purpose!

Piccolo raises his power to 1800. Making Kirllin sweat hard at the difference. Piccolo grins as he sees Krillin not backing down despite the clear difference in size, power, and reach. He respected the hell out of him for that.

John readies his arm and throws it down with a loud, "Fight!" Right before he leaps off the side of the ring and into the audience stands to prepare himself for the in coming brawl.

Krillin shoots forward and tries to knee Piccolo in the face. Piccolo manages to block the knee with a palm to catch it but flings away the fighter quickly as his hand burns a bit.

He looks down at his slightly burned palm and smirks as Krillin lands safely and remakes his ruined stance, "You sly human! You can use ki elsewhere besides your hands! Impressive! Let's see what else you know!"

Piccolo then surges with power into a physical coating around himself making the audience gasp in awe. He rushes at Krillin making the short fighter gasp as he barely blocks 5 kicks and punches before one breaks through. Krillin reels back from the blow and gets into a combo he learned on his own to try and break through.

Soon it is an exchange of blows. Piccolo punches Krillin in the gut then blocks three of the shorter fighters hits before one "makes it through" his defenses. Then Krillin has to endure 3 consecutive hits before he can see the pattern and block a few before he has a chance to return another hit.

Soon they break away from the slugfest and show Piccolo with a few bruises while Krillin is sweating and panting hard while his body is heavily bruised and turning purple from the blows he endured.

Krillin grits his teeth as Piccolo looks ready for round 2-7. While he himself might not make it past round 3 at best. He grits his teeth and goes, "I'm fighting for earth! So that you can't hurt it any further! I'll show you that your father's path was wrong! And I'll make sure you are not a threat! By making sure you can't hurt anyone!"

He then shoots out a large Kamehameha blast with a yell, the large blast shoots out at over 15ft in diameter. The audience is gripping on to the stands for their lives as the waves of energy creates huge gusts of winds that nearly blow the lighter members off their feet.

Piccolo loses his smirk as he goes, "Yeah... My old man wasn't exactly the best guy. Heck he wasn't even just A guy. He was the demon king. And I'm his son."

Raising his hand he manages to coat his body with enough ki to create a solid armor around his whole arm. He catches and halts the beam with an energy as high as 4000+ power. He continues, "And as his son. I am fighting back a lot of preconceived notions about me. About who I am. And what I do. Or even might do. But I am here now! Ready to prove these notions wrong! I'm going to show everyone that I am indeed different! And ready to be my own person! Someone who isn't a villain! But a protector of all these lives in this precious world! I won't lose anyone important to me again!"

With a flourish he cuts the beam in half with a knife hand strike using the same hand that held the beam back. Krillin collapses to his knees at the usage of so much energy but looks up at Piccolo with a gleam of hope in his eyes at that speech.

The demon prince approaches him and says, "So... Will you give me the chance to show you I mean what I plan to do?"

Krillin mulls it over as Piccolo reaches down to help him up. Shocked at this show of honesty and good sportsman ship. He grins a little and takes the offered hand. As he rises to his feet he sighs and goes, "Well.... I suppose I can give you the benefit of the doubt for now. But one wrong action or move to take over the world? Then we come after you!"

Piccolo laughs heartily and goes, "If that happens. I'll be counting on you all to set me back on the right path!"

Krillin gives Piccolo a forearm gripped hand shake and they walk off together to wait for Tien versus Goku. Meanwhile the crowd cheers for them and are beginning to cheer for Piccolo as they are slowly seeing his change of heart and goal in life.

It isn't anything joyous, but he is slowly winning them over. And after the reputation damage his dad did? Piccolo would take slow acceptance over never ending hostility.

After Krillin waves bye to join his friends in the stands alongside Yamcha, Chiatozu and Roshi, Tien and Goku head to the main stage.

And while Tien enters the stage ready for an epic fight, Goku smirks and gets into a basic stance. Tien notices this and raises his power up to half way. A solid 800. Goku smirks and makes Tien gulp as he goes all the way to 2,000.Tien pales and goes maximum power at 1,600 and prays he can get a lucky hit in to take Goku out.

Their fight is much the same as Piccolo saw in his life as Max. Goku out speeding Tien, only this time with out removing his 500 pound boots, 500 pound wristbands, and his 1,000 pound weighted shirt. That's right Goku is constantly under 1.5 tons of weight... Piccolo knows he could go further but Goku has a hard enough time finding a piece of ground that won't crack or sink in from the weight of his training gear.

Piccolo makes a note to himself, Kami and I can make such garments but we may need to approach Bulma to make a gravity adjustment feature to them so they can go to normal clothing weight without cracking or breaking the ground every time Goku needs a break from them.

Piccolo files that thought away as he keeps his eyes on the fight. The match ends with Goku knocking Tien and his 3 clones out of the ring right on top of each other and wins by ring out. Though John had to make the comment that Tien technically lost 4 times back to back thanks to the clones losses. Which made the audience giggle and Tien to sulk.

With Tien defeated he gives Piccolo a respectful nod and heads over to join his friends. Goku and PIccolo hear the notice for 15 minutes break. And head to the cafeteria for food and water. Goku inhales 15 bowls of various dishes while Piccolo uses his unique anatomy despite being a Namekian to enjoy fresh water, a crisp salad, and red bean paste mochi. It tastes great and refreshing as a nice appetizer to his upcoming fight with his greatest rival.

Piccolo and Goku have their fill and enter the ring. The cheers are deafening as they enter and stare down each other.

John opens up and says, "Now! For our finals round! Who will take the trophy and prize money? Goku? The twice runner up? Or the Prince of demons here to claim a new crown and future for himself?! Let's see how it goes down! Fighters ready?"

Goku and Piccolo both get into serious stances and power up to 5,000 each. Making the audience tremble at the power being unleashed. Their friends are shaking at how high in strength their greatest foe turned acquaintance and their best friend are compared to their maximums.

Goku smirks and says, "Don't hold back Piccolo! I want a good fight here!"

Piccolo smirks back and says, "Likewise Goku! Give me everything you have been working on with Popo!"

With a final shout the match begins, "Fighters! FIGHT!!"

A great explosion of force echoes out from the ring as the two clash punches.
