
Chapter 23: Achieving A+

The film screening ended successfully, and after over eighty minutes of tense and thrilling beach adventure, the audience could finally relax.

Next, they needed to fill out surveys.

"Zoe, what grade would you give this film?" Doug asked.

Zoe seemed still immersed in the film, shaken.

She patted her chest to calm her racing heart and said without hesitation, "I'd give it an A+."

"Me too," Doug agreed. "I'd also give it an A+."

Doug wrote a brief review on the survey: "The film is as thrilling as a roller coaster, with the combination of the female lead's sexy figure and the bloodthirsty shark being very eye-catching. The director's skillful cinematography draws you in completely. Regardless of who the director and lead actor are, I would definitely watch this film again in the theater."

Doug's review was used as a representative review and presented to the senior executives at Universal Pictures. Observer Jackie Fore reported to the executives about the audience's reactions at the screening.

"Less than five minutes into the film, the audience was glued to the screen and remained tense until the end. I believe that even without Spielberg's name attached, this is still an exceptionally engaging shark movie."

Lew Wasserman chaired the meeting, and Akio Tani was also present.

The reports from the observers were similar; the fans were indeed captivated by the film and completely engrossed.

At this point, the survey results were also available.

"We distributed 180 surveys and collected 177. Of these, 123 gave an A+, 42 gave an A, and 12 gave A- or below. There were no B- or lower scores," the statistician reported.

The room fell silent. These results demonstrated the high praise *The Shallows* received from ordinary fans, giving Universal Pictures more confidence in the film.

Meanwhile, after the screening, the media reporters and critics did not leave.

Gilbert and Gwyneth Paltrow were talking with these reporters and critics, introduced by producer Tom Blake.

Clearly, well-known media reporters and critics would not attend such events, but Gilbert did not skimp on his smiles.

After all, he still needed these people to promote the film. Although he wasn't fond of reporters and critics, Gilbert displayed good professional manners.

Gwyneth Paltrow, on the other hand, seemed a bit impatient, speaking dismissively with the media and critics, then sitting aside to watch Gilbert handle the interactions.

However, Gilbert was not about to let her off easily and dragged the reluctant Gwyneth Paltrow along for a brief interview with the media.

After the interview, Gwyneth Paltrow, feeling more relaxed, suddenly said to Gilbert, "We are just not on the same page."

"Oh?" Gilbert raised an eyebrow and asked, "What do you mean?"

"These stupid media reporters and critics are just parasites on the film industry, and you're trying to please them with your smile. I find that behavior disgusting," Gwyneth Paltrow said with disdain.

Gilbert found it amusing and couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Gwyneth Paltrow asked, annoyed.

Gilbert explained with a smile, "You're right, these media reporters and critics are indeed parasites on the film industry. But have you considered why, if they're here to suck blood, they haven't been dealt with yet?"

Gwyneth Paltrow was taken aback and shook her head, "I haven't thought about it…"

"This world isn't black and white, dear. Hollywood needs these people, the film industry needs them, and even you, as a star, need them," Gilbert said.

"It's true that we need them, but you shouldn't have to ingratiate yourself with them like that!" Gwyneth Paltrow was unhappy about this point.

Gilbert patted Gwyneth Paltrow's head with a helpless smile, but she swatted his hand away.

"I'm just an obscure young director, not Uncle Steven. My film needs exposure, and I need them to support it," Gilbert explained again.

"Does smiling at them make them say good things?" Gwyneth Paltrow asked again.

"Not necessarily, but it at least gets them talking," Gilbert replied.

"Then why bother pleasing them if they might not say good things?" Gwyneth Paltrow was even more displeased.

"Gwyn, what I want is not just for them to praise the film, but to get them talking about it. Praise and criticism aren't as important as getting people to talk about you."

Gilbert's words made Gwyneth Paltrow reflect deeply. Although her mother was also an actress and her godfather was a renowned film director, no one had ever analyzed the essence of Hollywood from this perspective.


"What is it?"

"I suddenly feel like I'm falling for you."

"That's normal. I am a charming man, and many women like me."


"What now?"

"You're a jerk, a big jerk."

"Your assessment can only be said to be from just meeting me."

To be honest, when Gilbert first met Gwyneth Paltrow, he knew the media's evaluation of her was accurate.

Perhaps due to her high starting point, being a Hollywood Jew, and having Spielberg as her godfather, the girl evidently had high standards.

She had a tendency to offend people with her comments about things she disliked and had some princess-like traits.

Even though they had been intimate, and although it was only physical without emotional involvement, a night together still built some bond.

Gilbert hoped that through his advice, Gwyneth Paltrow might temper her temper.

If she could manage her temper and maintain her high starting point, she might achieve even greater success than the original Gwyneth Paltrow.

After cooling down, Gwyneth Paltrow faced the media and critics again with Gilbert.

This time, Gwyneth Paltrow was much more professional and her smile much sweeter.

With the lead actress cooperating, the media reporters and critics could do their jobs.

After all, in today's world, directors often stay behind the scenes, and without a cooperating sexy lead actress, it's hard for them to generate buzz.

After finishing with the media and critics, they could finally relax.

At this moment, the head of Universal Pictures' publicity department approached Gilbert and Gwyneth Paltrow. "Gilbert, we've developed a plan for publicity involving rumors, and we need your cooperation."

"You may speak," Gilbert gestured for them to proceed.

The publicity head presented a plan to Gilbert and Gwyneth Paltrow and then explained, "The plan is to generate gossip about your romantic relationship. By using tabloid and scandal news to suggest you two fell in love during the film's production, we can attract attention."

If Gilbert were an older man in his fifties or sixties, this tactic might be less effective and could even backfire.

But since Gilbert was a twenty-one-year-old director and Gwyneth Paltrow was only eighteen, with their similar ages, and Gilbert had a good image, he was considered handsome enough to be an idol star.

This made Universal Pictures believe that stirring up rumors about their romance could be highly effective.

Gilbert turned to Gwyneth Paltrow and asked, "What do you think?"

"Whatever," Gwyneth Paltrow said indifferently. "As long as Universal Pictures can convince my strict father, I don't mind."

The publicity head smiled and said, "Don't worry. We've already discussed it with Mr. Paltrow, and he agreed to the plan."

"In that case, it doesn't matter. We'll cooperate," Gwyneth Paltrow said. Then she remembered something and asked the publicity head, "Can I live with Gilbert?"

The publicity head answered naturally, "You two are in a relationship now. Isn't living together normal?"

"Yay, that's great. I'm free!" Gwyneth Paltrow cheered and started dancing, leaving the publicity head a bit stunned.

"What's with her?" the publicity head asked.

Gilbert guessed, "Maybe she hasn't done yoga in a few months and needs to stretch!"

"Oh!" The publicity head gave a meaningful smile, indicating understanding.


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