

As River, she had met with Greyson Rose a handful of times, but as all of her missions had never crossed paths with him, she didn't really know him personally, aside from a few pieces of information that you could access in public.


But, as Hazel, she didn't really know him either. He was not remarried after his wife died, giving birth to his daughter. She only knew that he was not a good father. The image that he showed in public compared to the one in Hazel's mind was completely opposite.


Greyson Rose in Hazel's eyes was a short-tempered guy who had really bad anger issues and wouldn't even think twice when he had to discipline his children by using physical punishment.


Hazel, Dylan, and Logan had tasted his belt a couple of times, especially Logan, since he was the eccentric one, and Greyson seemed to hate him second to Hazel.


"Where did you go?" Greyson approached his daughter, who didn't answer the question.

