
The Mixer Dilemma    

[BONUS Chapter for reaching 200 GT! Thank you all!🤍 ]


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 "So . . . this is the emergency you mentioned?" I asked, staring at the restaurant where Riri had summoned me like it was a life-or-death situation.


Riri clasped her hands together as if she were about to pray to me. "Please, Eve, just this once! Come with me to a mixer!"


I raised an eyebrow, my expression deadpan. "This is your emergency? You called me, huffing and puffing like you were on fire, and rushed me here for this?"


"It is an emergency!" Riri exclaimed, nodding so vigorously her glasses almost slipped off her nose. "This is my chance, Eve. My one chance to finally have a love life!"


I blinked, torn between frustration and amusement. "A love life is your emergency?"



This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
