
The Drizzling Exploration

She'd be careful. That much she knew. It would be foolish for her to not do that, especially since the soldiers would stop her from doing too much.

She wanted to get her bearings.

And she needed to figure out where everything was.

It made the most sense to be prepared. If there was an attack, or a problem, she didn't want to be caught flat footed and without any clue what was going on.

With the constant rain at least the chance of there being any kind of dangerous fire spreading through the camp was almost nil, but there were other threats that could happen to the camp that could trigger some kind of a panic.

Even, for instance, some kind of crazed assassination attempt determined to come for her while Donncahd was hunting.

So it was important that she find her way around the camp, figure out what was where, and also determine the best escape routes into the woods.
