
Their Past History  


Lydia's eyes gleamed with excitement as she took stock of the noblewoman's valuables.


This haul alone could easily fetch her at least 50 Bullion on the market—enough to not only dine at the finest restaurants but also to buy herself some luxurious new dresses.


Lydia didn't mind blowing it all in a single day. She was the kind of girl who lived like a "one-day millionaire," reveling in the thrill of instant gratification.


Why wait for tomorrow when you could have it all today?


To her, happiness was something you grabbed in the moment, not something to save for later.


After all, who knew what the future held? If she could taste luxury now, she'd savor every second.


Lydia smirked to herself, imagining the glamorous outfits she could flaunt after selling this loot. But for now, she relaxed, enjoying the spoils of her craft, while Silphie savored her desserts without a care in the world.
