

The day arrived, when Mouse brought his eye close to the retina reader to identify himself, the system gave the warning that he had already turned ten years old. He could enter the dining room, even if he wanted to eat his last meal in that room, but he would not have to return to the sewers.

As soon as he entered, Fang was waiting for him.

"One last meal before I say goodbye"

"I have nothing holding me back or making me want to be here, let's go"

Fang smiled, as he accompanied the boy to one of the side exits. It was not the same exit that he had taken him out of back then, it was one that was only used on those occasions, when a child was old enough to leave the sewers.

He tried to keep up with Fang's strides, but he had a hard time keeping up. They arrived at a large round room with several coloured doors that were closed. In the centre of the room there was only one other retina reader.
