
What was his name again?

"Yawn," Sapphire yawned as she firmly walked with the small Viola beside her. "I should have asked for an Uber," she commented.

"There's no Uber here, miss," Viola replied.

"Oh, a city of people with no current social culture," Sapphire remarked.

"Yawn," Sapphire let out another yawn, stretching her arms, her large breasts threatening to burst out of her shirt and pop the buttons. Despite the tempting sight, the unreported maid didn't even glance at the woman's cleavage.

'Focus, Viola, no peeking at her oppai...' the maid thought, turning her face away.

The woman provocatively licked her lips when she saw that Viola didn't show any reaction to her beauty.

This attitude from the maid was a good thing; she didn't want to change her maid. "Good," she commented with a smile.

'Phew!' Viola felt her soul leave her body and come back.
