

" Det här kommer att bli slutet för oss"

The Swedish defense minister storms out of the room in anger. His pulse heightened from the constant bickering of his staff.

The commander-in-chief of the army sat in thought. His troubled mind searched for a way to free his country from impending doom.

" Han är redan här !", a soldier near the window shouted as he reloaded his gun.

Total Chaos had been set within the meeting room, with everyone running into a nearby cover. The remaining soldiers proceeded to the front of the Sager House, with their guns pointed at Loki.

Loki slowly descends to the ground. He looks across and mocks their weakness. A soldier clicks his rifle, shooting aggressively at Loki but notices the bullets do not reach him.

" For years, I had attempted to free the world from its grasp of torture and return it to the hands of Ra. Now the time has finally come."

" upprätthålla formationen!!!", a Swedish captain ordered as they continued firing.

Loki scoffed at them once more and sprinted sharply towards the car used as a shield. He smashes his body against the car, throwing it off and barging it through the house of the prime minister.

The impact had blown a gust of wind towards the other soldiers, injuring them badly with others dead. A 23-year-old soldier walked to the side of a Military light utility vehicle and sat by his captain for orders.

" Sir?? The enemy is far stronger than we thought. "


A nearby army vehicle blasted into bits, blocking the hearing of the two soldiers. They dazed a bit and maintained focus, grasping their guns as if it were their own life.

" At this rate, we would die before we get the item out!!"

" Proceed with stage 2 of the mission. We cannot let him get his hands on the item!" The captain ordered in pain.

" But sir, if I leave the warranty you might..."

"Proceed with the mission, Soldier!!!! Even If your limbs shatter, even if your breath betrays you."

The Captain grabbed the shoulder of the young lad and smiled. He thought of the first day he had his baby steps and all the fun times they had.

* If only I had more time, my son. If only I had enough time to show you the world was that beautiful. Even if I should give my life here, I wouldn't allow a dent of pain on you! *

The Captain grabbed his son's head and smiled. His thoughts were rampant, for he felt death was near.

There has never been a case where the chilled hands of death had not been noticed by mortals. Whenever it approaches, the mortal instincts trigger for a moment.

However, as dull as our instincts were, mortals did not focus on what the meaning behind goosebumps was. Yet soldiers had experienced it since they constantly met death and escaped.

His goosebumps heightened, showing him the time of sacrifice had approached. So he stood up and grabbed a Degtyaryov machine gun from the army car they hid by.

The captain looked at his son again with tears of joy. He grasped the final moments like it was his last, and it undeniably was.

" Aaron, my son. I wish I had more moments to spend with you, and not die on the battlefield like this. Do not fret, do not fear. I will protect you"

" Even if I can't make it out, you can. So go, and grab the item. Run past the escape door at the back of the house with the prime minister. "

The captain rose from his sitting and anchored the machine gun towards the direction of Loki.

"Du kommer att dö på din post din käring!!!!", the Captain screamed in adrenaline.

Loki looked toward the direction of the gun and sprinted towards it. He bent the muzzle of the gun upwards and grabbed the head of the Captain, plucking it from his head like an uprooted tree.

The head and vertebrae of the Captain hang in display as his blood gushed from his body. The remaining shoulders had died endlessly, for what use were weapons of the current world when he could simply grab the wind and sway its trajectory?

Aaron's eyes screamed with pain, for he knew there was no escape from the disaster before him. He stood up and ran into the Saber house whilst bending his upper body.

His thoughts were filled. With only one thing, escape!! He ran like a warthog, chasing its enemy, and approached the hall.

Looking around, he found the prime minister hiding beneath a table and grabbed him in an attempt to leave.

" Do you have the item, sir??"

The prime minister nodded as he grabbed the wrapped item tightly within his palm. They ran as fast as they could, with the secret agents acting as the final line of defense.

An explosion occurs behind them, throwing the two off balance. The soldier covered the prime minister with his body to prevent any damage and rose for a second sprint.

The screams of the secret agents as well as loud shots of their pistols were heard. After which there was a loud silence because Loki was looking around for the item.

The ears of the soldier bleed as he continues running. His head dripping with blood, but he stood firm. The escape door opened, leaving a sigh of exhaustion from the prime minister.

The prime minister fell for a moment after another explosion occurred within the Saber House, but the soldier rose him up again and ran to the nearby BMW 5 series.

Stepping on the acceleration paddle with full concentration, he drifted away from the chaos. The prime minister sighed for a moment and tended to his wounds.

Aaron punched the wheel in frustration as he succumbed to the memories of his father. He drifted past the alleyway and made haste to the main road.

His nerves calmed as he believed they had escaped the apocalypse behind them. The car suddenly flipped, somersaulted for a few tears, and came to a standstill.

Aaron dragged himself out of the damaged BMW and looked into the car to pick up the prime minister. He saw a plucked metal from the car had penetrated through the eye of the prime minister.

His body wanted to bail, but he stood still and leaned himself over for the item. A sudden chilly feeling stemmed across his nerves, causing a buzz of fear through his body.

" So there you were all this while," Loki smirked.

I would like your thoughts on it if you are from Sweden or not. I deeply respect you all and hope you enjoy this chapter. Share any ideas if you have some, as I'm constantly in hopes pf communicating with my readers :)

Starslidecreators' thoughts