
Chapter 174: New Shortcut for Map Exploration (Part 2)

As Pei Guang stood up unharmed, most of the group remained puzzled. However, Welt looked at him thoughtfully. Sensing Welt's gaze, Pei Guang nodded.

Welt's eyes widened, realizing that although Pei Guang's trick followed basic game logic, seeing it in action was still astonishing. Especially since the puddle was only about a centimeter deep—useless by normal physics. But considering Pei Guang's unconventional nature, Welt opted not to question it further.

Meanwhile, Pei Guang prepared for another trial, setting a trash can full of water on the mechanical hand of the Engine of Creation. He climbed into the can, calling out to Bailu, "If I end up half-dead, I'm counting on you to patch me up!"

Bailu replied confidently, "No problem! But what are you doing?"

"Running an experiment I couldn't risk without a healer," Pei Guang explained.

Bailu motioned for him to come closer. As he did, blocking Tingyun's view, she placed her small hand on his chest, channeling her power to protect his vital organs. "There, now even if you fall from hundreds of meters, your head and insides will be safe," she reassured him.

Pei Guang grinned, "You really are the best."

Bailu sighed, "You're lucky I think you're nice. Now stop distracting me."

With that, Pei Guang nestled into the water-filled trash can. The Gundam Engine of Creation raised him high and released the can, sending it plummeting to the ground.

Stelle instinctively moved to intercept, but March 7th held her back, "Trust Pei Guang! He may seem reckless, but he never jokes about his life. Besides, this height won't kill him."

Despite her reassurances, March 7th's palms were sweaty. She would have stopped Pei Guang if she thought he was truly in danger, but his determined look told her this was important. And, with Bailu's support, it should be fine… probably.

As the can landed, physics seemed to bend—the trash can fell into the water without impact. The machine then picked it up again and set it down, this time with a bounce that spilled water everywhere.

Pei Guang's head emerged from the can, triumphant. "It worked! I knew the 'Leap of Faith' wouldn't fail!"

Climbing out, he stored the can and water. March 7th exhaled in relief and walked over, "You scared me! So, any new ideas?"

Pei Guang's eyes sparkled, "Definitely! We can jump from any height as long as there's water to land in. Even if we can't set up a puddle in time, as long as we're wrapped in water, we'll be fine. Stelle, you're up next."

Stelle's eyes lit up, "I'm ready! What do I do?"

Pei Guang pointed at Bailu's trash can, "First, get her to buff you, then fill your can with water and climb in. Just make sure you're surrounded by water when we drop."

Stelle nodded. As she prepared, Pei Guang turned to Bailu, "Quick question—are there any limits to your buffs? Will this tire you out?"

Bailu reassured him, "Nope, but the effect only lasts ten minutes."

"Got it."

Stelle followed the plan, and Pei Guang laid out his strategy: "We'll both get tossed into the air by the Engine of Creation, scouting from above to spot Kafka. Think of it like finding Sampo."

Without Tingyun around, Pei Guang would have explained everything freely, viewing Bailu as a true ally. Though she couldn't join their full expeditions, her supportive nature made him eager to share knowledge with her, hoping to deepen their trust.

With preparations set, the colossal machine extended its arms. Pei Guang and Stelle each climbed into a water-filled trash can, ready to test their next move. The rest of the group watched, understanding Pei Guang's risky but clever strategy.

Tingyun, looking puzzled, asked, "Huh? What are you two doing?"

Tingyun still couldn't make sense of what Pei Guang was up to—being flung around in a water-filled trash can? What kind of ritual was this?

March 7th explained with a grin, "Oh, we're just brainstorming a quick way to track down Kafka. Don't worry, Pei Guang's a total pro at this sort of thing."

As March 7th spoke, the Engine of Creation, under Pei Guang's command, had locked onto its trajectory. It aimed at two open areas within the Aurum Alley, factoring in the environment and gravity shifts before acting.

Pei Guang's trash can was the first to be launched, hurtling at an angle—chosen for his grand plan.

From his vantage point in the air, Pei Guang peered through the can's slit at the ground below. Various monsters patrolled the port, but he didn't spot Kafka in his flight path. No matter…

When Pei Guang's can reached the mid-point of the airspace, he poked his head out and, in true fashion, made an unmistakable gesture towards the patrolling creatures below: raising his middle finger in universal provocation.

"Come at me if you dare!"

It was a taunt—360 degrees and all-encompassing. Watching from her spot, Tingyun couldn't help but mutter, "Why… why do I feel an odd urge to punch him?"

March 7th looked at her, puzzled. "Huh? Punch Pei Guang? Why would you?"

Tingyun shook her head, "I don't know… Maybe it's improper to say, but right now, he just seems really… punchable."

If Tingyun felt provoked, there was no doubt the creatures on the ground did too. They all turned their attention skyward. Pei Guang scanned their reactions, marking enemy positions on his mini-map.

Welt, having anticipated Pei Guang's plan from the start, focused on the rapidly updating mini-map. Red dots appeared, signifying enemy positions, lighting up more of the map as Pei Guang's journey progressed. Welt fell silent, impressed.

As the map expanded, more than just enemy markers appeared. The locations of Cloud Knights and stranded workers were also noted. The Aurum Alley was in chaos, with some unable to escape due to being trapped. While the Cloud Knights fought off threats and searched for the Stellaron, Pei Guang's long-distance provocation drew most of the monsters' attention. Barriers? No problem—the creatures began to form makeshift bridges, clambering over each other like zombies in a disaster film, determined to reach Pei Guang.

Indeed, Pei Guang's plan was effective; despite the brief preparation and experiments, the mapping efficiency was unmatched.

Red dots denoted various threats, such as mara-struck soldiers and Fragmentum creatures. But one thing remained clear: Kafka was not among them.

However, it didn't matter. As Pei Guang activated a wide-range taunt, Stelle's trash can was thrown out. At the same time, March 7th intuitively ran over to the machine and stored it in a public storage space.

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