
The Summit (3)

"How are we supposed to fight that being if those two are having trouble?"

Elena, the only female among the group, muttered in a daze as her eyes followed their movements. The being was faster than the two boys yet they didn't show any signs of stepping back and the entity seemed to be playing along.

As if to answer her question, the entity looked towards the others. Its red eyes were sinister and chill-inducing. Its gaze held a silent promise of pain and suffering before turning back to Alex and Ross.

Of course, Alex and Ross did not miss this and it wasn't much of their concern as Alex's mind spun rapidly to come up with a plan that could defeat the entity.

After a while of studying the attacking patterns of the two, Zen gritted his teeth and dashed towards the fight. He couldn't just stand there and watch as the being wore out their hardest hitter.
