

Alpha Roland smirked. "I tell you, the universe is helping us with this. We don't need to do anything." He sat down on the sofa and leaned his back, looking satisfied.


Xaden dismissed the guard and walked over to Alpha Roland. "I think we can speed up our plan."


"I want Khaos to go down with him too. He has been a good dog for your brother," Roland said, malice trickled from his voice.


"We can arrange that." Xaden smirked, but he confirmed one thing that he had suspected since the very beginning; Roland didn't really care about Zuri as much as he tried to show. His mask slipped and Xaden could see the coldness in his eyes toward his daughter.


He also knew that Roland had beaten Zuri up yesterday before he returned to the pack house.


Since Zuri's injuries were only cuts and bruises, by the time he arrived and met her, she had already healed. She looked fine, but her eyes looked dead.

