
Chapter 276 Building New Bonds

Lilac’s P.O.V

As we approached, I couldn't help but notice the whispered comments and sly smiles exchanged among our companions.

Suddenly, I heard a wolf-whistle and my head snapped in that direction as I saw Niana grinning from ear to ear. “Oh! Such a good looking couple you two make!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands together in excitement.

I felt my cheeks grow hot as I listened to the murmurs of agreement from around the table. However, when I looked at Del, I saw him grin in response, basking in the attention.

Like the gentleman he was, he pulled the chair out for me and helped me take my seat before he took the seat right next to me.

Niana looked at me with wide eyes, before leaning close to mutter in my ears. “You chose such a catch, Lilac! I heard he’s already famous among the freshmen! He’s so handsome!”

“It’s not like that,” I tried to explain to her. “I met him outside the washroom and he…helped me fix my makeup.”
