
Chapter 176 The Day they Invaded

Mirage’s P.O.V

2 Years Ago…

A sound inside my bedroom woke me up from a deep slumber.

Sitting up in bed, I looked around my room to find nothing out of place. The nightlight that I usually kept lit at all times was still glowing a dim green, illuminating my small room enough that I could see everything clearly.

Sighing, I was about to go back to sleep when that sound came again…this time I realized that the source was the window.

A little startled and suddenly alert, I looked towards the wall clock to find it reading 4.08AM.

Who on earth could be at my window at 4-

Eyes widening in realization, I rushed to my window and pulled it open and held my hand out so my little sister could climb back inside my room through the window from the branch of the old maple tree right outside the attic window.

“Jeez!” Maze dusted off her tiny black dress that left little to the imagination and gave me a drunken smile. “That was a whole workout!”
