
Chapter 130 Workings of a Pack

Mirage’s P.O.V

“I didn’t expect you and Freya to start off on the wrong foot, honestly.” Sarah told me as soon as Freya had left the room with Darcia. Apparently, they had both been summoned by the Alpha to discuss Alpha things.

“And why is that?” I frowned at her. “I get that Julian is her brother, but I don’t get why she had to be so rude.”

“How about I tell you something about the pack structure instead.” Sarah ignored my question. “The Alpha is the head of the pack, just like our brain is the head of our body; the authorization centre that commands the rest of our organs to function properly and helps us differentiate between right and wrong.”

“Okay…?” I frowned at her detailed description of the brain, something that kids learn in like…middle school.
