
Chapter 65 In Your Embrace

Freya’s P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open slowly to a dimly lit room and instantly, I felt myself sigh in relief as I looked around at the familiar surroundings.

I was back at the pack house. I was back in my room. I was back where I belonged!

I sat up in bed after some difficulty, looking around at the now familiar surroundings in awe. The last thing I remembered before passing out was getting in the car with Cameron’s rival, Darcia. And then…

“Freya?” Cameron burst in through the doors then and was immediately beside me. “Freya! Are you okay?”

“Cameron…” I reached up to touch his face, feeling the softness of his skin, the light dusting of stubble on his cheeks. He was really here! I was really with him again!

“Freya!” He engulfed me in his arms; holding onto me as tight as he could.

I wasn’t complaining, because I wrapped my arms around him too, holding onto him just as tightly. It was in his embrace that I found my home.
