
Chapter 107: The Silver Dragon King’s Reward – The Void! Always “Squeezed Dry” Afterwards!

If Silver Dragon King Gu Yue Na had called Lin Yu here to extract the Golden Dragon's bloodline power through some discordant means, Lin Yu wouldn't have minded at all, even feeling quite willing.

However, that was just Lin Yu's imagination.

"What exactly do you want from me? Is it the power of my bloodline?" Lin Yu asked as he looked at Gu Yue Na in the enormous silver palace.

"Yes, the bloodline power," Gu Yue Na confirmed with a nod.

Lin Yu was momentarily stunned. As an ordinary "Golden Dragon" at present, besides the bloodline power, was there anything else that Gu Yue Na might desire from him?

"How do you intend to extract my bloodline power?" Lin Yu asked cautiously, watching Gu Yue Na with a hint of wariness. There were many ways to obtain bloodline power, and some methods were more harmonious than others. Given Gu Yue Na's pride, she was unlikely to use harsh methods. Nonetheless, if she did resort to extreme measures, Lin Yu would be in serious trouble.

"You needn't worry. I won't harm you. I'll only extract a small amount of bloodline power each day. You'll be able to recover quickly from it, and it won't pose any danger to you," Gu Yue Na explained with a soothing and melodious voice.

In truth, Gu Yue Na's words were sincere. Due to the curse placed by the gods, the most powerful dragon species on the Douluo Continent had nearly vanished. As the only Golden Dragon in this world, Lin Yu was crucial to Gu Yue Na's plans. She would never harm him. Moreover, she harbored another idea: if Lin Yu could become strong enough in the future and gain her approval, she planned to try and conceive a descendant with a Dragon God bloodline with him. With such a goal, she would never engage in actions that might jeopardize Lin Yu.

"Then how long will it take? It won't be ten years, will it?" Lin Yu asked, his concern evident. "Gu Yue Na, you must have noticed that I've chosen to transform into a human form. In this state, if I don't stay with humans, my cultivation can't progress. Humans typically reach their peak at around twenty."

"Rest assured, it won't take long—only a month or two," Gu Yue Na replied. "Your bloodline power is quite ordinary. Even after I extract it, I'll need to purify it to a certain extent before it can begin to merge with my own bloodline power and transform into Dragon God power."

"The process is lengthy and requires considerable time and effort. Attempting to transform too much at once would be counterproductive. The Father God's strength is immense; even a trace of divine power is sufficient."

Hearing this, Lin Yu sighed with relief. If he had to stay here for ten years, he would certainly have had to find a way to escape!

"By the way, since you've taken on a human form, you should be able to use human soul bones, right?" Gu Yue Na continued. "While I extract your bloodline power over the next month or two, it will affect you somewhat. As compensation, you may choose some soul bones from my treasure vault."

"Soul bones?!" Lin Yu was taken aback. "You have soul bones here?"

He had thought that soul bones could only be produced by humans hunting soul beasts. But then he remembered the concept of sacrifices, which could also lead soul beasts to voluntarily produce soul bones. If sacrifices could make soul beasts generate soul's bones, there must be other ways to make prepared soul beasts produce them as they neared death.

Although soul bones were useless to soul beasts, they were valuable to humans and could be considered a strategic resource. Lin Yu speculated that many of these soul bones might come from soul beasts that had lived for over a hundred thousand years and had chosen to condense their essence into soul bones as a mark of their existence after failing to survive the beast tribulation.

"Thank you, Gu Yue Na!" Lin Yu said, feeling grateful. He had initially feared that he would be exploited without any compensation, but the offer of soul bones as a reward was more than he had hoped for.

However, Lin Yu couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow being "kept" in this situation.

"Shall we begin the extraction now, Gu Yue Na?" Lin Yu asked, curious about the effects of the bloodline extraction process.

"If you're ready, we can start now," Gu Yue Na replied, neither affirming nor denying.

"Let's give it a try then!" Lin Yu said decisively.

"Don't resist," Gu Yue Na instructed, placing a massive silver dragon claw gently on top of Lin Yu's head as she began the extraction process.

It didn't seem to hurt. Lin Yu felt a strange force acting on his body, drawing out a peculiar energy. He didn't experience any pain or discomfort, and in fact, felt a bit of pleasantness. However, as time passed, his legs began to tremble, and he felt increasingly weak.

Is this what extracting bloodline power feels like? It's almost like being drained of essence!

As the bloodline power was extracted, his body's vitality seemed to be quickly used up to replenish the bloodline power, leaving Lin Yu feeling extremely weak and drained.

"Done!" Gu Yue Na's voice signaled the end of the process, and Lin Yu felt a wave of relief.

In the days that followed, Lin Yu's routine became predictable. Each day, he was "drained" by Gu Yue Na, then had to endure the resulting weakness while consuming various restorative herbs provided by Di Tian. These herbs were gathered by Di Tian from soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, as per Gu Yue Na's instructions.

Thus, a month passed quickly since the last live broadcast, and the thirteenth live stream was about to begin!
