
Chapter 103: Gu Yue Na Takes Action, Designates Chaos Lotus and Golden Sacred Dragon Souls!

The term "self-soul fusion skill" refers to the ability to perform a soul fusion skill using one's soul within their body. This requires the user to have at least twin martial souls. Even with twin martial souls, the chance of successfully performing a soul fusion skill is exceedingly rare.

On the entire Douluo Continent, the number of people who can perform a soul fusion skill might not exceed a hundred pairs. The probability of two martial souls being able to fuse is even lower, almost negligible.

However, compared to fusion skills between different people, self-soul fusion skills, while consuming more soul power due to being borne by one individual, have their advantages. The power of the fusion skill is entirely controlled by one person, leading to a significant increase in its effectiveness. Moreover, it is less likely to be interrupted by external factors, unlike fusion skills performed by pairs.

Given Lin Yu's current need to enhance his power and secure a trump card for survival or combat, this reward is extremely valuable to him.

After exiting the livestream, Lin Yu was eager to activate the Chaos Lotus and Golden Sacred Dragon souls' fusion capability. However, he took a deep breath and calmed himself. This was a reward unlike any he had previously received, and its effects were uncertain. Creating too much commotion in the hotel could lead to unwanted trouble.

So, Lin Yu decided to head outside. He left his hotel room and traveled to the outskirts of the city.

In a secluded forest outside the city, Lin Yu quickly summoned his external soul bone, the Wind Thunder Wings, and soared into the sky, heading straight for the mountains beyond the city.

Meanwhile, in the core area of the Star Dou Forest, in a small space at the bottom of the Lake of Life, Gu Yue Na, the Silver Dragon King, was preparing to continue her plan.

She had sensed the presence of a Golden Dragon bloodline not long ago. Deciding to send Di Tian for this task, she instructed him to bring the Golden Dragon to her. She handed him a crystal-like silver scale, which would guide him to the Golden Dragon.

Upon receiving the scale and understanding its purpose, Di Tian, a tall and handsome figure clad in black dragon-scale armor with long black hair and dragon horns, bowed respectfully.

"Di Tian greets the Lord. What is your command?"

"I sensed a Golden Dragon bloodline on Douluo Continent recently. It seems a Golden Dragon has appeared. Take this scale and find it," Gu Yue Na replied with a clear and melodious voice, handing over the silver scale.

"A Golden Dragon?!" Di Tian was taken aback. Dragons had once thrived on the Douluo Continent, but following the defeat of their divine beast faction in the God War, the continent was cursed, leading to the near extinction of powerful dragons, including the Golden Dragon. The reappearance of a Golden Dragon was truly astonishing.

Despite his shock, Di Tian did not question Gu Yue Na's orders. He accepted the scale with a respectful bow and departed through the spatial gate she had opened.

Back at the Lake of Life in the core area of the Star Dou Forest, the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Blue Bull Python greeted Di Tian with respect as he reappeared.

"Greetings, Beast God!"

Di Tian, focused on his mission, merely nodded in acknowledgment before taking off, guided by the scale.

Meanwhile, Lin Yu had left his hotel and reached a mountain outside the city using his Wind Thunder Wings. He landed on a grassy peak and confirmed that the area was safe.

"System, I want to designate the Chaos Lotus and Golden Sacred Dragon souls to have the ability to perform soul fusion techniques!" Lin Yu declared with determination.

As he waited for the system's response, a peculiar sensation filled him. Two streams of mysterious energy flowed into his body and then into the Chaos Lotus and Golden Sacred Dragon souls. Lin Yu sensed an unusual connection between them.

"Could it be that I can now use the soul fusion technique?" Lin Yu wondered both surprised and intrigued. The process seemed surprisingly straightforward, even though soul fusion techniques were supposed to be complex and rare.

The system's cold voice then answered, "For the designated souls, if they were different souls, modifications would be necessary. However, the Chaos Lotus can fuse with any soul, and the Golden Sacred Dragon soul can also participate. Thus, the system only needed to establish a connection between the two, without further modifications."

Lin Yu felt a bit awkward, sensing that the system might be hinting at him. Despite having the Golden Sacred Dragon soul for months, he hadn't discovered its fusion capability with the Chaos Lotus yet.

Nevertheless, Lin Yu was not overly concerned. He understood that the Chaos Lotus was a legendary soul, even in its weakened form, and that mastering such a powerful soul at his current level was expectedly challenging.
