
Chapter 37: A Rush to Answer—The Final Answer Is...

Douluo Star?

What exactly is Douluo Star?

In the live stream, upon seeing the question, the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm was momentarily stunned. But quickly, it began to think.

Hmm... The live stream showed the Douluo Continent, the Extreme North, and the Endless Sea. Maybe it refers to the collective term for the Douluo Continent, the Extreme North, and the Endless Sea.

Regardless, this question must be asking who the highest-ranked soul beast in these areas is. That would be me, the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm!

With this thought, the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm felt a surge of pride. However, just as it was about to submit its answer on the virtual screen, it hesitated.

Wait a minute! Am I the highest-ranked soul beast on Douluo Star?

The Sky Dream Ice Silkworm suddenly remembered the so-called "Supreme Being" that Emperor Sky often spoke about...

This made the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm hesitate.

Beast God Emperor Tian, as far as I know, has a cultivation nearing 900,000 years. The "Supreme Being" he reveres might be far stronger than me, with cultivation possibly even higher.

If I answer incorrectly and Emperor Sky finds out, I could be tortured again.

Even if I answer correctly, this Dragon Essence doesn't seem to help me with my current predicament.

If I take the Dragon Essence, I still can't escape this seal. If I don't take it, even if I want to use it as leverage to negotiate with Emperor Sky, he'll likely want both the Dragon Essence and continue to keep me sealed, extracting and refining my soul power.

That would be a raw deal for me!

After weighing the pros and cons, the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm decided to forgo answering, sighing in resignation.

Forget it! I'll just watch the live stream from within my seal!

I can't escape anyway, and I don't even know where to seek help. I was bored in the seal before. Now, at least I get to watch the live stream for some entertainment. That'll do!

Realizing that answering the question, of whether right or wrong, would still leave it suffering in the seal, the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm chose to lie down and give up.

At the same time, within the cave.

Seeing the live stream's question about the highest-ranked soul beast on Douluo Star, Emperor Sky and his beast companions were elated.

They knew the answer to who the highest-ranked soul beast was on Douluo Star!!

It was their Supreme Being!

"Emperor Sky, who should answer this question?"

The three Red Demon Hounds looked at Emperor Sky eagerly.

"I'll answer it. I'm nearing 900,000 years of cultivation, and this Dragon Essence might help advance my bloodline. If that happens, I might be able to overcome the 900,000-year tribulation!"

Suppressing his excitement, Emperor Sky said solemnly.

None of the other beasts objected. The Dragon Essence was more useful for soul beasts with dragon bloodlines. Although there were two dragon bloodline soul beasts in the cave, compared to Emperor Sky, the potential of the Purple Ji was still considerable. She had just overcome a 200,000-year tribulation and had a lot of room for growth.

Therefore, the Dragon Essence was most useful for Emperor Sky.

While Emperor Sky prepared to answer, at Sea God Island, Poseidon was alarmed upon seeing that the Dragon Essence could help soul beasts evolve toward dragon lineage or upgrade existing dragon bloodlines.

This Dragon Essence absolutely could not fall into the hands of the Deep Sea Magic Whale King. If the Deep Sea Magic Whale King became a million-year soul beast, it would spell disaster for both the Endless Sea and Douluo Continent!

At once, Poseidon rushed to answer the question.

Poseidon's answer was obvious—Deep Sea Magic Whale King!

Meanwhile, the Deep Sea Magic Whale King, Master Yu Xiaogang at Notting College, Yu Yuan Zhen from the Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon Sect, Tuo Ba Xi from the White Armor Earth Dragon Sect, and Long Gong Meng Shu from the Dragon Snake Family were either preparing their answers or frantically searching for the correct answer.

The virtual screen was soon flooded with answers.

[Emperor Sky: The highest-ranked soul beast on Douluo Star is the Silver Dragon King!]

[Poseidon: The highest-ranked soul beast on Douluo Star is the Deep Sea Magic Whale King!]

[Thousand Dao Flow: The highest-ranked soul beast on Douluo Star is Beast God Emperor Tian!]

[Demon Lord (Deep Sea Magic Whale King): The highest-ranked soul beast on Douluo Star is the Silver Dragon King!]


Due to the enormous temptation of the Dragon Essence, the virtual screen was inundated with a torrent of responses!

Meanwhile, Lin Yu also answered the question but kept his answer hidden.

In Lin Yu's view, there were two possible scenarios for the answer. If the question was about the highest-ranked soul beast in the strictest sense, it would be the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm, who had reached a million years. However, if the question was broader, considering all soul beasts, the highest-ranked would surely be the Silver Dragon King, Gu Yue Na.

Thus, Lin Yu, taking advantage of the exemption from three incorrect answers, submitted both answers: Sky Dream Ice Silkworm and Silver Dragon King Gu Yue Na!

Given Lin Yu's special status as the live stream system host, his answer was processed first.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host. The answer: The highest-ranked soul beast on Douluo Star is the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm. Correct answer!]

[Reward: One Dragon Essence has been granted!]

Moments later, the cold, congratulatory voice of the system echoed in Lin Yu's mind.

So it was the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm?

Upon receiving the system's response, Lin Yu nodded.

Indeed, the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm was the most likely correct answer. The livestream's first quiz indirectly hinted at the origin of soul beasts. According to this definition, the Silver Dragon King Gu Yue Na should be considered a divine beast rather than a soul beast.

Thus, the final answer was the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm as the highest-ranked soul beast on Douluo Star!

Before Lin Yu could decide whether to display the correct answer in the live stream, the punishment phase began.

Well, someone mentioned that since the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm had its cultivation reduced by 10,000 years, the highest-ranked soul beast now should be the Deep Sea Magic Whale King (I set the Deep Sea Magic Whale King to not yet be a million-year soul beast).

Your comments are not wrong. It's my mistake for not being precise in the question.

The live stream quiz relates to the period shown in the stream. By default, you should assume the question pertains to the period of the live stream. At that time, the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm had not been reduced in cultivation.

Additionally, regarding the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm, there was a bug. According to "The Absolute Douluo," the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm hadn't reached a million years initially. It was only after absorbing nearly ten thousand years of soul power that it barely broke through to a million years during the "Absolute Douluo" period.

However, this seemed illogical to me, as it's hard to imagine breaking through after such near-exhaustion. So, I adjusted it so that the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm had already reached a million years in Douluo I but was captured and sealed by Emperor Sky and others. The beasts extracted its soul power.

Without the live stream system's interference, the Sky Dream Ice Silkworm would have attempted to break free from the seal using its mental power, eventually escaping.

This aligns better with the logic.

As for why the protagonist seems unaffected, consider it as them coming from a parallel world with a different version of Douluo Continent.
