
The Enemy Strikes Back

  I stood there, still feeling awkward.

  Although I thought Zhang Yunyao was beautiful, I had absolutely no improper thoughts about her.

  Besides, it was Zhang Yunyao who took my hand and placed it on her shoulder to help me up.

  I never expected Zhang Yunliang to make a big deal out of this.

  Fortunately, Zhang Yucheng knew his son's temper and character. 

  He glared coldly and said angrily, "Stop making a fuss, you little brat. Master Wu was injured because of our family's affairs. What did you do last night? If it wasn't for you, would Master Wu be like this?"

  "Dad, we're talking about Yao Yao now. This guy had bad intentions from the start. Before, you went to his place several times, and he refused to help. My sister went to find him alone, and he finally agreed to come. I think he's got his eye on my sister. We shouldn't have asked him to come. It's not too late to let him go now. We can't let him take my sister." Zhang Yunliang looked at me with malicious intent.

  Hearing him say this, Zhang Yucheng became a little suspicious.

  It was indeed true. 

  Zhang Yucheng had taken Zhang Yunyao to my place several times, but Uncle Huzi always sent him away. 

  It was only at Wang Chaoyang's banquet that Zhang Yunyao found me alone and I agreed to help.

  The reason I hadn't agreed before was because of one of the three conditions my master gave me: I couldn't take on any business in Yanbei.

  But the Zhang family didn't know this, and I was too lazy to explain it to them.

  The atmosphere became awkward, but I was thinking to myself that Zhang Yunliang had been against me from the start.

  Now he was eager to drive me away. 

  I had a feeling that he was hiding something from me, or there was something wrong with him that he didn't want me to find out.

  That's why he was trying so hard to get rid of me.

  Just then, Zhang Yunyao stepped forward again, angrily said to Zhang Yunliang, "Brother, you think everyone is as dirty as you, flirting with girls everywhere. What about your conscience? Last night, Master Wu almost died trying to save you. And you're still slandering him?"

  "Yao Yao, why are you siding with an outsider? We're family. This Wu is an outsider. Do you really like this guy?" Zhang Yunliang said angrily.

  As soon as he said this, Zhang Yunyao's face suddenly turned red, and she didn't speak. 

  She looked at me nervously.

  Zhang Yucheng's expression changed several times, and finally he went to Zhang Yunliang's side and said angrily, "Stop making trouble, you little brat. Get out of here now, don't let me see you!"

  "Dad!" Zhang Yunliang shouted in dissatisfaction.

  "Get out!" Zhang Yucheng roared angrily.

  Zhang Yunliang glared at me hatefully and slammed the door as he left.

  Uncle Huzi had long been disgusted with this kid. 

  If I hadn't held him back, he would have gone over and beaten him up.

  After Zhang Yunliang left, Zhang Yucheng quickly came over to apologize, "Master Wu, I'm really sorry. I haven't disciplined Yunliang well since he was little. He offended you. Please don't take it to heart."

  I nodded, changing the subject, "Mr. Zhang, I'm going out to find a new ancestral graveyard for your family. I need to continue moving the graves tonight."

  "Master Wu, you're injured. Can your body handle it?" Zhang Yucheng asked with concern.

  "It's fine, just a superficial wound. It will heal in a few days."

  With that, I called Uncle Huzi and left. 

  I felt that after this scene, it would be awkward for me to stay here any longer.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as I left, Zhang Yunyao followed, saying, "Master Wu, let me go with you?"

  "Don'tbother. Uncle Huzi is with me. Go back." I said lightly.

  Zhang Yunyao's face showed a trace of guilt and uneasiness. 

  She said softly, "Master Wu, is it because of what my brother said that you don't want me to come with you?"

  "No, I just think there's no need for so many people to go. Your father was possessed by a ghost last night. He hasn't fully recovered yet. You stay at home to take care of him."

  With that, I went straight to the edge of the village with Uncle Huzi.

  When I walked a long distance and looked back, I saw that Zhang Yunyao was still standing at the door and hadn't left.

  Uncle Huzi also looked back and smiled, saying, "Master, are you really interested in Miss Zhang?"

  "Don't talk nonsense. I'm just working for money. I don't have any feelings for her." I said.

  "But I think Miss Zhang is interested in you. Actually, I think that little girl is not bad. If you like her, it wouldn't be bad to get together. The Zhang family has money, but you're the disciple of Master Li , the Feng Shui King. Your status is more than enough to match the Zhang family." Uncle Huzi said.

  "Alright, Uncle Huzi. You're making things worse! If I really had any feelings for Zhang Yunyao, Zhang Yunliang would eat me alive!"

  "Don't mention that kid. If you hadn't stopped me just now, I would have slapped him!" Uncle Huzi was still fuming whenever he mentioned him.

  If it weren't for the fact that this was my first job, I would have just walked away and let whoever wanted to do it do it.

  I refuse to serve these bastards.

  Although I said that, I still had to do the work. 

  Uncle Huzi and I walked around the outskirts of the village, helping the Zhang family find a new ancestral graveyard. 

  We worked the whole afternoon and finally found a decent Feng Shui location. 

  As we were about to turn back, it was already completely dark.

  After confirming the location of the new Zhang family ancestral graveyard, Uncle Huzi and I walked towards the Zhang family's old house. 

  Suddenly, my phone rang. I took it out and saw that it was Zhang Yunyao calling. I quickly answered.

  As soon as I answered, Zhang Yunyao's voice came from the other end, her voice choked with sobs, "Master Wu, please come back quickly. My brother is in trouble."

  Hearing this, I was stunned and hurriedly said, "He was fine when I left. What happened to him?"

  "I... I don't know. After you left, my brother had a big fight with my father. He locked himself in his room and wouldn't come out. When it was time for dinner, I called him to come out. I knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered. When I went in, I saw my brother lying on the bed, motionless. When I took a closer look, his face was covered in blood. Please come back quickly." Zhang Yunyao started to cry.

  "Okay, I'll be right back. Don't worry, I'll be home soon." I comforted her.

  Uncle Huzi also heard my conversation with Zhang Yunyao. 

  He said in puzzlement, "Why does this kid keep getting into trouble? He was acting strange last night."

  "Let's go, let's go back and see what's going on." I quickened my pace and headed towards the Zhang family's old house.

  After ten minutes, Uncle Huzi and I arrived at Zhang Yunliang's room. 

  When I saw what Zhang Yunliang looked like, I was also startled.

  The kid had blood flowing from his seven orifices, and the blood was black.
