

Aldric used his new [Dark Wing] memory to descend the statue. With his aspect still damaged, he had to rely on it to guide him down to the ground.

He compared it to soul damage. He felt that it was slowly getting better, but it would take a while before he was fully healed. There was no way he could go through such a harrowing experience without any lingering effects.

They were finally here—the resting place of the First Lord. 

Step by step, they traversed through the sterile, rocky area. The silence was disturbed by Nephis stopping to pick up a rock. She crushed the rock in one hand and spoke.

"I know where we are."

Widened and confused eyes met here. Almost anticipating the following question, she preemptively spoke.

"In the dream realm. We are north of the Hollow Mountain. The death zone that Clan Valor could not pass."

Some seemed confused, but Caster understood perfectly. These geographical areas were lodged in the minds of all legacies after all. However, how she knew just from the geology was beyond him. How much did the Immortal Flame clan know about the Hollow Mountains?

Continuing forward, the carcass of a giant stone demon was seen below the floor of the quarry. With the central track leading inwards, they determined that this must have been used as a mining site. They descended down the ancient path unperturbed.

Sometime later, they came across the giant stone corpse that they saw from afar. The creature was obviously killed by human hands. Aldric was impressed at the power of the First Lord's cohort. What rank would they have been if they made it back? All without the aid of an oracle to guide their every step. 

Sunny's quick investigation of the corpse proved the theory. With its soul shard missing, they were the only answer. 

Just beside the many upturned rocks from the First Lord's battle was a small smooth rock protruding from the ground. It was a makeshift grave for a fallen comrade. 

The epitaph read, "Her nightmare is over."

Aldric felt a pang of pity spread through him for their cohort. To lose a member before finding an escape from this hell. And that was the worst part.

The First Lord did not know where he was going. The sheer dread they must have felt not knowing whether the place they were headed to was any safer than the Forgotten Shore. Climbing up a mountain blindfolded, they did not know if their next move would lead to their deaths. That could have been them without Cassie to guide them. Aldric stole a look at Cassie. 

'She is the fulcrum of all of this.'

However, Aldric would be fine without her. He already knew most of what he needed to know. 

"So what now?" 

Spoke Effie. 

Nephis responded to her question swiftly. 

"We are looking for an old entrance to the mine. From what Cassie saw, it should be nearby."

Looking around quickly, Nephis looked at Cassie, who was frozen at the sight of the mist cascading down the mountaintop like a waterfall. 

"Is there something wrong?"

She spoke as she placed her hand on her shoulder.

With an expression of terror, she turned around and spoke. 

"The mist... we must get underground or else we will die."

In a scramble to find the entrance, Kai and Sunny went ahead to scout its exact location. 

Meanwhile, Aldric thought of just how annoying it was to not know about little things like this. All he could do was wait for one of them to lead them there. He knew that it was going to be another close call. 

He guessed that the downpour of mist must be periodic but random. Given how adaptable and tenacious life could be, it must be the reason why an ecosystem hasn't developed around the foot of the mountain range. 

Just as he thought, when the mist was nearing them, Sunny led them to the entrance of the mine. 

'Is this included in that cockroach's [Fated] attribute?' 

Aldric thought. Annoyed at the situation. 

They walked through an ancient tunnel preserved in the same manner that the buildings of the Dark City were. Intricate designs adorned the wall in a showing of a skilled artisan. 

Sunny, on the other hand, had many thoughts on his mind. 

'History truly is made by extraordinary people. Clan Valor and the Song Clan were created and led by people who shifted the power balance of the world. Redefined what the meaning of power was. If the First Lord made it out of here, would he become one of them? a shifter of society.'

Sunny thought of what the lost potential could have accomplished. This did not mean that he felt inferior to the legendary figure. 

His cohort was leagues beyond the standard sleeper and could most likely match or exceed the First Lord's cohort. Each member could stand alone, and Cassie may not be the strongest, but she was the guiding hand of their operation. And Sunny was the deadliest one. 

'I could have killed all of them twice over. Besides Nephis of course and Aldric.'

He eyed both of them as he thought about fighting them. 


Celestial black eyes stared into his soul casually as he quickly tossed the idea out of his head. 

The intricate design slowly began to paint a story. The story of the Forgotten Shore. 

Only Aldric and Sunny seemed interested in the ruins. It looked like Nephis and Cassie already had ideas on what had happened. 

Sunny studied the ruins for knowledge that would aid his survival and give him insight into the plan of Nephis. A small seed of curiosity did guide him, planted by teacher Julius.

Aldric, on the other hand, was genuinely invested in the ruins. Archaeology and history were not interests of his prior to his transition here; however, the study of the past gave him a reprieve of his impending future. It gave him a safe place to understand and explore the rich history that allowed current events to unfold as they are. Knowing the future of this world, Aldric likened it to having watched the complete beginning and ending of a show. In the post-viewing blues, you get told that another movie is coming out, but it is a prequel and will show the past. Although it might not be exactly what you wanted, it will satiate your hunger and answer many questions.

Following along the story of the alien of pure light that was killed by this land's inhabitants, Aldric subconsciously placed his palm on the mural that depicted the being's appearance. Tracing its design with his fingertips. 

Aldric felt a fleeting feeling of longing and a lingering sense of melancholy afterwards.


Thank you for reading again. 

Apologies for the slower releases. I am getting into a regular schedule now that school is back in session.

Was catching up to shadow slave recently and read about light slayer. I won't mention any spoilers to those that are collecting chapters to binge later but was hyped about the ideas that came to mind when she fought. 

My boy got hit with a debuff. No more darkness for you.

Anywho, take care people. Catch you on the flip side.



