
The Non-Cooperation Plan

Up until now, every special exam held has carried significant risks, but each has also come with corresponding rewards.

However, this upcoming Sports Festival is a bit different. The mechanism in place forces every class to put in their utmost effort.

After all, even if a class belongs to a larger group that wins, if their overall score for the year ends up being the lowest, they will still face a deduction of one hundred points. This means that weaker classes can't simply rely on their stronger counterparts to lift them.

Given the daunting prospect of potentially having their points deducted, the primary goal is to avoid falling into the worst-case scenario: a maximum penalty of two hundred points. It's likely that every class across the school shares this mindset.

Except for Class D in the first year.

Hikigaya can't imagine how this group could come out on top in the year-level standings. They probably don't harbor such delusions themselves… well, it's hard to say. Let's just reserve judgment for now.

Regardless, Class D won't ignore the Sports Festival.

Although the school has been stingy with class points this time, there are rewards available in other areas.

The event is divided into two main categories: team events and individual recommendation events. The results of the team events will count towards the overall score, while outstanding performance in the recommendation events will earn additional rewards.

First place in the recommendation events will earn five thousand personal points or an equivalent of three points in the written exams. Second place is worth three thousand points or two exam points, and third place is one thousand points or one exam point.

Conversely, finishing last results in a deduction of one thousand points. If the balance is insufficient, it will lead to a loss of one exam point.

These points can be applied to the next midterm exams.

While these rewards might seem modest at first glance, considering that they can accumulate, they are not to be overlooked.

The sports festival features a total of thirteen events, four of which are designated as recommendation events. In an ideal scenario, students could earn up to 20,000 individual points or twelve points from these events.

Additionally, the student with the highest overall score in all competitions will receive 100,000 points, while the top three students in each grade will be rewarded with 10,000 points each.

However, such rewards are highly competitive, and only a select few will aim for them.

The rewards for the recommendation events are more practical.

Soon enough, an excited student asked, "Sensei! Can the written test scores from the recommendation events be used for any subject?"

"That's correct. If you struggle with English and receive a failing grade on the midterm exam, you can use the points earned from the sports festival to make up for it, as long as the combined score is sufficient to pass."

The students who excel in sports cheered at this news, unable to contain their excitement.

Class D had several students hovering around the passing line, and even a few extra points could help avoid the risk of expulsion.

Unfortunately, in this school's tradition, such benefits come with hidden drawbacks.

After all the competitions conclude, the school will calculate the scores for each grade and punish the bottom ten students.

If that were all, it wouldn't be too concerning, but a statement caught Hikigaya's attention.

— The specifics of the punishment vary by grade, so you must confirm with your homeroom teacher.

"Sensei, what exactly is the nature of this punishment?"

"For first-year students, the punishment involves point deductions on the next exam. The bottom ten students in overall scores will have ten points deducted. I'll explain the details of the deduction method closer to the exam, so no questions will be accepted now. The names of the bottom ten students will also be announced during the exam briefing."

Although Teacher Chabashira answered the students' questions, it was clear that the situation was not as simple as she made it seem.

The most apparent issue was why the punishments would differ by grade.

Considering this, the next midterm exam might be more than just a standard test; it could be a special exam.

Ugh... this school is so troublesome!

Hikigaya initially planned to coast through the festival, as a ten-point deduction wouldn't bother him much. However, if a special exam was involved, he couldn't be so careless.

Who knew what bizarre rules might come into play?

"Next, I have something very important to discuss." Teacher Chabashira suddenly took out a piece of paper. "This is the registration form, which details all the events. You need to decide on the order and list of participants for each event and submit the form to me. Remember, once the deadline passes, no changes to participants will be allowed, regardless of the reason."

In an ordinary school, the sports festival would merely be an opportunity for students to have fun. Sports club members would use it to show off their skills and impress their peers.

Thus, sign-ups would typically involve casual discussions, with no real concern for winning or losing, just avoiding forced participation.

Hikigaya had experienced similar situations before. If he were forced to participate, that would be one thing, but performing poorly would result in complaints or even harsh criticism from classmates.

There's always someone unreasonable—like you, Nagayama from the soccer club!

[T/N: Nagayama is a guy from Hikigaya's middle school.]

Nevertheless, due to the special mechanism of this school, the sports festival was not just a game. The registration form was crucial for the class.

If leaked, even a sports-savvy class could face challenges.

However, Class D could turn this to their advantage, provided they thought of it.

"Submission is from one week before the sports festival until 5 p.m. the day before. Late submissions will be randomly assigned, so please be mindful."

Chabashira-sensei's instructions seemed to be over.

Surveying the classroom, some students still looked puzzled but had no intention of asking questions. They merely exchanged glances and whispered among themselves.

Many students prefer not to voice their concerns publicly.

However, Horikita was an exception and raised her hand without hesitation. "Sensei, you mentioned that changes to the registration form are not allowed once submitted. What if there are absences on the day of the event? For individual events, it will be considered a no-show, but for team events, like the three-legged race or the horse-riding battle, if a team member is missing, the event itself becomes impossible."

"For a three-legged race, if the required number of participants isn't met, the team will be disqualified. However, for the horse-riding battle, it can still proceed with one fewer team. Therefore, choosing healthy and strong teammates is a wise strategy."

Even illness is no exception, and the rule seems a bit excessive at first glance.

However, without such strictness, the registration form would lose its significance. It's better to eliminate any possibility of dishonest practices.

"There is an exception," Chabashira-sensei continued. "For the four recommendation events, you can substitute a participant, but it will cost 100,000 individual points. Whether it's worth it is up to you to decide."

...It seems unlikely to be worth it.

Especially for Class D, having that kind of money would be better spent on something else.

Horikita pondered for a moment and replied, "I understand. Thank you."

"Then, if there are no more questions, I'll end the discussion."

Chabashira-sensei waited a moment and, seeing no further questions officially concluded the meeting.

"The next class will be held in the First Gymnasium, where you will meet with other classes from different grades. You have about twenty minutes remaining, so feel free to use your time as you wish."

With that, the class buzzed with activity.

However, with Hirata still withdrawn, everyone seemed somewhat restrained, and the atmosphere felt off.

"Hikigaya-kun, have you decided which events you'll participate in?" asked Matsushita from the neighboring desk, knowing Hikigaya's typical response.

"I've decided not to participate in any."

"That's not a decision!"

Matsushita, used to Hikigaya's ways, naturally replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"You're just saying that. I don't believe you'll skip everything."


Hikigaya was reluctant but couldn't find a counterargument.

There were thirteen events in total, and each person was assigned three or four events. It was unavoidable.

Even though he wasn't interested in contributing to the class, he couldn't simply avoid participating entirely.

Damn it, how did Matsushita become so perceptive?

"By the way, do we have a chance of winning this time?" Matsushita asked with concern.

"Uh…" Hikigaya didn't answer but couldn't help glancing at her.

"What's wrong?"


"No, it isn't nothing!" Matsushita complained. "Hikigaya-kun, the way you looked at me was like I was an idiot. It's so annoying!"


Hikigaya genuinely didn't mean to be dismissive but apologized anyway.

"Seriously, no sincerity at all... sigh, forget it."

Matsushita sighed and then frowned with worry.

"Hikigaya-kun, is my thinking too naïve? Do you think our class has no chance of winning?"

On the surface, it might seem that way. After all, Class D was still scoreless, the worst class ever.

However, considering overall capability, Class D wasn't actually that weak. They had a chance to win.

Yet Hikigaya's thoughts were on a different level entirely.

"Well… I just think you're focusing on the wrong things."

"Huh? Wrong things?"

Matsushita's eyes widened, puzzled.

She didn't understand what could be wrong; it was a competition after all.

"It's fine if you don't get it. Don't worry about it," Hikigaya reassured her.

"Now I'm even more concerned…"

Indeed, Matsushita's skills as a soldier were outstanding, almost superhuman.

However, her limitations lay in her lack of leadership and inability to see the bigger picture.

Currently, the only one capable of leading Class D to a turnaround is Ayanokoji. Unfortunately, that guy was too reserved and preferred manipulating others from behind the scenes, leaving Horikita to take the spotlight.

However… if Ayanokoji was involved, he might initiate some action during the sports festival.

Let's wait and see.

Before long, over 400 students and teachers gathered in the gymnasium, starting discussions within their respective groups.

"I'm Fujimaki from Class 3-A, and I'll be the overall coordinator for the Red Team."

Since it was the first sports festival for first-year students, a senior was assigned to provide explanations.

To Hikigaya's surprise, it wasn't Horikita Manabu who was hosting.

Hmm? Could it be that the president has caught Ayanokoji's habit of working behind the scenes?

As Hikigaya pondered, Fujimaki continued, "I'd like to offer some advice to the first-year students. Some might think I'm meddling, but the sports festival is a crucial event, and it's important to remember that the experience will be valuable in future opportunities."

Ah, how considerate.

Hikigaya had already suspected that the midterm exam after the sports festival might be a special one. This seemed to confirm it.

"In the exams to come, many may initially seem like games, but no matter which one it is, they will all become crucial battles that could determine whether you survive in this school or not. Perhaps right now, you might not feel the weight of it, or you may lack motivation. But since you'll be competing, aim for victory. You must remember this fervor."

These words could be seen as the wisdom of a seasoned veteran.

Even for the formidable Class 3-A, which had held the top spot since the first year, several students had been expelled so far.

Unfortunately, while Class D also had experience with expulsions, the reason behind it was utterly foolish—a student had been expelled for secretly filming in the girls' changing room. That hardly served as a valuable lesson for anyone! When they move on to higher grades, it's not like they could warn their juniors to avoid such behavior, could they?

Just thinking about it was embarrassing.

"The only event involving all grades is the final 1,200-meter relay. Aside from that, all other events are separated by year groups. You may begin your discussions now."

With those parting words, Fujimaki left the scene.

At the same time, Ichinose led Class A over to them.

The students of Class D seemed a bit tense, but since Ichinose was leading, the tension quickly dissipated.

After all, although they were up against the class that had defeated the former Class A, it was also true that the former Class A had dropped to Class C. This led to the thought—perhaps it wasn't that Class A was too strong, but that the former Class A was simply weak and had finally been exposed for what they were.

This wasn't just idle speculation by Hikigaya; he was certain that some of his classmates were thinking exactly that.

"Hello, Horikita." Ichinose greeted warmly, "I didn't expect we'd be facing off again. Please take care of us during the upcoming events."

Under normal circumstances, Hirata would have stepped forward to handle the situation, but right now, he was deep in a state of depression.

Ichinose noticed this but seemed to decide that now wasn't the right time to bring it up, deliberately ignoring it.

In this leaderless situation, Horikita stepped up without hesitation. To be honest, her mysterious confidence was quite admirable. But perhaps it was for the best; someone had to take charge.

However, what Horikita did next surprised everyone.

"I'm sorry, Ichinose," she said.

Horikita didn't reach out to shake the offered hand.

"For this sports festival, Class D won't be cooperating with you."


Before Ichinose could respond, a voice suddenly interrupted from nearby.

"Ryuuen, are you saying you don't plan to discuss anything?"

The voice belonged to Katsuragi of Class 1-C. It seemed that a similar situation was unfolding there.


Hikigaya was beginning to think that this sports festival might turn out to be quite entertaining after all.
