
Father and Son II

(Third Person POV)

Daemon stood there, holding Dark Sister as he wobbled, "Yea.." He said as he spat blood on the mud below him, "You heard me...." 

Aerion's eye was widened, a bit in shock of what he heard, "No...." He said, "That's not true...." 

As they stood there, facing each other, the rain picked up even more, pouring down on them. There was nobody around, from what could be told. It was just the corpses of Vhagar and Aemond laying down. Vermithor was laying down, resting due to his wounds. Tessarion and Daeron's corpses were somewhere in the distance and Caraxes was nowhere to be seen. 

It was just them there; Father and Son. 

Aerion pointed at him, "You were not there when it happened." He said, "You weren't. When she died, you were on your way to King's Landing for Rhaenyra's wedding." 

"Is that what they told you?" Daemon said, "It was me, Aerion. I went to see her while she was hunting. She fell off her horse and hurt her back pretty badly, didn't she? She couldn't move right after. What do they say? That she also hit her head on a rock? Well, that's half the truth." 

Aerion's hands began to tremble, he was in complete disbelief. He wasn't sure if this was his Father's attempt to goad him, to try to rile him up. Something deep within him told him that he could be telling the truth. 

"H-Half the truth?" Aerion's face hardened

Daemon slowly walked towards him, "I grabbed that rock...." He said with a serious look on his face, "And I smashed it on her face. And I didn't stop until her body went limp completely." 

"No, stop...." Aerion shook his head and stepped back, a piercing pain hitting his head, "You're lying." 

"Why would I lie about that?" Daemon said, "I raped her to conceive you and I killed her! It's true!! The Royce Knights always suspected it but they never told you, didn't they? Gerold Royce, he never told you that he went to accuse me at Rhaenyra's wedding, didn't he? They left you ignorant of what they believed was true all these years!!" 

"Shut up!!!" Aerion shouted as he glared at him, "Just shut the fuck up!!" 

Daemon lunged at Aerion, thrusting Dark Sister at him, "NO!" 

Aerion parried the blade and stepped to the side, causing Daemon to stumble forwards. He was still trying to process what he just heard. He wasn't so sure if this was the truth but no matter how much he tried to deny it, to tell himself that it was a lie, that it was just Daemon trying to get to him, he couldn't shake off the feeling that it could be the truth. 

"Viserys, that imbecile...." Daemon said as blood poured down his face and onto his neck, "What did he think? Marrying me to that stupid whore....." 

Aerion scowled, "Shut up..." He said, "Don't say another fucking word..." 

"Rhea never once cared for me." Daemon said as he straightened up, "She thought too highly of herself, thought she was above me, a Prince. I am a Dragon! What was she? Just some bronze bitch!!" 

"Shut up!!!" Aerion shouted

Daemon lunged at him once again, swinging his sword as Aerion blocked it with his own. 

"I don't regret it one bit." Daemon said as he struggled against Aerion, "I showed her a lesson when I consummated our marriage.....and I felt liberated when I killed her...." 

Aerion pushed him off, "Just..." He said as he panted, feeling a strange amount of anxiety filling his body, "Shut the fuck up!!" 

Daemon stumbled, his entire vision being blurred by the blood and rain on his face, "What are you doing?" He said, "I just told you that the reason your bitch mother is dead.....it was me, Aerion!! This entire time I didn't tell you because I knew that you would plunge that blade deep in my heart. So come on!! Are you not a man?? Do it!!!" 

Aerion panted, "Y-You...." 

Aerion looked at Daemon's eye, there was nothing that told him that he was lying. Daemon's eye was dead-serious and it was something that he could not believe. 

He remembered, Aerion remembered the time that Gerold and Willam argued when he was young. They were discussing whether or not the Royce Knights would seek retribution for his mother's death. But from what Aerion could remember, Gerold said that despite everything he felt, there was no evidence against Daemon, that they were merely acting on emotion. Ever since then, it was not brought up once but Aerion did come to learn about the truth of his conception. And because of that, he developed animosity towards his Father. 

But now, Daemon Targaryen stood before him in the rain, confessing to the crime he had hidden for nearly twenty years. 

Aerion gritted his teeth as blood poured from his wound, "You...." He said as his blood began to boil, his entire body shaking, "You don't lie, do you?" 

Daemon began to laugh, a vicious and disturbing cackle, "Why the fuck would I do that?!" He shouted, "I never once gave a shit about her!! And when I got rid of her, all she could fucking do is beg for your life!! Even when she knew she was going to die, she still cared for you!! The little shit I put inside her against her will!! It surprised me, it really did. I never thought she would even come to care about you at all...." 

Aerion looked down as the rain poured all over him, washing away the blood on his face, "You fucking....." He said as his hands trembled, "H-How could you....after all this time....It all makes sense...you felt guilty....not because of beating her....you killed her too...." 

"Guilty...?" Daemon said, "You think I felt guilt? For that? A bitch that doesn't have valyrian blood? I'm surprised that she was able to give birth to a Targaryen man like you, I suppose she proved herself useful!!" 

Aerion glared at him, pure rage in his eye, "Silence." He said, "Not another word from you." 

"Fine then." Daemon said, "I suppose this is where we end things between us. After I'm done with you, I'll march to the capital and take that Throne..." 

Daemon lunged and swung his sword at Aerion. In the next coming seconds, the Rogue Prince and The Mighty clashed their blades, sparks flying out as the valyrian-steel collided against each other with each swing. If there would be anyone that would be the closest in matching Aerion Targaryen in a sword duel, it'll probably be Daemon. 

And here they were, Father and Son, swinging their swords against each other in the rain. The sight of two Targaryen men, who were always at odds with each other, was in fact quite tragic. When Aerion Targaryen was born, the gods did hold their breath when they tossed the coin. And when they saw the result, they could not help but hang their heads in respect. 

"Why?!" Aerion shouted in anger, "Why?! Why did you do it, Daemon!! She did nothing to you!!" 

"I could not stand her face!!!" Daemon shouted, "I already told you, you imbecile!! She was not of valyrian blood and she thought she was better than me!!" 

"She was!!" Aerion shouted, "She showed me more love in five years than you could ever hope to do so in more than twenty!!!!!" 

"Good for her!!" Daemon said, "I'll reunite the two of you, then!!" 

Daemon thrust Dark Sister at him, Aerion parried it and punched Daemon once again, staggering him. 

Aerion then stepped forth and swung his blade, only for Daemon to parry it as well. But despite that, Aerion kicked him in the chest, sending him flying back. 

"You killed her!!" Aerion said as the anger began to creep up, "You fucking piece of shit! All this time, you had killed her and looked at me like you didn't do anything!! You tried to take my children away from me! And now you wish to take my wife's throne!! All you do is tether on the edge, Daemon!! It's like you want to be punished, like you want to be killed!!" 

"You won't do shit." Daemon said as he stood up, "Cause you're weak!!!" 

"How could you?!" Aerion said as his entire vision began to spin, nothing but rage filling his body as he trembled, "She was my mother!! And you took her away from me!! She did nothing wrong!! That was your fucking envy! You hated that she showed me love despite what you did to her!!! You make me sick!!!" 

"Use that...." Daemon spat on the ground, "Do it..." 

Aerion clutched his head, his wound throbbing heavily, "Aghh...." he groaned in pain, "You...." 

"What's wrong??" Daemon said, "Are you done? The Mighty Aerion Targaryen is going to fall due to a measly eye wound? You're better than that, Aerion!!! If you don't do anything, you'll die!!" 

Daemon lunged at him and went for a thrust, aiming right at Aerion's head. In a swift motion, Aerion moved his head and let out a loud yell that filled the air. 

Suddenly, a blade piercing flesh was heard, followed by a sword dropping onto the mud, water splashing. 

Aerion stood there, holding Lady Rhea right through Daemon who coughed up blood. Aerion had stabbed Daemon through an opening in his armor, which was conveniently loosened. The entirety of Lady Rhea had run him through completely and Daemon would not survive the blood loss. 

Daemon chuckled as he looked at Aerion who had an angry glare, "So...." He said as Aerion grabbed his shoulder, "This is it, eh son?" 

Aerion closed his eye as he held back tears, "You fucking...." He muttered as he pushed his sword deeper through, "Why....." 

Daemon smiled slightly as blood covered his face, "There is no....peace waiting for me..." he managed, "Not here.....not East.....ever since Laena died.....I was cursed....No....ever since I killed Rhea...sooner or later....you would find out.....what better way than here?" 

Aerion looked at him as he gritted his teeth, "Why must all of you force me to become what I don't want to become...?" He said, "All of this.....it angers me so..." 

Daemon reached for Aerion's face, placing his hand on his son's cheek as his body slowly went limp, "I would apologize....." He managed, "But you won't forgive me..." 

"I hate you....." Aerion said 

"Yes....." Daemon said softly, "Like you rightfully should...I should've been there.....to see your innocent face when you came into this world.....now.....I see the face of a man...who will forever be accursed...as I leave it....." 

Daemon's eyes went white as his entire body went limp, his hand dropping down from Aerion's face. 

Aerion pulled his blade out as Daemon's body collapsed to the ground, his mouth open in disbelief at what had just happened. 

He looked down to the ground, blood pooling all over the mud and rainwater, mixing together. 

Aerion clenched his blade's handle as he collapsed to his knees, "A-Aghh..." He said as dropped the blade and swung both his arms down at the ground, mud and water splashing everywhere, "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" 

Today, a Son lost his Father. 

Leaving that Son to be cursed forever. 


Lunacia_Yujincreators' thoughts