
Chapter 34 : Upside down and kissing Swift

"I-like-you." What did he mean by that? Is it common for friends to say such things? Or could it be that he actually has feelings for her and is trying to ask her out? If Xu Can did ask her out, it would be amazing...

In the dressing room at NBC headquarters, where the SNL episode was about to be recorded, Swift was ready, eagerly waiting for Xu Can to ask her out. But then, the second half of his sentence arrived:

"...I like your songs. I'm a fan."

That was it. Xu Can was simply a fan. In his previous life, he had been a Swift fan too. Although he hadn't listened to her first album, he became a fan after her hit song "Love Story."

"Wait, you only like my songs?" Taylor Swift, who had been excited, suddenly felt disappointed.

"Yes, you're an incredibly talented creator, and I truly believe you'll become a queen of the music industry," Xu Can replied with genuine admiration.

"Thank you... I didn't expect you to listen to my songs too..."

Under normal circumstances, Swift would have been thrilled by such praise, but after the misunderstanding, she couldn't shake a strange feeling of disappointment. So, he had no intention of asking her out...

"What's wrong? You don't seem happy," Xu Can asked, puzzled by her reaction.

"No, I'm happy you like my music," Taylor quickly adjusted her mood, returning to the energetic girl she usually was.

"Then I'll write a new song and sing it for you as soon as possible."


They continued chatting until there was a knock on the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, but the recording starts in five minutes. I'll take you to the studio," the staff member announced.

Taylor Swift took Xu Can's arm, and they walked together to the backstage of the SNL studio. After exchanging a few words with the host, they were briefed on the recording process.

"Xu, Taylor, just relax and have fun. Treat it like you're here to play, not perform too formally."

"Got it," Xu Can replied. He was familiar with SNL's style and was ready to have some fun.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our special guest tonight, Taylor Swift!" the host announced.

The live jazz band faded out as 17-year-old Taylor Swift, in a sparkling evening dress, made her entrance to the applause of about 50 audience members. She introduced herself, engaged with the crowd, and then started talking about recent popular movies.

"Did you know that the show originally planned to invite Emma Stone as a guest? Yes, the Gwen Stacy you all know and love," she said, eliciting cheers from the audience. "But hey, I'm just here to fill in the numbers, so don't come after me next time!"

Of course, Swift was joking, and the crowd laughed along.

"To be honest, I love the Spider-Man movie. There are so many classic scenes, like the upside-down kiss in the rain, and Gwen..."

As she spoke, a man in a Spider-Man suit slowly descended upside-down from the top of the stage.

It was Xu Can!

"I heard someone mention Spider-Man?"

The moment Xu Can appeared, the audience erupted in cheers, chanting "Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man!" Even more than a month after its release, the Spider-Man movie was still wildly popular in North America.

"Hey, Xu, how are you doing?" Swift asked.

"You know, just hanging around..." Xu Can quipped, making a pun that got the audience smiling knowingly. Even Swift nearly lost her composure.

None of this was scripted; it all relied on the guests' spontaneity.

"Why are you hanging around?" Swift asked, continuing the bit.

"Well, the Spider-Man movie was so popular that Sony can't wait to start the sequel. I can only stay in Spider-Man mode."

Xu Can's little joke had the audience cheering again. They were eager to see "Spider-Man 2" as soon as possible. As Swift looked at him—hanging upside down, making fun, and captivating the audience with his charm—she suddenly realized how dazzling he was. He wasn't just a good listener and friend; he was the Spider-Man who made the world go crazy, a true superhero.

In comparison, she felt like just a country girl dabbling in music. For the first time, Swift felt a twinge of inferiority. If Xu Can knew how she felt, he would never have believed it.

The two continued making jokes and entertaining the audience, who were laughing nonstop. Then, as per SNL tradition, they performed a Spider-Man spoof sketch with funny scenes and lines prepared by the program team.

"As you all know, the real Gwen Stacy couldn't be here, so the show team asked me to fill in for her. My appearance fee is much cheaper," Taylor joked, poking fun at herself. "I'm not even an actress—I just sing country songs!"

By now, Swift had completely let go, and the audience was eating it up.

"Let's reenact Spider-Man's famous scenes!" Swift announced.

Xu Can and Swift followed the script on the teleprompter, their performance keeping the audience in stitches. The SNL director couldn't help but marvel at how well the show was going.

"I really made the right call hiring them. Who would've thought Taylor Swift had such a knack for comedy? And Xu Can—he's so relatable. He's going to gain even more fans after this airs."

The host, playing the role of a director, then spoke up: "Alright, everyone. Next up is a love scene, the iconic upside-down kiss in the rain. Are you two ready?"

Xu Can and Swift exchanged a look. "We're ready, bring it on."

"Great, Spider-Man, let's get you up there again."

"I'm getting tired of this," Xu Can joked in an exaggerated tone. "There was nothing about these stunts in my contract. I've been suspended so many times, you better remember to add more pay!"

"Don't worry, Spider-Man," the host teased. "When 'Spider-Man 2' comes out, we'll double your pay... but maybe forget about the sequel."

The banter continued as Xu Can was hoisted up by wires again, slowly descending upside-down.

"Music ready! Lights ready!" the host called out. "Action!"

Xu Can and Swift began their lines in a parody tone.

"Peter, why are you hanging upside down? Trying to surprise me?"

"No, my web shooter malfunctioned and got stuck. I can't get down."

Their performance had the audience in fits of laughter, with some nearly doubling over.

"Peter, are you hurt? Did the terrorists get you?"

"Terrorists? I just jumped down to get an ice cream. But I flew too fast, and the wind blew it away."

"Oh, Peter, even buying ice cream, you look so handsome. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Gwen!"

According to the script, the two were supposed to perform a comedic, exaggerated kiss to elicit laughs. But as Swift's red lips drew close to Xu Can, the proximity and the moment led him to act on instinct.

He kissed her. Not as part of the act, but for real.

In that instant, both felt a jolt, like an electric shock.

Swift's pupils suddenly dilated in surprise.


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