
Chapter 1: A New Life

DxD World- Parallel Earth, Kyoto Japan

Outside the door of an orphanage, there was a fruit basket lying in front of the door. Inside of it was a 1 month old baby and at first glance you can see that the baby is pale. But that is not the problem, you can see that the baby is not moving or crying and if you further observed, you can guessed that the baby died. Its not known if the person who put the basket did not know that the baby passed away before placing it infront of the orphanage.

A second passed and a white ball of light descended from the sky and entered the baby's body followed by a red lightball. A minute after, a cry was heard from the baby's mouth. This alerted the person inside the orphanage. An elderly woman opened the door and looked down the basket. She hurriedly picked the baby from the basket and upon checking the condition of the baby, the elderly woman's eyes was full of pity.

Nora: "Poor little one. Don't cry. Mama is here"

Nora sways the baby gently and try to stop his cry. She went inside to keep the baby warm as the weather outside is cold. She took care of the baby and washed it with warm water.

Nora: "Your name would be "Lucas" from now on"


16 Years later

Kuoh Town

(Lucas' Apartment)

Early in the morning, inside a room with minimal decoration, A man aged 16 or 17 is doing a variety of exercise. He has a slight brown hair with a clean haircut style and a handsome but not so hansome face.

Lucas: "47, 48, 49 and 50" "phew"

Lucas wipe his sweat with a towel and looked at the time "7: 15am".

Lucas: "Time to wash up and go to work"

He went directly to the bathroom and washed up. After finishing dressing up and eating breakfast, he went to work riding his bicycle.

(Lucas POV)

Lucas: " humming humming"

I am Lucas Agawa, I just arrived in this town last week and now i am on my way to my part time job in a convinience store.

You problably wondering why i have transferred from Kyoto to here. When I was on my middle school, I am one of the top performers or being the number 1 in my school. From acing the subjects and being a genius in sports like kendo, judo, chess, and etc. I was offered by Kuoh Academy a scholarship. Its not that Kuoh academy is the only one who offered scholarship but because they offered me more benefits like paying my monthly rent and a monthly allowance.

I also have a secret. 6 years ago, when I was 10 years old, I am starting to have memories of my past life. Its like I came from an amnesiac state and recovering from it. It takes atleast a year or two for me to completely integrate this memories and I dont know if its because I have this dreams and memories of my first life that all of my skills of my past self were embedded or mastered by my body instantly. My strength was also strenthened a little bit. Its like a dream that becomes reality. So yeah, I was like a 200 plus old teenage boy who bullied kids when i was in middle school. Also the life span in my current world is really short.

Lucas:"This life is really short live to enjoy myself" "Chuckle" I arrived at my workplace, parked my bicycle and went in.

Lucas: "Goodmorning Izuma-San" I greeted Izuma with a smile.

Rei Izuma is one of the older employees of my workplace and also the manager of the store.

Izuma: "Goodmornimg Agawa-kun" "Go change in the storage room. This is your uniform" he handed me the uniform.

Lucas: "Ok, thank you Izuma san"

Izuma:"No problem Agawa kun. We will be workmates starting today. So let's do our best."

I directly went to change my clothing. After awhile I started to start working.



Izuma is counting inventory in the storage room while I was sitting on the counter reading a book. The door of the store opened and a person came in. The weird thing is, she is wearing a cap, a sunglass and a mask.

Lucas:"hmm" I was a little surprise when I saw her appearance. Well the most distinguished is her red hair. "Is she a celebrity?"

Lucas: "Welcome" I greeted her as she came in. I went back to reading my book.

(POV Rias)

As I went in the convinience store. I was greeted by the store clerk and I just looked at him for a second and when I was just gonna walk through the shelves:

Rias: "Huh" I looked backed to the person in the counter who is now reading a book. I can feel a slight fluctuation of magic emanating from him. But thats it, its just a little magic. I looked away and continue my way through the shelves.

(Lucas POV)

I was smiling and chuckling while reading a comedy book novel until the woman came and put the things she selected in the counter. I stood up and begin to scan the things and I noticed that apart from woman toiletries, there are some things that otaku's loved to buy. So yeah, I guessed that the woman is an otaku.

I dont really judge people on what they like as I always been open minded and this was because my soul is an old guy who met different kinds of people during my first life.

As I was scanning the things, the woman spoke to me:

Rias: "Are you a new comer in this town?"

I was surpised that she questioned me if I am "new in this town" rather than "a new employee". My first impression is that she was an observant one. Most people are not that aware of everyone in their town especially remembering faces of hundreds of people. As a Ruler of an empire from my past life, being observant is an a must to prevent enemies from pretending to be one of your subordinates and spies lurking among your people.

Lucas: "Yeah" "I came from Kyoto. I was offered a scholarship from Kuoh Academy so I came here to continue my studies."

The woman was surprised when I said that I am a student of Kuoh Academy. She stared at me and looked up and down.

Rias: "So you are Lucas Agawa-kun?"

Lucas: "Eh" I was surprise again not because she knows my name as I have a name tag on my chest but because she even knows my last name.

Lucas: "Uhmm, how do you know my last name?" I had a guess that she must be related to the school but I still asked anyway.

Rias: "Well, I'm attending Kuoh Academy too. My friend is the Student Council President and just learned from her that a new student is coming to Kuoh named Lucas Agawa"

I was paying attention to what Rias says and I got some information through her, "A friend of the Student Council President".

Lucas:"Well, I can make connections through her". I thought as I need someone backing me up when I am in trouble during my days at school.

Lucas: "Oh, please to make your acquaintance then, I'm Lucas Agawa" I offered a hand shake. I forgot that handshake is not a usual japanese greeting. Its just I did it subconsciously because of my past self.

My hands were stretched but there is no reaction from the other party. I felt awkward and gave a wry smile. I was about to retract my hands but the other party suddenly grab my hand and shakes it gently.

Rias: "Hello, Im Rias Gremory. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance too" as she reach my hand, She removed her mask and sunglass.

I was amazed by her apearance as she is really beautiful. I am not some emotionless man who is indifferent to everything when seeing a beautiful women and a wanna be sigma guy. Thats just plain stupid, beauty should be appreciated but dont stare at them like a wolf in heat. And first impression is always important whent meeting the first time. I saw Rias nodded a little as if like she is contented.

While we are shaking hands. I felt something electric-like entering my body through my hands. I frowned a little, I was going to release my hand but Rias retracted it first. I saw her frowning for a second then return to normal.

Rias: "Once again, nice meeting you Agawa kun. I will be going first" She bowed with a smile then grab her things in the counter and left. I just nodded as a simple courtesy.

I glance at the clock and its time to prepare to leave from work. After checking everything, I greeted Izuma san before leaving the store. I went home riding my bicycle and arrived at my apartment. I cooked dinner for myself as I want my body to be healthy and live atleast 90 years. I laid down on my bed to prepare to sleep as I was going to start my first day at school. I stared at the ceiling for awhile as I reminisce the past and my deceased mother from this world.

I slowly closed my eyes and my mind started to remembering the past.
