
Break Soon

After their intimate journey through the Heart of Shadows, the crew of the *Sensual Horizon* found themselves changed, not just in spirit but in the closeness that now pervaded the ship. Secrets, once walls between them, had become bridges.

Casanova leaned against the control panel, his eyes scanning the star-speckled expanse ahead. "You know, diving into the unknown with you lot somehow makes the universe feel less vast and more... voyeuristic."

Seraphine smirked, punching coordinates into the nav-system. "Oh, please, as if you've ever minded an audience."

The banter was a welcome respite from the tension that had gripped them in the Heart. Yet, the air was thick with unspoken questions about what lay ahead. The revelations had brought them closer, but the universe was vast and full of secrets still cloaked in shadow.
