
Chapter 13: Unseen Forces

The quiet streets of the city were only disturbed by the hum of the brigade's transport vehicle as they made their way back to the firehouse. Company 8 had successfully stopped whatever strange ritual had been taking place, but the tension among the team was palpable. Kazuki sat in the back, his gaze distant as he replayed the events of the night in his mind.

Despite their success, something about the whole situation bothered him. The hooded figures, the strange device they had been working on, the unnatural flames—it was clear that they were dealing with something far more organized than just random Infernals. But what, exactly, was still unclear.

Captain Obi, sitting in the front seat, broke the silence. "Good work tonight, everyone. We'll analyze the device we confiscated and see if we can get any clues about who's behind this. For now, let's get some rest."

Kazuki barely registered Obi's words, his mind still turning over the details of the fight. His synchronization with the template had increased again—now sitting at 13 percent. The surge in power was subtle, but he could feel it in the way his strikes had landed, the speed at which he had moved. It was as though his body was becoming more attuned to the abilities the system had granted him, without the overwhelming burden of trying to control the power.

But as always, Kazuki didn't let these thoughts dominate his mind. There was no room for doubt or worry. The system's function was clear: give him the tools he needed to survive and thrive in this world, whether it was Zanjutsu, Hakuda, or even the ability to summon Hado spells like *Kongōbaku*. All he needed to do was keep refining his abilities and be ready for the next fight.

When they arrived back at the firehouse, Kazuki was the last to step out of the vehicle. The cool night air greeted him, refreshing after the tension-filled ride. He walked toward the building with the rest of the team but kept a small distance. Not because he felt detached from them, but because his mind was focused on the next step.

Once inside, the brigade members slowly dispersed, heading to their respective quarters to rest. Kazuki, however, lingered. His energy felt too high to sleep, his instincts telling him there was more to be done.

As he stood by the window, staring out at the dark city, his system interface flashed in his mind, pulling his attention away from the silent streets. It displayed his current synchronization percentage with the template, now at 13%, and below that, a reminder of the skills he had access to: basic Zanjutsu, Hakuda, and Hado #62, *Kongōbaku*. He hadn't needed to use the spell during the mission, but knowing it was there, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice, gave him confidence.

There was also a note about his potential to unlock Hohō techniques—though those still seemed just out of reach. For now, the Asauchi at his side and the sword skills he had been refining were enough.

Just as he was about to close the system interface in his mind, he felt a presence behind him.

"Kazuki, you're still up?"

Kazuki turned to see Lieutenant Hinawa standing a few feet away, his usual stoic expression softened slightly by concern. Kazuki hadn't expected anyone to approach him, least of all Hinawa.

"I couldn't sleep," Kazuki replied, his voice calm. "Too much on my mind, I guess."

Hinawa nodded, stepping closer to stand by the window as well. "Understandable. The situation tonight was… unusual. Those people we fought—they weren't just random criminals or rogue fire users. They knew exactly what they were doing. And that device they had—it's nothing we've seen before."

Kazuki looked back out the window. "Do you think they're connected to the factory incident?"

"I can't say for sure, but it's possible," Hinawa said thoughtfully. "Both incidents involved strange flames and some sort of organized group. If they're connected, then we're dealing with something a lot bigger than what we originally thought."

Kazuki remained silent, processing Hinawa's words. It wasn't a surprise, but it confirmed the suspicions that had been building in his mind. Whoever was behind these events wasn't going to stop with just a few failed attempts.

"You handled yourself well tonight," Hinawa added, his voice quieter but steady. "You've been improving a lot since you joined us."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Kazuki replied, his tone respectful but detached. He wasn't one for compliments, especially when he felt there was still so much more he needed to do.

Hinawa didn't push the conversation further. He gave a curt nod and turned to leave, but paused at the door. "Just make sure you get some rest. We'll need everyone at their best for what's coming."

With that, Hinawa disappeared down the hall, leaving Kazuki alone once again.

Kazuki remained by the window for a few more minutes, watching the stillness of the night. The city seemed peaceful from this vantage point, but he knew that darkness was lurking just beneath the surface. And when it came to light, he would be ready.

His hand moved to rest on the hilt of his Asauchi, the weight of it grounding him in the moment. No matter how complicated the situation became, no matter what forces were at work behind the scenes, Kazuki would keep moving forward. He didn't need to worry about the implications of his power or question what the system wanted from him. His only focus was on honing his abilities, increasing his synchronization, and protecting those around him.

And if that meant facing whatever was coming with nothing but his blade and the skills the system had granted him, then so be it.

Without another word, Kazuki turned and headed toward the training room once again.
