
Daily Special: Green Lantern II

I don't own DC

There are many things Orders can handle with ease when it comes to Superbabes and her overall businesses. Assholes, Karens, Health Inspectors, Gotham Criminals big and small. But even with her powerful abilities of Clairvoyancy, she wasn't immune to getting sick… ironically enough.

Oh sure, she can see it coming and try to mitigate it… Taking Vitamin C, chugging down tea, stocking up on chicken soup… but actually preventing herself from getting sick is just not worth the microbial headaches. Orders' stubbornness knows no bounds, however… so…

"ACHOO!! UUUGH!!" her nose positively stuffed with an unfortunate concoction of fluid that was just as unsanitary as it was unpleasant. Sitting in her office she groaned, her head throbbing for reasons other than her powers. "GOD damn it…" she moaned head on the table. "SNIFF."

"Holy shit boss you're going to paint your wall green if you keep sneezing like that." Declared Big Barda, checking in on her. "Seriously go home."

"Mmmngh-nah…" Orders mumbled stubbornly, making Big Barda scratch her pretty dark-haired head uncertainly. Unlike Ronnie-Bell, she probably wouldn't get away with sassing her boss too much and Orders was already in a 'mood'.

"Sorry boss, didn't catch that." Big Barda replied cheekily… she could be a little sassy just not too much. Besides she didn't legitimately understand what a head cold suffering Orders said. The purple-eyed, with a slight red-tinged to them now, boss of Superbabes moaned dejectedly into her table. "Boss just go home." Big Barda replied sadly.

"Mmmngh! Nngh…"

"Okay, you know what? I can't understand you." Big Barda walked into the office peeled her poor boss from her desk, and pulled the rollaway chair around, pushing her out of the office. "So if I can't understand you, I doubt anyone on the phone can."

"I'm better now." Orders declared but none of the girls were buying what she was selling… which is "hilarious" because usually, she's selling them.

"You are not, you are just more articulate." Declared Big Barda, grabbing Orders' purse and dropping it on her sick boss's lap as she pushed the wheelie chair out from behind the counter. "Go HOME boss. You'll thank me later."

Maybe. Probably.

"UUUUUUGH." Orders moaned, her body ached everywhere, her head was ringing, her nose was clogged and her purple eyes were tinged red and thus had less of an effect on the others. "FINE." She hissed, only to release a hacking cough, "COUGH! FUUUUCK…" she bemoaned the abrupt and horrible ringing in her head. She turned to walk out only to walk into the closet door with a thump. "Uuugh…"

"Occupied!" cheered Starfire inside it. Orders chose not to comment, her head was hurting WAY too much to wonder why Starfire was in the closest… sure Orders puts her in there sometimes, but there's usually a reason… and she couldn't remember if there currently was.

"God damn it." Orders moaned again only to feel Big Barda's hands comfortingly on her shoulders and pull her away, guiding her to the back door.

"Yeah… okay Boss you're going home if I have to lock you in your trunk to do it." She hesitated before looking around and promptly volunteered a Superbabe. "Hey Daph, mind taking Orders home?"

Daphne had just finished her shift, she WAS going to make a quick and brisk trip to The Lash and Leash for a little recreation. Dressed in snug tight jeans that showed off her lower body and a blood-red tube top that showed off her upper body she blinked at Big Barda… she had only been half-listening. "What?"

"You're getting off right?" Well, that was the plan, but it was increasingly looking like Daphne would be delayed. "Could you just drive her home?"

Daphne watched Orders wobble on her feet, then sighed audibly. She couldn't exactly say no, but it also wouldn't be that much of a hassle. "Yeah. Okay."

"Just get her into her house." Big Barda replied, "Darcy should take it from there." She added as she helped Orders to Daphne's car.

"Guess you're not doing deliveries tonight."

"Or we're doing regulars only." Big Barda replied, "I'll get Sierra on the phone. People love her voice." She added and slipped Orders into the car, passenger's side, where she slumped forward and let her face slam on the dash.

"Mmngh-mnmh…" she mumbled irately but Big Barda patted her shoulders comfortingly, pushing her back into the seat and buckling her.

"Sure boss. Whatever you say." She said, not understanding what Orders said, but assuming it was insulting, or Orders demanding to go back into the shop to work. Like the crazy workaholic she is. "Alright boss see you later." Big Barda added, shutting the door and slapping the roof of Daphne's car twice. Daphne watched her go back into Superbabes before she pulled into traffic to head to Orders's house.

The beautiful off-duty Green Lantern pulled up front and got out of the car. Soon helping Orders out, the purple-eyed boss mumbled sleepily. "Come on Orders," Daphne said encouragingly, helping her up the stoop and to the front door. Knocking loudly. "Darcy!"

"…Not home…" Daphne blinked at Orders, who had spoken it, and looked a little dazed. "She's doing… something… with that Sean boy…" she paused, "A science project." Daphne blinked again, deciding that it oddly made sense.

"Okay well, give me your keys boss." She fished for Orders' keys in her purse, before opening the door and getting her inside. Depositing her very dizzy and sleepy boss into her favorite armchair. "Alright… get some rest boss." She paused, "And if you're feeling spiteful maybe try to remember that it's Becca's fault."

"MMmghn-mnn…" Mumbled Orders as Daphne took that as a good sign, and made her way back to the front door. "Let her in…"

"What?" Daphne hesitated turning back to Orders, "Boss did you say something?"

"Mmng-hmn…" Orders mumbled as Daphne then shrugged, and went to leave quietly reaching the front door and opening it.

"Oh-! Uh…" Daphne blinked at the woman standing on the stoop. She was dressed as a French maid and had a moderately sexy plump body with large breasts and auburn hair. "Sorry. Does the boss of Superbabes live here?"

"That's…" she paused, looked in the house, and then back to the maid. "…Who are you exactly?"

"I'm Alexa Madison…" the maid replied, "I'm a… maid of the Harland twins who are…" she paused then sighed with an eye roll. "Regulars of the services?"

And all of a sudden Daphne's brain clicked and she pointed at her. "You're Alexa the Sex maid." The Babes of Superbabes obviously knew of the perverted twins and their maid, they're generous tippers… plus they have a literal Sex Maid. It's hard to forget.

Alexa the Sex Maid, however, audibly sighed. "…You all call me that, don't you?" she said dejectedly, before shaking it off. "So she's here?" she asked, glancing hesitantly into the house, which was difficult to do as Daphne was taller than Alexa the Sex Maid, and just as curvy and sexy.

"…Yeah. But she's sick." Said Daphne, "Why do you want to see her."

"LET HER IN." Orders' raspy sick voice shouted followed by coughs. Daphne sighed loudly, then stepped aside.

"Come on in." she said and Alexa walked in, she gestured to the living room where Orders was and followed the Alexa the Sex Maid after shutting the front door. She had debated on just leaving but now her curiosity was peaked, and she didn't think leaving Orders alone, sick and potentially confused, with someone alone was a good idea.

"Hello, Ma'am. I know we've never met but-" began Alexa as Orders held up a hand, she stopped speaking. Orders stared at her, and her purple eyes flickered slightly… but unlike her usual intimidating flashes, like lightning bolts striking on a moonless night… it was more like the florescent lights of a long-dilapidated warehouse flickering to life in a horror movie.

…Needless to say, it didn't have its usual effect. So after a moment of Orders trying to… function as normal, she clearly gave up and decided it wasn't worth the headache before moaning out a tired. "What?" Alexa seemed briefly confused about being interrupted, only to be essentially told to say what she was going to say but she continued.

"I was wondering if… I could borrow a Superbabe for a day?" she asked as Orders leveled her sleepy gaze on her.


Alexa sighed audibly, hesitating for a minute before explaining. "I need someone to be… me, for a day… that is to perform the tasks I usually do…" she fiddled with her hands. "…Which is basically tending to the sexual services of two rigorous twins with insatiable libidos."

"What for?" asked Daphne and Alexa turned to her briefly, as if she forgot she was even there. But she answered.

"I need to have a small medical procedure done. And I have to stay overnight… my usual substitutes are out of the country and won't be back for a number of weeks." She replied. Daphne raised an eyebrow at that but Orders moaned sleepily.

"Then they can fuck off for a day." She replied but Alexa cringed slightly, fiddling with her hands nervously.

"Yeah… I don't want to come back to a house with two pent-up Harland boys." She moaned, "…I might end up back in the hospital." She added under her breath. But then blushing, and shaking her head. "I just need someone to mitigate them a little. Please." Alexa sighed.

Orders took a deep breath and released one word. "…Pay?" Daphne rolled her eyes and Alexa jumped, her full breasts wobbling in her maid uniform.

"Oh, I have permission." She said, checking her apron pocket. "The boys approved of the idea. If I can convince you to send a…" she sighed, "…'Sex Maid substitute', they'll let you name your price." She said. Pulling out a note that said 'We Owe You' signed by the Harland Twins at the bottom 'Leo & Colt'.

However, that didn't matter. Alexa said the magic words in the right order that got Orders, even in sick brain mode, to agree immediately: Name your Price. Orders turned her head slowly to Daphne who suddenly became very aware that the only Superbabe within ordering distance was her. Then like a woman on her deathbed, her apparently very dramatic boss pointed a hooked finger at her.

"Take her…" Orders declared as Alexa turned to Daphne. "She'll do it."

"She will? I have to warn you, all the stories you've heard about the twins at Superbabes, which I can only imagine is… SO many." She sighed resignedly, realizing that if 'Alexa the Sex Maid' was well known, she could only imagine what tales had been told. "Are all true and probably worse. They're completely insatiable, dominating, relentless…" she groaned, "To be honest being their 'Sex Maid' is more 'sexual slavery' sometimes. Doing whatever they want to your body whenever they want to! This isn't some… session or delivery you can go home after an hour! They'll sneak into your room and just USE you like a literal cum dumpster straight out of hardcore porn! They will utterly treat you like a sex object!" Alexa suddenly took a breath after her rant, then sighed, collecting herself. "…It's not for the faint-hearted." She finished however she shivered slightly seeing the look on Daphne's beautiful dark-skinned face. Her tongue slid hungrily across her plump and clearly designed for dick-sucking lips.

…Because Alexa had said Daphne's Magic words. 'Sex Slave'… well mostly, Daphne didn't hear the '-ery' part of the second word but was more than wet enough to just not care. "…She's right. I'll definitely do it."

Alexa stared at her for a minute, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. On the one hand, she got exactly what she wanted, a volunteer. On the other hand, she was slightly concerned about how much CRAZY she's been exposed to since the twins discovered Superbabes…

"…Okay you know what? Fine." She handed Daphne the W.O.U. note signed by the boys giving her permission to use their money. "Tomorrow. The address is on the back. But I'm sure you all know where the manor is. Get there before 8:30."

"Got it." Daphne said as Alexa looked between them and awkwardly shuffled out of the room.

"I um. Hope you feel better?" she said, addressing Orders before rushing out of her house.

"MMmn…" Orders mumbled, and rolled over in her comfy recliner.

Daphne eyed the W.O.U. note and the address before turning to walk out. Stopped, then turned back to Orders before asking hesitantly. "Should I bother to get in costume?"

"Mmng-hmnmm…" Orders was soon mumbling and dozing… the promise of an absurd paycheck taking away all her pain. Daphne, for the sake of streamlining her weekend plans, chose not to get her Green Lantern costume tomorrow. "…Bring me money…" Orders mumbled sleepily, making Daphne roll her beautiful brown eyes.

She was sounding like her regular self already.

Time: 8:02 PM. Remaining time. 23 hours and 58 minutes.

She was almost thirty minutes early… she was just going to chalk it up to her excitement. She pulled her car into the driveway, the gate opening almost immediately upon her approach she drove right up behind a yellow cab, the driver casually reading the newspaper as he waited for Alexa. Daphne ignored him, strutting in tight jeans and a tube top, similar to what she wore yesterday only now with a light green Jacket. She walked up to the front door of the Harland manner and debated internally for a second, before raising her fist to knock.

She resisted the Superbabe urge to announce her presence and waited just a few seconds before the door opened and Alexa stood there, also wearing casual clothes. "Oh good, you're early. Come in, please." She said politely, allowing Daphne to walk into the Harland manor, of which has had many a Superbabe cross it's threshold. "You're not in costume?"

"I didn't think it was necessary." She casually replied and Alexa seemed to think of that for a moment. "I'm normally one of two Green Lanterns that do deliveries but again… it didn't seem like I'd need the suit."

"…That's a fair assumption." She mumbled, "Well… alright. What's your name?"

"Daphne. Daphne Davis." She said as Alexa nodded, before shouting.

"BOYS!!" her voice echoed sternly as soon the handsome and cheekily smiling twins, in blue and red swim trunks, just seemed to APPEAR on either side of Green Lantern, uncomfortably close. "I'll be back tomorrow." Alexa said as they grinned at her. "…I'd say behave yourself but-OH!!" she gasped as their hands immediately reached for her, squeezing an ass cheek and a big tit each, making her moan and squirm in an adorably submissive way. Green Lantern would know.

"Don't worry Alexa!" said one twin

"We'll be on our best behavior." Said his brother.

Both of them still thoroughly groped Alexa who shuddered, then slapped their hands away. "Boys!" she fidgeted, "…Ugh!" she evidently had no words. "Leo and Colt. This is Daphne, she's a-"

"Superbabe!" The twins replied together, happily "Which one?"

"Green Lantern…" replied Green Lantern, "Which one of you is which?"

"It doesn't really matter." Alexa replied and barely dodged their groping hands again, her face blushing red. "I'll be back tomorrow!" she repeated as the twins waved at her heading to the taxi.

"Bye Alexa!" said Leo/Colt

"See you tomorrow!" added Colt/Leo. Before they slammed the door shut and IMMEDIATELY let their wandering hands slap onto Green Lantern's ass.

"MMGH!!" their fingers SQUEEZING into her thick dark-chocolate ass cheeks through her jeans and making her shiver slightly.

"You're our sex maid now." Said Colt/Leo

"And it's time for our morning exercises!" added Leo/Colt happily as they groped Daphne the Sex Maid's big tits, easily dragging her deep into the mansion as she shivered in pleasure. Their hands continued to openly fondle and squeeze her soft ass and big breasts through her clothes as they led her through the mansion and straight out the backdoor to a large pool.

"AH!" Daphne the Sex Maid gasped erotically as their hands spanked her thick ass hard.

"You might as well take off your clothes." Said Leo/Colt.

"Yeah, you won't need them for long." Colt/Leo agreed, nodding sagely.

The twins started stretching before abruptly cannonballing into their pool as she watched them. Then abruptly yanked off her jacket, then yanked down her top. Her big black breasts bounced free before she pushed it and her pants down over her thick ass cheeks and straight to the ground. Now naked and ignoring the laps the twins were doing in the pool she bundled up her clothes in her arms and carried them toward a gazebo-like spot with lounge chairs, and an outside barbeque… clearly for parties…

Or at least parties that didn't involve fucking everything that moves. A few of the Superbabes have been to those parties.

She put her clothes down onto a sturdy table and then sat down on a lounge chair, stretching her voluptuous body before relaxing as the twins continued their morning exercises… she'll be honest, the way Alexa the Sex Maid described her job she expected her exercise to involve fucking until they can't move.

Time: 8:45 AM: Remaining Time: 23 hours and 15 minutes.

The off-duty Green Lantern, who wasn't quite a Sex Maid yet, more like a pretty piece of artwork, lay on the lounge chair to the sounds of consistent splashing. Until the splashing abruptly stopped, she didn't really pay that much attention to it, choosing to nap naked outside. The twins, however, had finished their laps, and were rigorously playing several rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Red Trunks after what looked like 10 games of back-and-forth fist shaking. Raised his arms triumphantly after winning two in a row. "Ha!" he then clambered out of the pool, throwing his water-soaked trunks off his body and into the pool as he wetly approached Green Lantern. "I get to go first!"

"Hmmn?" her sleepy eyes blinked open just in time for him to spread her sturdy legs and RAM his throbbing cock balls deep into her body with one thrust. "Oooh!!" her back arched as her breasts started jumping up and down with his pumping thrusts. "Ugh! Oooh!!" his hands reached up and he grabbed at her bouncing brown breasts, planting his feet on either side of the lounge chair, resting her legs on his as he kept slamming roughly away at her snug pussy. "AH! Ah! Ah!! OOoh!!" cooing loudly as his wet hips slapped away at her body. "Ngh! Aaah!!" the lounge chair shifted under them as far as it could go, hitting the back wall of the gazebo deck as he kept thrusting away. "AH! Ah! Ah!!"

His fingers sunk into her tit-flesh, squeezing her big round orbs like stress balls as his cock plunged into her pussy, rubbing against her tight inner walls as her toes curled in the air behind him, her legs flopping about. "Superbabe pussy is so good!" former Red trunk twin said, "It's so wet and tight and we just started fucking!" his hands pulled away from her bouncing chest to grab at her waist, lifting her lower body from the chair her ass cheeks could clap loudly with her tits in the air as he continued jackhammering into her pussy. Her shoulders still on the lounge chair she squirmed erotically, driving or a rapidly approaching orgasm as she gripped the back of it tightly. Holding on as her screams began to reach a higher and higher octave.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! AH!! AAAAGGGH!!!" she writhed beautifully in orgasm as he buried his cock into her pussy and blew his load deep into her body.

"UUGH! Shit!!" grinding against her as she shuddered in pleasure. "Fuck that's GOOD stuff!" he groaned contentedly

"My turn! Move!" his brother Blue trunks twin, not that he was wearing them anymore, shoved his brother aside and out of her slippery pussy, cum oozed out of her briefly before he was jamming his length deep into her body.


"So fucking good!" he cheered happily, folding her legs over and pounding down onto the chair, cramming his thick cock deep into her pussy, pressing her down as she reached up, pushing on his wet muscular chest as he grabbed at her tits and had a turn playing with him just like his brother.

"Wa-wait a second go slow…!" she gasped as he sped up, grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head before speeding up. "OH! FUCK!!"

"We don't do slow!" cheered Blue Trunks twin, cramming her full of his cock over and over as she gasped and howled in pleasure, her body tensing up beneath him as his brother grabbed her face.

"We like it hard! Fast!-" Red Trunks twin declared before the Blue Trunks twin buried his cock into her body, making her howl in pleasure.

"-and BALLS DEEP!!" he pulled back and rammed into her again, making her shiver as her insides clung around his throbbing cock and felt his hot cum unloading deep into her body. Her eyes rolled as she rode her orgasm, her thick cock-sucking lips open and gasping dazedly as one after the other the twins sloppily kissed her, her tongue writhing around one and then the other as they squeezed, groped and filled her body…

"Fuck that's so good!" declared Blue Trunks' twin finally pulling out of her stuffed pussy. Yogurt-thick cum gushed out of her unplugged hole as they held her legs up and open, watching it stream slowly down between her ass cheeks to drip onto the chair.

"MMn… looks like she loved that." Red Trunks twin grinned eagerly, watching her pussy lips quiver and gush more cum out of her spasming pussy. "Warm up is over." He declared.

"Time for the real workout!" his brother added as they let her legs drop to either side of the lounge chair before hauling her up from the chair, she wobbled and jiggled as she tried to steady herself on jelly legs-CLAP!

"Ahhh!" she gasped erotically as her ass was SMACKED by Red Trunks Twin… or whoever he is now, they're both naked and identical. Twin #1 spanked her thick black ass and it wobbled as he giggled like a child.

"FUCK that's gorgeous!" Twin #2, deciding that he didn't want to miss out on spanking thick chocolate booty turned her away and spanked her as well.

"HAaaah!" Green Lantern moaned erotically as she was spanked like the naughty slut she was. CLAP! "Ngh!" WHAP! "Mmgh!" he pussy dribbled cum and arousal as she shivered in pleasure. The twins were having a ball just swinging and spanking her thick wobbling ass cheeks as she grabbed onto a corner pillar of the gazebo, clawing at the polished wood as the boys continued to swing their hands alternatingly on her beautiful backside. Well used to being abused… and loving every second.

"Look at it go!" cheered Twin #1, whapping her ass from the left.

"That is fucking gorgeous!" Twin #2 agreed clapping her cheeks from the right.


"OOoooh!!!" her knees buckled and bent, her lower body spasming and jerking as she bounced her body for them and straightened her legs, pushing her body against the pillar like she was grinding on a stripper pole. "Ugh! Haaah!" shaking and trembling as she half-twerked, half-spasmed in pleasure.

"Did she just cum?" Twin #2 mumbled in surprise.

"I think she did." Twin #1 replied just as surprised.

"Well, that's not fair!" Twin #2 replied to that before they both stopped playing with Green Lantern's spankable ass and both got fistfuls of her thick dark hair, yanking her away from the pole as she moaned happily at their treatment.

"Yeah! You're not supposed to cum alone, you're supposed to make us cum!" Twin #1 informed her. "You're a bad sex maid!"

She quivered, feeling their throbbing cocks between her ass cheeks and her legs, rubbing at her body as they both grabbed fistfuls of her big tits while they surrounded her. "Ha! Aaah!"

"We know how to punish naughty Sex Maids." Grinned Twin #2 as he glided his cock back to her slippery pussy, she hissed excitedly as she then felt Twin #1, in perfect sync with his brother, lining the tip of his thick throbbing cock with her asshole.

"I'm a naughty sex maid…" she gasped, before they SLAMMED into her simultaneously, so deep and hard they lifted her up onto her tip-toes as she shrieked erotically, "I'M A NAUGHTY SEX MAID!!" she howled as the Twins slammed in and out of her, clapping against her flesh over and over as she howled, "AH! AAAH!!" shrieking her pleasure at their double penetration.

Masters of their craft slamming deep into her over and over she was cumming again before she realized what was happening. Shrieking with eyes wide and tongue lolling from her mouth, flicking saliva everywhere. "AH! AHhh!!!" The twin fucking her ass, her ass cheeks bulging and bouncing as his hips swing against him, hooked his hands into her mouth, pulling her head back for leverage before furiously ramming into her from behind. Making her slobber like a thirsty bitch as the Twin in front squeezed her big breasts firmly in his hands as he crammed her slippery pussy with relentless abandon.

"Haah! Ah! Ahhh!" gasping and wheezing as she came again, her hips swinging wildly between them. Her insides clamped down on their plunging dicks until with a final roar they buried them deep into her shaking body as she squealed with a high-pitched orgasmic shriek. "Haaaah!" as they pumped their seed deep into her gorgeous body, pushing hard against her, pinning her between them before ripping out of her body. "Haah…" cum oozed down her inner thigh as her legs wobbled and she dropped to her knees. "Haah…"

Gazing blankly out over the pool the Twins stood on either side of her with sticky limp cocks, slapping them onto her beautiful ahegao face, rubbing on her skin, and slipping onto her tongue as she dazedly licked whatever she could taste. "Haa…" Sighed Twin #2. "I think we fixed her."

"That we did." Twin #1 agreed, nodding quietly as they continued to rest their cocks on her pretty face… to the point where it got awkward. "I'm starving." Twin #1 declared as Twin #2 frowned.

"…Did Alexa make us breakfast?" he asked uncertainly as Twin #1 scratched his head.

"Don't think so…" he said they finally extracted their sticky flaccid lengths from Green Lantern's beautiful face, now smeared with fluids, sweat, and mucus. "We're just going to have to make something ourselves."

"Hmmn. Agreed… but what do we do with her?" Twin #2 asked, gesturing to the panting Superbabe now Sex Maid.

"…Shower?" Twin #1 replied.

"Shower." Concurred his brother. Together they hooked her arms and legs and lifted her up from the ground, carrying her limp body back into the house and straight into a bathroom with a shower. To the twin's credit they didn't just callously discard her body like a used condom, they set her down in the shower, stood her up so she was leaning against the wall then turned on the hot water as she slid slowly down to the floor, cooing softly as her body was soothed.

The twins clapped their hands together, grinning broadly as they seemed to consider getting her body into the water as a job well done, and left her alone to wash herself off as they walked out of the bathroom leaving her to recover in peace.

Time: 11:23 AM. Remaining Time: 20 hours and 37 minutes.

Green Lantern reached out and shut off the shower. She hauled herself up from the tiled floor and shivered slightly, her beautiful voluptuous body glistening with water as she opened the stall door and grabbed a towel from the nearby hanger. She dried her body and, acutely aware that she had no clothes, wrapped the towel around her and walked out.

She had a sneaking suspicion that her clothes were still outside by the pool where she left them but once she had gone out to get them she realized that not only were they not there, but it was pouring rain… fucking Gotham. The pool looked like the sea in a storm, churning and frothing, she just stepped out of the shower she didn't need to get into another one so she stepped back inside.

"…Boys?" she declared to the manor, her voice echoing as she started walking around, looking for the twins Leo and Colt. It was easy to remember their names now that they weren't filling her holes. "Leo? Colt?" she asked but again no response. But she DID hear what was obviously hooting and hollering of some sort, but it was coming from a TV, not from the twins themselves… She approached the living room, the massive TV was on and it was playing some sort of old black-and-white western.

"Oh Hey you're up!" cheered Leo/Colt who noticed her first.

"We were wondering because you were in there for awhile." Added Colt/Leo stuffing his face full of popcorn.

"Where are my clothes?" she asked as the boys looked at her curiously, pausing the movie.

"We put them in the wash." Said Leo/Colt.

"Yeah it's fine." Colt/Leo said. "You can take the towel off." He added as they both grinned lecherously at her.

Without hesitation, she unwrapped the towel and opened it, they stared eagerly at her beautiful body before rapidly slapping the middle of the couch between them. She casually dropped the towel to the floor before she Superbabe-strutted around the couch, her wide hips popping as she passed Leo/Colt, who will now be Leo, and sat her thick ass down between the brothers on the couch. Colt/Leo, who will now be Colt, reached out and squeezed her left tit, making her moan softly.

"Wants some popcorn?" Colt asked, offering her a gigantic bowl with his other hand.

"N-no thank you… haa…" she moaned as they began playfully toying with her again. "Mmgh…" she bit her bottom lip as the bowl went back onto the table and the twins' hands went back to her body, "Mmn!" they spread her legs, sliding fingers into her warm, tight pussy. She leaned back against the couch, sitting on her hands as they squeezed her chest and churned her pussy juice like butter. "Mmgh! Mmn…" pumping her hips slowly towards them as they pushed back, holding her down on the couch and continuing to toy with her pussy as she finally opened her mouth to cry out again. "Haa…Ah-! MMGH!!"

Leo had abruptly yanked his hand out of her pussy, let go of her tit, and grabbed her head, his hands holding tightly to her afro as she was yanked across his lap and her lips wrapped instinctively around his cock as he jerked her head up and down. "Mgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!" her tongue slobbered and swirled around his length as he moaned, bucking up into her lips as she lay across his lap.

"You look thirsty! Have a drink!" he moaned, "Suck it out…" happily jerking her head up and down as Colt occupied himself with her thick ass. He lifted her left leg up and hooked it onto the back of the couch before sliding his hand between her ass cheeks and shoving his fingers into her puckered asshole and more fingers up her pussy.

"Mmgh!!" she moaned, continuing to noisily slurp as Colt toyed with her eagerly, but clearly his attention was elsewhere.

"Hey! I was going to do that!" he grumbled childishly

"Well I beat you to it!" his brother replied, still grinding into Daphne the Sex Maid's mouth, her toes curling in pleasure and her hands squeezing her tits as the twins continued to use her. "Keep sucking on it…" he moaned, relaxing on the couch as she demonstrated her oral skills. "Get it out."

"MMn-Mmmn. Mmn-hmn…" she moaned sloppily as Colt, seemingly annoyed that Leo was getting all the obvious attention, promptly removed his fingers from her pleasure holes. "Mmgh? MMGH! OH!" she gasped as Colt then slammed his cock into her body, "Ugh! Oh! Oh!! SHIT!!" she moaned as Leo scowled at him, he slipped out beneath Daphne the Sex Maid so she lay flat on the couch, "ugh-gugh! Aah!"

"Looks like she likes mine more than yours!" Colt teased as Leo abruptly slapped her gasping lips with his completely identical cock then shoved it back in.

"MMGh!!" she slobbered over it again as he began fucking it into her throat. "GUCK! GUCK! GUCK!"

"Jokes on you. I'm going to feed her my cum!" Leo declared as her arms wrapped around his waist and clawed at his ass cheeks. "She LOVES it!" he replied as Colt gripped her ass tightly in both hands, pulling her body into his thrusts. "We're going to fill up her body anyway-"

"oh shit…" hissed Colt as Daphne the Sex Maid's body tightened around his plunging cock.

"But how often does Alexa swallow! Our! Cum!" he thrust hard against her face, burying his cock into her throat before slowly pulling out of her moaning lips, holding his tip between them as thick globs of Harland juice pumped into her mouth. His cock pulsated between her lips as rope after rope splattered on her tongue and the back of her throat before he slipped free with a wet pop.

"Mmgh! Ah-ah-ah!" she lay on her back, cum pooling in her mouth as Colt rammed hard into her body. "HAAAH!!" making her cum again before ripping out, crawling over her, then slipping his tip between her lips and moaning loudly as he spilled his load. "Mmgh! Mmn!!" her tongue slid around his glans as his load joined his brother's. He too pulled out of her mouth with a wet slurp as she opened wide, showing them the hot goo. Churning it with her tongue sliding up, down and around…

"Swallow it!" cheered Colt.

"Drink!" cheered Leo

She gazed up at them dreamily, her mouth closing and without looking away from them. "Mmgh!" she gulped it down like Jackie at Happy Hour. "HAaa!..." She stuck out her tongue before swirling it around her lips. "Yummy." She moaned. Their cocks rising and twitching, ready for another round.

"My turn!" cheered Colt, he grabbed her head and yanked her upright, falling backward onto the couch and pulling her face into his crotch. "It looked so good I want some!" he declared, slapping her face with his cock and guiding his tip between her lips as she moaned and wrapped them around his length, gazing up at him before shooting up and down, slurping noisily. "Oh it's really good…" he moaned resting his hand on her afro, she didn't have to do much to keep her head moving.

"MMgh! Mmgh! Mmn!" shifting her legs under her body, raising her thick ass in the air behind him. "MMGH!!?" Moaning loudly as Leo clapped his hands hard on her ass cheeks, spreading them and ramming hard into her from behind. "MMGH! Mmgh!!"

"The view is MUCH better back here…" Leo declared, watching her thick voluptuous ass rippling as he slammed into her hard.

"I don't know she has nice eyes…" Colt groaned, gazing into her dreamy gaze, moaning her pleasure around his cock. "And she looks so good with a dick in her mouth."

"MMmn…" she moaned appreciatively, like she was too high on pleasure to care… as degrading as it was… it was exactly what she wanted. "Mmgh! Mmn!!" moaning louder as Leo slammed hard into her from behind.

"This body was made for fucking!" Leo cooed, feeling her tighten around his shaft as he sped up. "Don't worry we're not going to stop!"

"Keep going! Keep sucking! Don't look away! I'm gonna cum!" declared Colt, both of them bucking into her body as she shivered and moaned around their thrusting cocks. "UUGH!!"

"MMgh!!" she moaned, slurping his shaft as he pulled her lips up to the tip and let it all out. "Mmn-hmn…" she cooed as she got another serving of Harland cream. "Mmgh! Mmnggh!!" moaning as Leo furiously sped up fucking her from behind, her ass cheeks wobbling wildly as Leo slammed away. "MMGH!!" sealing her lips shut as she shivered in orgasm. Leo roared his imminent release before pulling out of her. Grabbing her by the hair and yanking her up onto her knees before shoving his dripping tip towards her lips. "Mmn!"

"Ugh!" looking up at him as his cock pulsated between them, shooting his hot load onto her tongue as she slipped it around his glans, licking off her pussy juice. "So good." His hand in her hair as her head bobbed up and down. Then she pulled off slowly… gazing up at the brothers as they slapped her face lightly with their cocks.

"Mmn…" she gulped down their cum and gasped, shuddering she let her tongue hang out, panting for breath. "Haah… ah… BURP…" she gasped but kept her breathing steady. She didn't need anything else cumming back up.

"Alright then-" Colt sat down on the couch, before grabbing her and dragging her onto his lap. "I want to fuck her ass now." He said, poking at said ass before sliding up into her body.


"What?! Hey! I was going to fuck her ass again." Leo declared as Colt glowered at him.

"You got to use her ass outside! So now-!"

"Ah! Ah!!" his hips soon bucking up into her.

"I want!"


"A Turn!"

"OH FUCK!!" Daphne the Sex Maid's breasts bounced up and down distractingly until Colt's hands reached up and grabbed them. "NGh! Ngh! Aaah!!" bouncing up and down on his lap, his cock slamming up into her ass as he pulled her back onto his body. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!"

"This ass is so good!" he moaned happily as Leo then moved in front of them.

"Oh! Oh! Fuck…!" gasped Daphne the Sex Maid as Leo lined his throbbing girth up with her pussy. "UUGH! SHIT!! AH! Ah!!" thrusting into her body and fucking away at it, the twins grinding together against her body like she was just a sexy cog in a fucking machine. Her arms stretched out and grabbed the back of the couch as the Twins just did whatever they wanted. "Ah! Ah! Haaa!" gasping erotically as their bodies loudly slapped together, her toes curling on the floor as she clenched her teeth as she came. "Haaah!" tongue lolling from her mouth, throwing her head back and screaming to the ceiling. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! MEE!!" she whined.

They pounded her harder, faster, her arms and legs tensing up to the point where she was cramping, her insides tightening around their rapidly plunging cocks. Leo and Colt, there was no other way to say it, BRUTALLY fucked her. Leo pinning her against Colt, Colt pushing her up to meet Leo's thrusts, they USED her relentlessly, focused solely on their own satisfaction. Her own pleasure was second, maybe third on their list of things to focus on. But she couldn't help but scream in rapturous pleasure, tensing up in a mind-blowing orgasm as they buried their cocks into her body and flooded her orifices with thick globs of semen.

She was the meat in a fucking sandwich… and she LOVED it.

Their cocks pulsated deep in her body, filling her up as they went limp on, and inside her body. Colt flopped over onto the couch with her on top of him, Leo nuzzling into her big breasts like pillows, and sighed softly. Remaining so silent apart from soft gasping breaths that they might have been asleep.

"Alright, my turn." Leo mumbled into her chest.

"Ugh? Aah…" she shivered as Leo ripped out of her, Colt lifting her up and off his shaft. "Oooh…" throwing her aside onto the couch. "Mmgh…" laying on her side as their hands cracked on her ass cheeks. "Ah!-NGh!" shivering as they spanked her.

"Come on! Come on!" they cheered happily, grabbing her hands and yanking her upright.

"Ah!..." they threw her hands onto the coffee table, bent over and facing the TV. Which wasn't playing a black-and-white western anymore it was playing a new, but still western, in-color movie. But her black ass was soon smacked by the twins from behind. "AH! Oooho!!" her knees buckled as she shivered, her fingers clawing the table as she struggled to stay standing. Leo got behind her and slid his cock into her ass. "Haaah!" his hands grabbed onto her head and furiously he began bucking into her. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!" grunting like a rutting pig as he rammed into her, tongue flopping and flicking around as he rode her hard from behind, her ass cheeks clapping and echoing against his hips.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" he grunted, more like a chant than a demand, her back arching as he railed her roughly from behind, pulling a long gravelly moan out of her throat as her bouncing ass cheeks clapped rapidly at his hips.

"Ugh! Guuuuugh! Cu-mming!" she grunted, shaking wildly as she squealed her climax. "Haaaaah!!"


"UUUGH!!" Leo rammed deep into her. Planting his cock into her body and unloaded into her again, keeping her upright as he ground into her from behind before ripping out of her quivering pussy and clapping his hand onto her ass HARD watching it wobble as she collapsed, dropping to her knees she face planted onto the table, moaning as Colt abruptly loomed up behind her, spread her, and rammed into her.

"Haaaah!! Ugh! ugh!" Colt pounded down into her, her body sliding across the table. "Ugh! Ngh!" her eyes rolling up into her head as a smile stretched across her lips, tongue lolling slovenly out of her mouth licking the table as he kept thrusting away into her… shaking in pleasure until he too slapped her ass hard and planted his cock into her body. "Haaaah…" gasping as cum oozed into her. His hands squeezing her ass cheeks like stress balls, it might not be The Best Ass in Gotham but it was still fantastic to play with…The Colt ripped his cock out of her… her thick backside wobbled in the air like a bitch in heat… before finally her legs gave out and she flumped to the floor with a crash. The last thing she remembered seeing was the twins concernedly looking down on her.

Time: 5:12 PM. Time Remaining: 14 hours and 48 minutes.

"Ugh… Ngh!" She woke up face down in a pillow. She slowly pushed on the mattress and peeled herself off the bed. "Nnhg." She pushed and flopped onto her back, this bed was AMAZINGLY soft… and the sheets felt amazing on her sensitive skin. "…Oh fuck…" she shuddered, pushing herself off the end of the bed. Her feet touched the floor and she stood up… she looked around. It was a nice room… more like an apartment really. "Oh FUCK." She hissed as she put weight on her legs, they still felt like jelly. "Oh fuck how long was I out?" she moaned, wobbling away from the bed and noticing a clock. "…Shit."

It was a little after four. She didn't know how long those twins fucked her for, at least a movie and a half, but she felt like she just jogged around Gotham with Ronnie-Bell on her shoulders. Everything was sore… and she was STILL naked. She glanced around to a nearby closet and, expecting to find a robe or something, she opened it up. There weren't really any robes… buuuut there was something mildly better.

She soon walked out of the apartment wearing one of Alexa's spare outfits, like a proper sex maid. It was a bit loose around the chest and waist but tying the apron strings helped. She then went looking for the twins again, at least the wobbling in her legs went away. "Boys?" she declared to the house once more… though to be honest she was starting to believe that maybe keeping her mouth shut was a good idea.

…There was a time not long ago when Felix, her boyfriend, tied her down and just fucked her until she passed out. He didn't realize it until about an hour later… it was GREAT but she ended up walking funny for a while. This was similar in circumstance, only she had to deal with two insatiable twins instead of one visually challenged boyfriend…

However the 'insatiable' part was debatable at the moment. That's twice she's been fucked to satisfaction and then just left alone to recover. She'll be a little honest with herself, she expected to be just used like an expensive sex doll. Hell, she ENCOURAGED such behavior normally. The way Alexa described her daily life it was a non-stop fuck session… while it's been fun so far it's not what she had expected.

She passed by the room with the big TV and there were no twins, well it was getting late maybe they were expecting her to cook dinner? That's something a Sex Maid might do. So she tried to find the kitchen, she imagined it wouldn't be that hard… then she found the dining room and by proxy the twins.

The two sat side by side with large bowls of ramen in front of them, their eyes flicked up to her as the slurped in noodles in stereo. Before raising their free hands and waving. "Hey." They said, also in stereo but Leo then added.

"You look good in that."

"Yeah like a proper Sex Maid." Colt joined in before they went back to slurping ramen.

"I couldn't find my clothes." She said, before strutting around the tables to look at them. "…Funny I thought I'd be making you dinner. Or you'd be ordering food from Superbabes."

They finished slurping their ramen loudly, before they looked at each other, then at her. "We could've done that?"

She wasn't entirely sure, but she imagined that Orders would not have minded the opportunity for extra cash. "I guess now we'll never know." She declared airily, fully aware that they'd probably try next time. "Still I'm surprised you made your own dinner."

"Oh Alexa made this for us." Colt said, pointing to his nearly empty Ramen bowl with his chopsticks.

"Yeah, she pre-made lots of meals because we tend to prefer fucking her to letting her do her duties." Leo replied with great pride.

"Alexa's the best." Colt added and his brother nodded agreeingly

Daphne the Sex Maid sighed loudly, before taking a seat at the table. Resting an elbow on it she leaned on her hand and watched the boys eat in silence, before finally she said rather disappointedly. "You know boys. I expected more…" she said as they stopped and stared at her, slurping up another mouthful.

"More what?"

"More sex." She said, "Alexa said you two are insatiable." They grinned proudly, apparently, they considered anything Alexa said about them high praise regardless of the meaning. "I'm not afraid to tell you that I'm not getting the same feeling." She added airily as they frowned.

"YEAH. Because you're not Alexa." Colt said as if this was obvious.

"Alexa's a normal hottie that we get to fuck a lot." Leo noted. "It's completely different."

"Yeah. You're a professional." Colt said, pointing at Daphne the Sex Maid. "Fucking you is fun but it's not the same."

"You're not Alexa." Leo repeated his brother's statement and they both nodded as if this made total sense. Daphne the Sex Maid however scowled at them. So… what? These two dimwitted, sex-crazed, nepo-babies have been holding back on her? She continued to glare at them before standing up, and grabbing the hem of her borrowed Sex Maid uniform she raised the skirt, showing them her silky pussy.

"Fuck me like you own me." She declared bluntly as they stared at her. Leo was mid slurp and his noodles dripped out of his mouth back into his bowl. "Use my body." she held up the front of the dress with one hand and began rubbing her pussy with the other, thrusting her hips towards them as she moaned whorishly. "Do not stop fucking me until your balls are so empty you can't have sex for a week…" she licked her lips, moaning as she spread her dripping slit. "I want to be a fuck doll." She rolled her head on her neck, gazing at the ceiling as she focused on masturbating. "I want to be a cum-dump. I want to be nothing more than an object used for sex. Pin me down and fuck me."

The twins blinked at her as she continued to whorishly display her debaucherous urges. Finally, Colt slapped his chopsticks on the table and stood up, he grabbed her waist and threw her onto the table. "Ah…" he slapped her hand away from her pussy, before dropping his pants and sliding his cock into her. "Ah! YES… I only feel truly alive when I'm being USED." She hissed the words into his face as he kept thrusting into her. "Ugh! Ah…" gazing sultrily at him as she leaned back, "Fuck me. Fuck me…" her legs wrapped around his legs, "Don't stop! Just fuck! AH! Ah!!" his hands grabbed at her face, "YES!! YES!" she gasped, clenching down around his cock as it plunged in and out, "Aha! Ahh!! Don't! Stop! Fucking! MEeeee!! AH!?" her wrists were grabbed from behind and she flopped onto the table. Leo held them over the other side of the table. "Ah-AH-mgmgh!"

"She's not a Very good Sex Maid." Leo said stonily as he slid into her throat, thrusting at her face as Colt continued to please her pussy.

"She keeps giving us orders." Colt added, his brother grabbing onto Daphne the Not-Very-Good Sex Maid's tits as her hands reached around and gripped his ass tightly, pulling him into her throat.

"I guess we're just going to have to train her properly." Leo noted, her body eagerly slurping on their cocks above and below as they rammed them hard into her.

"MMGH! Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!!" she shivered in orgasm, her toes curling as she squeezed around Colt's waist. The twins pushing into her simultaneously, as if they were trying to swordfight through her body. "MMGh!! AH!!" howled her orgasm as Leo ripped out of her mouth and smacked her in the face with his rock-hard cock. Colt pinned her down by her tits and RAMMING rigorously into her body until she screamed again. Her legs finally loosened as he pulled out of her. "Haaah…" she shivered on the table as they began grabbing and squeezing at her.

They hauled her upright, then shoved her off the table. "Aah…" she wobbled on her feet, then Colt smacked her ass. "NGh!"

"Bedroom, now." He ordered as she turned and walked out of the dining room the twins close behind.

"We tell you what to do." Leo added as he spanked her as well, she yelped excitedly as they shoved her along with ass spanks, pushing her back into the apartment and stripping her down. Leaving the Sex Maid uniform on the floor as he shoved her onto the soft bed. She lay flat on her back, watching Leo as he climbed over her, spreading her legs and thrusting into her pussy. "Ah! Ugh!!" her mouth hanging open as he bounced wildly off her body, plunging deep into her pussy over and over as she squealed in pleasure. "Ah! Ah! Ah YES!"

He buried his cock abruptly into her pussy, feeling her spasming around it before ripping out, leaving her writhing erotically on the bed before he rolled off her, his brother soon taking his place, she shrieked as he abruptly slammed into her. "Ah! AH! SHIT!!!" her eyes rolling happily up into her head as he made her body jiggle and bounce. "Haaah!!" he buried his cock into her shuddering body, before grabbing her hips and rolling her onto her left side, "Yes. YES!" she hissed realizing that Leo was shuffling behind her. "Fuck me ass. FUCK MY ASS!!!" they lifted her right leg together as Leo thrust up into her ass. "Oh! SHIT! FUCK IT!!" he hooked his arm around her head, "UUGH!!" ramming into her beautiful black ass, her body jiggling and wobbling as they slammed into her together. "AH! Ah! Aha!!"

"Louder! Louder!" Colt ordered mirthlessly.

"YEAH! Alexa's got a way better squeal!"

"AAH! AAAH!!" Daphne the Sex Maid howled in pleasure as ordered. "Aah! YES! FUCKING FILL ME!!!" she squealed as they buried their lengths into her. "Oh fuck YES! Fill me! Fill me UP!! Aaah!!!" she gasped as they started bucking into her again, "OH! Oh!! MMGH!!" then abruptly stopped, ripping out of her as they leaped away from her body, "Ha…" she shivered, face down on the mattress. "NNGh!!"

Colt and Leo drummed an alternating tune on her thick ass cheeks, her body reacting appropriately for her by shaking in pleasure. Before a pair of hands firmly gripped her ass cheeks and spread her, "AAAH!!" howling as Colt rammed up her tight little butt, pounding into her briefly. "Ugh! Nngh!!" he buried his cock into her butt before grabbing her waist and rolling her over. Laying on top of him he spread her legs by hooking his arms under her thighs. "Ngh! Aah!!" he thrust his hips wildly up into her body, bouncing her on top of him as Leo soon loomed over her. "Yes-yes-yes…" she hissed madly as he grabbed her head and lifted her, forcing her to watch him slid back into her pussy. "This is what I'm FOR! OH! SHIT!!" he rammed hard into her, jamming down into her pussy as her ass was stretched by his equally large brother. "This is what I'm FOR!!" her eyes rolling up into her head, her lips stretching madly with pleasure as the mercilessly fucked her. "OH GOD YES!! Ugh! Ugh!!" their cocks easily slipping in and out of her body as her insides clung to their shafts, stretching her snug holes as her toes curled and her hands clung to the mattress behind Colt's head. "Aaaaaah!!"

"You're not nearly as great as Alexa!" Leo declared, making her squeal delightedly.

"She's a way better Sex Maid than you!" Colt added, and they roared together slamming into her body and leaving another thick cum deposit.

"Degrade me. DEGRADE ME…" Leo ripped out of her pussy, cum still dripping from his tip. "Use me more…" she begged as Colt threw her off him, laying face down on the bed her holes oozing semen as they cracked and smacked her ass. "Ah! NGh! MMGh!!" she writhed and squirmed but she didn't move, shaking her ass and begging for more as they kept spanking her. "Ah… Ngh!!" her back aching as she came again. "UGH!!" suddenly she was yanked up onto her knees, Leo grabbing her wrists and yanking her back as he shoved himself up her ass. "Ahh! Haa…" gazing blankly at the wall her breasts swinging freely up and down as she drooled smiling almost lovingly at a sour-looking Colt as he shuffled in front of her. "Fuck me." She breathed longingly as he pushed her upright and rammed into her pussy. "Haah!!"

"You don't tell us what to do!" the twins said together, alternating in and out of her slippery holes before they BODYSLAMMED her onto the bed. Colt beneath her, Leo on top of her, and both of them ramming away. Leo threw her limp arms aside and grabbed her thick haired head again, yanking it back as her moans of pleasure became incoherent pig-like grunts. "Ugh! Aack… ugh!!!"

Nothing more than a jellied mess of spasming nerves and jiggling flesh, the twins relentless assault on her body echoing wetly around the room as she drifted in and out on consciousness. Leo squeezed her tits and Colt fondled her ass, pulling and pushing her back and onto each other. "I!" she gasped, "Love! Being! A! FUCK! TOY!!!" she declared unashamed as she went limp. "Haaaah…" their fucking didn't stop despite her state un unresponsiveness. Pressing their hips against her, and hissing together like steam being ventilated. She smiled brokenly at Colt, gazing into nothing as cum flooded into her holes once again…

Leo ripped out of her ass and swung his hand hard against her beautiful backside, she cooed as Colt did the same, cracking his hand on it before shoving her off and tossing her onto her back. She gaped at the ceiling, almost corpselike if not for her steady but raspy breathing. Leo and Colt gazed down at her placidly, although they couldn't head their increasingly heavy breaths… they were tired, but they weren't stopping. Leo crawled over her, and rammed his cock into her pussy to little response, Colt slapped her lips with his length and slid into her mouth as she moaned brokenly…

But they didn't stop. Pumping into her body, emptying their balls over and over they continued to fuck. On her back, on her belly, sliding in and out of all her holes. Spit-roasting her, riding her, pounding her, jerking her head up and down their cocks… they gave her exactly what she wanted. To be used…

After hours of relentless back and forth fucking, they lay her on her side once again, Leo and Colt sheathing their sore and nearly unusable cocks into her holes and double penetrating her once last time before burying their cocks deep into her well-used holes and leaving a thick final load, wrapping their arms around her and squeezing tightly. Keeping her plugged up with dick and tightly bound between them…

Her well-used body keeping their cocks nice and warm. Like any good Sex Maid.

Time: 6:54 AM. Remaining Time: 1 hour and 6 minutes.

She felt… Fucking AWESOME. Daphne the Sex Maid felt absolutely amazing. Despite being sticky, sweaty, and gross she felt better than she had in a long time. So good in fact that the first words out of her mouth when she awoke was-

"Mmmmn…" unable to form words after a night of positively raucous debauchery. The Twins Leo and Colt were still balls deep in her body using, her voluptuous Sex Maid body as a body pillow. Their arms and legs entwined like tangled tentacles as she shuddered and struggled to move… not caring if she woke them up.

"Alexa it's to early." Mumbled Leo/Colt

"Don't make us fuck you back to sleep…" Colt/Leo mumbled dazedly, to be honest, she no longer had an idea of who was who… not that she knew in the first place, but after last night her mental nametags were thoroughly ripped off.

But her holes trembled around their throbbing cocks as she cooed excitedly, "But what if I want you too?" she purred playfully only to gasp as they rolled her onto the twin in her ass. "Aha! Ah!!" her arms pinned at her side she was helpless as they just started jackhammering into her body. "Ah! Ugh!!"

Squelching, sloppy wet slurps echoed from their connections as cum and pussy juice spilled everywhere. "Bad Sex Maid." Colt/Leo grumbled sleepily, buried in her tits.

"Don't make a mess." Leo/Colt ordered as she gasped.

"Ah! AH! AH!!" their morning wood fucking almost callously dismissive of her as they continued their morning workout by working out her holes again. "Oh shit! Oh SHIT! OH SHIT!!"

"Cumming already?" Colt/Leo mumbled.

"Such a good Sex Maid…" Leo/Colt sleepily yawned.

"Cumming! I'm CUMMING…" hissed Daphne the Sex Maid as the twins kept thrusting, then finally planted their cocks deep into her body. Throbbing and bulging as they pumped hot cream into her again. "OH GOD!" hissed Daphne, "I LOVE IT…" clenching her teeth and riding her orgasm hard, squirming and spasming in the twins' grip as they finally woke up.

"Oh right." Leo/Colt mumbled, pulling out of her.

"Alexa's not here." Colt/Leo added as together they shoved her aside onto the bed.

"Haa… haaah…" she smiled fondly, but the twins abruptly grabbed her by the wrist each and yanked her off the bed, practically and almost literally dragging her along. She stumbled behind them and just when she was wondering what they were doing they threw her into a large shower stall. "Ah!" she gasped, the cold tiles rubbing her nipples as one of the twins turned the shower on and the other started wildly fucking her ass. Her voice undulating as he jackhammered against her wobbling ass cheeks and made her voice undulate wildly. "HAaa-aha-aaaaaah!!" One hand grabbed onto her hair, yanking her head back as the other smacked her right ass cheek over and over. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahh!!!"

Standing on her tip-toes he pinned her to the wall with her hips and shot his cum up her ass almost dismissively. The hot water sprayed their bodies as he smacked her right ass cheek again and pulled out, only for the other twin to have his turn. Going right up her ass, "AAAAH!!" gasping happily and licking the wall in dazed lust as he grabbed her hair and started smacking her left ass cheek over and over, wildly thrusting into her from behind. She clawed the wall, howling until she was hoarse and his hand sunk into her ass cheek as he smacked it, pumping her booty full of cum before ripping cruelly out of her gasping hole. She dropped to her knees, cum oozing out of her gaping ass, she managed just a second to catch her breath as she was yanked from the wall and onto her knees.

"Clean our dicks up." They said, standing on either side of her as she opened her mouth and licked their cocks sloppily, cupping a hand each onto their asses, pulling them into her throat as she bobbed up and down on them.

"Gluck. Gluck. Ah…" switching back and forth, "Mmgh! GLUCK…" their hands resting on her head and moving her back and forth on their cocks.

"Ugh! nGh…" Leo/Colt held her head on his tip, cum spraying out into her mouth as Colt/Leo yanked her off.

"MGgh!" cum shooting from Leo/Colt's tip onto her face and chest before she got another mouthful of Twin cream. "Mmn… mgh!" she swallow, "AH…." And showed it to them, still stroking their flaccid cocks as they rinsed off. Getting out of the shower and leaving her there on her knees… "Haa…" sighing loudly she flopped against the tiles. "At least I got breakfast…" she groaned with a smirk, her ass still leaking cum.

When she finally got out of the shower her time was almost up and she finally got her clothes back. She had put them on, and headed into the main hall to find the Twins there waiting for her in Red and Blue trunks. "Morning Exercises huh boys? Well it's been fun but I-AH!" she was abruptly grabbed by the hair and dragged onto her knees, "Hey-MGMh!" Blue Trunks immediately yanked down his trunks and started fucking her face, thrusting in and out as she reached out to grab his hips but he kept thrusting.

"Suck my dick before you go." He moaned contentedly, dominating her as she moaned around his thrusting cock, no longer resisting him as the door opened.

"…I'm home." Declared Alexa the Sex Maid in non-maid clothes. "And-seriously?" she sighed seeing Daphne the no-longer-a Sex Maid on her knees giving sloppy head. "Boys you were supposed to get this out of your system-AH!?" she was then grabbed by Red Trunks, dragging her onto her knees beside Daphne the Former Sex Maid. "Mmgh! Mgh! Mgh!!" sloppily sucking dick just like her temporary replacement as the twins bucked their hips into their faces.

"I'm cumming! Drink it!" declared Blue Trunks giving Daphne a farewell feeding.

"MGh!" Daphne moaned balls deep on his cock as he pumped his load into her throat, Alexa's head still a blur beside her as Red Trunks moaned happily.

"I missed this mouth! Ahh…" he sighed, both hands on the back of Alexa the Sex Maid's head and holding her balls deep as she whimpered, thick cream pumping directly into her stomach as he finished.

"Mmgh-aah!" the two former and current Sex Maids gasped as they were released, Alexa looking far more dazed then Daphne as the Superbabe slowly rose to her feet. The twins smacked her thick ass through her tight pants.

"Ah…" she shuddered as the twins then surrounded Alexa. "Mmgh…" Daphne got herself under control and licked her lips. "…If you ever want a temporary sex maid again. You know who to call…" she cooed as Blue Trunks abruptly slipped his cock into a moaning Alexa's throat… apparently he wanted the nostalgic feeling of his regular Sex Maid to suck him off.

"Bye!" he cheered, roughly swinging his hips towards the resignedly slurping Alexa's pretty face.

"Have a safe trip!" Red Trunks added they waved as she wobbled out of Harland manor and toward her car, sliding into the front seat… and sighing loudly. Wondering if she should go back and report to Orders or not…

…She felt like she was forgetting something. But it was hard to remember after having such a fun time. So she put her car in drive, and pulled out of Harland manor leaving it behind her as she returned to Gotham proper… maybe she'll drop by Felix's place and suck his cock? And if he wasn't home she'd go to his office and suck his cock there… she was in a particularly cheerful cock sucking mood.


She paused, then realizing it was her phone, she pulled it up to her ear. "Hello?"

"You get your smooth black bombax BACK to that manor and you get me my absurd amount of MONEY!" the raspy and gravelly sick voice of her boss suddenly came rushing back to her.

"Oh! I knew I forgot something." She noted innocently, as an increasingly irritated Orders snapped at her.

"How did you forget my money?!" she declared indignantly and crankily, "I'd have someone smack your ass with the Veronica paddle if I didn't think you'd enjoy it! You lazy, disrespectful, ungrateful-"

All the way back to the Manor. Orders barked, wheezed, and scolded her… but you know what? It might have been the all-day sexual domination Daphne just experienced… but a sick, demeaning, and demanding Orders was actually kind of doing it for her right now…

It must be that air of command… or she just always had a sexy voice. The twins seemed to think so.

