
Delivery Girl: White Rabbit Order #6

I don't own DC

Time Two weeks ago. Place: Coast City (Playdude Magazine Offices)

"Hah! Ahhh! Ahh! Aah OOoh!! SUGOI!!!" the beautiful Japanese woman howled into the camera, screaming in Japanese as two 'magnum' actors plowed in and out of her ass and pussy with abandon, her big natural breasts rubbing on the muscular chest beneath her, bouncing and jiggling as she was rigorously violated by the two black men.

"Mr. Rubble?"

"Yeah?" the man replied, still watching the JAV openly as a young man entered his office and watched him in silence for a minute. He sighed audibly and paused the JAV he was watching on his big screen TV.

"I'm afraid we've had some girls pull out of next month's shoot." Mr. Rubble loudly groaned.

"WHY?" he got off his couch, leaving the JAV on pause. "Did we have a scandal I'm not aware of Hughie?"

"No sir." Hughie replied. "One had a medical emergency. One stopped answering our calls and hasn't returned a signed contract, and… one's been arrested."

Mr. Rubble stared at him, "…What medical emergency?"

"One of her implants burst." Hughie replied as he sighed, he knew who that was then, and since her breasts were why they asked her for a shoot in the first place that ruled her out.

"And the arrested one? Can we bail her out?"

"Well she was arrested after posting a racist tirade online and then shouting it-"

"Well while that's shitty behavior, it's not necessarily a-"

"-while trying to burn down a church." Hughie finished in disgust

Mr. Rubble slapped his face and groaned loudly into his hand. "Seriously…? We need this shoot Hughie."

"I know sir."

"We have to pay for damages thanks to-"

"Don't say his name sir!" Hughie shouted as Mr. Rubble groaned and looked out his office window at the night lights of Coast City. "You know what that does…"

"It racks up our construction costs! That's what it does." He rubbed his face, "We need a big name here Hughie tell me you have a solution."

"Unfortunately sir I don't…" Mr. Rubble groaned angrily. "Sorry sir, The best we can do is ask one of our other fine ladies too-"

"Next month is supposed to be new blood Hughie. It's specifically for girls we've never shot before!" he stared at the paused screen with the attractive Japanese woman writhing in ecstasy. "…You know I've been watching these Japanese Porn Vids lately." He said, pointing at her and her ample chest… on his big screen they were about as big as he was. "See this Hughie? They're amazing!" clearly gesturing to the tits rather than the quality of the film.

"…They are sir." Hughie replied, looking curiously at the TV… a look of curious pondering on his features.

"This one in particular." Mr. Rubble added, "Joy Toy. Or 'Joy the Toy' I've heard her called here in the states…" That pondering look on Hughie's face suddenly had a flash on recognition. "I wish we could have a shoot with her." He scowled, "But I've been researching her. She's retired and practically dropped off the map."

"She has?" replied Hughie surprised while lifting up his Upad and quickly tapping on the screen, running a few searches.

"If we just had a popular girl like her making a comeback in our rag-"

"SIR!" shouted Hughie as Mr. Rubble jumped while sitting on his couch.

"Hughie!? What is it?" and his assistant approached him, showing him the UPad.

"Sir. Listen. Do you remember Pip?"

"…That Gotham porn director with the hot porn girlfriend?" he said, looking vaguely confused, and clearly more interested in Pip's girlfriend. "…I remember he did some location shoots for us and-" he paused, clearing his throat. "…Mr. S.L.A.D.E" he added slowly.

"Well, sir." Hughie replied, "He's ALSO done some amateur filming… 'some in the know' stuff." He showed Mr. Rubble a particular website.

"…Superbabes? That franchise?" he frowned, "…Didn't it close down?"

"The Coast City locations did sir, yes, but it's…" he shook his head. "Well… just LOOK." He poked the screen, shifting through the website towards the 'featured girls' page. "Look familiar sir?"

Harry Rubble Jr. has been in the flesh business for many a year. And he knew women not just by their faces but by their curves, their shapes… MAINLY their tits and he glanced between his TV to the Upad over and over as a devious smile stretched across his face. Recognizing 'THEM' instantly. "…That's Joy Toy." he said, pointing to the picture of White Rabbit

"Indeed sir." Smirked Hughie as Mr. Rubble Tapped his chin.

"…We're going to Gotham Hughie." He declared as Hughie coughed slightly.

"G-Gotham? Sir?" Hughie said nervously… it was GOTHAM. Who goes to Gotham, Criminal Captial of the World, willingly?

"LOOK at these girls!" he declared, showing Hughie the Upad and the 'generous' selection of babes. "Not Just Joy Toy but each of these girls are Prime grade MEAT." He said, hungrily, even licking his lips. "We're going for her but if we can snatch up a few of these snatches that's going to cover us for a year!" he shoved the Upad back into Hughie's grip. "Let's go Hughie. We have contracts to write up!"

"Y-Yes sir…" Hughie Mumbled, eyeing White Rabbit on his Upad, almost apologetically… but he was ALSO interested in the other Superbabes, who wouldn't be?

Two Weeks later.

"Hey YOU…" grinned White Rabbit as she wrapped her arms around Mike Conroy's shoulders and kissed his cheek from behind, before setting her shapely cotton tail on his table. "You should've told me you were coming! I would've given you a seat of honor in the lounge."

Mike coughed and shook his head shyly. "Yeah, no. Not after last time, thanks."

'Last time' involved, Lucy, Mel, a Parrot (don't ask), and two feather dusters… though eating on the restaurant floor and getting attention from White Rabbit directly… well he was getting pretty powerful death glares from some die-hard White Rabbit fanboys and now he was wondering if that offer of a 'seat of honor' was a better idea?

…No, Death Glares were easier to deal with on the floor than the beautiful 'horrors' of the lounge.

"You still should've told me you were coming." She noted, "What can I get you then handsome? Platinum Pizza? Extra Pepperoni?"

"It's like you read my mind." He smiled as she chuckled, writing it down and winking at him before lightly brushing his chin, which was sporting some many 5 o'clock shadow.

"I did… and we shouldn't do that in public." She purred playfully. Mike under his breath at her joke, and then he watched her cotton tail head towards the kitchen to drop off his order. When he realized he wasn't the only one watching that cotton tail…

I mean. It was Superbabes so everyone was watching someone. But the two men at the booth closest to the lounge were eyeing her differently. Mike didn't know how he knew, call it protective boyfriend intuition. But the way they were looking at her was less lecherous and more predatory… at least one of them.

One was a youngish man about his age, blonde, neat, smart-looking, dressed in a business suit. He was trying not to look at all the other girls, but Mike could tell he was, and happily enjoying the sights. Though he quickly returned his attention to either the other man or to White Rabbit. And the other man looked scummy, like creepy businessman scummy with his blonde hair in a 100-dollar haircut with a widow's peak and lightly tanned skin. He had a slight sneer on his face even when smiling. Like he should be smoking a cigar but Orders doesn't allow smoking inside Superbabes… But they were definitely suspicious because even when (B) Vixen and her magnificently distracting ass wiggled up to them to take their orders all they asked for was coffee… You don't JUST order coffee in Superbabes… You're trying to 'impress' or appeal to the girls by tipping big or ordering their meals… If you're here to JUST order coffee there's something wrong with you or you're up to something. And they looked to be up to something as the older man had a smug look about him as his eyes lingered on White Rabbit. Though he was focusing on her, he also studiously gave the other girls a casual glance… he acted like a man who was sizing up valuable real estate.

Mike scratched his gut and shook his head, he was being weird. He should be weird… not at his out-of-his-league hot girlfriend's place of work. He'll come off as creepy and weird, and as he turned his attention back to White Rabbit, wiggling, jiggling, and giggling in her corset, he smiled sheepishly at her as she waved cutely back…

But then the older man 'politely' reached out and tapped her arm… since it wasn't one of her softer parts she clearly gave him a pass… trying to touch anything else without permission though will lead to an introduction to one of the MANY enforcers employed at Superbabes. Not limited to Silver Banshee, Big Barda, or Giganta… Divine was practically a mixed-martial artist and Platinum was… Platinum, which made her surprisingly dangerous.

Mike couldn't hear the conversation White Rabbit was having with the two men at the table… but he could tell she wasn't enjoying it. Barely ten seconds in, White Rabbit's pretty smile turned to an annoyed scowl… which while still attractive, was clearly meant to mean she was quickly done with the conversation. She tried to walk away, but the older man grabbed her wrist and produced a card, a swamy smile on his half-sneering smoker face.

White Rabbit snatched the card, eyed it over with an angry glance, then suddenly marched into the lounge. The two men looked somewhat confused, but then the stern voice of the Purple-eyed boss managed to cut through the flirting, giggling, and chattering of the crowded Superbabes.


Immediately, the big sexy wall of red-headed muscle walked through the lounge doorway with a warm friendly smile on her gorgeous face and she approached the two men at the table with a sultry sway in her hips. They gazed in AWE up at her… while they could. Because her hands promptly grabbed their faces and easily heaved them from the booth. Pulling them into the lounge, dragging them behind her as they feebly struggled and squirmed in her unbreakable grip on their faces. Mike stared confused at the sight, not even realizing that Black Canary dropped off his Pizza, but seconds after the men vanished White Rabbit returned to the floor with her pretty smile returned to her masked face and headed right towards his table.

"Hey! So. Where were we?"

"What was that about?" Mike asked surprised, it wasn't often he ate in Superbabes so he might not be entirely privy to the shenanigans that often occurred on the floor. Most of the other regulars were used to it and well aware that, while extraordinarily pretty, the girls were not to be messed with.

"Oh, that?" she said, scowling, "Don't worry about it. Assholes are going to asshole." But then quickly smiled again, stealing an empty seat from another table and setting it beside him. "So. Tell me how your day went. Sell any comics?"

Mike just smiled and shook his head as she took part of his pizza and took a bite. "I sold a lot of comics… come on. What was that about?" he asked as White Rabbit frowned with cheesy lips.

"Fine if you really MUST know-"


"We're from Playdude Magazine…" squeaked Hughie as Giganta held him and Mr. Harry Rubble Jr. by the shoulders down on the floor, kneeling before Orders' counter as she glared angrily down at them, spinning the business card deftly between her fingers. Her purple eyes coldly stared at them, "And we wished to hire Miss Joy Toy for a photo shoot."

"Listen doll we-Ow! OW!!" he groaned as Giganta squeezed Mr. Rubble's shoulder. "DAMN girl!?" he snapped up at her, "What are they feeding you?!"

"A steady supply of idiots Hon." She replied with ominous charm.

"…I love that accent, you ever think about taking your clothes off for-" WHAP! "Ah?" a plush doll bounced off his face. Naturally thrown by Orders. "Damn it! What the hell is wrong with you chicks?!"

"We don't like people coming in here and trying to scout my girls." Orders noted, which was an obvious lie because she's Orders and she knew these men were not here to 'scout' so to speak, but to recruit her girls for a photoshoot. Normally she'd be okay with that as long as the girls (and herself obviously) got a fair cut… but they were here specifically to recruit someone who would rather not be back in the spotlight.

As far as White Rabbit was concerned 'Joy Toy' was no longer on the market. She bleached her hair, moved away from Japan, went to fucking GOTHAM… Sure, she showed up as 'Joy the Toy' during a few premium content filmed videos but she was never on screen as Joy Toy. She was White Rabbit. She will REMAIN White Rabbit. The Joy Toy Moniker was happily retired even if the woman known as White Rabbit has not… barring any bedroom escapades between her and her husky lover.

"Alright… ALRIGHT!" Mr. Rubble tried to shake off Giganta and failed. But Orders gave her a nod and she easily hauled the two up to their feet with one firm yank before finally letting go. "…Look here. I'm-"

"Harry Marston Rubble Junior." Orders growled quietly, glaring at him with her purple eyes. "Owner of Playdude magazine and its various related projects. That's your son and assistant. Hugo Lawrence Rubble." Both Rubbles looked at her in a mixture of awe and concern.

"How do you know that?" Hughie asked concerned, "Not even our shareholders know that!" the relationship between Hughie and his father was a secret that nobody in the family wanted to share. Hughie even went by 'Hughie Lawrence' in the office.

"I know things that would make your toes CURL boy…" she replied, glaring at him. "Shut up." She added as Hughie clamped up, but not after a-

"You're barely older than I am…"

"The woman known as JAV starlet 'Joy Toy' does not work here." Orders replied as Senior Rubble scoffed.

"I know my tits girl. And that pretty bunny is Joy Toy." He pointed back onto the floor, "Just like I know that your 'Huntress' and that ebony Catwoman is Heather Hottie and Bonnie Brownie." He brushed down his smoker's jacket and adjusted himself. "Look every doll has a price." Orders' purple eyes twitched. "All we got to do is negotiate on that… Now we're going to negotiate. I can do that in public… Loudly." He said, letting the implication of him outing White Rabbit as Joy Toy obvious. "Or we can do that in private."

"You will do no such thing without her manager present."

"Her manager?" Hughie asked as Orders' Purple eyes flashed onto him and he cleared his throat, suddenly feeling very unnerved, and then realizing what SHE was saying. "…Oh…"

"Oh?" Harry looked at his secret son who gestured to Orders.

"…She is her manager." He clarified to his father.

"Bullshit." Harry said annoyed. "She's just some restaurant manager…" he frowned, "I see the connection but that's just stupid."

"You are not helping your case." She said factually, "Giganta. Out." She ordered, tilting her head towards the backdoor.

"Wha-Hey!?" Harry was easily grabbed and dragged to the backdoor and bodily hurled out into the parking lot. "Arggh!" the door slammed behind him as Hughie blinked at the towering Giganta.

"W-wait a second! You can't do that."

"This is private property." Replied Orders, "This is also fucking Gotham you'd be surprised what I could do to him." The phone then rang. "Hold on a moment please." She said dismissively. Leaving Hughie VERY nervous even as his father banged angrily on the backdoor shouting obscenities and indignations. "SUperbabes, we deliver."

Back with White Rabbit and an increasingly uncomfortable Mike

It wasn't rare for a Babe to give a guy special attention, even sitting and eating with them. But somehow the rest of White Rabbit's fans could tell that there was something SPECIAL about the fat guy eating pizza with the lovely lagomorph-themed girl… so the death glares Mike was getting were strong.

"So I told Huntress that she should really consider buying new clubs." White Rabbit and Mike laughed at her anecdote, minutes before.

"Vixen! You got one. White Rabbit. Come here." White Rabbit sighed, as Vixen reported into the back ahead of her. "…Well, it looks like I need to get back to work. See you when I get off duty?" she whispered sultrily as Mike could only smile and drink his Dr. Popper.

"I mean I can't stop you." He replied happily as she flicked his chin with a smile and coyly walked away before scowling and walking into the lounge again. Super Girl (I) coming over to help him with his check.

"Yes?" White Rabbit replied, crossing her arms under her chest as Vixen grabbed the food and began walking to the back door, shooting Hughie her sexy trademarked-

"Hey Baby." With a wink at him, she opened the back door allowing Harry to stumble in. She easily side-stepped him and he tumbled into the lounge. She was informed to dodge before she headed out the back to the company car.

"You-!" upon seeing an annoyed White Rabbit he straightened himself up. "Ah. Joy Toy. I'm sure we can-"

"FUCK OFF." White Rabbit replied, scowling angrily. "I'm not interested." Making Harry frown instantly in annoyance but Hughie tried to interrupt his secret father's oncoming tirade.

"Uh, sir-?"

"Oh come on! Just a few shots! A few nudes, it's nothing you haven't done before it's actually less! Because you aren't getting fucked afterward."

"Says you." White Rabbit replied but Orders held up a hesitant hand, which made her stop the oncoming snark she had building up for the asshole ruining her mood and her good time.

"Well what we do after is between us and my bedroom-"


"MMGH!?" a huge hand covered Harry's big mouth and Giganta wrapped her other arm around him and squeezed his arms to his side, silencing him as Orders said crisply.

"…We came to an agreement." She replied, "You will not be taking pictures of Joy Toy… You will be taking pictures of White Rabbit. Among some of our other girls once I ask them…" she replied.

"It's better this way sir." Replied Hughie uncertainly… "…Trust me."

Orders was terrifying…

"Seriously? I don't want to." White Rabbit replied, but Orders waved it off.

"It's just a few shots, plus the amount they're paying you is absurd."

"MMGMH?!" Harry replied in response but White Rabbit snarked back.

"You mean they're paying you?"

"I only get an 8 percent commission." She replied professionally. "You get a majority of it." Orders noted crisply, "I'll take care of everything. You know me."

White Rabbit sighed audibly… she COULD use the cash. "…FINE." She replied as Orders' eyes flickered. "…But I'm not doing it alone."

"Obviously." Orders snapped, "Hugo…" her eyes flickered as Hughie squirmed. "…Tell me what you NEED… also when you intend to get this done. I have to arrange the schedule…"

"Oh… well we need to get the shoot done by-"

A day later. Time: 4:00 AM. Place: Mike Conroy's Apartment.

"Come on we're going to be late!" Zatanna declared in full costume as Mike sighed loudly, fiddling with his car keys as Zatanna stood outside his bathroom, the door shut… which was probably weird as she was changing into her costume and Mike had obviously seen her naked before.

"I can't believe you agreed to this…" Mike sighed as Zatanna just smiled at him.

"Really? I can. Do you know how many Comics this shoot is going to buy me? I might even get you that GS5 for Christmas…" she then eyed him. "You know the girls almost had a KNIFE FIGHT to see who'd get to do this with J-White Rabbit." She said coyly, she smiled wistfully. It was to be made VERY CLEAR to Playdude that the girls would not be named. Just like in the restaurant they were Zatanna, White Rabbit, and whoever else won the knife fight.

"…It's going to be so weird seeing you in Playdude."

Zatanna eyed him with a catlike smile. "…You still look at Playdude?"

"…Not as much recently." He admitted as the reason for it opened the door, White Rabbit standing in his bathroom and throwing on a bathrobe… mostly for a small amount of decency while they headed to the studio that Playdude rented.

"Let's just go and get this over with alright? The fact that the mask doesn't come off is only helping so much…" she said, adjusting the pink mask to sit more comfortably on her beautiful face.

"If you didn't want to do it, why did you agree?" asked Mike, an odd feeling in the pit of his husky gut.

White Rabbit shrugged. "An absurd sum of cash? If I didn't Orders would get depressed for like a week. And I'd rather not deal with that…" which was mostly true, Orders would've sulked. She pinched his scruffy face with a smile, "Don't worry about it Mike."

"Yeah, all you got to do is worry about giving us a ride." Smirked Zatanna, putting on an overcoat and then spinning the top hat onto her head.

"…Why did I agree to this?" he mumbled but White Rabbit rested a hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. Then after a second, he grumbled. "I am so easily bribed…"

"Pizza and kisses do qualify as cheap." Replied Zatanna as all three of them left his apartment and headed down to his garage, getting into his car with Zatanna and White Rabbit, the latter of the two taking the passenger's seat next to her boyfriend.

It didn't take long to drive through Gotham. Mike's reliable jalopy pulled into a half-full parking lot where a couple of the masked Superbabes were absently talking outside. Red Lantern and Catwoman (II) were chatting animatedly with a middle-aged photographer judging by the camera around his neck.

"Okay… now to put on the finishing touches…" Zatanna said, putting on a domino mask and grinning at Mike. "Now that I've hidden my cheekbones nobody will recognize me!" she joked as Mike shook his head.

"You say that, but nobody's been able to figure out who the Robins have been… or Nightwing… or anyone who wears a domino mask." He noted as Zatanna rolled her eyes, patted his shoulder and got out of the car. "So want me to come and get you in an hour or… whenever you're done?"

White Rabbit opened her mouth but hesitated, then smiled. "Why not just come in?"

"What? No… it'll be weird." He said… though he couldn't really SAY he didn't want to. He was only human.

"Nah. Come on… by my emotional support…" she cooed, leaning over with her glossy pink lips and rubbing his thigh. "I can 'bribe' you to come inside me you know…"

Mike opened his mouth, closed it, frowned, then opened it again. "Don't you mean with you?"

"Sure." She replied. "…Come on it'll be fine no point in leaving and coming back later. Besides, I want you here for emotional support." Mike thought about that for a second then sighed.

"…Not like I can say no."

"That's the spirit." She replied, kissing his cheek again before quickly slipping out of the car. Mike shrugged and got out of the car. Following White Rabbit and Zatanna into the rather large building, led through a hallway until the younger guy who got his face grabbed by Giganta yesterday walked out of a nearby room.

"Good. Jo-White Rabbit." Hughie cleared his throat. "Now that you're here we can... begin?…" he looked at Mike. "…Hello. Who are you?"

"My boyfriend." White Rabbit declared bluntly, before Mike could answer. "He's going to hang around for a bit. Since I won't be long" she declared crisply.

"…Ah…" Hughie replied, "Well. Alright then. Fine. This way please." He said, leading them along before stopping at a door and opening it. "If you like you can wait in here." He said the room contained a few couches, a TV and-

"Oh sweet Pizza." Mike entered, opened one of the stacks of pizza boxers and grabbed a slice, dropping onto the couch. He was just about to bit into it only to see his girlfriend and best friend smiling exasperatedly at him. "…Uh… Faux Pas?" he asked hesitantly as White Rabbit giggled.

"I'll be right back Mike enjoy yourself." She said, shutting the door and leaving Mike alone with his pizza and increasingly believing he made a mistake… he was seduced by pizza. He needed to apologize to his girlfriend when she got back… however, after another slice of Pizza he had time to think about it. And he SHOULD get off his ass and go support her by watching her take sexy pictures…

…That didn't sound as supportive as it should've been, but he got up from the couch. And steeled himself to get out there and watch sexy pictures get taken. However, he had gotten back to the door when- KNOCK KNOCK.


Time: 4:45 PM, Place: ZYX Photo Studio (Break room)

"Special Delivery Service" just as he opened the door. "Hey. Done." Declared White Rabbit, shoving him into the room and kicking the door shut behind her.

"Done?" Mike replied surprised as she locked the door with an echoing click. "How can you be done you were gone for 20 minutes." He paused, "…Wow I eat Pizza really slow." He mumbled but White Rabbit pushed him to the couch. "Uh, hey what are you-Mmgn." she slid onto his lap, and pushed her lips onto his and her tits on his chest. "…So I didn't fuck up?" he asked as she pulled away, chuckling.

"Nah… not after Orders dealt with that Harry guy last night…" she rubbed his chest, "With a dozen of the girls getting their pictures taken they didn't need me to do much." She licked her lips. "…So want to fool around in an expensive photo studio lounge?"

"…But… I… why?" Mike blinked at her confused as she sat upright, pushed her big breasts towards his face, and then shook them from side to side, making them jiggle distractingly.

"Watashi no ōkina mune de asobitaidesu ka?" she giggled "Dekkai otoko to asobitai" she hopped up and down on his lap, rubbing his erection through his shorts on her pink crotch "Kare ni watashi o osaetsukete, kare no ōkina gaikoku hito no penisu de watashi o ninshin sa sete hoshīdesu." She cooed.

"Stop! Okay!" he laughed blushing, "I get it… You know my Japanese is still like a first grader level right? A pervy first grader. You know I caught NONE of that…"

"It's not what I said…" she purred, rubbing his chest. "It's how I said it…" she kissed him, then slid off the couch, kneeling on the floor, and then unzipped his shorts. Her big, wobbling breasts had done their task, and with the added attention of her gyrating, she pulled his erection from his pants and wrapped her glossy pink lips around them. "Mmmn!" She lift a pink ring around his tip, before sliding him further into her mouth. "Mmgh. Mmmn…" bobbing slowly and attentively up and down his shaft as he rested a hand on her head. "Mmn! Mmn! Mmn!" smiling up at him as her pretty blue eyes twinkled mischievously. "Mmn!" she buried her face into his crotch, her glossy pink lips leaving a print around his shaft as she slurped her tongue along his length before sliding back up. "Ah… Sugoi…"

She let her tongue dance playfully on his shaft, stroking his length slowly with her hand as she gazed up at him. "Like Sucky-sucky?" she cooed in that 'Japanese girl speaking' in English voice that got him hooked on her old JAVs in the first place, and his twitching member was proof of how much he enjoyed it.

Even if he might not like the racy dialogue she tended to slip into. He shifted on the couch and stood up. "Mmgh!" putting his cock back into her mouth he held her head with one hand, pulling her up and down himself as she submitted easily to his control. Her hands resting on the floor as his shorts slipped off his body as he rocked back and forth into her mouth. "Mmn. Mmn. Mmn…" lovingly sucking and slurping as he pumped his hips on her face, and reached down with his other hand to squeeze her big tits hugged by her corset. "MMngh!"

Pulling out all her sexy JAV starlet techniques, she felt his pre-cum oozing on her tongue as her lips bounced off the base of his, easily deepthroating him over and over as he groaned warningly, pulling his cock slowly out of her mouth only for it to be trapped between her lips as she gazed up at him. "Mmgh!"

"Ugh! Uhg…" he groaned as he emptied his balls into her mouth, his cum spraying onto her tongue as she moaned loudly, tilting her head left and right, twisting her lips on his tip as her tongue flicked over his glans.

"Mmmn… Mmng-hmmn… AH!" she pulled off his length with a pop, opening her mouth and chewing his thick wad of cum. "Mmnhah. MMnhah!" she cooed softly as she churned it with her tongue, "MMn!" without looking away she closed her mouth and gulped it down all in one go, "Haaaah…" opening her mouth and extending her tongue to show off her empty gullet. "Sugoi…" she moaned happily, her eyes crossing slightly in an ahegao face, and holding up her hands in a peace sign as he groaned.

"Seriously?" she giggled coming out of her look and kissing his revitalized cock.

"It works doesn't it?" she cooed, wiggling her cotton tail on the floor as he groaned.

"That might say something more about me than it does you." He mumbled uncertainly. "…Porn stereotypes are strong."

"You should talk to Kathy about those. She's got some interesting theories" she noted, rubbing his cock on her masked face before he picked her up from the floor. "Oh!"

"Yeah I don't think that's going to help me that much." He grabbed her breasts, making her squeal affectionately as he played with her big breasts, manhandling them lightly before pushing her onto the couch, her hands on the back of it and her knees on the cushions, presenting her sexy ass to him as he clapped his hands on them. "Oh!" he peeled down her pink bottoms, just enough to expose her silky wet pussy before abruptly thrusting into her. "SHIT!"

"That didn't sound Japanese." He joked, before holding her waist and making her howl, and laugh.

"Fuuck! YOOOU-OOOH!!" White Rabbit squeaked adorably as he held her firmly by the waist and SLAMMED her into his thrusts. "Uhgh! Ugh! SHIT! Ugh! Ugh! Guh!" his hands reached under her and grabbing her big breasts, squeezing her chest through her corset as she gasped. "Oh Shit! Oh SHIT! I'm cumming! SHIT!" she bit into her couch, her body shaking wildly under his thrusts. "MMGH!! AH!" he hauled her easily from the couch, holding her upright and still thrusting into her from behind, "AH! AH! YES!! Don't stop! Don't stop! Make me cum again! OH SHIT!!"

Her breasts bounced free of her corset as he pounded her harder and harder, feeling her tightening body squeezing down on him as she tensed up. "AH! AH! AH!! MMMGNh!! MMNh-hmmn!!" she bit her bottom lip and shivered wildly, feeling him throbbing inside her as he pounded away from her body. "Ooooh...I forgive you…" she laughed jokingly as he pinched her nipples, "Mmngh…"

"You forgive me?"

"For eating pizza rather than watching me get photographed." She moaned, shaking as he pinched her nipples harder. "Ooh…"

"I was just cumming-"

"I can tell." She giggled, as he laughed and then pulled out of her, "AH!" he spun her around and threw her onto the center of the couch, he lifted her legs and pulled off the rest of her bottoms and she spread herself wide, holding up her arms to embrace him as he fell onto her. Putting his weight onto her, smothering her with his body as he pinned her down and plugged her up. "HAAAH! YES! YES! YES!!" she gasped as he slammed down into her over and over…

…Yeah… if it wasn't obvious she was something of a chubby chaser. And one of her favorite things to do with Mike was let him mating press the SHIT out of her. Something about his bulk pinning her down and having his way with her was just as big a turn on as him trying to pump her full of cum. "Yes! Yes! YES! COLONIZE ME! I WANT YOU GAIJIN BABIES! MMGH!?" he then covered her mouth, hissing softly in her ear.

"Okay. That's enough race play for now." He noted, his confused boner still raging inside her. But then her eyes rolled as she came, his hips still pounding her firmly into the couch.

"MMGH!!?" …This was better. This was somehow better… him just doing whatever he wanted to her. His hips pounded down on her, one hand covering her mouth and the other rubbing her big breasts as his balls slapped against her body over and over. "MMgh! MMgh! MMMGH!!" yanking and tugging on his shirt, twisting her fingers into the cloth as she 'feebly' tried to 'push' him off… only to yank him further down. Harder… faster… don't stop.

"MMGh! MMGh! MMGh! MMGH! MMNGH…" he put his husky body down onto her, pinning her firmly in place as she spasmed helplessly in a massive orgasm, clenching and squeezing around his cock buried in her body. Pumping thick gooey seed deep into her body as she felt his sack pulsating more into her.

"Uuugh…" Mike groaned, breathing heavily as her breasts bulged against his body. "That was… really good…" he sighed as he pulled his hand away from her mouth. She gasped, tongue lolling and eyes crossed in true ahegao as she cooed, wriggling under him.

"Again. Do it again…"

"Again? I love you but I'm not exactly-nngh…" she wiggled and gazed invitingly up at him.

"Again…" she moaned, "Do it again… love me long time…"

"We really need to have a talk about that." He noted, but his cock was still twitching back to life in her gooey pussy. "…I'm beginning to think I have issues."

"And a hot Japanese girlfriend." She added in a silky whisper. "Who wants you to keep her pinned down and FUCK her." She licked his neck, and chin slovenly, drooling longingly as it dripped back down onto her face. "Hageshiku fakku shite kudasai." She moaned as he sighed.

"…Maybe I should talk to Kathy…" then furiously ramming down into her.

"Ah! OH! OH! SUGOI!!" she squealed, shaking and bouncing beneath him as he squeezed her big breasts, "Ooh!" her legs flopping in the air as her body squeezed down on him, "Fuck me! Fuck me!" her eyes rolling up into her head. "Sore wa totemo yoi kanji! Hageshiku okasareru! UGH! UGH!!" ramming hard into her body, his hand reached under her body, "Ha? AAAH!! NO! No put me down!"

Mike hauled her up from the couch, lifting her up and down on his thrusting girth and she bounced and jiggled, tightening down on his cock as he swung up into her over and over. "Pin me down! Pin me down and fuck me!" she cooed pleadingly. "Oh! Oh! Oooh!" she moaned.

"I don't know I think you're still having a good time."

"Ooh! Ohh! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum!!"

"See? You're having just as much fun." He added, grunting slowly as he realized that he didn't really have the stamina for a lift and carry… sure he had the strength but it was more of a quick burst than a constant well source of energy.

"AH! Ah! Ah!!" grinding on his body like a stripper pole, stroking his pole with her hole. He then body slammed her onto the couch, bucking hard into her again as he squealed happily in orgasm, before briefly going limp and twitching under him as he crawled onto the couch, and with a last burst of pizza-fueled power he buried himself into her body and unloaded once again. "MMmmgh-ooooooh…" she howled, twitching and with her eyes rolled up into her head. "Sugoi…" she cooed as he tried to smother her in his bulk.

Several minutes passed before Mike finally moved, peeling his body off of hers as she groaned, her limbs shaking and quivering as he flopped onto the couch beside her, grabbing her body and pulling her on top of him, squeezing her like a plush toy…

A big plush joy toy, nice and cuddly.

"Mmmn…" she moaned, "I really needed that."

"You did?" he replied surprised as she pushed off him, to rest on her arms, her tits bulging pleasantly.

"Uh. YEAH… what? You think I don't like using sex to relieve stress?"

"…Now I feel like a shitty boyfriend, does doing a photo shoot for Playdude this really bother you?"

"Not really. It only took me a few minutes… besides Orders tricked the old asshole to do a thing on Superheroines… and Ronnie-Bell got him to sign a NDA. So at least he won't bother me again… doesn't mean it wasn't stressful…" she said kissing his cheek then grabbing her briefs, wiggling her body back into them before stuffing her corset with her tits. "Mmgh… but that nice chunk of change he's going to owe me will be nice."

Mike frowned and scratched his head. Grabbing his shorts and putting them back on, as Joy grabbed a slice of Pizza and began eating it adorably. "…So… I…" he frowned, "…I'm very confused."

"…Don't worry about it." She said, "Orders will take care of everything…"

"…Your boss is… VERY scary." Mike noted as Joy nodded.

"You have no Idea… she's like an old-world general, establishing her plans all over the place YEARS in advance!"

"Like Nobunaga?" he asked jokingly as she smiled.

"You know compared to Hideyoshi and Tokugawa, Nobunaga was arguably better." Mike blinked at her, "Hideyoshi and Tokugawa have been lionized-"

KNOCK KNOCK. "That's GREAT guys. But you know what? I'd like some pizza too please." Zatanna declared from the other side of the door. "…Are you two done? Joy? Mike? Pizza?"

One week Later

"…What the hell is this?" laughed Mike as Joy handed him a wrapped box. He was about to drive her and Izzy to work, so he was surprised that she pulled this out of his car trunk.

"It's a present." She said smiling, "…What did you think I was going to use that Playdude paycheck for?" she asked.

"My birthday was months ago…" he noted, "And I'm pretty sure you gave me a present for that too." He joked but slowly opened the wrapping paper. He then stared, "…Is this a Red Ray box set of your movies?" he replied surprised as she smiled.

"Yep. All my greatest hits." She drummed her fingers on the box, "I thought you'd like it."

"I do." Mike replied eagerly, "I mean… I love having physical media, but it just feels weird that you used Playdude to buy something that Playdude was trying to exploit to get you into Playdude…" he frowned, "…I think my brain exploded."

"Eh. That's okay Mike…" she kissed him again, "It wasn't that they realized who I WAS and tried to 'blackmail' me into doing an exclusive for them that irritated me. It was the fact that they thought they COULD and get away with it…"

"…Uh…" Mike frowned but wrapped an arm around her. "…I'm confused. Did you do something?"

"No. Orders did… she just had to wait until the check cleared." She grinned smugly as-

Meanwhile in Coast City.

"This 'Superbabes' Shoot was the best idea we had in ages." Declared Harry Rubble Jr. Sitting in his chair, feet up, porn on the TV screen of Joy Toy getting gangbanged and Hughie went through their mail and placed it on his secret father's desk. "…You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking this is the beginning of a lucrative relationship." He grinned evilly, "…We need to figure out a way to get these girls back into our rag." He tore open the package and, curiously, looked at the cheap video player with 'play me' written on it.

"…What's that?" Hughie asked as Harry rolled his eyes.

"A bit before your time." Mumbled Harry, blowing smoke, but then putting the tape player down and eyeing who it was from. 'Superbabes'. "Huh…" he then pushed the button.

"Hello, Harry Rubble Junior and Hugo. By now the check would've cleared, so I wanted to get something clear. Do not. EVER threaten or try to blackmail my girls, and do not call us… we'll call you." She said as Harry scoffed.

"Who does this doll think she-"

"Shut up Harry." Ordered Orders as he clammed up, somewhat unnerved. "Call me a 'doll' again and I'll turn you into a 'doll'." Harry and Hughie stared, very unnerved. "Now that being said." The recorded Orders cleared her throat… before shouting-

"Big! Jim! SLADE!"

"NO!" the Rubbles squeaked before the TV exploded as a powerful black man smashed through the wall behind it.


FINALLY, got this done... it's been a task, not from lack of trying. 

Next up is Divine, though that might be a while. I need to show some love to other stories and commissioners.

Now for the romanized Kanji!

Watashi no ōkina mune de asobitaidesu ka? = Want to play with my big breasts?

Dekkai otoko to asobitai = I want to play with my big hunky man.

Kare ni watashi o osaetsukete, kare no ōkina gaikoku hito no penisu de watashi o ninshin sa sete hoshīdesu = I want him to pin me down and impregnate me with his big foreign dick

Hageshiku fakku shite kudasai = Fuck me hard please.

Sore wa totemo yoi kanji! Hageshiku okasareru! = It feels so good! To be fucked hard!
