
Delivery Girl: Harley Quinn Order #6

I don't own DC

Orders casually filled in her crossword puzzle her toes rubbing Hector's belly as he lay under her counter. When suddenly he raised his head, sniffed, and shot out from beneath Orders's counter and rushed to the back door as his sexy mama entered.

"Hello, Hector!" cheered Jessica, kneeling down and giving her good boy a firm hug as the other girls greeted her casually. "Oh, you're such a good boy! Hello Orders." She greeted standing up as Orders casually glanced at her.

"Jessica." She said. Giganta waved at Jessica from the counter, Harley Quinn and Platinum walking into the lounge to drop off tips.

"Greetings Poison Ivy. Are you here to retrieve Hector?" she asked. Jessica cleared her throat.

"Uh no. Not exactly. I had to drive my aunt to Gotham General to meet with a specialist, so I thought I'd drop by and see my good boy… oh! And also introduce-" she turned around, "Leroy!"

A tiny little metal thing quickly rushed into Superbabes, hovering on some unknown technology as it seemed to blink around at them Hector sniffed him suspiciously by it raised a mechanical tube hand, and patted his head curiously.

"…Is that a robot?" Harley Quinn asked as Poison Ivy smiled.


"…Named Leroy?" Harley Quinn replied unsurely with a 'seriously?' smile on her black painted lips.

"He likes that name." Poison Ivy said simply as 'Leroy' bounced cheerfully in place, making beeping whistling noises. "My Aunt kept calling him that so it just stuck." She explained, "…She's on a LOT of pain pills, she thinks he's a fancy Roomba." Leroy seemed to disapprove being called a 'roomba'. Making negative beeping and whistling noises.

"Indeed… I also do not like to be called a Roomba." Platinum declared as Leroy seemed to IMMEDIATELY focus on her… making more noises as Platinum tilted her head at him, before replying simply. "I am flattered… but no. You cannot see my schematics." She said simply as then EVERYONE stared at her.

"Hold on do you understand those noises?" Poison Ivy replied excitedly.

"The noises are some form of Binary." Platinum replied as Leroy floated around and around her, apparently examining/admiring Platinum's Gynoid body. "…Although there is a very strong accent."

"Well, he is an alien Robot that probably has something to do with it." Poison Ivy replied thoughtfully, "Leroy don't be rude!" she said scoldingly as the little floating trashcan robot looked chastised for a moment… he had been floating behind and STARING at Platinum's glittery backside. Upon being caught and scolded he abruptly dropped back down to the floor as if to hide this fact.

"Hold on. Wait a minute." Harley Quinn began, "Go back a bit." Rolling her hands around each other. "…Did you say 'alien robot?' or did I black out there for a second?"

"No, I said alien robot…" Jessica replied sweetly before heading over to the couch, Leroy however continued to follow Platinum like a lovesick puppy. "It's a long story." She added but before she could begin to tell it, Orders finally interrupted this conversation.

"Which Harley Quinn is going to have to wait for."

"What? No! Come on! I want to hear the alien robot story-Son of a bitch." She sighed as Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 8:03 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring Click

"Superbabes, We deliver."

"The Harley Quinn meal please, delivered by Harley Quinn."

"A hot dog with everything on it, a side of fries, pudding pack, and a soft drink anything else?"

"Nope. That's it. Please"

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Ah come on I want to hear the alien Robot story!" she declared, gesturing to the off-duty Jessica who was now regaling the tale to Killer Frost and Batwoman.

"She banged a space plant and came out with a Robot and a new car." Orders replied as Harley Quinn stared at her a little flabbergasted, the food sliding across the counter. "It's not complicated."

"…That is the definition of complicated boss!" declared Harley Quinn, grabbing the food and lifting it from the counter before sighing resignedly and heading out the backdoor. Before noticing Jessica's fancy new green-tinted sports vehicle. "…What?" she asked surprised, staring at it as she walked towards the company car, briefly walking backward before doing a full turn and sliding into the driver's seat. "That's going to bug me for the next hour." She mumbled, driving slowly into traffic, and speeding off into Gotham.

She drove cautiously through Old Gotham, making note of the buildings and passing the clock tower and the police … before briefly spotting in the distance scenic Arkham Asylum. She was going to have to be a little more cautious than usual. This was Old Gotham, and even if Harley had a TV show now, there was still a slight chance she might be detained this close to the Asylum or the Police station.

Harley Quinn pulled into a parking lot near a surprisingly clean-looking building, which was rather impressive considering this was Gotham… nearby was a basketball court, currently being in use by 10 youths, who took the opportunity to admire the sexy clown girl as she headed toward the apartment

"Oooh! Hey, baby how about you come play with us for a while?" one of them started as the rest of them began hooting and catcalling at her like construction workers, making sure their mothers would be absolutely ashamed of them.

"Hey! Chica! How about we smear your make-up!" said another as the other boys blinked at him.

"The fuck? That doesn't make any sense." Said one as they all started arguing with each other. Harley Quinn sighed, and shook her head. They had about as much charm then an extra poisonous spider, but what made it worse was that probably in a few years… that was her clientele. Hell, some of them were probably 'fans' of her SFM voice work. Because there was no fucking way they weren't watching porn with the way they were hooting at her ass…

…Though it is a nice ass, so somewhat understandable they wouldn't be able to resist.

Still she had other things to do right now than be ogled by a bunch of randy teenagers... for free... so into the apartment building she went, and quite gratefully noticed the elevator. Waiting it to reach the lobby, before getting in and heading to the top floor.

A few seconds later she walked off the sixth floor and found door #4, checking the receipt for confirmation, slipping it into the bag, then raising her fist to knock three times. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:19 PM. Place: Old Gotham Apartment (Room #4)

"Special delivery service." After a moment she heard a low thumping sound from behind the door. Thump. Thump. Thump… like a heartbeat… only it was clearly footsteps. Quickly realizing the kind of person behind the door. "Oh no." she mumbled as the door soon opened.

The man behind the door was a giant, over 6-ft tall, broad-shouldered, dark chocolate skin with a military crew-cut and a huge round stomach. Legs and arms as thick as tree trunks and only wearing short boxers and, yes, she could see the tip of his 10-inch cock hanging out from his right pants leg and it was already twitching erectly pointing to her like she was magnetized to it.

"…Ah fuck me." She mumbled tiredly, before immediately putting a smile on her dark lips. "Hiya puddin." She said in her Harley Quinn voice. She was nothing if not a consummate professional, in or out of costume. This 'Harley Quinn' commits damn it.

"Hey." He said with a deep voice, wrapping a huge hand behind her wait and easily pulling her into the moderately tiny apartment. Before his huge hand reached down to her ass and gave it a firm squeeze. She squeaked as he took the food and tossed it aside onto a kitchen table leading her over to his couch. Well… not so much 'lead' as practically carry her to the couch by her ass. Her toes danced on the floor as she wiggled over to the couch.

"He-Hey now wait a second how about a name before you plow me into the floor puddin." She chuckled hesitantly as the big man blinked blankly at her.

"Leroy." He said bluntly as she frowned and replied sarcastically.

"Oh course you are…" she mumbled and slapped away his hands, "Okay okay… I get it puddin. Let me work alright?" she said, before grabbing at her top and yanking it up and over her head. "Woo! Don't want you tearing the suit." She tossed it aside before wriggling out of her bottoms… then those two went into the pile, and as always she kept the hat on.

She dropped to her knees. Grabbed at his boxers before pulling them down-THWACK! "Ah! Fuuuck…" she mumbled as his thick black dick shot up and bopped onto her jaw like a light uppercut. Throbbing on her painted face she stared up at him. "Jeez Puddin I'm the one supposed to hit YOU with a bat!" she joked…

Leroy, smirked and chuckled. "…That's funny." He said frankly as she grabbed his cock, and began sliding her hands up and down. His girth, feeling it pulsating in her grip before she opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around his bulbous tip, her blue eyes widening as she steadily slid down his shaft.

"Guck… GUCK!!" Her black lips slid down his cock, her eyes watered as she kissed the base but quickly shot back up to his tip. "Mngh!" she ran her tongue around his cock for better lubrication before she repeated the attempt… then after leaving another black ring around the base of his cock shot back to the tip, and then just double-fisted him again. Kissing her fists, as she slid up and down.

"MMn… MMn… Mmn…" Harley Quinn slowly moved up and down his throbbing girth. Leroy however stood perfectly still like a statue, letting her work all on her own. Tongue rubbing his shaft and spittle dripping down her chin or into her hands. Lubricating his girth further, gazing up at him into his face… then his HUGE hands wrapped around his head. "Mwah-Mwah…" she mumbled… which was basically a garbled version of 'Uh-oh.'

"MMGH! MMGH! GUCK!" Leroy SLAMMED her face onto his cock, and now she was glad she lubricated it as it slid easily into her throat. "GUCK! GUCK! GUCK!" …She was going to have to gargle some honey water or something after this.

But that was something for later, right now she had to just not DIE from BBC… funny she suddenly remembered an internal line she had to deliver for KingWombat that sounded JUST like that scenario.

Leroy's HUGE hips bucked against her face, her eyes rattling around like pool balls hit by one of Leslie's shots. His hands were tight around her head as she felt his cock stretching her throat… and a thick torrent of jizz rushed down directly into her stomach as it pulsated against the lining of her esophagus as he threw his ropes inside her… slowly he pulled her head away, extracting his cock from her throat as it flopped free of her lips.

"Haaa-haah…" she panted, breathing onto his limp shaft and making it twitch harder and harder until it raised upright again. Smacking against her painted face. "Ah phooey…" she mumbled as he grabbed her under her arms and easily hauled her up from the floor before promptly being pushed onto the couch right in the middle. "Now Leroy…" she noted as he grabbed her ankles in his fist and lifted them over her shoulders to tap against the couch as she was pinned down by his bulk. Feeling his tree-trunk of a dick on her pussy as he rubbed it back and forth. "You might be thinking 'man, I REALLY want to mating press the sexy blonde clown girl' but, I'd like to say that's a REALLY bad idea…"

He stopped grinding his erection against her, staring down placidly at her. She hesitated, clenching her teeth as she quickly racked her brain, before finally admitting still in her Harley Quinn voice. "…I'd like to say that but I don't have a good reason." Leroy chuckled.

"That's funny…"

"OH! FUCK!!" she howled as Leroy abruptly lined his tip up with her before jackhammering HARD into her body, the couch banging off the wall with his deep organ rearranging thrusts. His huge hips dwarfed hers so much it was like the couch was devouring her body as he railed away into her. "Oh! Fuck! My! LIFE!" she howled, shaking in pleasure as Leroy used her like sex doll.


Grunting and groaning he satiated his primal lust with the clown girl as she squealed and shivered helplessly on his massive dick. Feeling her insides clinging to his oversized dick, stroking his throbbing girth as he planted his log into her.

"UGH! UGH! HGGH! AAH!!" she moaned incoherently, her body shaking and wobbling as his heavy body continued to send ripples of pleasure through her. She wasn't a chubby chaser like Joy (allegedly) or a big dick size queen like Alice (confirmed). But she can't say she wasn't feeling it. "Oh you big dick bastard! Slow down! SLOW! DOWN! OOH! FUCK!!!" howling as she came because Leroy didn't slow down but he buried his cock into her using all his weight. "Eeeeh!!!" she thrashed helplessly against his bulk. "Fuuu-UUCK!!" Harley Quinn squealed on his shaft as she bit her bottom lip in an attempt to not bite her tongue off as she suddenly felt her stomach bulging…

Leroy blew his load balls deep into her body and normally she was used to that but it just overflowed out of her onto the floor with a satisfying squelch as it oozed between her ass cheeks. "Haah… aah…" she gasped. "OOF!" she grunted as Leroy suddenly DROPPED onto her… "Oh fuck-fuck-fuck! Hey! Don't you leave me like this!" she groaned, feeling the entirety of Leroy's considerable weight. His cock twitched inside her trembling body as she shuddered.

She pried her hands from the couch to slap his arms. "Hey… HEY! Get up! Oh fuck!" she gasped as his HUGE hands slipped beneath her and grabbed her ass checks before doing just that. Getting up. "Whoa! Not what I mee-eee-eaaant!" she howled, shaking and groaning as he began jerking her body up and down his cock, her feet flopping between them as he still kept her folded in half. Walking her toward the wall. "UGH! UGH! OH! FUCK! ME!!!" she moaned as Leroy pounded her against the wall.

"It's like you're… trying to nail me! To the wall!" she managed between his deep thrusts.

Leroy chuckled. "That's funny." He said again, before abruptly trying to fuck her through the wall.

"UGH-UGH-UGH-UGH!!" Harley Quinn grunted brokenly as his huge hand squeezed into her ass her own arms flopping limply on his shoulders. Leroy cock threatened to turn her inside out before she was pressed hard against the wall. "Uuuugh!"

Leroy leaned against her HARD… his legs slid backward on the floor, his own body shaking as he emptied his balls into her body again. "Ooooh FUCK…" she moaned, hearing something crack… it might have been her body, or maybe the wall… regardless he pulled out of her body with a wet pop, cum and arousal oozing out of her as he continued to hold her against the wall. He pulled away and let her legs flop down onto the floor… she stumbled forward, wobbling on her jelly legs as he then turned her and pushed her against the wall by the window viewing the basketball court below.

"GUuuck!" Harley Quinn moaned as he pressed her from behind. "Ugh! Haha! Aah!" gasping as he bucked back into her body, her body shaking like Jello as he continued to pound her. Her toes curled on the floor as her breasts bulged against the wall. Leroy pounded away as she grunted in pleasure.

"Don't you… ever… get fucking tired!?" she moaned squealing in orgasm. "Oooh FUCK!" Bucking into her from behind, hooking his arms under hers, pulling them backward and making her back arch as he continued his relentless hip thrusting. "Hah! Unngh!" she shuddered in orgasm, tongue lolling from her mouth as he yanked her from the wall and kept thrusting… His heavy weight swung her up from the floor as he slammed into her like a wrecking ball.


Her jester cap flopping about on her head, almost giving her whiplash. "Ugh! Haah…" she groaned, going still as Leroy sheathed himself inside her again, throwing one arm around her neck. The other hooked her other arms behind her like an iron bar before he continued pumping away into her body as she squealed in orgasm. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!" her body shaking and bouncing wildly as he easily lifted her from the floor with his thrusting hips. Her toes danced on the ground like she was Ciara on a ballet stage.

"Ugh! You! Punk ass! Prick!" she squealed as he walked backward and slipped on someone's body fluids. He tripped and fell onto the couch, still thrusting up into her body as she howled again. "Oh! FUCK!" she moaned as he shoved himself up into her once, twice, three times… "Uuuggh!!"

Harley Quinn collapsed on top of him, shaking and groaning as she draped her slender frame across his big belly as he sighed…cum oozing once again out of her body, down his sack and onto his couch. Harley Quinn groaned, her body shaking in pleasure as his cock slowly slipped out of her… flopping on the arm of the couch after a loud sloppy wet squelch.

Harley Quinn released a shuddering gasp, slapping his big belly beneath her as she lay on top of her. "…Do you… have a shower? Big guy?"

"No." He moaned tiredly. "I got a tub"

"Okay then… get your fat ass off this couch, and take me there. Because I can't feel my legs." Leroy chuckled, his belly wobbling and making her shake and jiggle.

"That's pretty funny. You're funny." He said as Harley Quinn chuckled.

"Well thank you. It's good to know people like me for more than my body puddin." She teased, as he slowly got up, carrying her through his apartment and lying her down in his tub. "Okay then now mind turning on the water?" he did and it began to fill the tub-"Oh FUCK!" she squeaked as he suddenly rolled in as well on top of her "GUH! That! UGH!!" she groaned, feeling him thrusting into her as he trapped her in the tub before pounding away at her. "Ugh! UGH! Come! On!" she groaned, shaking under him as the water soon sloshed beneath them.

THUMP. THUMP. THUMP… thrusting into her as hot water pooled around her body, rising up to her neck as he thrust into her. flopping on top of her as the breath was knocked out of her… and another load of cum flooded into her… oozing and drifting out of her in the water as she groaned. "…Fuuuuuck." She sighed, "Alright puddin… she slapped his shoulder. "You can get OFF me now."

"…I think I'm stuck." He mumbled sheepishly as she lay beneath him before laughing.

"…That's funny. You're funny… Come on."

"No I… think I'm really stuck." He mumbled apologetically…

"Ooooof course you are…" she sighed, and wiggled beneath him, before finally feeling him slip out of her then taking a breath she slipped beneath the water and with a great heave and a loud pop she PUSHED him out of the tub and he flopped onto the floor with a BOOM. Before she sat up… "…Alright." She said, her make-up running. "…Out you go." She waved playfully, activating the wand, and hosing herself down properly.

It was a good deal of time before she got the feeling back into her legs and got out of the bathroom, finding Leroy wearing boxers again… and yep, there's his trouser snake peaking out of his right leg. He was holding a clip of bills that he handed to her. "That's puddin." She replied before putting her clothes back on. "Whooo." She patted his big stomach. "See you around huh?" he rested her hand on her mid-back. "Ugh… seriously buddy? Invest in bigger stuff huh? It's murder on a girl's back." He chuckled.

"That's funny." He said laughing as she smiled at him.

"Yeah. I'm a bucket of laughs…" she then walked to his door, winked at him and walked outside. She headed down the elevator and walked out the front door. The Teens were still playing basketball, and one of them wolf-whistled again.

"Hey! Chica? Where you going?!" She stared at him and rolled her eyes, she knew her make-up was messed up. "Come on over here and party with us."

"No thanks. I just finished partying with your mom." She said lazily as the rest of the court laughed… she slipped into the driver's seat, "…Though it was probably your Dad I ended up banging…" she joked to herself and sped off back into towards Superbabes.

Time: 9:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Beep-Beep Boop WHIRL!" Leroy the Robot beeped and whirled next to Darcy who sat on the couch, staring at him curiously.

"No. I do not have a port for you to interface with."

"Bwooo." Leroy wobbled sadly before quickly perking up again. "Beep-Boop-Beep?"

"No, I do not wish to touch your mouse. You do not have a mouse."

"Bwooo…" Leroy wobbled sadly again. "WHIRL! BOOP BEEP BEEP BOOP!"

"No. I am not from Mars and my chassis was designed in Metropolis before being improved by Hiro Okumara."

"Wait… what?" Harley Quinn asked as she walked into the back of Superbabes. Spotting Leroy bemoaning again, but immediately picking up.

"Leroy asked if I was designed for use on Mars, because my Chassis was out of this world." Declared Darcy as Harley Quinn put the money on the counter and Orders rubbed her purple eyes tiredly.

"…Wait is the alien robot hitting on you?"

"He is not." Darcy replied frankly, evidently misunderstanding because-

"He is." Orders replied in factual correction, "…Constantly." Orders then turned to Harley. "Melissa go fix your face."

"NO. I want to know how Jess got a damn alien robot! I got plowed by one of Alice's dream dates and it has been bothering me the whole time!" she then paused, "…Hang on, where is Jess?"

"She went to take Hector on a walk since it's been a while for her." Orders replied, and Leroy wished to try and pick up Darcy while he waited for her return."

"…Does it bother you that Jess's pet robot is trying to pick up your daughter?" Mel asked with a grin as Orders glared at her.

"…Ha ha… that's funny." Orders replied sarcastically.

"Bwoooo." Leroy added in as Darcy blinked.

"Leroy agrees." She translated as Orders closed her eyes and sighed audibly.

"…I'd wish when I opened my eyes the absurdity would be gone. But I know it won't. That is the joke." Opening her purple eyes and looking at Melissa. "…Go fix your face."

"You got it boss lady!" cheered Mel in her Harley Quinn voice heading into the locker rooms.

"…Beep Boop." Leroy, declared.

"Indeed. It is impressive that for an organic woman, she can do that." Darcy agreed.

