
Delivery Girl: Cheetah Order #5

I don't own DC

"You're going to have to tell her." Giganta declared as Orders stood stoically beside the big babe. Both of them standing by and gazing out the front window at the crowd of people passing by. Some of them were curiously lingering as Giganta winked and waved with the rest of the Superbabes on shift. Some of the onlookers had cameras and recording equipment, some had some sort of trapping gear and nets… Orders sighed, rubbing her eyes, and closed the front window curtain of Superbabes. That was a rare event unto itself.

Normally she'd be okay with people recording the girls, within reason, 'reason' being that they paid the girls (or her) for it first. But these people were not here for the Superbabes… not ALL of them at any rate. Just one in particular.

You see, a while back a certain Superbabe went up into the North Gotham campgrounds to do a delivery, as usual, and she may have allegedly scared a couple of sleepy drunken campers, and that led to all sorts of legends of a 'monster' in Gotham… a monster only known as…

Catfoot: Because 'Catwoman' was already taken.

Anyway, such urban legends brought a particular class of people to Gotham this week, Bigfoot hunters, crypto-zoologists, and just your crazy coots with a fuzzy lensed camera. Now normally such people would be quietly accepted, ignored, tolerated, or laughed at behind their backs and everyone would call it a night, but somebody went ahead and mentioned to someone in this unique group of people that the local Gotham Superbabes had a very unique Cheetah strutting her furry tail around.

So Cheetah scaring those campers might have happened a while ago, the rumor has grown somewhat and attracted a certain crowd... And now that crowd were mostly camping outside the Superbabes for a quick and easy sighting… perhaps this Cheetah Superbabe was Catfoot in disguise, that's perfect tabloid front page news… Okay admittedly she WAS 'Catfoot' but that was hardly important to the irritation of an interruption to Orders' business practices… These PEOPLE can't follow her Superbabes around for deliveries, what they do on them is the best kept open secret in Gotham!

"It's not fair to her if I have to tell her to stay home for a week while this clears out." Orders mumbled irately as Giganta smirked knowingly.

"You just don't want to give her paid leave like you did with Brielle and her stalkers." Orders flinched and recoiled as if Giganta and her big sexy hands smacked her HARD across the face. Her tiny in comparison body trembled at the thought of giving Cheetah a paid vacation, it twisted her stomach and clenched a greedy fist around her secret heart of gold.

"Ugh. Don't remind me." She cringed. "At least that was easily fixable with proper threats but… I might…" she cringed again as she FORCED herself to say it. "HAVE… to!" she struggled as if performing a great feat of strength.

"…Hon, we need to work on this, it's concerning." Noted Giganta with a big pretty smile on her beautiful big girl face. "We also need to deal with these fellas." She added gesturing outside to the 'subtle' campers looking for a glimpse of 'catfoot'.

"I could dress you up in a bigfoot costume." Orders replied, glaring outside through the slits in the curtains.

"Sugar, don't you joke about that, it's not funny." Giganta replied offended and particularly annoyed. "I got called 'bigfoot' for an entire school year."

"Yes. Then you punched a guy so hard they had to replace the locker he slammed into." Orders replied, turning around and heading into the lounge. "Girls give the floor a quick clean. Power Girl, I want everything ready in 15, and somebody try to get a hold of Cheetah, and tell her to cover up."

"Oui Madam." Stargirl replied sweetly getting out her phone to call the furry babe and inform her she should be 'in disguise' when she comes to work… meaning a hoodie, a mask, and a raincoat.

30-40 minutes later and not much has changed, there were still weirdo's outside and if any risked coming inside they had to check their cameras and equipment at the door… or Giganta would crush it in her hands.

Which she PROVED, and junked that one poor guy's camera… and upon offhandedly mentioning she could do the same to body parts: there were no further complaints. Orders sat at the counter, absently doing crosswords as a bundle of clothes waddled into the lounge from the back door. She pulled down her hood, threw off her coat, and yanked down her mask.

Cheetah's muzzle opened as she gasped for breath, her long spotted hair and her cat ears twitching as she sighed. "You know, there is a reason I wear looser clothes when I come here, walking around covered in fur is hot enough as it is." She noted, freeing her tail from her coat. "…That's some crowd."

"They're here for the alleged 'catfoot'." Cheetah and a few other girls snorted slightly with restrained laughter.

"Oh my god are people still talking about that nonsense?" Cheetah asked surprised, laughing slightly as Orders scowled at her. "…What?"

"They're HERE for you." Orders noted as it took a moment for such information to register for Cheetah. Who never really understood how POPULAR she was in certain circles, cryptozoology now one of them. Call it a flaw or call it a blessing.

"That's… good right?" Cheetah replied hesitantly as Orders sighed.

"…In a way. But there are a bunch of others across the street staking out our restaurant like discount documentarians…" before pulling a Mel and doing a passible British accent and mocking wildlife commentary. "And here we have the Cheetah in it's natural habitat." She noted as resident Brit (T) Vixen snorted with suppressed laughter and walked onto the floor to use her tits to earn some tips. "Shaking her tail for the currency of Gotham city." Cheetah's tail swished slightly. A reflexive response to Orders' tail shaking statement.

"So… should I go out there? Or…" Orders scowled, her purple eyes gazed out the doorframe to the floor, and out the front of the curtained window. Seemingly 'seeing' beyond it as she scowled irately.

"…It doesn't end well." Orders mumbled, "…Mostly irritating." She added regretfully. "Like that asshole outside actually laying out a trap with catnip as bait." Orders sighed exasperatedly, "Gigantaaa…" she groaned.

"Earning my keep tonight, huh?" smiled Giganta fondly, cracking her fingers by interlocking them and pushing out from her body. "I got it sugar." She walked outside the backdoor shutting it for privacy behind her.

"Does catnip even work on you?" asked Stargirl curiously as Cheetah's tail wiggled rather suggestively.

"…Yes." She mumbled, "It's complicated."

"It makes her high and horny like she's on ectasy." Orders noted dismissively as Cheetah sighed at the reveal. Stargirl giggled sweetly, as Orders rolled her purple eyes in response to Cheetah's mild annoyance. "…Like it's a big secret, your furry friends give it to you all the time." Cheetah rolled her catlike eyes as Giganta returned to the lounge, carrying a big ziplock of catnip that she promptly zipped up.

"Getting bold." She mumbled concernedly, "…I know you don't like the idea boss." She let it linger wisely, but Orders reluctantly sighed. She knew what she had to do.

"…Alright we'll run interference. Cheetah." She cringed, clenching her teeth as she clawed the counter. "Go… HOME… for awhile… paid vacation." Cheetah watched her boss curiously as Orders gasped for breath looking pained. 'Catfoot' sighed, and began throwing on her hiding clothes. "I'll try to deal with this quickly… Miss Martian!" she suddenly declared as the green girl stuck her head in the door. "…Come with me for a moment."

Everyone watched curiously as Orders and Miss Martian walked outside through the backdoor into the parking lot together. Orders whispered furiously to Miss Martian, who nodded in understanding, and quickly dashed away, out of the parking lot. "Go home." she said to Cheetah while walking back in toward her counter, "Wait a couple of minutes first though, give your distraction enough time."

"Well my evening's been cleared up." Mumbled Cheetah, somewhat annoyed, "Now what am I going to do tonight?" she was speaking rhetorically, however, Orders'eyes flashed and she stared off into the wall, before rubbing her eyes again. She snatched the bag of catnip from Giganta's hands and shoved it into a confused Cheetah's right pocket of her hoodie.

"Have fun." She said looking, somewhere between confused and just tired. Cheetah frowned at Orders before glancing at her pocket. Catnip wasn't addicting to her, even if it had certain effects, but it was like she was just told to smoke some weed and she didn't know how to feel about that… but she didn't have long to think as a collection of people outside started yelling 'Catfoot!' and those inside began dashing out of Superbabes. Awkwardly retrieving their cameras to chase… someone.

Where there ever found another cat-lady... who knows?...

"You better get going before they come back." Orders noted as Cheetah shook her head in confusion and headed back out the door, almost bumping into Miss Martian who was brushing her long red hair… was it the light? or were a few strands of those red locks briefly cheetah orange?

"Oh! Sorry…" the sweet as candy girl smiled, walking over to Orders and whispering something as Orders nodded approvingly. But Cheetah left before catching the rest… walking on in a collection of her clothing and heading home to her apartment.

It didn't take her long to arrive, catching a cab was a lot easier for her when she didn't look like a furry super-criminal outright… sexy she might be but most don't want to pick up the lady that looks like she's half savannah predator. She paid the gentleman and he drove off without a second glance as she turned around and headed for her front door. Hesitating at the sound of a-


She gasped but managed to stop herself from shrieking outright. She used to love dogs but most dogs don't love her anymore so she had to be cautious. She threw herself against the railing of the stoop steps that led up to her apartment building as she glanced down at the cute little ball of fur before her. She had expected a neighborhood dog who escaped his owner, but instead…

She blinked, kneeling down and rubbing her hand through his snow-white fur as his curved little tail wiggled happily behind him upon seeing her again. "I remember you." She said hesitantly as the Japanese bells that made up his collar jingled faintly as his tongue lolled from his mouth. "The last time I saw you Brielle was taking you to her favorite animal Shelter."

This handsome Akita Inu, as that was the dog breed he was, was a lucky little animal who caught the beautiful French bimbo's attention before he froze to death in the snow on a cold Gotham Winter night… and after a few heavy glasses of egg nog that led to a wild dream. Still… "What are you doing here?" she asked as his tail continued to wag happily at her attention and presence. She sighed, "…I'm not keeping you. Brielle would love to have you, but her apartment doesn't allow animals…" The Akita Inu only continued to gaze at her with his shocking blue eyes as she took a breath and resisted the cute animal gaze.

"Go on home." she said, getting up and walking up the steps. "Go on." But he was following her up the steps as she paused at the top… those shocking blue eyes were so BIG… big anime eyes. "Go home." She said, as she opened the door to her building and ZOOM… he dashed right in. "No! Wait! Yooou…" she frowned, and he vanished into the building. "…Damn it." she cursed as she walked right in and…

Yep. There he was… he sat outside her door, happily smiling at her as he wagged his tail. "You… you're not going to go home, are you?..." she opened her door and his head pushed it open the rest of the way and he made himself at home between her couch and her TV. Thumping down comfortably on the floor and sighing contentedly. "FINE. I'll take you back to the shelter tomorrow." She declared, shutting the door behind her. "THIS. Is not going to be a thing." She added firmly, pointing to him on her floor but he just seemed happy at the attention.

She slowly stripped off her clothes, her coat, her hoodie, her mask… hung up her coat and tossed the hoodie on the couch. Where it might have been ignored for the rest of the evening if not for Akita Inu's ears perking up and staring at it curiously… particularly its pocket as his nose twitched.

Cheetah on the other hand, now finding herself with a free evening and little else to do, decided to do a bit of cleaning. She had been putting it off because she's covered in fur, sheds mostly everywhere and who wants to clean in the first place?

Not working at Superbabes would cut off her regular stream of revenue, and of course there were her furry friends who would happily take up the opportunity, but it's not like she could call one of them up and say 'what to have some pet play?'…

…Okay. She COULD, and the answer would probably be 'yes'. But most of her regular boys that she actually liked enough to give them the first shot at her time were busy for the next few days. Katlove69 for instance was out doing a 'Justice-watch' Esports event… she had it set to record on her TV.

Cheetah vacuumed up the living room a little, but seeing as the dog didn't seem that interested in moving she quickly lost interest and flopped onto the couch, pausing slightly as her head rested on her hoodie, and blinked. She noticed that between her 'guests' paws was that bag of catnip that Giganta had confiscated. He was smiling at her, "Give me that, dogs shouldn't have catnip." He seemed unconcerned, panting happily as he watched her. "Probably. I don't know, I've never owned a dog before." She said, getting up from the couch as he continued to watch her snatching the bag up. "I don't have any food for you either… though I might have a half-eaten burger I could probably give you…" she noted absently, about to throw away the bag of catnip…

But she paused, seemed to think on it, and sighed. "…Why not? Nothing else to do."

She threw the bag of Catnip on to her bed and went into the bathroom, rinsing herself off before emptying the hair catcher in her drain. She dried herself off and flopped onto the bed, pawing at the bag of catnip towards her and opening it up. She held her breath, staring at it for a second before coming to a decision. She buried her face into it and took a deep SNIFF. "MMMN!!" instant endorphins, her eyes rolling and her body shuddering as she managed to seal the bag and roll on her back. Tasting the color purple and watching all the pretty lights flicker off her ceiling fan.

Catnip: nowhere near as addicting or harmful as regular hard drugs but the same kind of trip for her.

Her nipples were hard and her body was heating up, "MMmnoooorw…" she purred loudly as she slid her hands over her naked, furry frame. "Rooowl…" she growled happily again as her toes curled on her sheets and she almost tore through them. "MMMn!!!" she pressed her furry tits together, sinking her fingers into her hair and flesh as every single hair seemed to be standing on end and working like tiny little pleasure nerve endings as she slid her hands slowly down her spotted body. "Rooowl!" she growled loudly, clawing gently and her thighs and crotch, before slipping them into her wet kitty. "MEOW!!"

Like little lightning bolts jolting up her spine right to the good SHIT in her brain, she wiggled her fingers against her inner walls, rubbing at her clit as she fingered herself, mouth open and yowling like an alley cat in heat, which she was… kinda. She wasn't in an alley, but she knew her way around them and how to fuck in them for sure… "Aah-oooowl!" she howled, churning her pussy as her claws delicately rubbed up against her inner walls. A, no pun intended, sharp tingling spasmed through her body as she suddenly thrash and twitched, yanking her hands out of her as she rolled over onto her furry bell. "ROOOWL!!" she shuddered, shaking and trembling as she orgasmed, her tail taught and shooting up into the air. Wobbling and shaking like a rigid pole attached to her ass.

Her kitty body writhed and squirmed on her silky sheets, raising her ass up as she rested on her knees before taking both her hands and stroking her sensitive body again, petting herself as she happily purred before sliding one hand down her back and the other down her stomach. Purring louder and louder as two fingers slipped up her ass and two more plunged back into her kitty. "Roooowl…" she purred, shaking as she roughly fingered both of her holes, her muzzle opening and her kitty tongue lolling from her lips to lick her jowls. "Mmooorwl…MMNGH!"

She sunk her kitty teeth into the sheets, muffling her moans of cock-hardening pleasure as her flexibly body contorted and arched, her ass cheeks wobbling up and down as she plunged her fingers inside her and imagined some burly men having their way with her… Her yellow eyes rolled up into her head, quivering and shaking as the catnip hit her hard again, but the effects were wearing off. She was going to need another hit to keep going. "mMngh! MMN!!" her tight wet kitten drooled down her furry thighs as she came, shaking as her mouth opened. "Haaah!!" she gasped happily, slamming her fingers up her ass and shaking. "Haa-ha-aaaah…" she sighed, twitching as she lay on the bed awkwardly.

"Haah-haa…' she breathed, reaching over and slapping the bag of Catnip, before yanking it open and slipping her muzzle in. "SNIIIF. MMMn!" he pussy quivered as her fur tingled, "Haaaah…" she closed her eyes letting her body go limp, and put the catnip bag back onto the bed. Occasionally twitching as tiny orgasm clawed through her body as the Catnip rushed through her systems… "Mmmn…"

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Time: Party. Place: Somewhere (Cheetah's Place)

…she's REALLY high right now.

"Is this a private party of can anyone sexy and covered in fur play?" Cheetah suddenly shot upright, her eyes blinking around as she gasped at the thing in her bedroom doorway. Tall, muscular, and glistening with shimmering white fur. The weird akita inu looking werewolf stood naked in her doorway, his hulking body blocking her off as his erect doggy dick grew out of his crotch. "Because I can smell heat a mile away and it's VERY distracting…" he said his girth throbbing towards her as he licked his muzzle.

She licked her own muzzle nervously, glancing at the bag of catnip on the bed as he walked towards her on digitigrade legs, his feet made no noise on her floor as he grabbed the bag from the bed, holding it open towards her. "Come on you've already taken a few hits of this." He growled eagerly, his tasty-looking dick twitching towards her. "Pretty kitty just wants to have fun right?"

"…You're a big doggy…" she moaned nervously as he laughed.

"Yeah… but you're a sexy pussy and I'm perfectly okay with that." he held the bag closer and she buried her muzzle into it. "Yeaah get a good sniff of that." he held the back of her head with his huge hand as the catnip ravaged her nerves. He tossed it onto the bed as he pulled her quivering body forward, she grabbed his powerful thighs, kneeling down before his cock as she squatted on her heels, her tail flicking against the bed as he pushed his pointed tip to her lips.

Her muzzle opened as her kitty tongue reverently licked up her girthy shaft, it quivered on her organ, dripping pre-cum onto her muzzle as he groaned excitedly. "I haven't been this excited since I had a threesome with those foxes…" resting his hand on her shoulder as he guided her licking face to his tip again and pushed slowly into her muzzle. "grrrrrr!!" he growled, but through clenched teeth and risen hackles. "Good kitty!"

"Mmmnh!" she moaned, sliding slowly down his slippery shaft to his base, inhaling his doggy musk through her catnip-soaked nostrils. Her kitten drooled as she reached down, rubbing herself as her head slipped up his shaft and back down. "Mmmngh!" her tongue lashing against his meat as his own tail wagged happily behind him, his pre-cum oozing into her mouth as she tasted his salty load but quickly gulped it down, focusing on her own kitten and sucking him off.

"Haah-haa-haaha…" he panted eagerly, tongue lolling from his open jaws as his furry head rolled back. He held her head, gently bucking his hips forward into her warm muzzle as she slurped audibly louder and louder, moaning over her sucking lips. "aah-aawoooo!!" he howled, yanking his girth from her tight muzzle. She opened her mouth wide on instinct, moaning erotically as she shuddered, fingering herself to climax as he shot his ropes of cum into her mouth.

"Haaah!" she moaned, eyes wide and shaking as he shot his load into her muzzle, splashing the roof of her mouth and the back of her throat. It was thick, and gooey, she sloshed it around her mouth with her tongue, tantalizingly chewing it before she closed her muzzle and gulped it down. "Mmn-AAAh…" she opened her mouth again to a satisfying-

"Good Kitty…"

"Meow…" she cooed, licking her muzzle. His hands gripped under her arms, lifting her up to her full height as she wrapped her hands around his smooth doggy dick as he licked her face. "Mmn!" she hesitatingly licked his furry cheek back as his hands gripped at her fuzzy butt. "Haah…" she gasped as he fondled her ass cheeks, "Fuck me like an animal…" she whined, his cock wriggling angrily in her grip as her soft hands stroked him eagerly.

"Roar…" he growled, releasing her ass and gently pushing her back on the bed, instinctively she spread her legs as he knelt down, throwing them over his shoulders as he shoved his wide long tongue up into her dripping kitten.

"Aaah! Mrrrooowl!" squeezing at her tits as he… ate pussy… Her toes clawed his furry back, her body tensing as the spilled catnip on her bed drifted up her nose as she thrashed on the sheets. bucking her hips up against his face as his tongue lashed inside her, rubbing up against her inner walls. "Aah! Haaah-rrooowl!!" she growled eagerly, her insides clinging to his tongue as his ears wiggled adorably on his head. His tail swinging so rapidly side to side behind him he might have broken something if he hit anything with it.

His tongue went deep inside her, he practically shoved his entire muzzle and nose into her kitten as she clawed at the sheets, his back… then his head, yowling erotically as she came, thrashing about and trying to escape his tongue only for him to roughly drag her back. "Haah!" he ripped his tongue and face from her kitten. It hung from his muzzle dripping with kitty juice as he stood up, but not completely.

Hunched over, as if ready to pounce, he loomed over her clawing up the side of her body, her flexible legs still hooked on his shoulders as he rubbed his rigid dog cock against her silky fur and wet pussy. He nuzzled against her face, she purred as his tongue licked her muzzle and she opened it. "MMNGH!!" she moaned as he opened his mouth, drooling into hers as he 'kissed' her, or whatever it is two creatures like them did when they 'kissed'. "Mmmgh-aah! Aah…" they licked each other's faces messily before he rammed his cock up into her body. "HAaah!!"

He mounted her, roughly, and pounded her hard. Pressing down her body as her legs stiffened, her pussy clenched tightly around his girth, clinging eagerly to his shaft as he rolled his body on top of her. "Haah! Aah! Rooowl!!" she howled happily as he slammed down into her, "Ha-ahaaa...!!" her hands wrapped around his furry back, clawing at him but leaving no marks, his fur was surprisingly thick and soft. He longingly licked at her face, running his tongue over her furry cheeks as she screamed rapturously, yowling and purring as he rammed into her.

Humping her like a horny dog, reaching deep into her with each stroke as he buried himself inside her. Tail wagging happily, "Ugh! Gghaa-aah-aah-aaaaah!! ROOOWL!!" she yowled, clenching tightly around him before she squealed delightedly. He growled, excitedly, planting his hips against her and filling her kitty womb with thick puppy-making juice. "Haa-ahaa…" she stroked his back, petting him as she absently watched his tail swish happily. She purred as he licked her face again, his cock throbbing as the last drops oozed into her and he pulled from her…

He gazed down at her, slipping off the bed and standing up as his cock rigidly throbbed. "Got to get you like an animal now." He panted eagerly, rolling her over onto the spilled catnip as she snorted it like cocaine.

"SNIFF!! Aaaah!" her body trembled, her tail straightening upright as her ass rose into the air and his cock rammed right up her kitten. "MRrooowl!!" her tail coiled lovingly against his muscular furry chest as he grabbed her slender waist, "Rowl! ROWL! MEOW!!" she yowled, face down in catnip and cock stretching her tightened kitty.

He slammed into her body, again and again, fucking her hard from behind as she threw her furry ass back HARD against him, shaking and quivering as he panted louder and louder, tongue lolling from his mouth as his shocking blue eyes swiveled in his doggy head. "Ugh! Haah! WOOF! WOOF!!" he growled, eagerly, slamming against her ass as she buried her shrieking face into the catnip again.

"MROWL!!" her growls of catnip high climax were muffled by the mattress before he yanked her up from the bed by her arm and shoulder. Her tits bounced wildly beneath her as he slammed away, holding her upright as she turned her head to lick at his face as he licked back. She purred loudly as his hands gripped at her bouncing furry breasts. Pulling her back harder and harder against him. "Aah-ah! Meoww!"

"Aroooooow!!" he howled, holding her tightly and pumping her full of doggy juice again. She clawed at his body, trembling and shaking as she came on his pumping load, mewling adorably as she licked his fingers. "Haaah…" she cooed as they fell onto the bed together, he licked at her furry face again as she purred loudly.

"Kitty likes it RUFF…" he growled as she groaned, her tail flicking against him as he pinned it down with his body. "Catgirls are better than standard bitches…" he growled eagerly, his cock already standing up against inside her as he began pumping into her prone body. He panted on top of her, speeding up his thrusts inside her kitty as he squeezed at her big furry breasts, licking at her face as her kitty toes curled, her legs rubbing against his…

"Mooorewwl…" she howled a word between more and meow. "Fuck me. Fuck me HARDerrrr…" she purred. "Haah! Aaahaah-mowwrl!!"

He howled, bucking hard into her body as the bed creaked, catnip bounced on the sheets he pounded her so hard as her eyes rolled up into her head, he slammed he hips against her, enjoying her tight kitty before throwing himself upright, still inside her. He slipped off the end of the bed, taking her body with him as he rolled her over, lifting one leg onto his shoulder and her lower body off the bed as his powerful frame rammed against her. "Haa-ha-ahaaaaa!" she yowled, her tits bouncing up and down as she gazed reverently up at him.

"More! Moree…" she purred longingly, "Fuck the catnip out of me! Put your puppies in me! I want your puppies!" he licked her pawed foot as she squealed, shaking on the bed as her other foot clawed the carpet. "MORE!!" he grabbed at her shoulders, lifting her off the bed entirely, ramming into her as she awkwardly stood on one foot, rubbing their furry bodies so roughly together they almost started a fire…

There was certainly enough HEAT in the room already…

"Ugh! Ha-haa! Aaah!!" she gasped, his hand hooked behind her head, pulling her closer and forcing her to look at his cock ramming up into her tight kitty. Their teeth clenched and gnashed together until his opened into a primal howl that echoed around her room. One hand around her waist the other on the back of her head he slammed her against his body, filling her with puppies as she yowled like an alley cat. Standing almost in a split as he wrapped his arms tightly around her and her head rolled back, gasping and purring as he continued to fill her.

He yanked her off the floor, pulling her to the wall by her bed, and pushing her back against it, she grunted from the rough treatment but purred as he began bucking into her boy again, "Haah! Aaah!" lifting her other leg from the floor onto his shoulder before continuing the rough fucking of her kitten as she yowled, gazing into his happy furry face as his tongue licked her cheek again. "MMroowl!" she yowled happily as his powerful hands squeezed at her furry tits. "Rooowl!!"

"Good kitty!" he purred.

"Good doggy!" she barked. His tail swished so fast behind him he was fanning the room. "Who's a good boy!? Hah-aah-UUGH!?" she shuddered as he banged her against the wall, "UGH! Hah! Fuck! Meee!" she yowled. "ROUGH!!"

"Haa-aah!" he yowled, burying himself into her as she barked the word again.

"Ruff! RUFF!!" she squealed, "Ruuuuff!" as he railed against her body, burying his doggy dick up into her and giving her a final deep, puppy deposit.

"Barking cats…" he breathed, pressed against her, "…A lot hotter than expected. I wonder if I have a fetish for cat bitches?"

She purred loudly in his ear, her hands pawing at his muscled ass as she licked his face. "I'm gonna have a fetish for doggy dick… I want to be a nasty kitty some more…" he pulled slowly from her kitten maker, letting her legs slide across his shoulders onto the floor as she wobbled. But managed to get ahold of his thick dog dick, rubbing it gently as his leg thumped on the floor and his tail swished.

"Ahh-yeah…" he sighed, "Get on that." he growled as she stroked him, "Get another hit of that nip." He growled, caressing her fur as she crawled onto the bed, her ass wagging behind her and her tail swishing as she lay down facing the end of the bed, her face buried in the nip as he mounted on top of her and started licking her face. Cheetah purred, inhaling the catnip as he kept licking her face… and licking, and licking… her eyes closing…

"Puuurrrr-mgh?! COUGH! UGH!!" she suddenly shot upright, an unfamiliar tongue had darted into her mouth. "AH!? Uhh… ah…" she blinked around the room as a tongue licked her hands now. "…Ugh." She wiped her mouth with her other hand as the White Akita Inu was standing on his back paws, his front ones on the bed as she looked blearily around.

…The Catnip had fallen on the floor… thankfully he apparently didn't touch it. She must have passed out after taking another hit and had an orgasm. She glanced briefly around for signs of... anything... but saw nothing. Feeling a little disappointed, she carefully picked up the bag from the floor as the Akita Inu followed her happily around her apartment. She dumped the catnip in the trash, mumbling to herself, "Last time I have a little 'nip' before bed…" she noted, and absently scratched the Akita Inu's head as she went to wash the metaphorical sweat off her furry body…

That dream was just so damn REAL… she hosed her body with cold water, rubbing her fur as the Akita Inu patiently watched her shower, lying on his paws as he waited for her to come back out. She began drying herself off when there was a knock at her door. She paused, wrapping her towel around her body before walking out of the bathroom.

Probably neighbors coming to complain about strange sounds from her apartment or something. That's what happened the last time she got ahold of some catnip. But the second she opened the door. "Aha!" she was blinded with a flash. "CATFOOT!!" shrieked a crazed-looking bearded coot with a fuzzy lensed camera.

"Ah! HEY!" she shrieked irately, trying to blink away the lights in her eyes as he kept taking pictures of her.

"I'm going to be rich! AAGH!!"

"SNARL!! BARK! BARK!!" something furry darted past her, and the man started screaming again as the Akita Inu attacked him, snapping at the camera and jerking it from his hand, shaking it wildly before hurling it over the railing.

"NO! Aaagh!" it bounced and shattered apart down the steps as he snapped angrily at him. "Ah! Aaaah!!" the Akita Inu let him up but snapped his teeth at his ass, tearing away his pants as he whimpered away, showing off his heart underwear as he scrambled down the stairs, tripped, then darted out shrieking about Catfoots attack dog being too vicious.

The Akita Inu, some of the man's pants still hanging from his teeth, pawed back into her apartment, wagging his tail for praise as she wrapped her towel back around herself on instinct and pet his head. "…Well… good boy." She noted as his tail wagged… and suddenly he turned, his bells tingling as he darted away.

She was kind of sad to see him go… but that's twice now where she had freaky dreams about sexy werewolves… she shut the door and briefly wondered if she had a fetish. She walked to the kitchen, grabbed a pan from a cabinet and a pair of eggs from the fridge, just about to cook before-

SCRAPE… SCRAPE!! Something scratched at her door, Cheetah stared at it before she began walking back and just opened it as another scrape made it rattle. The Akita Inu darting in past her legs, "What? Hey!" he then spun around in place, chasing his tail and flopping down in his 'spot' between the couch and the tv. "What the…" she sighed, rolling her cat eyes. "…Do I have a dog now?"

"Ruff!" he replied happily after doing his morning business outside in the grass, gazing at her for attention with his shocking blue eyes. She sighed, and shook her head, walking towards the kitchen.

"…I suppose if anyone looking for 'catfoot' decides to come back you're a good reason to keep them away." she noted, tossing away her modesty towel and walking around all-natural.

"RUFF!" he replied happily, following her into the kitchen as she looked at him, went back to the fridge… and gave him half a burger she didn't finish. 'Kitty' Katie sighed, making herself some eggs. "…I guess I'll ask Jessica for advice…" she said, his tail swishing as he ate the burger.

Finishing, the spun around chasing his tail for a minute before slumping down and watching the mostly naked cat lady and her tail swishing behind her over her shapely furry but while she cooked her morning meal, his shocking blue eyes twinkling and his red rocket growing…

But that happens to all boy dogs sometimes… right?


Is this potentially the first delivery that isn't a delivery?! Does Akita Inu actually transform into a big burly werewolf and bangs cat ladies? Will Catfoot clear up the next time I write a new chapter? Find out next time on Superbabes! S!D!S!!...

For anyone slightly confused. 'Akita Inu' made an appearance in the A Superbabes Christmas Chapter

Anyway, I guess I'll do Huntress next for Chapter 198... I SHOULD do someone special for 199 though. Supergirl II who was supposed to be after Huntress doesn't feel right. I'm thinking maybe Lucy, or Vixen... maybe Miss Martian just to help catch her up... Starfire maybe...

Chapter 200 is going to be a non-sexy Orders centric chapter, so I should do SOMEONE over the top before that... we'll see.
