
Delivery Girl: Giganta Order #5

I don't own DC

Giganta frowned thoughtfully as she glanced around her closet. Her hands on her slender waist and her pretty blue eyes lingered over the various corners of her large clothes storage. It had to be large considering the size of her, most of her house had been remodeled when she moved in. Merch money from the 'Tarzana' royalties was still lucrative. The closet had been built to her specifications so the only reason why she couldn't find what she was looking for was obvious to her.

"Sean." She declared to the house with a playful smile, "Did you take my boots?"

".....Nooooo." replied her honorary little brother with an obvious lie as she sighed and walked out of her bedroom, and into his, leaning on the doorframe with a smile.

"No? Are you sure hon?" she asked playfully as he stared at her, hands on his video game controller and playing one of the many Wrestling games she owned, back when she wrestled, she got one every year the company pumped one out. Although admittedly it wasn't until recently that they saw any use with Sean. She gave him a pretty smile as he pointed to his own closet. She winked, "That's what I thought Sugar. What did you steal my boots for? They're kind of big for you."

"I wanted to take them to show and tell." Giganta retrieved her boots from his very messy closet.

"Ha-ha-ha." She laughed lightly, standing back up and ruffling the boy's red hair as he grinned, "What did you go taking my boots for?" she teased. Sitting next to him on the bed and tugging on her boots as the sturdy wooden frame creaked with her sudden weight. Not that she was fat of course she was 90% muscles… and about 10% T and A…

"Show and tell." He replied again, "I told all the kids at school that you were a wrestler, and they don't believe me. They barely believe you exist" And considering she once almost made one of Sean's bullies pee himself in fright, that was hard to believe

"…Well then Sean you should've grabbed my wrestling boots and not my riding boots." She said with a smile, ruffling his hair again. "Otherwise, they're just gonna say you know someone with big feet.

"I couldn't reach them even with the chair." he replied with a sheepish grin as he kissed his forehead.

"Well maybe instead of showing off my old clothes I should just show up, mmn?" he smiled at her charmingly as he ruffled his hair again. "I'm off to work, Ciara should be home in about ten minutes so finish beating up Johnny Nace." She said as game "Tarzana' grabbed Johnny Nace in a chokeslam. "And start taking a bath okay? Lock up behind me."

"Kay." He replied, putting Johnny Nace in the pin before following her to the front door. She walked outside as the door shut and clicked as he locked it she smiled at him and waved through the window before walking to her bike, swinging her shapely leg over it and revving it up. Sean stood in the window, waving to her as she winked and waved back before pulling out of her driveway and off into traffic towards Superbabes.

About an hour later

"I think it's kind of cute." Catwoman (I) said, "He just wants to show you off to his classmates. I used to be like that with my Nana… before I realized how crazy she was." She paused and added good-naturedly. "I stand by it."

"But my boots?" replied Giganta with a light honey-voiced laugh, "I know they're big but it's not anything to brag about. Andrew the Giant's were way bigger than mine."

"Well enjoy it while it lasts it's only a matter of time before he's all grown up and seeing you as a woman instead of as a sister." Kathy declared, about to head home for a night of babysitting her roommate Volcana's daughter Sarah and working on yet another thesis. "Then he'll be stealing your underwear."

Catwoman and Giganta glared irately at her, "Can't you just let him be cute? Don't go ruining it with your words." Giganta replied indignantly as Kathy shrugged.

"I'm just saying. I used to babysit one of my regular deliveries, Alan." said Kathy, "Violet has Gabe, and let's not delve into the psychological gold mine that is Grace and her plethora of puppy-dog fanboys."

"Psychologists ruin everything." Mumbled Catwoman as Kathy frowned at her. "Especially when they sleep with their clients..." Catwoman added with a lazy smile.

"Don't ruin my Sean, he's not a little perv." laughed Giganta planting a hand on Kathy's back and guiding her out the back door. "Go home already." She replied teasingly as Kathy rolled her eyes and headed towards her car.

"I'm just saying." She said in a sing-song before getting in and driving away as Giganta returned to her counter.

"…She was just yanking my chain." Giganta declared, "Sean's a good boy. There's nothing to worry about."

"Sure." Catwoman agreed, smiling at her," Worst case scenario you give him a fetish for big girls.-I was joking!" she laughed as Giganta playfully, but imposingly loomed over her with a dangerous smile on her beautiful face. "Although maybe you should make sure your underwear is well out of reach when he's going through puberty."

"Well duh I'm not stupid." Giganta replied going back to and leaning against the counter.

"Certainly not." Orders had arrived, yawning slightly as she sat down at her counter, lightly slapping it as a coffee and a couple of cream packets slid across the counter to greet her as she poured in the cream into the coffee and inhaled the scent. "You are very intelligent." She drank deeply. "Ah…" she sighed relaxingly once she got some coffee in her. "What are we talking about?"

"Sean stole my boots." Giganta replied with a smile. "It was a little thing."

"At least it wasn't your underwear." Orders eyes flashed and she raised a hand to stop Giganta's explanation. "Just go with him to show and tell, the kids will love you." Giganta chuckled as Orders relaxed and turned to the computer, turning on deliveries for the night. "Just maybe not in your old Tarzana costume, we don't want to jump-start anyone into puberty."

"I think she'll plant the seeds to some fetishes personally." Smiled Catwoman as Orders glared at her over her coffee cup. "…Right, right…" Catwoman replied, predicting Orders' next words audibly with a terrible Orders impression. "Get to work."

"It seems I'm not the only Clairvoyant here today." Orders replied Sarcastically as the leather-clad asian girl strutted onto the floor. "MMn, Luke brews a good cup of coffee." Giganta sat her big sexy behind on the counter and watched the floor for trouble before turning to her boss.

"So, will I make Sean popular by showing up to his class?" she asked concernedly as Orders softly slurped her coffee.

"I don't see why not. Professional wrestling is very popular with the kids. Sean's 'Big Sister' showing up and showing off might be good overall. Big and Sexy as you are." Orders replied as Giganta laughed.

"Sugar they're KIDS I don't want them to think I'm sexy!"

"Well, you can't help it, you're a walking fetish factory." She finished her coffee in a gulp adding casually, "Speaking of walking and fetishes." She reached for the phone.

Time: 7:10 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We Deliver."

"The Giganta Meal please. For delivery."

"A 60-ounce sirloin with your choice of extra-large soft drink and complementary antacid and vomit bag".

"Yes. That sounds correct."

"…Anything else?"

"Delivered by Giganta. If you don't mind."

"Very well. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the Police will be informed, you will be charged upon completion of delivery, name, and address please."


"Here." Orders tore off the receipt, "It's a weird one." she said as Giganta hesitated.

"Weird how?" she paused, before slowly taking the receipt, "Weird as in I'll have a laugh? Or weird as in he's got some kinks?"

Orders seemed to hesitate in reply, "…Kind of both. I'm only sending you because I know you can handle yourself."

"…That's not very comforting, Hon." Giganta replied cautiously as Orders shrugged.

"I can always call them back and tell them no. But I think you'll have some fun with this." Then frowned, "…I wonder if I should send Veronica…" Giganta sighed, then slipped the receipt into one of the many hidden pockets of her costume just as the 60-ounce steak was hurled across the counter landing with a heavy womp in front of GIganta. Wrapped up snuggly in a disposable superbabes bag with Giganta stamped on the front. She was mostly stamped on the hefty extra-strength bags.

"You can throw a kitchen knife into the center of a bullseye at a hundred paces blindfolded but you can't slide a 60-ounce steak across my counter?" Orders snarked, only for a rather irate 'Hmph' to echo out of the kitchen as she sighed exasperatedly.

"…Well, I can always beat them up if it somehow gets too far right?" replied Giganta, lifting the bag off the counter. "I'll see you in an hour." Orders casually waved before getting into a one-sided argument with a 'hmph'ing Luke.

"I know that you're the chef and the kitchen is your area but I'm just saying!" Giganta was just going to chalk up Orders' understanding of the 'silent' chef as clairvoyance. The big babe walked out the back of Superbabes, tossing the food into her sidecar before swinging a big sexy leg over the seat and roaring off quickly into Gotham.

The wind was chilly tonight, it was always chilly in Gotham not that she ever really got cold. Experimental genetic steroids for the win!... not that she should be proud of that but it was just convenient... up into Gotham heights she went, her bike roaring noisily as she followed the rather deceptive roads… Gotham heights was big, and massive, in fact, it was like its own unearthly being growing to the needs of those who were rich enough to live there.

Her bike hummed to a stop outside of a small mansion, but what caught her attention was the large glass dome behind it, some sort of botanical garden from the look of it. She got off the bike, gazing at it curiously, the dome was lit up by outside lights so she could see it clearly inside, it looked like some sort of jungle.

This might be Gotham, and above all a stranger to green, but an actual jungle was far more out of place than usual. She walked towards the house, swinging the large bag of food gently beside her as she walked up the front steps to the door, raising her fist… and banging the solid wood loudly.


Time: 7:33 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Garden House.)

"Special Delivery Service."

Standing in the default sexy Superbabe position, hand on a popped hip and looking sassy. The door eventually opened to reveal a bald older man in a typical butler suit: A black vest and pressed pants, white gloves, and a stiff back for his age.

He gazed at her chest, briefly, then realized that she was taller than him, he tilted his head upward in awe at her size as she winked down at him. "Hiya sugar." She said sensually as the old man got some color back in his seemingly pale cheeks, he cleared his throat.

"Good evening madam… ah…" he glanced at the bag of cow hunk she was carrying. "You are the 'delivery'. Yes, ahem… follow me." He politely side-stepped her, shutting the door and gesturing her to follow him. She stepped down the stairs, and he led her from the path towards the dome around the side of the house. "Have you ever heard of Jarrod the Barbarian?"

She blinked blankly at the question; it rang a bell in her pretty head but she wasn't entirely sure. "…Is it a movie?" she asked hesitantly. It sounded like a movie.

"Movies. Novellas. Video games." He said listing it off, "Based off a series of comic books that my employer writes when the mood takes him…" he cleared his throat. "Or his deadline is due…And he is rather METHOD when it comes to his inspiration." He stood outside the dome, with an intercom beside it. "…How do I put this." He said trying to find the words. "…He likes to become Jarrod the Barbarian… a strapping, rowdy warrior. Who crushes his enemies, to see them driven before him, and to hear the lamentations of their women." He posed dramatically although it looked more comical than anything. "…It pays the bills." He added sheepishly.

"Alright…" she handed him the hunk of cow, "And I take it you need me to ah… calm him down?"

"…Mr. Howard is… in the zone. He's mostly harmless but when he gets like this I either need to call security staff to restrain him or satisfy the Barbarian as it were… and both the staff and the usual girls are on vacation." He added as Giganta cooed.

"Alright Sugar, alright." She grinned at the door, "…So, what, am I security staff or the girls?" she asked unintentionally seductive as the Butler cleared his throat and replied politely.

"Whatever you wish Madam." He opened the door, "Just get him to speak normally again." she walked in and paused.

"…Does he have a weapon?" she asked hesitantly, she felt she needed to ask the question for some reason.

"Do you consider a foam sword a weapon?" he asked curiously.

"…I barely consider metal baseball bats weapons." She replied with a dangerous smile as she gripped the frame of the doorway, it groaned uncomfortably under her pressure, so did the butler, before she turned and walked further into the dome.

The moment she stepped completely inside she felt like she stepped into another world. Or an old one, a thousand years ago in a bygone made-up age. It was hot, but in a humid way, the palm trees hung over her head with coconuts barely forming, she glance up at them hesitantly while walking further into the garden. It was very pretty, she could imagine going on a date here, or taking Sean and Ciara on a picnic… there was a large pond with some fish and a small wooden bridge across a thin river that looked like it was built with medieval tools. She'll avoid that…

She heard the chirping of birds and the 'ooking' of monkeys, some sort of white noise sent through hidden speakers, she glanced up curiously trying to spot them but they were well hidden… she paused as she heard the rustle of bushes nearby. And rested her hands on her waist, putting on a pretty smile and bracing herself…


Whatever she was expecting… she was pleasantly surprised.

She was expecting maybe some scrawny kid with greasy hair and a pimply complexion. Yeah, she was stereotyping but she couldn't help herself. What she GOT however was a bodybuilder… He was muscular, with rippling oiled muscles and tanned skin like he was running in the sun all day. He was wearing a leather headband with a metal plate on his forehead holding his long straight black hair out of his dark eyes, and a leathery loose loincloth attached to an empty scabbard. He had a rugged chiseled face, with a strong jaw and five-clock shadow, long straight black hair, and he wielded a sword that was clearly made out of foam but in the right light could pass as a real one.

The guy LOOKED like he was a barbarian and this was his world.

"…Oh. Alright, then Sugar." She said excitedly, "…Come on." She encouraged, gesturing for him to 'bring it' with her fingers.

'Howard' the Barbarian spat into the dirt, gripping his sword with both hands. Before promptly sheathing it in the perfectly fitting scabbard before yanking it from his loincloth and hurling it away, getting into a low grappling stance… apparently about to go toe-to-toe with her.

"Oh sugar…" she smiled, "I'll go easy on you." She hummed. If she didn't she might snap him in two, whether those muscles he was sporting were real or not. His right hand grappled with hers, followed by his left as they briefly struggled for dominance as she grinned at him. Her muscles tightened beautifully as she kicked off her sexy short-heeled shoes and planted her feet.

Howard the Barbarian's muscles were not just for show, he was pretty fit. But she was 'Giganta'. "Nugh!" he grunted in surprise as she easily pushed him back. Not to borrow a phrase from Izzy's animes but, she was only using 10 percent of her full power! …Honestly more like 30, maybe 28, she wasn't monstrously strong. Just VERY strong. However, Howard the Barbarian was cleverer than he looked.

"Wha-?" she found herself in the air, wondering what had just happened, Howard the Barbarian had kicked out her leg and with a combination judo throw and power lift hurled her into the air and onto the ground with a heavy thud… the surprisingly soft grass and dirt cushioned her fall, plus she was a pro-wrestler and she knew how to take one, but it was still shocking.

"You have been beaten!" he declared with a cold gravelly voice, holding his 'sword' on her throat as she blinked up at him. She could of course break the foam sword and the rest of him as easily as a twig. However, this was all part of the job and he had one-upped her… that deserved some sort of reward.

"Alright… I have been beaten." She brushed the sword away and sat up. "and what are you going to do to me you big hairy barbarian?" she replied, although he wasn't hairy at all… the guy must wax of something. He planted his sword into the dirt. Or attempted to: it was foam so it just fell over, he ignored it, then grabbed his loin cloth and tore it away from his body as she was pleasantly surprised again. "…How were you hiding that with a loincloth?"

A thick 10-inch Raven-approved dick swing erectly in the breeze as he stood triumphantly over her. She knelt before him, coming up almost his chest as he pushed his erection towards her face. It poked against her lips like an actual sword. "Mmn? MMNGh…" his length pushed between her pert lips, it was so rare that she had a cock this big, so when it slid dominatingly into her throat, which being bigger than most could take an average-sized cock easily, so she was… unprepared. "GUCK!"

He hesitated, pulling his hips away as she spluttered on his girth. Holding it between her lips, the second time he went into her mouth he did it slowly, but steadily, this time around she was prepared, taking it into her throat. "Mmn…" humming loudly as he planted his muscular waist against her face. "Mmn…"

He had half expected him to keep pounding away but perhaps despite his mental state, there wasn't much enjoyment in choking a 'conquest' with his sword. He pushed against her, face, holding her firmly in place before gliding back out her throat, pulling her lips to the tip of his girth before sliding back in. He growled quietly, baring his teeth in a gnashed grimace as he began to speed up again. Pulling her head into his crotch as she rested her big hands on her lap, kneeling before him like a slave girl… a BIG sexy slave girl. Moaning and slurping as she twisted her big redhaired head onto his cock, like a cockscrew, his resting dominatingly on her red hair as he bucked his muscular hips, pulling his cock in and out of her mouth.

"Mmn-mngh-aah!" she gasped as he suddenly ripped his cock from her lips. And smacked her across the face with it. "Oh! Oh ho… don't you dare." She snarled with a grin, but he grabbed her arm and, surprisingly, yanked her up from the ground before turning her around and 'throwing' her against a nearby tree. "Ngh!" her breasts pressed against it as he grabbed at her ass cheeks, her legs spread as he caressed her shapely muscled backside before lifting her skirt high enough to expose her underwear, a sexy lacy thong that he grabbed a fistful and almost ripped off her body yanking it aside before pushing abruptly inside her. "Argh! FUCK…" she roared as he grabbed at her hair and went full caveman on her.

"Ah-ah! FUCK!" she gasped, eyes rolling as he pounded her big body with a big dick. "Haa-haah!" she moaned erotically as she felt him scrape her inner walls with his meaty sword. If she still could get off from being pounded by average-sized dicks, the Howard the Barbarian was going to be fun. Grunting like an animal she began to throw herself back into his thrusts, naturally, this threw him off a little because it was like fucking a car backing up into him. But Howard was made of sterner stuff, grabbing at Giganta's hair and yanking it hard as she screamed. "Argh! Aah! FUCK!!" shaking erotically as he dominated her…

ACTUALLY doing it, not just her letting them have their fun. He smacked at her ass as she gripped the tree, it shook with the force of their fucking as he pushed her chest against it, "Haa! Aaah!!"

"UGH! Uraagh!" he howled angrily, swinging his hand onto her powerful ass as he slammed against his hips, and maybe tried to crush his pelvis. Yanking her hair hard he went buck wild into her body, his cock throbbing and pulsating against her wet pussy as she screamed and howled like an animal from her yanked hair and her oncoming orgasm, her big breasts bouncing out of her costume in her orgasm as he planted his hips against her and his seed into her body. "Argh!"

"Aaah! FUCK!! ME…." She snarled, grinning as she came hard on that big dick, almost clawing through the bark of the tree as he threw his ropes of cum at her womb. "Ah FUCK me Hon…" she gasped, sucking in air as she wiggled her ass against him, letting her shuddering climax finish off as he breathed heavily.

"You're KROM's whore now." He growled passively as she managed a small laugh, licking her lips as she gazed sultrily over her shoulder.

"…PROVE it." she replied defiantly as he yanked her by the hair from the tree. "Agh! Ah-haha…" she laughed as he 'led' her away, reaching for her costume to tear it away. "Ah ah!" she slapped his hand away easily and pushed him back before scampering away, quickly stripping down and tossing it aside before reaching the bridge and removing her underwear…

Roleplay or not she'd have to replace the damaged costume.

Displaying her perfect muscular body, imposing as it kind of was, Howard the barbarian approached her 'sword' in hand as he grabbed her throat with the other, barely inconveniencing her as he yanked her down and spat on her mouth. "Krom likes strong whores." He then 'threw' her to the wooden floor of the primitive bridge. "Good for breeding strong kin!" he grabbed at her waist pulling her into the doggystyle position before ramming back up into her gooey pussy, bent bowlegged over her as he railed into her ass from behind as she howled like a bitch.

"Aaaaooh! Oh! OH! UGH!! NGH!!"

"Become heavy with child whore! Take my seed!" he growled, ramming her harder and harder, pushing her upper body down as she yanked on her red hair. "NGh! Ugh!"

"MAKE me! Sugar…" she growled, only for her eyes to roll and her tongue to loll out as she came from his rapid thrusting. "Oh! My! GOD! FUCK!!"

"Krom your god now!" grinding his oiled muscular body on top of her as her toes curled and her hands gripped the wood. "Bare his sons!" WHAM! WHAP!

Slamming hard into her body as all of her muscles and holes tightened in orgasm… then there was an audible. SNAP!

Howard the Barbarian and Giganta the 'to fucking good at what she did'… hesitated briefly for a moment as GIganta managed to focus briefly on the fact that she just broke the bridge. "BLUUggh!!"

The bridge practically exploded beneath them and they flopped into the water, fish rushed quickly away brushing on her legs as she quickly hit the bottom of the 'river' it was barely two feet deep. "Hah!" she burst from the water, spitting from her mouth as she coughed and wiped her wet hair from her face as she swiveled her body, the water was cold but the air was warm… it was kind of refreshing. "Ah!" she was abruptly tripped and fell back into the water, rolling over as Howard the Barbarian, cock swinging freely between his legs crawled over her as they 'wrestled' briefly in the water. "Aah-fuck…" she gasped as he pierced back inside her, grabbing her hair as she moaned.

"Not done with Krom's whore." He declared, thrusting hard into her, slamming her ass on the bottom of the shallow river as she kept her head and tits above water, his hand slinking beneath her waist, pulling her onto his thrusting cock as she roared erotically.

"Argh…Ugh! UGH! Ngh!" growling at him she tightened around his cock, grabbing the back of his head as he determinedly glared back, thrusting, pounding, ramming, and writhing in the water as she panted for breath. "Fuck me. FUCK… Me! Oh! OOoh!!" howling again as her head was thrown back, "Oooh!!"

"Whore good for breeding!" he declared proudly, slamming into her, and burying his sword deep. "MMmngh!!" squeezing her ass and chest as she fell back into the water, briefly submerging herself as semen rushed into her body. "Krom will be pleased with his whore…"

He pulled slowly from her clenching hole, standing over her as he reached into the water and dragged her upright, it cascaded down her muscled body as he pushed his tip back against her lips. "Clean it." he declared as she opened her mouth, licking, sucking and stroking his wet cock as she sighed appreciatively, holding her head as she took it between her lips once again and began bobbing wildly. He thrust against her face, grunting and growling as her noisily slurps echoed around the jungle. "Ngh! Nnngh…"

"Mmn-hhmn. Mmn." Feeling his pre-cum ooze over her tongue as he pulled his hips back and forth. "Mngh! Mgh! Mmn…"

"Ugh! Aah!!" Howard the Barbarian suddenly roared, shooting a wad against the back of her throat before ripping his cock out and roaring something between an orgasm and a battle cry as he sprayed ropes of cum across her face and tits, thrusting into his hand as he pumped his load. "NNGHg!! RAAARGH!!"

"Haaah!" Giganta sat in the water as he growled quietly, smacking her face with his cock as she glared up at him.

"Krom whore." He declared, "Serve me more."

"…Alright that's enough of that." she had her fun but time was running out and the gimmick was starting to wear thin. So, she grabbed his ankles and yanked.

Howard the Barbarian fell into the water with a cry of Shock as she grabbed his head as it rose up and pushed it back down. "Bluugrgh!!" she struggled, but this was now Giganta who had her fun, so, she could use just a BIT more of those genetically enhanced muscles. He struggled briefly as she yanked him about the water, he gasped for breath.


"KROM shall-blurugh!!" she shoved him back beneath the water for another few seconds, yanking him back up. "Hwaah!"


"Slave whore!" she slammed him back under the water as he feebly clawed her arms, then up he came again before she slapped him, twice, left and right cheek before asking.


"Yes?" he replied, blinking. "ooooooh…" he stared at her cum covered face, looking her up and down as she let him go. "…I went full barbarian again didn't I?" he mumbled as she shrugged.

"So I'm told." She stared at him, it was like a completely different personality, even his voice was a few octaves higher.

"So sorry." He said politely, crawling out of the water, "When I'm on a tight schedule I tend to go… method."

"I was in wrestling." GIganta replied squeezing out her waterlogged red hair. "I get it." Kayfabe could be a bitch sometimes.

"W-well so sorry about this inconvenience." He said, sounding posher by the second, and trying to make himself more presentable as Giganta took a moment to sigh, then dove into the water as he stared at her washing and scrubbing herself. She then swung out of the water…

"Haaah…" she sighed, rising from the waves like Venus as she brushed her hair out of her partially cleaned face as he stared at her majestic body. "You don't happen to have a towel do you sugar?"

"Oh! Right yes hold on…" he glanced around, stared at the bridge, then quickly walked away out of sight… but soon returned wearing shorts and carrying a towel. "So sorry about this." He declared sheepishly as she took the towel and began to dry off. "Normally we take care of this in-house, but that's what I get for sending my staff on vacation at crunchtime." He said rolling his eyes as he pulled glasses out of his shorts pocket and put them on. "Is there anything I can do to make up for this brouhaha?…"

She stared at him, chuckling lightly as she bent over, sexy-like, to grab her dress. "Oh Sugar you have no idea why I'm here do you?" she said, noting the confused look on her face as she eyed the realistic foam sword. "…You're some sort of famous writer, right?"

"Well I don't like to toot my own horn but I do have several movies and series based on my work." He said, looking as humble as he sounded.

"…Can I have that?" she asked, pointing at the foam sword lying mostly forgotten in the grass.

"Oh that? Most certainly I have many of them. Would you like me to sign it?"

"Whatever you want, Sugar." She said sultrily as he picked it up, "I was going to give it to my boy." She said proudly as he carried it for her and she snapped on her suit and pulled up her underwear.

"Oh… you have a son?"

"No. I have a little brother." She replied fondly, taking the sword and scabbard from him as together they walked out of the dome. The butler had been waiting outside, carving a good hunk out of the steak at a portable table.

"Ah! Sir! Thank goodness…"

"Cyril do you have a pen?" asked Howard the Former Barbarian as 'Cyril' handed him a pen produced from nowhere as he promptly signed the sword. Howard C. Roberts. "There you go." He handed it back to Giganta as she winked at him, turning her attention back to 'Cyril.'

"Hon, I do believe the job's done."

"Yes! Certainly." He handed her a neat stack of bills as she winked again.

"Thank you, boys." She declared, "Ya'll order again." she added emphasizing that sexy accent of hers and strutted back to her bike without another word but with plenty of sensuality as she put the money in her bike seat, secured the sword and scabbard in the sidecar and roared back off into Gotham towards Superbabes.

Time: 8:56 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Giganta walked into Superbabes with the sword on her shoulder and the money in her other hand, she gave it to Orders who eyed the sword with mild curiosity. "I'm keeping this." She declared proudly as Orders rolled her eyes.

"Sure. You never know when signed Memorabilia might be worth something… thought I'll probably know sooner than most."

"I'm giving it to Sean, he might like it. Something to show off in school after me."

"Hmmn." Orders replied dismissively as she drew the sword from the scabbard and 'bopped' her boss in the head with the foam sword. "…Really Ronnie-Bell?"

"What?" replied the big girl as she sheathed it again, she put the sword in her locker before going to bathe properly, she did technically bathe in fish lake. Smelling sweeter and looking fine she walked back out in costume as Orders pushed her cut towards her. "That guy would do well in the circuit." She noted as Orders scoffed.

"He'd do well in a circus."

"Most of us would." Ronnie-bell replied dismissively. "I'd be a strong woman, you'd be a fortune teller…" Orders growned, "Jessica would be a plant woman, Lori could be an alien girl attraction. Ola and Ciara could be acrobats… oh, Freya could be a knife thrower..."

"Okay. STOP…" Orders mumbled, "…This place is already a circus I don't need you pointing it out further…" Ronnie-Bell laughed good-naturedly before heading out on the floor to earn herself a few tips, and to make sure nobody was causing trouble while she was gone as Orders scowled. "…Son of a BITCH Ashley and Mel could be clowns…. Fuck." She cursed under her breath, trying to get her every active mind off the idea by going back to her advanced sudoku. "Wrestling is a circus!" she suddenly shouted irately only for Ronnie-bell to laugh melodiously in response to the delayed snark.


I recently rewatched Conan the barbarian movies, and the remake with Jason Mamoa. And so in honor of that Howard C. Roberts is named after the creator of Conan. Robert E. Howard… Will Howard the Barbarian make a return? Who knows, anything is possible.
