
Delivery Girl: Platinum

I don't own DC

"…It feels so weird being out of Gotham with you." Ronnie-Bell declared curiously as she filled her bike with gas in a Metropolis Gas station. The sun was shining, the buildings were sparkling, and there was triumphant (Superman) music in the air… apparently. And Orders was casually reading a map of the city. "I know you hate flying but I didn't think you liked traveling at all."

"Metropolis is literally across the street." Orders replied dismissively as Ronnie-Bell laughed. Orders glared at the map annoyingly as Ronnie-Bell glanced over her shoulder to have her own look at it. Orders was wearing riding goggles yet they only managed to enhance her purple eyes. "It's not like I'm flying across the states…"

"Hmmn…" Ronnie-Bell hummed while reading the map, "So… this property we're looking at… where is it exactly?"

"Here." Orders tapped a piece of the map, "Some warehouse in disrepair." She said.

This morning after work Orders and her ride, Ronnie-Bell, headed into Metropolis to check out some property for a Superbabes expansion like in Amnesty Bay. Orders wasn't quite committed yet as Metropolis already has a sexy-themed place of entertainment in Honey B's… the video game girl-themed Stripclub bar and grill… apparently. But it wouldn't hurt to check out cheap property… Amnesty Bay is doing well as a legit Superbabes so Metropolis with its massive population would certainly be a far more lucrative investment if Honey B's wasn't taking all the clientele.

"A warehouse in disrepair…" Ronnie-Bell mumbled, rolling her pretty blue eyes before topping off her bike and slipping her gas card in the machine. "Sounds lovely."

"The warehouse is unimportant. It's the land… it's practically in the center of the city right near a district with a lot of workers." Orders said as Ronnie-Bell mounted her big bike.

"So then why isn't it in use?" she asked suspiciously as Orders folded up the map deep into her pocket… she saw a vision of herself losing it when Ronnie-Bell sped off. The wind ripped it from her grip.

"It's in disrepair because Superman wrecked it while fighting the Toyman." Orders replied, "Nobody wants to go near it." Ronnie-Bell slapped on her helmet and gave Orders a blank look behind the visor. "I'm clairvoyant, if there are any traps, I'd be able to spot them far in advance."

"…If you say so boss." Ronnie-Bell replied before revving her bike and speeding off into Metropolis.

Ronnie-Bell's bike eventually screeched to a stop outside a large rundown warehouse surrounded by decrepit buildings, buildings you wouldn't expect to see in a shining jewel that was Metropolis. Ronnie-Bell and Orders got off and out of the bike and sidecar respectively. Orders' heels click-clacking across the graffitied pavement, glancing at the shattered glass windows behind steel security bars, someone had been throwing rocks between them to shatter the glass, a common game with broken buildings.

"Nice place." Ronnie-Bell said sardonically, smiling as they approached the front doors… locked and chained by a rusty old padlock as big as a fist: regular fists, not Ronnie-Bell's.

"Hmmn…" Orders replied dismissively, "Nobody said anything about a lock."

"Well, you're only looking at the land anyway, right?" she Ronnie-Bell noted, glancing up at the roof and the Superman sized hole in it.

"If I can repurpose the building then that is less people I have to pay." Orders replied as Ronnie-Bell shrugged, cupping the padlock in her hand as she raised an eyebrow at Orders.

"Do you have a key, Hon?"

"If I had a key, why would I bring you?" Orders asked with a faint smirk, "…Or come without Jae-Hwa." She admitted with a shrug as Ronnie-Bell gripped the padlock and yanked it. To the padlock's credit it remained intact, the door however was rusted and uncared for. The latch came right off, and Ronnie-Bell threw it to the side with the padlock before shoving the doors wide open with one hard push.

The doors swung wide in a huge arc, crashing against their attached walls with a bang and sending a cloud of dust like a wave rushing away as if in terror of the sudden movement. "After you sugar." She said plainly as Orders calmly walked right in.

Orders purple eyes wandered around and around the building, noting broken toys, heat-ray burns, trinkets and baubles. She imagined anything dangerous from one of Superman's clashes with notoriously creepy villain Toyman would've been confiscated by the Metropolis PD, and considering she wasn't exploding thanks to clairvoyance, she was undoubtedly proven right.

Ronnie-Bell wandered around as well and finding some more boxes of old toys she reached in to pull out one of the old model Darci Dolls. It was broken and missing an arm. "I used to have one of these." She said nostalgically, absently wiggling the arm that was still attached to the doll. "My mother said all the girls in my hometown had one when we moved here, then again Darci Dolls were popular in Metropolis and the surrounding area. There was even a supermodel who used to market herself as a real-life Darci… Darci Mason."

"Mmnh…" Orders replied, her appraising purple eyes already seeing opportunity.

"…How about you?"

"What?" Orders asked as Ronnie-Bell tossed the doll back into the box and walked up behind her boss, grinning exasperatedly.

"How about you Hon, did you have a Darci Doll?"

"…No. I didn't have toys." Orders replied frankly, "…When I came to Gotham I was 8. The only 'dolls' I knew belonged to-" she paused, taking a few steps away from Ronnie-Bell and pausing again but more rigidly.

"You know Sugar I'm starting to think you need some hugs." Ronnie-Bell noted as Orders suddenly raised a hand, waving her over. "Just hugs in general."

"…Come here for a moment Ronnie-Bell." Ronnie-Bell approached her as Orders tapped her foot on the floor. Curiously. "…Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Ronnie-Bell replied as Orders eyes flashed, then she walked away briskly. "Orders?"

Orders kicked over a few crates of toys, one with cars, one with soldiers, finally, she kicked over one with a big jack in the box before prying it open revealing a fire-axe.

"…Do I want to know?" Ronnie-Bell replied as Orders grabbed the sharpened fire-axe and handed it to Ronnie-Bell. Pointing to the floor and drawing an 'X' in the dust with her foot.

"Hit that spot with the ax." She said frankly. Ronnie-Bell eyed her boss curiously for a moment, swinging the fire-axe at her side like a purse for a second, then gripping it with both hands.

"Alright Sugar you're the boss." Planting her feet, raising the ax high, she brought it down in a heavy- "Hi-YAH!"

The axe BIT right through the floor. Like it was hollow. "Lift." Orders said as Ronnie-Bell easily hefted a 3ft-by-3ft sheet of metal from the floor. Revealing a slight hollow indent, and a keypad.

"Oh Sugar, what the HELL did we find?" Orders eyes flashed, she hissed and shook her head. Rubbing her temples in pain as she shook her head again.

"…Something curious." She said, reaching down and tapping in 5 numbers. 32724 CLICK!

The keypad gave way to a set of stairs and an almost pristine empty room. Ronnie-Bell raised an eyebrow, staring down into the darkness before clearing her throat. "Should I bring the fire-axe?" Orders just chuckled and walked down the steps. "Sugar that's not a 'no'." she added, bringing the fire-axe and following her boss.

Orders ran her hand on the wall, and pushed. Clicking on some less than functional lights but they allowed her to see what she already had seen. "…What is that?" Ronnie-Bell breathed, glancing at the 'thing' mounted on the wall like a trophy.

Orders walked over to a work desk, viewing a few blueprint plans. "…A prototype it looks like. It's been down here for a while… there are dozens of failed models. 'Were' I guess is a better word…"

"…Why does it have… 'bits'?" Ronnie-Bell asked, trying not to giggle.

"Because if you're going to make a sexbot." Orders began, reaching into her pocket for her phone. "You're going to need the 'bits'." She said casually before hesitating, sighing, then tapping in some numbers and putting it to her ear. Pausing for a long moment… then. "Put him on. He knows who this is."

After another moment of Orders gazing at the thing on the wall. She spoke into the phone again.

"…Hiro, I got a job for you…" Ronnie-Bell raised an eyebrow at her curiously, that wasn't a name she's ever heard Orders use before. "No. My policy still stands, but I'll let you take one on a playdate…" she said, as she stared at the thing on the wall. "…Fine. TWO of them. But you cannot kiss, no groping, and no touching of any skin other than hands. You try going around any bases that don't involve baseball then we're going to have a problem." Ronnie-Bell chuckled. "You're still underaged and I'm not dealing with that…Payment on completion." she hesitated, "…Tell me, what can you do with THIS?" she then held her phone at the thing and took a picture.

Two weeks later.

"So… when does Sierra and Brielle get back from Japan?" asked White Rabbit curiously.

"Tomorrow. They were only going for the day." Orders noted dismissively as White Rabbit nodded.

"Seems like a waste only going for one day…" White Rabbit added nostalgically

"They got on a private jet, so it's expedited. Besides once I told Sierra that she couldn't take Tom she was insistent on it." the purple-eyed boss replied dismissively. White Rabbit chuckled playfully as (T) Vixen entered the lounge, heading towards the locker rooms.

"Evening loves. Anything… new?" she blinked inside the locker room as an attractive… metal woman walked out. "…Whoooo t'bloody hell are you?" she asked as the woman blinked at her curiously.

There was something… uncanny about her. "Hello." She said simply, she had a beautiful face, short platinum blonde hair, large breasts and a firm but thick and plump pawg rear that would give Jackie a run for her money. She was beautiful but she looked like somebody's ideal for a perfect girl doll or something… slender waist, long legs… kind of familiar. Where had Vixen seen her before?

"Oh. You must be a New Hire." She said as Orders clarified her statement.

"She is. She's going to be our new Platinum." Orders added as Catwoman (I) walked out of the showers pulling her suit back on.

"Yep and she's getting her photo taken so better hurry it up Platinum." She declared giving the beautiful blonde a pat on the big booty. It wobbled majestically like jello as Catwoman walked out of the locker room.

Vixen stared at her curiously for a minute. Trying to place where she had seen her before… then shrugged, heading to change herself as Platinum put her fingers into her platinum blonde hair, and ran her fingers through it… with a whirling sound and a shimmer it changed from Platinum blonde to steely silver.

She removed her clothes carefully, placing them in the locker Orders gave her before her porcelain doll skin changed into a similar color to her hair. Including her face, her blue eyes shifting into a shimmering silver… then she merely put on a matching silver bikini top and bottoms over her plump breasts and wobbling ass cheeks, plus matching silver heels… giving off the impression that she was a completely smooth robot… with plenty of fleshy jiggle, and wearing 'fuck me' heels...

Speaking of Fuck.

"…What the fuck?" Vixen stared at her, not believing her own eyes as Platinum walked out of the locker rooms. "Orders what the fuck!?" she repeated, sticking her own head out as Catwoman and White Rabbit seemed completely unaffected. White Rabbit was trying not the laugh. She then pointed to a rather unaffected Platinum. "What t'actual. Bloody. FUCK?!"

"…You're acting like you've never seen a gynoid before." Orders noted unconcerned as Vixen blinked between Catwoman and White Rabbit.

"I didn't know she was a whatever, did you two know?!" she asked indignantly as Catwoman shrugged.

"Uh. YEAH… What's got your panties twisted? We got two green girls and a half alien. A robot isn't that big a surprise."

"I'm Japanese." White Rabbit replied simply with a smile and a shrug, before gesturing lazily to Platinum. "…That's just cool."

"Gynoid." Orders replied, "Robots don't have 'bits'." She clarified. "Fully functional. Emotional. Sentient AI. Be nice." She declared to Vixen who to her credit managed to collect herself quickly.

"Bloody hell, at least warn a girl Orders!" she replied indignantly. "Gave me a bloody heart attack! Aliens. Mutants. ROBOTS." She mumbled, heading out onto the floor and passing Orders' counter as the purple-eyed boss noted casually.

"Gynoid." She corrected before she turned her attention to Catwoman already framing the couch with her fingers as she calculated the best photo for Platinum. "Catwoman get to it. Platinum, take your photo."

"Yes Mother." Replied Platinum simply, and unashamedly.

"*SNORT!*/*SNICKER!*". Catwoman and White Rabbit tried stifling their laughter, "Hahahaha!" but inevitably still giggled girlishly as Orders quietly fumed.

"…I'm going to KILL Hiro." Orders snarled under her breath before speaking normally and sternly to Platinum, "Don't call me that at work, call me Orders."

"Yes Mother." Repeated Platinum before a giggling Catwoman guided her onto the couch and into various poses. Orders however, texted Sierra to slap Hiro VERY hard in the face, and say it was from her… then told Brielle to send a picture of it.

And Speaking of pictures.

"Aaaannnd" CLICK. "DONE." Declared Catwoman, swinging the camera by it's strap as she turned around to head back to Orders. "She's a natural."

"I am not organic." Replied Platinum informingly. "…Ah. Simile." She noted thoughtfully to herself, literally filing that away in her hard drives for further study. Orders took the camera and promptly plug it into the computer. Set up everything on the website, then activate Platinum.

"Alright. All done. Get to work…" she jerked her thumb towards the floor as White Rabbit and Platinum obeyed immediately, Catwoman however.

"…Seriously Orders is she going to work out?" she asked with a slight smile.

"I've giving her numerous files and videos to work with. She'll be fine." Orders replied, "Not to mention a bit of your porn collection."

"How did you get my laptop?" Catwoman asked.

"I told Eddie to bring it to me and he did." Because Catwoman's brother Eddie, like all men who drew Orders's ire once, knew better than to say no when she asked for something. "You may hit him on your own time." She added as Catwoman frowned.

"Don't mind if I do. But not just that, I mean… all the 'parts'?" she subtly hinted, gesturing to her own sexy figure. "Are they all functional?"

Orders stared at her thoughtfully, "…She's completely functional…" then more wistfully she added, "Whoever designed her had very specific ideas in mind. I'm just taking advantage of it."

"As you would." Catwoman replied, shrugging and strutting sensually onto the floor. "Of course, you would."

"…What else would you use a sexbot for?" Orders noted to herself, tapping at her crossword.

It was barely 40 minutes before somebody got curious.

Time: 9:13 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring CLICK

"Superbabes. We Deliver."

"Hello. Yellow Lantern available?"

"She's not working tonight. We have a website that shows who is."

"Yeah? No kidding?..........."

"…Could you decide faster?"

"Well, I want to look… Plaaatinum? The Platinum meal… is she just… silver all over?"

"One Platinum Pepperoni Pizza. Anything else?"

"A Pep? And delivered by Platinum. Seriously wouldn't painting her up like that take forever?"

"We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the Police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of the delivery. Name and address please."


"Platinum, you got one." Orders declared as the platinum woman returned to the lounge with a few bills sticking out from the straps of her top. Without them it would be difficult to tell if she was wearing anything at all. It was a very effective costume. A mini-pizza box spiraled out across the counter, naturally stamped with the Superbabes brand and a sexy picture of Raven.

Orders slapped the receipt on the pizza box, where oddly it stayed, as Platinum removed her tips from her 'uniform' and placed them on counter. "Here Mother."

"Stop calling me that." Orders replied, "Get going before the pizza gets cold."

The box itself was warm on her mechanical hands as she picked it up and walked out the back door. She got into the company car, and after reviewing her files on driving she pulled out of the parking lot just before an oncoming car slammed on the brakes.

"Where did you learn to drive!?" he roared even though she had the right of way.

"The internet." She declared as he stared at her silvery form. Before reviewing her driving etiquette file, and extending her middle finger towards the offending driver as she sped off into Gotham.

Hank's Garage, just inside of Upper East Gotham, was closed but there was a light on inside the building. Platinum parked close to first of the three garage doors. And got out of the car picking up the Pizza box, and approaching the door to the garage…

Her Mother had thoroughly informed her of protocal and she stored it away into her databanks where she kept all of her various Superbabes information and her programing on sexual acts. It was what she was designed for after all...

Toyman, the original one, not the one that repaired and refitted her. Wanted a companion, and before he settled on his supposed 'masterpiece' he made her first. No personality, no emotion, purely designed for sexual gratification… little more than an elaborate Sex Doll, She wasn't necessarily a failure, but what he tried in her he perfected in the model registered as 'Darci'. Leaving her to metaphorically rust in an abandoned hideout until Orders shipped her to the Heroic Toyman: Hiro Okamura.

He improved her, updated her, reprogramed her and downloaded a significant amount of 'instructional' pornography. SIGNIFICANT. Some of it was outlawed in certain states… No questions. Most of what she was now was because of her Mother's specifics, she had a learning AI, she had function. Most importantly she was loyal to her Mother… She was designed for pleasure, and she was programmed and designed to enjoy it…

Her mother referred to it as The Reward Function. Hiro called it colloquially 'the pleasure button'. It wasn't a button, but having sex for her, was a reward, and when she did it well it was bliss.

Meaning, some girls did this for money, some did this for fun, she's going to do it because it will feel good and the reward for her service will make her Mother happy and will therefore provide more reward… it was the simple things in life that kept you focused.

Standing in front of the door, she glanced down at her mechanical body and the bikini she wore for 'modesty'. Even if she could if she wanted too just hide her genitalia and mammaries inside her body for the complete experience… but her Mother told her she needs a place to stuff tips. She then glanced at the door, raised her hand and knocked hard on the door. Going into full 'Superbabe' mode.


Time: 9:34 PM. Place: Upper-East Gotham (Hank's Garage)

"Special Delivery Service." She said, lowering her hand to her curvy waist and striking an inviting, sexual pose as she waited for it to open. Putting a smile on her pretty, perfect platinum face. She used to have a Darci Doll Face, but Hiro redesigned it by… examining… numerous adult models. For research.

The service door eventually unlocked, and it opened. The man in the mechanic jumpsuit was tall, muscular, with a dark tan and dark brown hair… This was Ted, wearing Earl's jumpsuit again, but Platinum hasn't met him before.

"Hell-oooh kay you are ALL silver." He said, glancing her up and down surprised as she walked right in. Swaying her bouncy pliable rear inside and holding the pizza box on one upraised hand and her other on her curvy waist, drawing emphasis to her large poundable posterior. It was round and buoyant with plenty of 'heft' to it and jiggle.

Modern artificial implants were miracles these days… while most could claim the could tell 'fake tits' on sight. Her entire body was designed to be as 'real' as possible. The HEIGHT of artificial sex dolls: that doesn't sound like anything to brag about… but shut up.

Ted was distracted by Platinum bikini clad rear as she glanced around the garage. There was only one car inside and currently it was in multiple pieces. The entire back seat was standing outside the car against the wall, like someone went to a scrapyard to find a couch. Ted seemed to be eyeing her over like a work of art… as she stood like a statue letting him examine her.

To the keen eye she was a work of art…

She said nothing as he circled her, and put the pizza down on the hood of the disassembled car. "So… is that paint? Or…" he asked… putting his hand on her arm and squeezing. "..What?" he blinked. "It feels kinda like metal-" she grabbed him and easily threw him onto the displaced car seat, right in the center. "Whoa!"

She tossed her 'hair'. Which was a highly durable synthetic monofiber… soft to the touch and versatile. Hiro was going to use it to make clothes that turn invisible… for reasons, but she can change her hair color at will. She reached up to her bikini top, and promptly removed it, displaying her large breasts for Ted's viewing pleasure…

They were large and round and the envy of many outside of Superbabes apparently. She dropped her silver top to the floor, before sinking her fingers into her breasts… "Haaah…" she moaned erotically, rolling her head on her smooth and somewhat polished neck as she stimulated herself…

…Because she COULD stimulate herself. THIS. FELT. GOOD. That's what her reward function told her. Sex=Fun and Pleasure. A bit of coding by Hiro. It made her WANT to have sex… she could learn, and grow… but she was designed to FUCK. So that's what she's going to do…

Her internal lubricant was already slicking her insides… moist, soft and silky to the touch… flavored on request. Not that her mother wanted her to tell anyone outright she was a gynoid. She swiveled her hips slowly, her heels 'clanking' on the floor as she approached him slowly, and leaned forward pressing her hands on the back of the seat and pushing her soft breasts into his face.

"You should be touching me more." She said emotionlessly as Ted managed to focus his dreamy gaze and glance up at her before taking his hands and CLAP. "Mmmn…" she moaned plainly, feeling his hands on her perfectly designed ass.

Made for twerking, clapping, jiggling and wiggling. Cushion for the Pushin has never been so factually accurate.

With his face still between her cleavage she slid onto his lap, feeling his cock against her moistened crotch through the jumpsuit as his hands continued to leave their imprints in her ass cheeks. She gyrated slowly on his lap, expertly moving her mechanical body, grinding sensually on top of him. The 'perfected' Darci model was… heavy, to say the least. She on the other hand was refitted with a lighter chassis and 'bone' structure so she didn't crush anyone when she was on top.

"Oooooh…" she moaned, her voice 'auto-tuning' at a frequency designed to arouse. Feeling his erection against her crotch throbbing eagerly to get inside her. I want it inside me." She declared plainly, frankly, putting her legs on the cold floor before getting on her knees before him. Her lips, plump, soft and warm opened in a sensual gasp she didn't gasp… but she's been programmed to arouse and titillate to maximum effect and 9 out of 10 times prove that eye-contact and eager panting arouse 90% of men.

She ran a skilled hand over his growing bulge as she grabbed at his jumpsuit, yanking it warningly as she tried to strip him. Ted nervously laughed and pried her hand away, "Okay! Okay… jeez, hang on…" he declared, "That Lantern chick was freaky but you're just thirsty!" He stood up awkwardly from the seat… pushing his bulge against her pretty, unmoving face as she gazed devotedly up at him, already masturbating as he began stripping out of his jumpsuit.

He wiggled awkwardly before pushing it to the floor and kicking it away only to feel her perfect lips against his sack. "Mmn… mmn…" she hummed softly, kissing each nut before putting her hands on his waist and shoving him easily back onto the seat. "MMn!!" she licked tentatively as his shaft as it wobbled against her face. Her tongue dripping liberally with 'saliva' as she kissed it again. Servicing his shaft before grabbing at his waist and yanking him forward.

"Whoa!" his legs hooked over her shoulders as his shoulders lied on the couch. "Nngh!"

"Mmmn!" she sucked his balls back into her vacuum mouth, slurping and writhing her tongue around them before letting them free with a panting gasp. "I love how you taste…" she moaned, stroking his cock as she went beneath his sack and-

"Wwh-hoow! Hey! WHOA!" he jumped awkwardly, falling off her shoulders onto her lap before standing up and writhing awkwardly… her tongue had STUFFED itself up his rear. "I'm not into that…"

That particular act was installed into her 'Haha Orders' folder: Something Hiro left in her programing for giggles… She looked briefly disappointed… but just opened her mouth as he stood up. Letting his cock slap against her perfectly smooth face as she licked at his sack again.

"Haah-aaaah…" she kept licking him until she heard his teeth grinding together, he grabbed at her head and ran his fingers through her 'hair'.

"Put it in your mouth-ooh!" He shuddered as she wrapped her vacuum lips around it. "SHiiit." He hissed happily as she drove her head up and down his cock EASILY. She obviously didn't have a gag reflex. Sloppy, messy, and fantastic she drooled all over his cock. Saliva and spittle flung back and forth from beneath his shaft as she buried her face into his crotch again and again at a dangerously rapid rate…

For him. He was gonna cum…

"Haa-aaaagh! Oh shit! NNGH!!" he grabbed at her head, halfway down his shaft as she gazed up at him. His shaft was so lubricated it was like someone just changed his engine oil. "Haaah…" thick, gooey seed rushed into her mouth as her entire body trembled excitedly… Semen was another addiction to her 'Reward Function'… instant climax. Her platinum eyes rolled in her head as she savored the taste and the fresh hot seed on her tongue before licking his cock and gulping it down…

…Platinum was a modern miracle… while she COULD potentially just plug herself into a wall overnight to recharge she COULD function on, believe it or not. Food and other edible substance, she could LITERALLY burn calories to live and Semen was just another source of energy to her.

"Hoooly crap that was like when I got my dick caught in the garage vacuum…" he breathed happily. Paused, then added quickly. "On accident."

But Platinum wasn't listening she was worshipping, gently caressing his cock in one hand and gently running her tongue against it before, gently this time, pushing him onto the 'couch' and standing up. She yanked at the side ties of her bottoms, letting it fall away only it didn't go easily. It clung to her well lubricated crotch… it finally, and softly hit the floor as she licked her lips. Turning slowly around to display an ass literally designed to get men hard before bending forward and reviewing 'twerking', quickly.

It was mostly videos of Brielle and Tasha. Naturally. They were experts.

Clap-Clap-Clap. Spreading her legs shoulder length apart she bent over and let the majestic sounds of her ass bounce and smack together, the noise like a siren call to harden cock in a mile radius… it made for awkward boners in the nearby building. But Ted gaped happily at her clapping cheeks, her ass bouncing left, right and in a circle perfectly.

With an expert hop, she moved backward, keeping his gaze on her clapping cheeks before she began dropping it gently up and down on his lap. Pap-Pap-Pap. Her knees bent and locked firmly into place as she went up and down, her cheeks clapping together as she gyrated and danced… before his hands grabbed at her waist and smacked her ass cheeks. WHAP!

"MMNGH!" a shudder when through her mechanical spine, and a wave of pleasure rushed through her as he yanked her back onto his lap, feeling his cock squirm between her ass cheeks as she clenched around it.

"Oooh man…" he hissed, hooking his hands under her knees, still internally locked in the 'twerking protocol as he lifted her up, and dropped her easily down onto his cock, "Oh shit!" he cursed happily, feeling her wet insides cling tightly around him. "You're so damn wet!

"Haaaaah!" her voice undulated briefly in auto-tune as he lifted her up and down, "Nggh! Aah! Aaah! Aaah!" writhing and gyrating as she was lifted up and down on his girth. Her insides tweaked, and twitched, 'humming' up and down his throbbing shaft. Her lubricant dribbled down his cock as she gasped again. "Haa-haaa! More! Mo-OOOR!!" she screamed an orgasm, shaking as she was rewarded. "Haaaah…"

"Ugh! Ugh! NNgh! Man!" his hands went from her knees to her breasts, squeezing her tits firmly as he continued to lift her up and down. "Uugh! Uaaah…" he thrust his hips up into her, pushing his cock all the way into her body. "You are MILKING me…" he groaned happily as she… well she kind of did, shaking as he spilled his seed into her fleshy insides, she squeezed out every drop. Her internal functions taking him deep into her 'womb' for processing into more functional energy.

His hands squeezed her tits, as he rolled onto the couch car seat, they lay on their sides, spooning as he continued to grope her breasts, his girth pumping another load inside her before he panted for breath. "Whoo… oooh man…" he groaned, squeezing her breasts again as he felt her insides literally vibrate around his cock, encouraging him to get harder… his hips bucking eagerly as he stiffened inside her. "Mmn… MGH!" he already started thrusting again, "What is… with you!" he groaned, "I got to have more of you!"

"MMMMGNh!" she shuddered excitedly, shaking as he pushed in deep, then quickly pulled out, "Haaah…" he got up, rolling her onto her back but keeping her left leg up, pushing her knee flexibly to her shoulder as he spread her right leg letting it drop to the floor. Holding her leg with one hand and planting the other on her right tit he pushed back into her body. "Haah!" rubbing more of her erogenous zones, literally pushing pleasure buttons as she rocked her lower body up to meet his steadily increasing thrusts.

"Use me like a sex doll…" she moaned, her pleasure gauge building. "Use me for your release!" more she was almost there. "Hurry! Hurry more!"

"Ugh! Haa-haaah YES!" he laughed, "You are awesome!" he flopped onto her body, slamming away into her, "Ugh! Ugh! WORTH! IT!"

"Haa-haa-haaa-aaaaaagh!" ERROR! "NNNNGH!!! C-C-Cu-CUMM-ING!" she flopped onto the seat, shaking twitching and going very still.

"AAGGGH!!" he flopped onto her, not seeing her 'spark' a little as he planted his cock against her cool to the touch body but warm on the inside. "UUUGH-Gotta-CUM! Ooooh…" He soaked her internal functions, "Ooooh my god." Moaning into the seat, "…I forgot to clean this stupid seat…" he replied.

Boooop. Reboot. She shuddered back to function her eyes blinking around and twitching. Then shuddering as she felt the sensual warm of seed being absorbed into her mechanical marvel of a body. "Haaah…" she sighed contentedly, her pussy already massaging him inside her.

"You… whooo…" but he yanked out of her before she could get him going again. "You are wild…" he laughed, putting on hand on the back of the seat for balance as she rolled up, and over. "Wha-oooh…" and got him back into her mouth.

"Mmngh! MMngh-mmnh…" practically curled up in a ball, she thrust her head forward onto his cock, "Mmgh-mmn…" lying on one leg, the other pushed against her shoulder. It was a good thing he was enjoying her clean-up head so much that he didn't notice how WEIRD she looked in this position. Luckily she was self-aware enough to adjust herself. Bending twitching and jerking into a more 'normal' submissive position, keeping her vacuum lips on his girth. "Mmngh! Mmn…"

"Ugh! Ngh!" he put his hand on the back of her head, bucking his hips forward towards her face, "Haah. Ugh!" teeth clenched Ted watched her face drive up and down, "Ooho-ooh…" thrusting into her face. "Haa-… aaah! Shit!" he yanked from her mouth with a LOUD pop.

She pushed her head forward, pressing her face against his girth as her mouth oozed lubricant, she rubbed her 'skin' against him very briefly but it was enough to finish him off. "Haaah…" she moaned erotically as he spurted up, and onto her back before pulling his hips away from her head and spraying the rest onto her face. "haaah…" Her ass cheeks wobbled like jello as she wiggled it satisfyingly, feeling his seed on her skin as he flopped backward… and off the seat onto the floor.

"Ow… fuck…" he got up quickly, rubbing his head… the clawing himself up the seat to stand erectly… not like his cock with dripped the last drops of his seed onto the floor as she quickly slid off the couch like an uncanny serpent to lick it. But Ted caught her. "Whoa! Jeez lady!" he grabbed her arm and yanked her up. "Enough!" he laughed, "Man you don't have to like nut off the floor! Especially off a garage floor do you have any idea what we've spilled down there? Because I don't."

He blinked at her, the floor, then the seat. "…Shit… I need to clean that up." He mumbled, walking over to a hose as she glanced at the semen spillage on the seat, before leaning down and licking it up quickly… she's a gynoid she doesn't have to worry about germs… but she may have to disinfect herself. "Whoo." Ted breathed, before raising the hose over him and- "Cold! COLD oooh this was a mistake!" he declared, before quickly shaking off the water. "Oooh…" then he hosed the floor, then the seat… before eyeing her curiously. "…Want some?" he said gesturing to her face as she took her fingers, and quickly wiped herself easily, before licking them clean.

"You may hose me now." She said, already converting her energy again as she stood perfectly still, letting him hose her down.

"…You took that really well." He mumbled as she bent over, her breasts and ass wiggling as she picked it up her 'suit'. "I'll get you a towel."

"No need." She said, "…Please acquire payment for your delivery." She noted kindly, "I will tend to my own dampness." He stared at her curiously.

"Uh. Platinum." He noted, reaching into his pizza box and taking a slice as he went towards the office. "It's Gotham you're going to catch a cold. I'll get you a towel or something." However, once he was out of sight.

"Mmmnh…" she hummed, then steam hissed from her body as she quickly evaporated the water. Quick and clean… cooling rapidly as he returned with a towel in one hand and the payment in the other. She was already putting her 'suit' back on. Retrieving the money from his hand. "Thank you." She said, "Order again. I will be waiting…" Ted stared at her in awe… and it wasn't until long after she left that, yeah, he'd definitely be ordering her again.

Time: 10:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Okay. No, I have to ask. Where did you even find a damn robot?" Britney asked, planting her shapely, but not Tasha shapely, booty onto Orders counter as Orders ignored her for the most part.

"Gynoid and I found her." Orders replied frankly, "In a warehouse, and I had an… acquaintance of mine improve her."

"She bribed whoever it was with Sierra and Brielle." Joy corrected, pulling the 'Happy First-time' banner open with Yaya as Britney whistled sharply.

"SO that's where she went off to so quickly. She ran off so fast in t'night I thought she eloped with Tommy boy." Platinum at that moment walked right into the lounge-

"CONGRATULATIONS!" declared the gathered girls before quickly moving on with their work as Yaya rolled up the banner.

It made Platinum hesitate briefly, before heading to, and putting the money, on the counter. "I have returned Mother." she declared as Britney snorted, trying not to laugh as Orders sorted Platinum's money, but didn't hand it to her. Putting it away in a separate pile beneath the counter.

"Don't call me that, Darcy." Orders noted plainly again.

"Yes Mother." she replied simply.

"SNICKER!" Britney giggled clutching at her flat stomach before she hesitated and stopped laughing, "Hold up. Darcy? Like… Like Darci Mason?" Britney after a moment of clarity, glanced at Orders curiously, "You know, THAT's who she reminds me of!" she pointed at 'Darcy'. "That famous Metropolis model Darci Mason! She modeled lingerie with me once. Classy girl."

"I think she was far more famous than you, so it's more likely YOU modeled lingerie with HER…" Orders noted as Britney glared disapprovingly at her boss. But she wasn't wrong, even after vanishing YEARS ago Darci Mason was still a famously known model… admittedly now more famous for vanishing.

"Not Bloody important boss." Britney noted as Orders glared at her.

"Get your rear off my counter."

"I will-EEP! Bloody Hell!" Darcy lifted Britney easily off the counter and carefully placed her on her feet away from it. "Alright! Alright." She mumbled, before eyeing Darcy suspiciously. "You look a LOT like her love." Darcy seemed concerned for a moment before Britney finally smiled at lightly patted her shoulder. "It's a compliment." She said, heading back onto the floor as Darcy blinked after her. Turning to Orders curiously.

"Is it Mother?" she asked innocently as Orders scowled at her.

"In a way. And don't call me Mother at work. You just got here and I'd hate to send you back to Hiro to fix that. I can't believe he programmed it into you."

"…Hiro did not program that into me, Mother." Darcy replied frankly, "I will get back to work now." She declared before adjusting her suit and returning to the floor.

Orders watched her for a minute, sighed, and went back to her crosswords. AI didn't evolve in a day… and with all the safeguards in place that was a good thing.


Let me explain. MALCOLM TENT. The writer who convinced me to start posting on QQ, TRICKED my brain into writing Platinum, aka 'Darcy'. And she is in fact the prototype model for Darci Mason from Superman the Animated Series and Static Shock… A two-shot character that inspired a Superbabe… to be fair I've always wanted to do a Robot New Hire, but I never expected I'd use a robot to imitate a robot… it was just too good to pass up.
