
Delivery Girl: Black Canary Order #5

I don't own DC

Big Barda, who recently arrived and changed, slammed her hands on Orders counter as the purple-eyed boss of Superbabes audibly sighed. She didn't need her clairvoyance to see this conversation coming.

"MY brother. CALEB. Asked YOU out on a DATE?!" she said with the biggest smile EVER plastered on her face. Apparently, neither offended nor annoyed that her oldest brother asked out her controlling clairvoyant boss.

Orders sighed again. "I'd asked how you found out, but we all know who has a big fucking mouth." Orders shot insultingly at the 'fire-starting' Silver Banshee as she flirted with a table of bikers. Who overhearing Orders, managed to flip off her boss without the biker's noticing. This was impressive because it was behind her back and they were checking out her ass… Which I guess is really just a compliment to her ass. "Yes. Sgt. Smulders did indeed ask me out…" she admitted. "…I don't know if I'll say yes."

"What? Why not?! My brother's a great guy!"

"And most of the girls here would probably say yeah to that hunk of cop meat." Declared Black Canary casually coming in to drop off tips. Big Barda eyed her suspiciously, "What? He's easy on the eyes… I'd buy a calendar with him on it." she replied turning around to head back out onto the floor but staying close by to listen in. "His partner's kinda cute too, and so easy to charm." Seeing Orders and Big Barda's discouraging looks. "Just saying…"

Orders ignored Black Canary's digs. "…The quality of your brother aside… there is the small matter of him being a COP and me running a 'delivery service'." Orders noted plainly, focusing on her Columbian crosswords today.

"Whaaaat?" Big Barda replied, planting her big red-clad rear on the counter. "But you'd be so cute together… besides, he needs a date, you don't date… it'll work out."

Orders sighed again, "I'm clairvoyant and I hardly see how this is your business." Orders replied as Big Barda scoffed. "He can do much better than a workaholic meta like me. Besides…" Orders rested her chin on her hand, gazing up at Big Barda. "It takes everything I have to take care of you harpies."

After a moment of palpable silence, Black Canary decided to ask, "…Does your brother like busty blondes?" Big Barda seemed to think about it. "I know Danny boy is off-limits: I don't feel like tangling with Ashley." Silver Banshee suddenly scowled on the floor, not quiet hearing Black Canary's comments, just her tone.

Silver Banshee's 'alleged', totally not kinda cute crush on Big Barda's youngest brother was a touchy subject. 'Touchy' as in she'd punch you in places you specifically didn't want to be punched.

"Hmmn…" Big Barda seemed to think about Black Canary's question as the busty blonde came in from the floor for an extended rest and to give her legs a break from the subtle fondling. "I think he's pretty open on looks…Honestly what Caleb really likes are the hard cases. He dated a couple of tough girls in highschool, he had a bitchy girlfriend in college: I never liked her, Ash threatened to kill her. Dated a girl with anger issues in the academy but when she graduated, she transferred to Central City… he got a drug dealer to go straight after one date… that was funny."

"…I'm sorry, are you comparing me to a drug dealer?" Orders glanced up from her crosswords as Big Barda just smiled, but it was Black Canary who couldn't help herself.

"Well, you do get people hooked on us…" she noted lazily without looking up from her magazine.

"…I am going to WILL someone with a big hole-stretching dick to call us." Orders grumbled, going back to her crosswords now in a mood, "Just for the satisfaction of psychically seeing you squirm."

"I thought your powers don't work like that?" Black Canary replied rather snarkily and unthreatened as Orders scowled irately, tapping at a particularly hard down word that was escaping her mind at the moment… mostly from irritation.

"Sometimes the universe likes me." She noted with an air of knowing, then glanced irately at the phone before sighing after a respectable time, "Not tonight apparently."

"Oh no. No hole stretching dicks? Whatever should I do…" Black Canary noted sarcastically before she crossed her shapely fishnet legs and leaned back against the couch reading a magazine from the stack of them on the low table. "If Kathy were here, she'd say you were… projecting? I think. Angry because you don't know how to respond to an ACTUAL relationship."

"…I do not need relationship advice from YOU…" Orders declared coolly. "You haven't had a successful one since your lips first touched alcohol." Black Canary just shrugged dismissively.

"At least I've been in a few. When was the last time you had a date?"

Orders stared purple daggers at Black Canary, inwardly fuming and outwardly radiating a dangerous anime-like anger aura… Big Barda suddenly realized that maybe having this (somewhat teasing) conversation when Superbabes's 'top bitch' was present wasn't the best idea. Maybe 'top bitch' was too strong. Resident Mean girl might be better? Regardless… Black Canary was probably poking the wrong bear. Especially since said bear's frustrated silence spoke volumes…

Orders either never had a date before or couldn't remember the last time she had one. Both options weren't very flattering nor the best things to ask her right now… No, I'm not telling you the answers to those questions: I value my life.

Orders took a deep breath through her nose, releasing it steadily out her mouth. "Big Barda. Tell your brother I WILL go out with him. But ask for lunch or earlier. I need to work Saturday night, and make sure he knows what he's getting into."

"…That you're clairvoyant?" Big Barda unsure of what Orders meant replied hesitantly as Orders's purple eyes flashed and she shot a cool look at the big brunette.

"That I'm a workaholic and I'm not changing anytime soon." She then reached for the phone seconds before it rang.

Time: 8:19 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Hey is that 'Miss Martian' chick in?"

"No. She's not up on the website so she's not delivering tonight."

"Ah damn… well uh… how about…"

"Black Canary."

"What?... she's hot. Hey… wait a second…"

"One Black Canary treat."

"Wait I ain't ordered yet."

"It will be very good for her and most amusing for me."

"Duh… al'ight then. That whatever you just said…"

"Very well, We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery, cash only, name and address please."


"Here you got one." Orders declared, ripping off the receipt. "Shake your tits, come back walking funny." She declared dismissively as Black Canary stood up, approaching the counter and looking sour.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you're a bitter woman?"

"Yes, just not to my face." Orders replied as Big Barda tried not to laugh. She held the receipt out to Black Canary who snatched it and glanced it over, eyes widening.

"You're not serious." She said breathlessly, but clearly very annoyed.

"I don't care where the money comes from-" Orders declared dismissively as Black Canary finished for her with clenched teeth.

"-as long as it comes. Right right… fuck me." She grunted as the superbabes brand disposable (and biodegradable) bag, stamped with a cartoonishly sexy Black Canary, slid out of the kitchen across the counter and the 'real' one snatched it from the counter, stomping out the back to the company car where she slid right in, adjusted what needed adjusting, then drove off into Gotham.

The Diamond District. Expensive buildings. Expensive clubs. Diamond was in the name. However, it's more like a Blood Diamond district, shiny on the surface but the stories behind it are less than clean.

A prime example of this fact was her destination. She pulled up not too far away from the Iceberg Lounge, owned and operated by 'former criminal' Oswald Cobblepot, aka the Penguin. The Lounge was a legitimate business, but the owner, the operators, and the back rooms told a different story altogether. Penguin was still a criminal but he was a 'legit' criminal like the mobsters of Chicago. Not the Mobsters in Gotham they were more open to their mobbery…

Penguin was still in the game. He had his ears to the ground and birdy eyes in the sky: information, blackmail, occasionally a bit of black-market acquisition. Nothing in his name of course, if you got caught with something the Penguin arranged, he obviously didn't do it. The Iceberg Lounge was even considered neutral ground, although it often wasn't respected by Prominent 'Capes' like the Batman… and the Joker was hit or miss obviously…

But the Iceberg lounge was something of The Penguin's crown jewel, a legitimate business and a criminal empire. Sometimes it was hard to tell if The Penguin was wearing the mask of a businessman or a criminal for the Iceberg lounge offered him a legitimate chance for respect of the elite of Gotham. The Lounge was still a Gotham Hotspot despite its history.

One of the reasons why she used to work here. It paid well as long as she kept her mouth shut… or open, depending on certain moods… but the stress of Heroes and Villain's not to mention the top three bird bitches Jay, Raven and Lark always giving her SHIT…

She parked the company car not to far from the lounge, absolutely packed with people out front trying to get a table. Some famous band was apparently playing tonight, she didn't care to get close enough to look like she wasn't going in the front door dressed like Black Canary, that was just asking security to kick her ass.

She made her way around the back of the building, obviously, it was one of the backroom guys who had ordered her. the ones to 'criminal' to work upfront with the bird bitches…

…The real reason she left the Iceberg lounge was because she had unintentionally caught Oswald's eye. Perhaps it was her, even at the time, resemblance to Black Canary. She looked like a top-heavy version of her even back then. Maybe he thought the REAL one was spying on him, or maybe he just liked blondes with big tits. Either way, she wasn't really aware of it until she left. But his bird Bitches, Jay, Raven, and Lark, they got a little jealous.

The staff always wondered if they were a 'paid harem' or if they actually enjoyed the Penguin's attention and company. It was hard to tell, but they were far more loyal to the birdman than most would expect of a trio of beauties… The penguin did seem to be able to charm 'birds from the trees' as it were… regardless they made her job especially difficult, so she quit. Then a few weeks later started working for orders…

Yeah, she's getting paid to have sex (probably) just like them but at least she wasn't knocking heels with an ex-(potentially)-criminal. Or fighting the Batman, or being raided by the police… working for Orders was just BETTER… felt better too. Most of the time.

She wandered around to the back of the lounge to an employee's entrance. Judging from the lake of an armed guard, she suspected there wasn't a lot of backroom business tonight, everyone must actually be enjoying themselves…

She approached the door, raising her fist, then knocking loudly. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:34 PM. Place: Diamond District (Iceberg Lounge)

"Special delivery Service."

…Here she was, at the back of the Iceberg lounge in fishnets, corset, and jacket. Waiting… she really hoped nobody from the 'shooty' side of the lounge saw her. After a minute, two minutes… three. The door finally opened…

"Yeah?" a towering goon stood over her, suit, tie, goonish haircut and face… smoking a cigar as it dropped from his mouth. "The hell?"

"Hey. Did anyone here order Superbabes delivery?" she asked as she held up the food back.

"…Aren't you Black Canary?" he asked stupidly as she sighed.

"DELIVERY. Did anyone order?"

He blinked at her, "Hold on." He tried to shut the door but she put her hand on it.

"Come on. It's cold and I'm in fishnets." She declared, "Just let me in." she said, as he hesitated, then opened the door.

"Wait right here." He ordered, shuffling away from the door and deeper into the building, towards the more 'Penguin' employee area. She didn't really go there… that's probably where they kept guns and merchandise that would get you punched by a Superhero.

She could hear the music of the band, they were loud… and judging from the crowd she could thankfully assume that the Bird Bitches were too busy actually working to come back here to bother her. She could take some comfort in that.

"Hey… uh…" he returned, approaching her and standing by the exit. "…One of the guys in security ordered you." He said curiously at the sound of his own words. "Second door-"

"On the right. Yeah." She replied, thankful that it wasn't anywhere 'shooty'… still, she wondered if it was someone she knew. She hoped it wasn't. The goon scratched his head curiously as she walked through the backroom hallway, reaching the door on the right… and opening it.

Oh GREAT it's Luko. He was big, stupid and goonish. He was also here when She worked her. He wasn't an ugly guy. But he was definitely the kind of Gotham thug who'd attack Batman if you told him to no questions asked…

He grinned at her as she smiled and entered the little security room, the entire left wall was mounted with security screens showing a packed house and multiple girls in corsets and fishnets running around waitressing, several empty coffee cups littered the desk along with one of the Iceberg lounges less expensive dinner platters. She was apparently dessert.

"Hiii." She said slowly, strutting into the room. And putting the bag down on the desk as she pushed her tits distractingly into his face so he potentially might not recognize hers as he sat in the simple four-legged chair, apparently not good enough for one with wheels. "Did you order Superbabes?"

"Duh… yeah." He grinned cheekily, turning away completely from the security cameras to gaze into her cleavage. He reached up immediately, and clutched at her tits, she hissed softly through her teeth as he immediately began to fondle them. "These are huge!" he declared happily before standing up, towering over her…

He was a Gotham goon/thug after all they're all pretty bulky with fists the size of hams. He pushed her up against the wall, "Ah…" she gasped as his meaty mitts squeezed at her breasts, "Haa… NGH! Take it easy!" she snarled, wiggling her hips as she tried to distract him by grabbed at his cock. "…Ah damn it…" she mumbled, feeling the girthy bulge in her hands. Luko didn't seem to be distracted at all.

He grabbed at the Black Canary blue jacket framing her prominent bust before yanking it off her shoulders as if fell crumpled to the floor, hooking his fingers into the top of her corset and tugging it down exposing her big soft breasts as they bounced free of their sexy restraints, quickly caught by his hands again as he lifted them up. Opening his mouth wide to suck noisily on her nipples… his cock throbbing in her hands as she rubbed him through his pants.

"Ngh… ha… ah!" she squirmed as he sucked on her with a blank look on his face. Apparently, he just wanted to suck on some tits, lost in what little brain he actually had as is tongue danced around her nipples. His hands squeezed on her soft breasts as she trembled under his rough treatment… if he kept this up she was going to bruise. She fought him off now, pushing him away 'playfully' before fiddling with his belt.

He went from a slightly hunched over stance, as if about to tackle her, to standing up straight as she undid his belt and tugged his pants down to his knees as she squatted onto her heels, ignoring his cartoonishly stereotypical hearts patterned underwear she grabbed those two and tugged them down. "Shit." She sighed to herself as his bigger-than-expected cock shot towards her pretty blonde face and his hand on her head gave her no option to retreat.

It throbbed eagerly before her eyes as she wrapped her fist around his shaft, quickly and vigorously stroking it as she gazed up at him, he stared blankly at the wall before letting his head roll back on his neck as she continued her hand job.

"Mnn!..." she froze as he pulled his girth against her face, letting it flop over her skin like a fleshy window wiper. Before bucking against her face as if unsure where to stick his cock of all the available holes. "Ah…" she opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue as she started jerking him off again, letting him slap his cock against her tongue as she flicked it against him. Before just taking the initiative. "Mngh-Guck-guck-guck-gawk…" she hilted her face into his crotch and found herself falling forward as Luko sat on the chair.

Taking her with him.

Dropping onto her hands and knees like a dog she kept her lips balls deep on his cock, gazing up at him as she began moving her head again. "Guck-Gawk-Guck!" slamming her face onto his dick as it slipped in and out of her throat, twisting and working her head properly as she ran her tongue along his meat.

"Ooooh… keep doin that…" he moaned eagerly, pushing up against her face as her eyes rolled in her head as if he punched her.

"MGNh?! MNGh! Mnn! Mng-guck! Guck! Guck guck!" thrusting her head on his cock as he held a tight grip in her blonde hair. "Mgh! Mnhgm nhg! Guck!" he held her head down, as her body trembled from lack of air until his other hand grabbed at her skull and yanked her off with a wet slimy squelch. "Gaccck! Cough…" she garbled spitting mucus from her throat onto his cock as he stood up again, swatting her accidentally across the cheek.

"I can do what I want with you right?"

"…yes?" she said hesitantly as his cock twitched again as he grabbed her shoulders and easily hefted her onto her heels. He then tugged curiously at her corset as she sighed, slapped his hands away as she unzipped, taking it off but leaving the fishnets on as the corset hit the floor. "OH…" she was pushed onto the security chair in reverse, her legs sticking out behind it as her ass hung out over the front end. Her big tits pressed against the back as he stood beside her, pushing his cock between her lips and jamming it against her cheek.

"Mngh.. mmngh… aha…" she gasped as he pulled it back out of her mouth before walking behind her. "Ah fuck ME…" she hissed as he spread her ass cheeks, and then her ass. "NNnhghg!" she shuddered as his cock stretched her backdoor, "Fuck you Orders. FUCK You…" she hissed, flipping her boss off in the past…

That's so weird when you think about it.

"Ahh! AH! Hah! Fuck! DICK…" she snarled, shaking as her feet clawed across the floor. He pressed his hands to her upper back keeping her against the chair as he bucked hard against her ass cheeks, clapping loudly as he smacked his hips against her. "Ah… ah! NGH! NGH!" the chair rocked awkwardly as he thrust up her ass. "AH…" jamming deep into her bowels as her rear wobbled from the blows.

Steadily he pounded away into her body as she panted and sneered alternatingly, her legs shaking as she came from her anal ravaging, "Ha-haaah…" she gasped, feeling him bury his cock up inside her ass before grabbing at her slender waist. "Haa?-AH-SHIT…" she snarled again as he pulled her back against him, jerking her body back and forth against his cock as she pounded her crotch on the chair. "Haa-aah ah-a-aah!"

Using her like a literal fuck doll, easily manhandling her onto his cock as he moaned ingloriously and steadily, like a cow mooing… "OOooooh-OH!" he rammed up into her so unexpectedly she barely restrained her squeak.

"EEp!-MNGH!" covering her mouth as he flooded her ass with his load, his balls pressed against her soft rear as he slowly pulled back. His cock throbbed as he continued to spray her insides. He slipped out of her with a soft squelch, before smacking her ass cheek hard.


"Ah!" she rested her hand on her reddening cheek as she was yanked off the chair "Hey! Take it easy brute!" she snapped as he turned her around, holding both her arms behind her back before sitting back down on the chair. "NGh!" she felt his cock throbbing between her hands as he restrained her arms, yanking her awkwardly back towards him as his cock poked against her gaping, somewhat slicked, ass once again.

Her legs tight together she stood at an odd lean with her legs out on her tip toes. His cock poked against her ass cheeks again like a spike trying to penetrate her in a pit trap… clenching her teeth he tugged at her arms and yanked her down onto his cock. "Haagh! AH!" he wasted no time thrusting up into her ass cheeks, they clapped loudly as her body leaped off his lap. Her asshole stretched on his cock again, sliding easily up and down his shaft but not escaping it as she was thrust up into it again as Gravity dragged her down.


She squirmed as he held her arms tightly behind her back, he spread her legs over his so she sat on him like a horse. "Agh! Aah! Shit! FUCK!" she gasped, opening her mouth wide as her body jumped up and down on his lap. Shoving his girth up into her bowels again and again. Panting eagerly as her hands twisted in his shirt… his grip like handcuffs. Her breasts gloriously bounced up and down on her chest as she squealed her steady fucking. "You! Big! Dicked! Idiot!" she gasped, "Hagh! Argh!"

But Luko didn't care, notice, or stopped. His ass fucking was constant as it was deep, her clapping cheeks keeping up with his rhythm. "Haah. Haah… aah…" he grit his teeth, moving faster, deeper, pounding hard into her body as her screams rose a couple of octaves.

"Haah-aaah! HAAAAAH!!" shrieking like Black Canary as she came from her ass, furiously wiggling on his lap.

"Make me cum!" he groaned droningly. "Ooooh." He let go of her arm as he slapped his hand onro her stomach holding her down on his lap. "Get it out! NNGH…" groaning lustfully, "That's goooood." He hissed before standing up from the chair as she stood bent awkwardly over, hanging from her one restrained arm as her tits swung beneath her. Her legs oddly stiff but shaking as her orgasm ripped through her.

"Mmngh! mMNgh!" he let go of her arm as she fell to the floor, "FUCK! Fuck-fuck-fuck…" she hissed as she hit the ground limply, face down and ass up, at least the carpet smelled clean. Her hands clawed at the floor as she tried to recover but she didn't get the time.

Her ass leaking cum was something of a call to arms… Luko gazed at her gaping hole as he gripped at his cock, struggling briefly to get it back up… and succeeding.

"Ah-fuck!" she cursed, feeling him loom behind her and pushing his tip back against her sore ass. "I have other HOOOLES-HIIIT!" she hissed as he immediately. IMMEDIATELY. Began to fuck her.

"AH! Hah! Ugh! Oh! Ah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Haaaah!" she gazed blankly at the wall ahead of her, her chin rubbing the carpet as her mouth hung opening making various, cock hardening noises as she clawed the floor. "Ah! Aah! Haa! Aah-eh! Eeh! Aah! Ahh! Ahh!"

One-two. One-Two. steady. As-she. Goes.

"Aah! Ugh! Ugh! Aah! Oh! Eeh! Ahh! Aah! I! fuck! Shit! Hate! This! Part!" she grunted, shaking as she came but Luko mindlessly pounded on. "Fuck! Aah! Ahhh! You! Can! Fuck! My! Tits!" she grunted, as she swore she felt his cock pounding her organs out of position. "My! Fucking! Puss-Y!!" she hissed, "But! Fuck! Aah! Ngh! Aah! No! you! Want! To! FUuuuck…" she moaned loudly, shaking as she came AGAIn. Curse her sluttiness and desirable sensitive body!

He planted his hands on her hands, pinning her to the floor and still fucking her. His balls slapped audibly against her ass, swinging against her as she felt his hand slid from her wrist to her hair, yanking her back as she chanted her ass fucking.

"Hah. Hah. Haah. Ahh! Ugh! Ugh!" Luko stopped, buried himself up her ass as she blissfully hoped he was cumming, only to not feel the hot rush of cum into her bowels as he let go of her hair, grabbed at her shoulders… and pulled away.

"Aweee-fuuuuuck-u-u-u-uuck!" she squealed as he rapidly jammed into her until his ass was a blur pounding against her body. "Aah-ah-hha-aahaa-aah-ooooooh!-" his rapid jackhammering pinned against her ass cheeks, THEN came the veritable flood of cum. "-thank god…" she whimpered, shaking as she felt it get ALL the way into her… her stomach seemingly gurgling as he just kept cumming…

How did he have so much after his first two shots?!

"Haah… aahhh-ah… ha-ha-HAH…" she gasped, shaking as he ripped his cock out of her ass quickly with a wet, unladylike pop… cum oozing from her hole as she bit her bottom lip. Shaking as he wobbled on his feet and sighed contentedly.

"Duh-that was fun." He sighed happily… cock hanging limp between his legs as he grabbed a fist full of her ass. Her body shaking in orgasm as he playfully drummed on her ass cheeks before getting up completely.

Black Canary groaned, crawling towards the wall, then up the wall. "I hate the lounge…" she moaned, feeling cum between her ass cheeks as she shuddered on her feet. "Mmnhg…" she grunted, shivering as if the air suddenly became colder. She gazed at Luko who was looking back at the screens again, scratching his chin thoughtfully as she decided that he was done.

Taking napkins from the bag she wiped herself down as best she could. The Iceberg lounge only had a private shower in the Penguin's personal quarters, and she wasn't even allowed in there… with clothes on she imagined. She tossed the napkins into the trashbin beside the desk and dressed herself quickly as Luko gaped at the screens, apparently looking for trouble as she flicked his head. "Hey…" he mumbled indignantly as she stared at him

"You need to pay me." She replied firmly, "I don't do this for free you know…" she added as he blinked at her.

"Uh… oh yeah. Hang on…" he got up and pointed to the screens. "Watch this for me…" he said, stupidly before rushing out of the room. Black Canary gaped at him before glancing at the screens. Looking for… well nothing really. There was a politician with a woman that wasn't his wife. There was a local celebrity, with his boyfriend. There was… Lark…

Black Canary watched the redhead of the penguin's trio take a brief respite behind the curtain… and picked her nose rather obviously as Black Canary laughed. Okay. That one got her… where were the other two?

Jay was flirting with a couple of football players at table three… where was Raven? She finally spotted her coming out of Cobblepots office, smiling charmingly as the man himself made a brief appearance outside his office gave her rear and affectionate pat, it was at eye level for him… and sent her off as she adjusted her corset, apparently recently re-dressed, and straightened her fishnets, walking funny as she started moving away.

"Oooh I wasn't the only one fucked by a jerk tonight huh?" mumbled Black Canary… as she caught Raven again… and again… before realizing that… she was heading RIGHT for the security office. "Ah shit…" thankfully at that moment Luko entered the office holding a fresh stack of bills.

"Okay. Any trouble?"

"Nope." Black Canary said quickly, grabbing the money, quickly counting, then deciding to fuck it she didn't need to deal with Raven and pocketed it.

"Hey. Are you Jenny Winters?" asked Luko thoughtfully, "You look like a girl I knew named Jenny she used to work here…" he stared at the screens in thought. "I always wanted to do her."

…she really hated the lounge. And Luko's taken one to many bat-punches to the face.

"NOPE. I'm Black Canary, make sure you tell Raven that if she asks." She said quickly as she rushed out the door. "Bye." She added as she made a run for it. she rushed down the hall quickly just as Raven turned the corner and marched to the security office slamming the door behind her. She rushed back towards the unguarded exit, and rushed outside

"Hold the door." said a stern voice. She hesitated as something in a cape and cowl brushed past her. she blinked, shaking her head and letting it go before walking away. Ignoring the crashes, the screams, the gunfire.

"I hate the lounge." She mumbled sadly, heading back to the car just as poor Luko was sent hurtling out the front door by possibly the Batman, she didn't stick around to find out.

Time: 9:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"No thank you."


"…Put that into a maybe"

"Bulging Belly Busters?"


"Why not?"


"You know…" Rebecca smiled, absently texting her brother for date locations on her phone. "…You could just bring him here?"

"Not on your life would I give you the satisfaction of watching me dine HERE with your brother." Orders declared with such finality you'd think someone died… it might end up being Rebecca. The big woman cleared her throat and continued.

She didn't get far however because the next option for Orders date was- "The Cattle Call."

"Seriously?" Orders glared up at Rebecca as she shrugged. Not only was 'The Cattle Call' a rival skin restaurant, but it was Bessie's place of former employment. The Owner wasn't too happy about Bessie becoming Orders's The Mighty Endowed, but a bit of blackmail from Orders got him to back off.

"…Caleb likes their sirloin." Rebecca replied casually, clearing her throat. "Okay, not the competition. Got it." Jenny returned and with dismissive anger tossed the stack of bills onto the counter as she wiggled awkwardly into the locker rooms to shower.

"Hate you." She declared plainly at Orders.

"Mmn-hmmn. That was for flipping me off." Orders noted frankly as Jenny couldn't help but be frustrated at the sheer futuristic fuckery that went on to justify a royal ass fucking by the gang-idiot.

"I-you…" Jenny hissed, "You sent me to the Iceberg Lounge out of spite!"

"Oooh that's a good place. Iceberg Lounge." Rebecca noted as Orders glared at her.

"You want the COP to take ME to the Iceberg Lounge?"

"Criminals or not, they make a GREAT lobster." Rebecca noted as Jenny hissed at them both and marched into the showers. "…Seriously you should just bring him here, he's always wanted to try the food." She said dismissively as Orders scowled. Then frowned…

"…I'll think about it. If we do, remind me to tell Violet to make sure nobody particular is around to fuck it up."

"Veronica?" Rebecca noted.

"Obviously." Orders replied, going back to her crosswords and hearing Jenny's pained hiss as she 'rinsed' her more sensitive areas with hot water.


I almost didn't send Jenny to the iceberg lounge, she was almost gangbanged in ThePIT style, another time... another time.
