
Delivery Girl: Yellow Lantern

I don't own DC

The daisy yellow sport motorcycle hummed speedily into the parking lot, stopping on a dime outside the seedy Old Gotham club. A burly bouncer stood outside the front door, ignoring most in the line and letting in the occasional attractive woman, one man… an attractive woman again, as the rest of those in line complained irately.

Her shapely lithe body was hugged tightly by her all-black motorcycle catsuit. Hugging every sexy curve of her shapely firm ass, long legs, and curvy waist… her firm round breasts bulged the top, the zipper hanging just below them as she pinched it, and pulled it up, covering them back up again. Her hands rested on her yellow flame embossed helmet as she tugged it off, revealing short dark hair, cut boyishly short, not necessarily a pixie-cut, but close to it.

If her intent was to look more like a man, it failed spectacularly thanks to her beautiful, angled face and her shapely, seductive body… a gift and curse. She raised the helmet angrily over her head, just BARELY restraining herself from slamming it onto the bike's seat in quickly building frustration… but she loved her bike far too much to do that.

"Hey!" she jumped, then sighed grumpily, "Shake that ass in here, the boss wants to see you. NOW." Declared the hulking bouncer opening the back door and shamelessly eyeing her body as she walked towards him… past him… then felt the SMACK on her firm ass as she froze… hissing through her teeth as she restrained herself by tightening her fists… then took a breath. Walking on.

She walked through the hallway as the music from the club thumped rapidly, the walls were soundproof for the most part. A few club girls, basically gogo-dancers, walked out of the bathroom and eyed her with suspicion, then smirking almost evilly as they went back out onto the floor to the club. A brief blast of music rang in her ears as she grimaced and turned her attention towards the stairs that led to the boss's office.

The bouncer kept his gaze on her sculpted ass as she ignored him, climbing higher and higher until she gripped the doorknob and entered. She was hit with cigar smoke as a portly balding man with poor hygiene glanced up from his desk, counting the most recent earnings and stacking them neatly from one side of the desk to the other. "…Bout time." He grunted, and put the money currently in his hand down on the right side. "Well?"

She visibly cringed, clenching her teeth. "…I lost." she said as he grinned ominously. "But it wasn't my fault, I-"

"Doesn't matter." He said smarmily, "I funded your repairs, your handling…" she sighed, almost crying but managing to hold on. "I spotted you the entrance fee…" he got to his feet. He was significantly shorter than her… he was kind of like Oswald Cobblepot, The Penguin, only much less affable and smart-sounding. "Where's the money?" he said, still grinning smarmily at her.

"…I don't have it."

"That's right! Because you lost." he declared casually before wrapping his arm around her waist, and feeling her ass as he turned her around… she growled to herself, letting him touch her. "But you're a woman of your word… you're going to pay me back that money, aren't you?"

"…Yes." She replied sternly, glaring at him as he continued to feel her up.

"Good. Good…" he nodded, "…Second Men's bathroom. Middle stall…" he declared as she visibly cringed. "Don't give me that shit. You can suck a few more cocks tonight." he said sternly, "You got a LONG way to go to pay me back, and your mouth is apparently a lot more profitable than your racing skills."

"Fuck you." She spat as he swatted her ass. She clenched her fists angrily again but resisted hitting him. Hitting him won't solve her problems… even if it would've felt better than getting laid.

"You're giving me all you earn tonight, now get on it." he replied as she shoved the door open and marched out. He laughed derisively before going back to his deck, the door shutting behind him.

"Fuck. Fuck. FUCK…" she grunted with each stomp down the steps, glaring at the bouncer before her as he gave her a toothy grin, he was missing an incisor from a more recent altercation. "What?"

He suddenly reached forward and tugged her zipper down. She sneered at him, but didn't fight back as he lowered it just enough to expose her cleavage. "You know what the guys like." He replied, then stepped aside, "See you later." He replied as she rolled her unique amber-yellow eyes.

She walked through the club ignoring the steady beat and all the bumping and grinding as she went right to the men's bathroom as ordered, and walked right in. A few drunken club patrons were taking a leak, one was at the urinal and jumped at the sight of an attractive woman… but she ignored him and walked right up to the middle toilet stall.

Currently, there was an 'out of service' sign hanging on the middle of the door. She growled quietly to herself, then flipped it to say 'in service'… before walking into it and slamming it shut. Locking it behind her, and sitting on the toilet seat… between a pair of circular holes in the stall doors. She sighed, and waited… rubbing her face angrily with her hands as she groaned.

One bad turn. JUST ONE. Ruined her entire race… and it wasn't even HER bad turn! It was one of her opponents that caused a huge, crowd approving pile-up. Uninjured she might have been, and her bike at least wasn't wrecked, but she still lost…

Now here she was again in a discount gloryhole deep in debt to a wannabe asshole gangster… she'd almost prefer gogo-dancing to this, or stripping for him again… but at least she could be anonymous with the gloryhole…

"Holy shit… no way." She glanced to her left and saw a bleary eye peeking through the hole. "No fucking way… this is awesome!" he declared… and he shoved his limp cock through the hole, she cringed… it was still dripping slightly from a recent release. She flinched, "Come on girl, clean that shit up."

"…Ugh…" she grunted, and dropped to her knees before it, rapping a hand around his length and stroking. She reached for a piece of toilet paper to at least try to wipe his piss off… only to find it empty. Of course…

And knowing the types of guys she gets, he wouldn't be willing to slip her a square.

She opened her mouth, and tentatively swirled her tongue over his foul taste to start as he trembled eagerly in approval. "Oooh… shit… oh!"

Drunk, stupid, quick shot, didn't really matter but without warning his spurted a rope across her cheek like a broadside, she opened her mouth and wrapped it around the tip, taking the rest between her soft lips and scowling as she noisily slurped out the rest…

"Ooh…" she rolled her eyes and slipped off, before turning her head and spitting his wad into the toilet. He then slipped his cock back through and she heard the unlocking off his stall.

"Hey! Where are you going!?" she growled indignantly, "I don't do this for free!"

"Do what? A taste test? Ha-ha-ha!" He probably felt very clever… until the bathroom door burst open, "Wha-?"

"Hit him." said a stern-sounding woman as she heard the cracking of knuckles.

"Sure boss." Replied another woman joyously obedient at the prospect of causing someone physical harm.

"Wha-WAIT!" she jumped as she heard the grunt of a man being punched in the face and saw a body hit the floor from under the stall. "UUUUGH…" he groaned and twitched as a collection of feet began to wander around him.

One in boots, one in sneakers, and one in an elegant but comfortable pair of purple heels. The sneakers kicked him in the sides. "Tch! What the feck? What am I even here for?!" came a distinctly Irish-sounding accent.

"No idea." Said the stern-sounding woman, "I didn't invite you. But Giganta was unavailable." She fidgeted on the toilet seat… Giganta the 'supervillian?!' who were these people?

The purple heeled woman knelt down and slipped her hand into the man's pocket, before standing back up and opening the stall next to her. She stared unsurely at the respective gloryhole in the wall… then surprisingly, a few squares of toilet paper were shoved through the hole. She took it slowly partially surprised, and quickly wiped herself down as best she could before dropping the dirty tissues into the toilet… and stared surprised AGAIN at the wad of cash now in the hole.

"…Thanks." She said stunned, taking it and folding it up to fit in her catsuit.

"You earned it." replied the stern woman. "Girls. Deal with the idiots while I chat." She added as the Irish woman laughed.

"Finally! Come on big bitch bet I get more than you!"

"You are on!"

"What the fu-!" it was then followed by the clear sound of fighting and screaming as she blinked curiously at her stall door. What the fuck was going on?

"How would you like a job?" asked the stern woman with a curt attitude.


"A job. Working for me." Clarified the woman, "…I promise not to lock you in a gloryhole… unless that's what you want." She added casually, "…I can't promise it won't happen, but I'll give you the option to say no." She scoffed in response, almost laughing.

"…What are you some… pimp?"

"…I don't like that word. But if you insist on using it try to not do it in my presence." The authority in the woman's tone made her fidget. She hesitated with a snarky response while staring at the hole. The woman was sitting too close to it for her to get a good look at her face. "I run a respectable business with attractive girls." She said as a man came flying into the bathroom followed by sneakers leaping and landing HARD on him with a grunting cry of pain. "And finding the right ones are getting harder and harder… you are one of them. So. Would you like a job?"

"…I can't. I owe the boss here a lot of money."

"Yes. Mr. Francisco, don't worry about him. I'll take care of it."


"By informing Mr. Francisco that his wife would not appreciate his mistress, nor the fact that it's her sister. Considering his wife co-signs for most of his businesses that would be… disastrous." She said ominously as she herself laughed in disbelief.

"…I'm a racer. Not a whore. I only do this because I have to." she said firmly, but her resolve was already dimming. Clearly, this woman was far more reasonable than her current employer… because she's at least ASKING for her opinion. And having a choice is an oddly powerful motivator in Gotham.

"Why can't you be both?" replied the woman frankly as she froze, unsure of how to respond to that. "I promise you. Work for me and this time by next month you'll have enough money to enter multiple underground races and not owe me a THING. Win or lose…" she hesitated, "…Well if you win, I'll want a cut. We'll negotiate later on that… I'm still a businesswoman."

She laughed under her breath, "How can you be so sure?" she scoffed in disbelief as the fighting outside the bathroom seemed to calm down… or just stopped in general.

"…I'll tell you later." Replied the woman with some finality. "If I'm lying about your situation, I'll fund you myself." She stared at the hole, as the woman added. "And I am a woman of my word." She added sternly.

She was quiet for a moment, then got up. Opening the stall door and walking out to the sight of three unconscious men. Two were bouncers. The stall next door opened, and the purple heeled woman walked out, her matching purple eyes flashing knowingly at her.

"…Alright." She said, holding out her hand. "…I accept." The woman shook it firmly. "…What exactly am I doing?" she asked, "and for that matter who are you?" the sexual offending bouncer from earlier was delivered a heavy uppercut outside the bathroom. A tall bulky woman in shredded jeans and a motorcycle jacket knocked out another of his teeth as a white-haired maniac broke a bottle over another's head. "Who are they?!" Normally she was a 'go with the flow' sort of woman but this was a little weird.

"You are going to be a delivery girl…" Orders said, "And you can call me Orders." The woman blinked at her and opened her mouth only for Orders to quickly interrupt her. "Do NOT start on my name. I do hold a grudge." She interrupted accurately, staring into the woman's nervous yellow eyes. "…and don't mind them." She added as Rebecca and Ashley finally stopped brawling and took a breath. "Now. We need to leave before Rebecca's brother shows up."

"Oh? Who Caleb or Alan?" asked Rebecca, entering the bathroom and wiping her hands of blood with some unlucky bouncer's shirt.

"Not now." Replied Orders abruptly walking out of the bathroom with the New Hire right behind her.

Three weeks later.

She tapped her toes on the floor experimentally as she tested the tight, form-fitting suit she was given for a uniform. It was pretty much just like her motorcycle catsuit except it was so form-fitting it was almost like she might be better off painting it on. It hugged every curve of her body, enhancing or emphasizing her frame to the benefit of maximum tips.

She zipped it all the way up: nice and snug, but not pinchy. Tucking away the zipper under a subtle flap so that it gave off the illusion that the suit had no zipper. Yellow and black were her costume colors, a big yellow triangle went from her shoulders to her belly button. Her forearms, feet and shins were also the same bright yellow. The belt she was given clicked like a seatbelt around her curvy waist; with a large circular belt buckle with a symbol that she didn't recognize off-hand, but if she were to take a Rorschach test for it, she'd say it looked like a shrugging man with a bad haircut.

But hey if this was her costume, she's worn worse, less comfortable outfits. She slipped on the yellow ring with the same symbol onto the middle finger of her left hand, Orders was very specific, then checked her short hair in the provided mirror and applied yellow lipstick that matched her uniquely colored eyes…

Some called it 'amber' but she always thought they were a low golden yellow… still… they were unique, and pretty according to her new boss. Speaking of new boss.

"Yellow Lantern. Hurry up, Yaya has places to be." Commanded the much more uniquely purple-eyed boss of Superbabes as she shut her locker.

"Coming." She said, strutting out to find the off-duty Catwoman drumming the traditional camera. "How's it look?" she turned on her foot, displaying the form-fitting suit.

"You're looking good." Declared Yaya complementary.

"It's absurdly tight." Yellow Lantern said running her hands down her curvy sides as Orders glanced at her.

"It was made specifically to fit your body, it should be."

"How do you know my measurements?" she asked, nobody had asked for them she was certain.

"Oh Sugar, it'll register in your brain eventually." Noted the towering Giganta with a friendly smile, standing in her usual bouncer position.

"…Right. Clairvoyant." Yellow Lantern mumbled softly, following Yaya to the couch as White Rabbit and Zatanna (on break) cleared off of it to give them space.

She kind of believed in Orders abilities, she certainly displayed them often enough, but Yellow Lantern was just having a hard time adjusting to the fact that someone with such accurate fortune-telling powers was the manager of a skin restaurant… that as well as food, 'delivered' girls for an hour, sometimes more.

"Alright ever model before?" asked Yaya.

"No." replied Yellow Lantern. "…Well on my bike once when I first got it…" she added, "But that was just for fun."

"Well lean into that…" Yaya replied, "We'll take a few shots and see which one we like." Yaya took a picture of Yellow Lantern from just about every angle, and had her pretty much roll over on the couch to do so, sitting down, standing up… finally she got her on all fours with an arched back and- "That's the one!" Yaya declared confidently taking the picture, as Yellow Lantern rolled her yellow eyes and flopped down, rolled over, and did a kip-up flip to her feet like it was nothing

"Show off." declared a grinning Yaya at Yellow Lantern's athleticism, putting the camera quickly on Orders' counter, "Got to go! See you tomorrow Orders."

Orders checked through the camera dismissively waving Yaya out the back door as she plugged it into the computer and with a few quick taps of her keyboard, there was a new girl on the website. Posing exotically on all fours… "There you go." She replied as Yellow Lantern fiddled with the ring on her finger. "Now go wait tables."

Yellow Lantern sighed, rolled her eyes and put a pretty smile on her yellow lips and strutted out onto the floor. White Rabbit and Zatanna quickly return to the couch. Giganta watched Yellow Lantern claim a table of dock workers before turning her attention back to Orders. "So. How long until someone orders her?"

"56 minutes." Orders replied quickly. "Give or take."

56 minutes later on the dot.

Time: 9:12 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring Click

"Superbabes, we deliver."

"I'd like the uh… the… um… Yellow… lantern meal?"

"One Milanese risotto with hard lemonade…"

"What is Milanese risotto?"

"Mainly a rice and cheese dish, but it's also absurdly yellow, so that was picked. Anything else?"

"Oh. Um delivered by… Yellow Lantern, is-is that really a thing? Sounds a bit of a-a stretch."

"Do you want your order or not?"

"…Yes ma'am… Please."

"Very well. We expect her back within 60 minutes or the police will be informed, you will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please…"


"Yellow Lantern you got one." declared Orders as the woman strutted back into the lounge, plucking a small number of bills from her belt and resting them on the counter for Orders to hold on to."

"That was quick…" she mumbled.

"The record is 20 minutes after posting." Giganta replied conversationally.

The bag slid out of the kitchen across the counter as she glanced briefly inside to see the Superbabes branded disposable soup cup: A picture of a sexy, smiling Starfire with 'Superbabes' beneath her. Collect them all! Ahem.

She quickly glanced over the receipt before putting it into the bag. "So… should I take the car, or…"

"You can take your bike. Just don't lose the food." Warned Orders.

"Yeah because that's important." Yellow Lantern replied skeptically. Plunk! "Ow!" Orders threw a small plush doll accurately at Yellow Lantern's forehead. "You just had that on hand?!"

"I knew I was going to need it." replied Orders frankly as Giganta chortled, her shoulders shaking as she tried not to laugh at the poor girl. "And the food IS important… now get your bombax going." She jerked her thumb to the back door as Yellow Lantern frowned at the word.

"My what?"

"Your ass." Declared Livewire coming out of the locker rooms after arriving for her shift to head onto the floor.

"…Then just say that." replied Yellow Lantern, rubbing her forehead as she walked outside to her beautiful yellow motorcycle. She tended to take care of that thing even more than her own health… she swung a sexy leg over the seat, tucked the still-warm food against her stomach, before slapping on her helmet and revving up the engines. Her tires squealed briefly before she quickly tore off into Gotham.

In record time she hit the suburbs, hesitating just long enough to check the address on more time and speeding through the streets. The yellow bike stopped on a dime next to the curb, and she removed her helmet eyeing the quaint unsuspecting two-story house. There was a rundown junker on the street with a perfectly good garage and empty driveway…

She secured her helmet to her bike with a cable lock, then swung her long leg over, grabbing the food as she strutted down the walkway to the front door light by a porch light and, a large glass window beside it covered by a dark curtain. Standing on the welcome mat she glanced around at the house, then raised her hand to knock loudly, frowned, then remembered-


Time: 9:23 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Quiet house)

"Special Delivery Service."

It felt so weird to say that. Who was she even saying it for? But Orders says it's a branding thing, so she had to. Subconsciously accepting that if she didn't say it Orders would still know… because Clairvoyant. Suddenly there was movement through the window that immediately caught her attention, but just as quickly as it showed it was gone and she heard the sounds of unlocking door bolts as the door popped open.

…For some reason, once she saw the guy she IMMEDIATELY know he needed to get laid… it was an odd reflex. Maybe pity.

Late forties, early fifties. The guy was completely bald on top, with hair on the sides of his head, big comical glasses enhancing his face and his body was… well… his arms and legs were thin but he had a large potbelly gut. Something about his sheepish demeanor and his nervous gave her the impression that he either didn't know what he was doing, or he was very aware of what he was doing and KNEW that he shouldn't do it, for whatever reason…

"C-Come in. Come in!" he said, "H-Hurry up before someone sees." He says nervously as she entered.

"…I assure you they heard me coming." She said frankly entering his… distinctly feminine looking household. It was then she noticed all the pictures of him with a comparatively bigger woman on the walls and tables…

He was too busy gazing at her tight body to notice her glance at his hand and-Ah… now it all makes sense. Married man. Stepping out… fun. Of course, she wasn't one to throw stones, she once had sex with- "Hey!" she was knocked out of her train of thought as he cupped her breasts from behind.

Like a scolded puppy he suddenly darted away, holding his hands up as if she was the police and she caught him red-handed. "S-sorry. I just thought we… could get started." He fidgeted sheepishly, the bulge in his pants now very obvious… at least he was packing something big other than his gut.

"You just surprised me." She said, trying to sound seductive and unsure if it was working… but he seemed to approve as she set the bag of food down in front of a picture of him and his wife. "Nice place." She replied and reached up for her zipper, slowly pulling it down as the yellow and black suit loosened on her body…

He gazed at her smooth, toned bare skin lustfully, her bulging breasts threatening to burst out as he gripped his crotch and began to squeeze. Panting ungracefully… in fact, one might be disgusted by such a display of pure uncontrolled lust…

…But to be perfectly honest not her. She was always… liberated when it came to sex. When she told Orders at the discount gloryhole that she wasn't a whore, that was a little fib. She LIKED sex… she liked it rough, dirty… using… degrading sex… Fetish, roleplay… hardcore pornographic gonzo sex, things that other girls might balk at… she's just always preferred to focus on racing then getting fucked stupid in a back alley. So watching a creepy ugly pervert touch himself at the sight of her… kinda turned her on.

She didn't necessarily like that about herself, it got her into trouble sometimes, but she accepted it.

So the zipper went lower…and lower as he panted like a dog, jerking himself through his pants as the zipper reached the bottom, exposing her silky black pubic hairs before she reached up to her tits and pulled the suit open.

"Oooh…" he groaned excitedly, grinning as she exposed herself. "I want to do nasty things to you…" he groaned, his erection obvious as he wrapped his hand around it through his pants. "N-Nasty… NASTY things my wife w-won't let me do!" he declared, mumbling almost insanely to himself…

As she became wetter at the prospect…

"…Yeah? What are you going to do to me?" she asked, letting her hands roam her body… slowly… as he followed their movement, stroking himself steadily. "…Are you going to touch me in places?" she squeezed her tits encouragingly as he nodded.

"Y-Yes! But also! I w-wa-want to put it in YOUR MOUTH!" he declared as if announcing a surprise guest at a party.

"…Oh?" she moaned enticingly, not realizing her hips were swaying side to side as she raised her hands to her yellow lipstick covered lips. "You want me to suck your COCK?" she said the magic word.

"NNNGH!" the tip of his cock stained his pants as he abruptly shoved them down to his ankles, exposing his dick to her like a flasher… he wobbled towards her as pre-cum oozed from his tip. "P-Put it in! put it in right now!" he gasped desperately as he grabbed her head with his other hand, feebly pulling her forward as she dropped to her knees quickly.

"Haaa!" she opened her mouth and subconsciously drooled as he pushed his cock into her mouth. He wasn't big, he wasn't small, but he still managed to get it into her throat as his salty pre-cum left a trail on her tongue.

"H-haa-aah…" he gasped happily, her mouth hanging open and his eyes rolling up into his head as he rested his other hand on her head... pulling her down onto his cock as her forehead inevitably bopped against his bulging stomach.

"MMn…mmn…" she moaned softly around his girth as it vibrated excitedly from experiencing his first blowjob, pulsating between her lips as she reached under and grabbed his hairy ballsack… ungroomed, barely hygienic, gross…

…She was secretly loving this.

"S-suck on it!" he whined, "M-make more noise!"


"OH…" he shuddered happily, as she jerked her head back and forth on his cock.

"MMn-mmn-mmn!" he didn't know it, but he was getting sucked by one of the best… Of course she didn't know it, she WAS one of the best but that's what makes it more fun. Her tongue sliding out under his shaft, as it seemed to curl around him, "GUCK GUCK GUCK…" she gazed up at him with her sensual yellow eyes but he wasn't paying attention…

His hands sunk into her hair, and he pushed forward, again and again.

"MMGH-mgh! GUCK-GUCK GUCK!!" she garbled and slurped on his cock finding herself slowly leaning back as he mindlessly bucked his hips forward against her face. This was a meek man uninhibited, and he was going to do whatever he wanted as he succumbed to his sexual fantasies.

…She was REALLY secretly loving this…

"Haa-aah-aaaah!!" he gasped, shaking over her as he thrust down into her face. he clung to the back of the couch for balance but the only thing keeping her on his dick was pure, AMAZING, suction…


"Haaagh!" he whined loudly as she let gravity finish him, sliding down his cock to the tip as he emptied his load into her mouth, she squeezed his balls sack encouraging out another spurt before she-POPPED! Right off and flopped onto the floor… she was on her knees, so she flexibly felt the flats of her feet on her back as she opened her mouth wide.

She gargled his thick, foul-smelling load… bubbles popping between her lips as her tongue spiraled and churned it around like butter… then she chewed it like gum as his limp cock got harder…and harder… then bracing herself she clenched her teeth tightly, letting his load seep through the cracks in her teeth, before "SLURP" and "GULP… AH…" letting her mouth hang open as he stroked himself…

He dropped to one knee, then the other… before promptly sitting on her face… shoving his hairy balls into her mouth as she suckled them both in. "MMNg-SLURP!"

"Haaa-HAaa…s-suck on them! Y-you never let me have my fun!" he groaned, "S-Selfish woman!"

He slapped her forehead with his rigid cock as she moaned around his balls. "MMn-hmmn…"

"W-were going to do what I want for o-once!"

"MMN-hmmn…" she nodded, rolling her tongue around his balls as he clenched his teeth tightly.

"NNGH! Aha-aah…" he practically ripped his balls from her mouth as pre-cum oozed from his tip again, dripping onto the floor and just missing her head as she gaze blankly up at him. Mouth still open like a blowup doll, tiny little pubic hairs clinging around her lips…

"G-Get up… h-hurry!" he ordered as he walked over her and-


She kip-upped to her feet again as he blinked at her surprise… she plunked the hairs from her mouth and watched him expectantly as he grabbed her ring hand and dragged her quickly through the house to yet another effeminate bedroom…

Clearly the guy had no say whatsoever in the relationship.

"L-Lie down on the bed!" he said, pointing to the very frilly double bed. "R-Right in the middle!" she crawled onto the bed, as he added. "H-Ha-Hang your head over the end." He said as she hesitated, then stood up on her knees before flopping backward…

Gazing at him upside down… she knew what he wanted. "Aahhh…" opening her mouth wide and sticking out her tongue. He shoved his balls into her face. "MMnwah…" she left a smeared lipstick mark beneath them as he slid them down and pushed his tip against her lips. She stretched out her arms and legs, and squirmed erotically as he slid into her mouth and throat.

"O-o-ooohhh-oh…" he stuttered happily, gripping her around the neck as he felt his cock slide back and forth. She closed her eyes, relaxed her throat, gripped the bed and felt his balls swinging against her face.


"MMMrhgm-mmgn…" she moaned softly, feeling her tremble between her lips as his hands slid down to her breasts, squeezing them eagerly.

"Ah… AH… AH…" slowly but steadily he bucked his hips against her face, burying his cock into her throat as he clenched his teeth, watching her legs writhe erotically on the mattress. Until she raised her ring hand, the slid it down her flat stomach into her suit.

"MMMNG…" she moaned erotically, her fingers sliding in and out of her wet pussy as he whimpered excitedly.

"Y-You like this don't you?" he purred, "I always k-knew you were a sl-slut! OOH!" he fell abruptly onto her but his hips kept buck. Slapping his balls against her face as he rubbed his cheek on her stomach, "Haa-aah-aah-aaah!" mindlessly thrusting as she continued to finger herself. Pushing her hips up for more as he awkwardly face-fucked her, and squeezed her tits.

"MMGh! MMNG-hmmngh!" her hips wiggled in the air before dropping, her toes curling in the boots as he rapidly bucked against her face… approaching his own release wordlessly as he gasped, panted… and pushed…

Her throat contracted around his intruding phallus, gulping his feeble spurts quickly into her stomach as the sent of his sweaty, wet balls overwhelmed her nose. Not a drop oozed out of her yellow lips as he wildly shook on top of her.

"O-oHHHH…" he whimpered, bucking hard against her face as he used her like a sex doll… then slid out of her mouth, down her face and flopped HARD onto his back on the floor as she finally opened her eyes.

"Haa…" she panted, her tongue swirling around her smeared yellow lips. She breathed heavily, gazing up at him and his cock hanging between his legs… "…Is that it?" she asked.

In her mind she was asking him a legitimate question. Unfortunately what he heard was condescension and dismissal. "J-Just let me have my fun!" he declared to whoever he was imagining when he fucked her. He rolled unimpressively to his feet. "S-Show me you aa-aaaass." He said the word furiously, but his stutter was causing him trouble.

She rolled off the bed, swinging her legs over her head and landing on the floor. "Let me get this off first…" she said slipping out one arm, then another from the yellow and black catsuit, pushing it down her athletic body to her waist then over her firm ass cheeks… she barely got them to her mid-thighs before she was shoved back onto the bed. "Ugh!" she grunted slightly in surprise before he grabbed her waspy waist in both hands. "Haa…" she gasped in pleasure as he quickly jammed his cock inside her.

"Take that! and that! and That! you S-sl-slut!" he barked, slamming his hips roughly against her as from behind as she crawled awkwardly onto the bed, raising her ass up as he pounded sloppily away at her. "MMGh! MMNgh! Ahah!"

She slammed her hips hard against him as he bounced off her backside, clawing at her body as she rolled her hips. Pounding her hard ass cheeks against his gut as he struggled to keep up his own pace. "Aha-aah!" he smacked her ass, hard, she clenched her teeth and moaned through them as he pawed at her boyish hair, practically crawling over her.

"Ugh-aagh! Aggh!!" rubbing his body against hers as she clawed the sheets of the bed.

"Aagh-aaah-aaaha-aaah!!" she shuddered erotically, her ass cheeks twitching from his rough, mindless fucking as she orgasmed. 'MMMMn-mmgnh!"

"You nasty! Sl-slutty girl!" he grunted as she moaned, "You l-like that don't you! Being my little s-slut!" SMACK! Swatting her ass cheeks again as she yelped.

"Yes!" she cooed as he seemed to appreciate it. "I love being a slut." She moaned as he rammed his hips feebly against her ass, then buried his cock inside her.

"Haa-ahaa-aaah…" he grabbed her hair and yanked her up and onto the floor where she landed a bit ungracefully… shaking in orgasm made her lose her balance as he yanked her head into place and held his cock towards it. "Ahh-aah you're a d-dirty girl! UGH!"

She moaned softly as he set decreasingly potent ropes of cum across her skin, to the point that his last sort was really more of a spurt, missing her face completely and hitting her neck before he shoved his crotch against her face. Smearing his own ejaculate onto his cock and balls.

He panted exhaustedly, his thin legs wobbling so hard his knees were almost castanets, "N-not so smart now are you?" he grumbled, "I'm n-not a little bitch now am I?"

"No you're not… you're-" but whatever she was about to say, something placatingly complementary I promise… there was a loud ringing of a phone somewhere in the house.

"O-oh no! Oh n-no!" he pulled his sticky crotch from her face, strings of semen still linking her to it before they promptly snapped away and he dashed out of the room. "C-Coming dear!" he declared to… well nobody but himself apparently…

She sat alone in the room for a minute, finally, she got to her feet and looked around for a bathroom, slipping her body out of the suit she carried it under her arm into it before dropping it onto a towel rode and slipping into the shower tub to clean off. All in all… it wasn't awful. She's had worse sex with worse people… she even got off a few times.

Maybe working for Orders wasn't going to be as unsatisfactory as she thought.

When she was convinced of her cleanliness she checked herself in the foggy mirror, wiping some away and nodding in approval before drying off and yanking her body back into the suit as she put on a charming smile and walked out… finding him pacing nervously in the bedroom as he quickly rushed towards her naked.

Normally a good way to get kicked in the nuts but he suddenly SHOVED a large wad of bills into her hand… MORE than what he was supposed to pay her, she was certain. "Yo-you got to go. You got to go r-right now!" he said nervously.

"Sure." She said, making her way out the front as he fidgeted.

"I am s-sorry for the way I acted it's been a v-very stressful few months." He mumbled apologetically as she raised an eyebrow at that… she expected to be fucked and tossed out. Getting an apology for a rough fucking literally never crossed her mind.

"…Well it's what I'm for-Paid for I mean…" she said smiling prettily at the man and stuffing the bills in her suit before zipping up as he watched closely. "Order again." she said, making her way out front and too her bike.

She had just managed to get her helmet on and turn the bike around as a fancy car pulled up, and into the garage… she chuckled in disbelief at the timing before revving her engine twice and roaring off back into Gotham like she was in a race… feeling the powerful machine vibrating between her legs and adding a few… perks, to the sudden sensitive pussy.

Time: 10:58 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Yellow Lantern wobbled into Superbabes and jump suddenly as the traditional "CONGRATULATIONS!" rang out from the collective girls, she blinked around at them somewhat startled as Joy and Izzy rolled up the 'Happy First Time' banner and Ronnie-Bell clapped a huge hand on her yellow shoulder and led her quickly to Orders as she took out the wad of money.

"So… I get a cut of this?"

"Mmn-hmmn." Replied Orders as Yellow Lantern looked at the wad of cash in a new light. Resting it on the counter as Orders began sorting it. "You also keep most of your tips…" she added.

"…Most?" Yellow Lantern asked skeptically.

"Depending on how you've earned them." Orders warned, "You'll eventually know what do to do and not to do, Freya."

Freya sighed and nodded. "Yes Boss."

"Good now." She then handed her an envelope marked 'Freya Wagner' at the Superbabes address. "Here is your severance pay from Mr. Francisco."

"…Didn't I quit?" Freya asked suspiciously, "Why am I getting severance pay?"

"Yeah… Becca has that effect on people." Smiled Ronnie-Bell mysteriously. Not… really? Answering her question?

"Right. Well… I'll open that later can you just put it in my locker?"

"Certainly." Replied Orders snatching it a little too quickly from Freya's hand. Money has that effect on her. "Now take a break, rest up." She gestured to the poker table as Freya walked towards it. Sitting next to Izzy and Joy now chatting animatedly once her 'congratulations' were done. Catching them mid-conversation.

"-so Mike wants a big group. What do you say, are you in?" she asked suddenly as Joy smiled coyly.

"I don't know… he gets so 'roleplay-y' in the bedroom after I play…" Joy smirked playfully. "…It's exhausting…" though she didn't sound like it was a bad thing.

"Ah come on! Mel and Leslie are in… we need the queen of natural '20s! (and tits)" Izzy pouted with a quivering puppy dog pout.

"…Are you talking about D&D?" asked Freya curiously and pleasantly surprised.

"I AM new friend!" Izzy grinned at her suddenly as she recoiled somewhat stunned, "Have you played?" she asked significantly calmer, and with less crazy eyes.

"…I used to, but it's been a while." Replied Freya honestly, "…I wouldn't mind getting into it again if you need more players…"

"Great! What's your favorite class?" Izzy replied excited for a new Superbabe to hook on her favorite game.

"Rogue." Freya replied, "…Or barring that a monk." slipping right into the conversation with Izzy as they chatted on and on. And just like that, she fit right into Superbabes life.

