
Superbabes Cruise: Day Three

I don't own DC

Jackie snorted softly, rolling over onto Sierra… "Mmn? Wha-oh right…" Sierra subtly booted away Jackie's pawg booty then crawled over her sleeping boyfriend as he grunted awake.

"Wha-…oh…right…" he added as Sierra smiled.

"I JUST said that babe."

"Mmn…" he got up, following her into the bathroom as they brushed their teeth, then slipped into the bath… together… "MMn…" he moaned again as she kissed him and giggled just as Jackie suddenly strutted in and sat on the toilet, sighing contentedly as she did some business.

"So what do you guys want to do today?" she asked as Sierra sighed and continued bathing.

"I want to go swimming again, want to come?"

"…I guess." Jackie replied. "Let's get breakfast first though."

"Oh of course." Sierra noted as she got out of the shower first and retrieved her clothes, "You may want to… you know. Get your clothes from your room first though…"

Jackie sighed, "Yeah. Good idea…" she mumbled, and flushing she walked out heading back to her room. Knocking loudly on the door as Rosa, not really asleep yet answered it.

"Oh Jackie. I wondered where you went…" she smiled, "…Thought you might have crashed at a lucky guy's apartment…"

"I just forgot my keycard." She said, walking in, getting some clothes and changing. Koji sat at the table, rubbing his forehead as he worked on his laptop some more. "Hey Koji."

"Ms. Jackie." He mumbled distractedly, "…Sorry I need to focus." He said, typing away.

"Well, he's no fun when he's like this…" Rosa noted sadly, "So… any plans?"

"Breakfast than pool." Jackie replied, snapping on her swimsuit as Rosa purred.

"Oooh. That sounds like fun! May I come?"

"Why not?" Jackie replied, "Meet at Sierra and Tom's cabin."

"Alright…" purred Rosa, kissing her inattentive husband on the cheek as he smiled and she went to change.

As Jackie walked out Jae walked out of her room, yawning broadly before spying Jackie and smirking. "I slept like a log…" she declared happily.

"Lucky you." Jackie replied, "We're going to get breakfast then hit the pool again. You coming?"

"…Yeah alright, I'll let Joy know." She replied, she was going to get breakfast herself but it wasn't much of a change of plans, she went back into her room to change as Jackie returned to find Sierra and Tom already in their swimsuits.

Together with Rosa, Joy and Jae they all went to the upper deck, hitting the buffet line and decided to eat on the deck and enjoy the view… there were multiple tables outside however today there was a large, cleared area in the center deck. It was odd because yesterday and the day before there were tables there… but now it was sectioned off.

"Did something happen?" asked Tom curiously as they claimed a table.

"Hmmn…" Rosa pulled out her phone as crowds began to gather. "…I think they're going to have an event. Let's check the schedule."

"There's a schedule?" asked Jackie lazily, watching as more and more people began to gather excitedly, more than a few in swimsuits.

"Yes on the website, it shows entertainment and events, contests…" of course as soon as she said it… it happened.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen! I'm your hostess Roxy and it's time for our scheduled contest!" declared a voice from nowhere (mainly surrounding speakers) as suddenly the cleared deck opened up and an elevator rose from its depths, carrying a pair of very… VERY dirty and identical sports cars and an attractive woman dressed in a crew uniform. "I hope you're ready for a good time!" she winked to the cheering crowd holding the microphone to her smirking black lips.

"Hold up, why are there SPORTS CARS on the cruise?" Jackie asked rather skeptically as the two very brown sports cars were driven out of the freight elevator to the cheers of the surrounding crowd.

"Apparently…" Rosa noted smiling, reading the event list on her phone. "It's a charity event… it's apparently a car washing competition."

"How the fuck do you have a car washing competition?" Jackie replied quickly finishing her pancakes as the rest of the girls snorted their giggles.

"You wash the cars." Tom replied calmly, reading the phone over Rosa's shoulder "Apparently they give you twenty minutes to do the best you can and then the crowd judges with applause…"

"…Grand prize to the winner is one of the cars." Noted Rosa surprised. "And the runner-ups get free tickets to Restaurant Row, all they can eat."

"So wait they're just giving away a free sports car?"

"…They were apparently donated by Bruce Wayne…" smiled Rosa.

"That guy is just made of money…" Sierra smiled with an eye roll while wrapping her arm possessively around Tom's arm. Pulling him away from Rosa.

"I wonder if he just has a money tree." Jae replied wistfully eyeing the deck as 'Roxy' continued to casually explain the rules and then introduced the first team.

A collection of crewmen from the ship suddenly ran towards one of the cars, five in all, and dressed in standard-issue swimsuits to the whistles and cheers of the crowd, waving their hands as a collection of cleaning tools were put out.

"So. Who's going up against the cleaning crew?" asked Sierra.

"Doesn't say, apparently there's a raffle draw. You have to enter and there's a chance to compete." Rosa noted still reading her phone.

"…Ah…" noted Jackie suddenly, and nodding. "…Bet you it's us."

"You can't be serious…" laughed Sierra, "We didn't even enter and we JUST got here… AH!" she gasped as a familiar shadow appeared wordlessly beside them.

Luke suddenly loomed over them, he was dressed in swim trunks and revealing his heavily muscled and scarred tanned body. Sheryl his daughter smiled sweetly at them all in a cute little dress. "My dad entered you." She said simply.

"There it is." Jackie declared.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen!" declared the attractive host as they finally got a full view of her, she had wavey red hair held out of her eyes by pilot goggles and wore a tight uniform showing off her bust and hips. "Let's see who is competing with our handsome crewmen!" she reached into a dry, wash bucket and yanked a neatly written postcard. "Our challengers are… TEAM SUPERBABES!" there was a polite and raucous cheer from the crowd as Luke rubbed his daughter's hair fondly and lumbered towards the cars. "Come on down ladies… and gentlemen…" the host purred sensually up at Luke as he imposingly stood before her.


"I knew it. I KNEW." Jackie noted as Sierra grumbled but she was the first to run after Luke with Jackie just behind. Hey, Free sports car.

"Be right back babe!" Sierra called to a bemused Tom.

"Sportscar here we come!" Rosa cheered happily as Jae joined in leaving Joy with Tom and Sheryl.

Of course, once the girls were in clear view there was a significant increase in bias. Sierra and Jackie and Jae were already in their modest swimsuits and Rosa was practically stripping tossing her clothes excitedly into the crowd as she displayed her green one-piece and her big bountiful latina booty. Super-hot Superbabe girls in Swimsuit's QUICKLY won over the crowd… not to mention the raw manly man Luke, easily getting the ladies' attentions

Roxy purred eyeing Luke up and down before her assistant elbowed her. "Oh right AHEM!" she smiled, "Okay! As soon as I shoot off this perfectly harmless flare." She said holding up an apparently customized flare gun with a comically enlarged rocket on the barrel. "Both teams have twenty minutes to get these lovely… LOVELY sports cars…" she purred excitedly, "as clean as possible!"

Luke casually bent towards one of the many soap-buckets provided, handing out the various tools to the Superbabes as the crew did the same. "On your mark…" Roxy began, aiming, "Get set!..." she held the flare gun up. "GO!" the rocket squealed into the air and exploded in a firework.

Luke grabbed one of the buckets and hurled the soapy contents against the closest side of the car before tossing it towards Sierra and Jackie as it wobbled perfectly upright

"Rosa, Jae! Right side." Declared, Sierra quickly taking charge. "Jackie fill up that bucket then with me on the left. Luke!" but the towering chef was already cleaning the roof. "You do you buddy." She declared. They attacked the car with abandon hearing the cheers of Tom, Sheryl and Joy with the rest of the crowd as they scrubbed polished, and squeegeed.

The crewmen team however was like a well-oiled pit crew team. Their backs facing the Superbabes as they finished shinning up that side of the car before declaring it clean as it sparkled in the sun. Jackie frowned at them for a minute…

"They're winning…" she noted as Luke dumped another bucket on the roof of the car, his muscles glistening with sweat and water… Roxy certainly seemed to enjoy it, keeping her lustful gaze on the cook.

…And that gave Sierra an idea.

"…Jackie." She said subtly, kicking over their bucket. "…See if you can borrow one of theirs…" she said gesturing. To the opposing team's bucket. Jackie blinked, then smirked, getting to her feet and strutting towards the opposite team.

"Hey Boys?" she asked playfully, getting to of their attentions as she lifted the bucket. "…Can I have this?" she cooed, taking an 'innocence' stance as they grinned lecherously.

"I don't see why not… we are winning after all." he said, his face red as her breasts bulged against the bucket.

"Thanks, boys…" she smiled turning and sashaying back to her car. That was about one minute or two of them not working as they stared at that wobbling pawg booty jiggle away.

Sierra grinned at Jackie's return, then huddled up with the other two girls as Luke worked overtime. "Alright girls." She smiled, "Distraction 101!" she whispered as the girls smiled, "Sexy car wash! Go!"

And… well… Sexy car wash sort of says it all. While their 'washing' skills decreased somewhat their girly, playful manners increased dramatically, scrubbing the car with WHATEVER they had to hand, pressing their breasts and ass cheeks to the car, scrubbing and scraping away dirt and grim as Rosa, wrapping herself in the rinse hose provide, sprayed the soapy car down AND the girls as they giggled playfully.

Tom would've been ashamed to watch… if he also wasn't so turned on.

The Crew team, however, was TOTALLY distracted, point black on the stage they got a face full of the sexy car wash assault and more than once stopped in their tracks. Jackie and Jae's booties rubbing the car. Rosa crawling on the hood, presenting her big latina booty behind her in a frog hopping position as she scrubbed the window with a VERY wet sponge. Sierra practically forgoing said sponge and just pressing her TITS to the glass as she scrubbed the roof, and all of them, ALL OF THEM, covered in sexy soapy foam. Giggling and cooing girlishly as the crewmen… just stopped for a full minute to watch…

Roxy, staring at the manly man Luke was suddenly elbowed by her assistant. "What? Oh! Right! Ahem!" she raised her comical flare gun, reloaded with another rocket as it screamed in the air. "TIMES UP!" she declared sweetly as the Superbabes car, now clean of grim and dirt showed off its familiar purple color to glistened in the sun. It wasn't totally perfect, but it was an admirable attempt.

The crew car, however… well… there were clear mistakes. Mistakes were made. It glimmered red in the sun but there were still streaks of grim and signs of not being rinsed off properly, they fidgeted nervously as Roxy glanced at both cars.

"Alright then ladies and gentlemen!" Roxy smiled, "Let's see who did it better!" she raised her hand towards the Crew car. "The Crew car?" there was a polite cheer from the crowd, but the results were obvious… not to mention, well…

"The Superbabes car?" The crowd ROARED their approval and not just because their car was cleaner… it's because they were Superbabes… they probably would've won after a display like that regardless of the car's state. "Alright Superbabes!" Roxy cheered, holding up the keys to the car. "As stated, you guys get the car!" she smiled, ignoring the girls and approaching Luke as he held out his hand. "…You ah… enjoy yourself…" she purred invitingly as Luke smirked.


"And the other car goes to charity…" she said patting the crew car. "And second place, you guys get all you can eat at Restaurant Row!" The crew a little disappointed that they didn't get to keep the car shrugged and politely clapped. With the contest over Roxy soaked up the stage.

"So who gets to keep the car?" asked Sierra as Luke 'hmph' softly, "You're no fun." She declared as the celebratory Superbabes returned to their table and Sheryl leaped into her father's arms and with a wave, they walked off. "Well… that was a fun and slippery endeavor, let's finish up and hit the-" she paused for a second, looking around. "…Where's Jackie?"

The other Superbabes, realizing the resident cum-addicted redhead had vanished, also began looking. It was Jae however, that made the accurate deduction. "…Probably, giving her condolences to the crew team…" she said, as the rest of the table either sighed or laughed.


"I would've liked to win that sports car…" sighed Crewman 1 as they walked slowly back to the quarters.

"Well now we don't have to figure out who's keeping it." replied Crewman 2 clapping his hand on Crewman 1's shoulder affectionately. "And at least we get the rest of the day off."

"How about we hit that Superbabes place on Restaurant Row. If they got girls like that working there consider me a lifetime patron!" Crewman 3 replied.

"Hooo…" noted Crewman 4. "Did you see the size of those things on that blonde?" he curved his hands elaborately over his chest. "Man, you only see pornstars with them that size…"

"Okay, fair, but did you see the rest of them? They got butts for DAYS…" Crewman 5 sighed. "That one with the two-tone hair. MMN!" he laughed as Crewman 1 playfully shoved him. "She had more ass than a donkey farm!"

"Are there really farms for donkeys?" asked Crewman 2. "Also watch your language man, you know how the captain gets…"

"Yeah, sure." He mumbled sarcastically, "next time you see the captain walking towards the crew decks you let me know." he replied lazily as they opened the door to their quarters, a tiny little hole in the wall with bunk beds on each of the three walls and a large table.

"It's not just the captain man, you should practice in case the guests hear you." Replied Crewman 3

"Next time you see a 'guest' in the crew's quarters you let me know…" Crewman 5 repeated.

"There's a guest in the crew's quarters." They jumped as Batgirl watched them all curiously. Crewman 3 smacked Crewman 5 on the back of the head. "Sup boys…" she smiled charmingly at them. "You all look like you need a bit of a pick me up, and lucky you…" she entered, kicking the door behind her. "After all that hard work I'm thirsty…"

Crewman 1 looked very confused as Batgirl walked towards the table. "Uh… if you're thirsty ma'am you should probably go to the dining room."

However, she leaned over the table, resting her hands on it as she pushed down, and shook it to see if it rattled. Luckily she did so as it distracted the crewmen from seeing her out… Batgirl thick pawg booty wrapped in a tight one-piece swimsuit was pretty distracting. Said Booty seemed to be struggling to pop out of her seems as she turned slowly and sat on the table. Her cheeks molding onto it as she wiggled again.

"I could go to the dining room." She noted before sliding further to the middle of the table, then twirling on her cheeks before hanging her head over the edge, letting her red hair hang down low as she twisted her head. "MMmn… Or I can open wide…" she said, doing just that and letting her tongue loll out of her mouth. "Ahhh…"

"…Is she serious?" Crewman 3 said, staring wide-eyed as Batgirl lied still.

"…Uh… yeah… thinks so." Crewman 4 declared as they all stared into the gapping cock gobbling maw of Batgirl.

"…Well… holy crap man what are we waiting for?!" breathed Crewman 5 as he quickly approached, unzipping his pants and removing his length. It dangled out towards her tongue as she wrapped it around and seemingly pulled it in as he moved forward. "H-Holy… nnngh…" with no resistance whatsoever he slid into her throat as his sack rested on her nose. Her hands went from the table to his hips as she stared at the other from between his quickly thrusting legs.

She curled her finger invitingly at them as she slurped noisily around Crewman 5's cock. "MMgh! MMngh… MMGh!" Saliva oozed from her drooling lips down her face, lubricating it as his sack slapped against her face. "Mmph. Mmngh… mmgnh… gluck…" Crewman 5 buried his cock into her throat as she slobbered over it, her eyes rolling up into her head as the other Crewman watched.

…It was then that Crewman 2 got behind Crewman 5, seemingly lining up. Followed by 1, 3 and finally 4.

"Ahh… ahh-aahh she's… sucking me… DRY!" hissed Five, falling forward and slamming his hands on the table as he wildly bucked his hips. "NNngh!"

"MMmn-mmmn…" her throat bulged with his cock inside it as she gulped down his seed. "Mwaaah…" she sighed as he pulled his cock out, letting it slid down her face as he stepped aside. "Next…" she declared casually as Crewman 2 quickly slid into her mouth. "MMmn…"

"Ugh!!" he rested his hands onto her chest as he quickly slid back and forth, her throat bulging as he bucked his hips. "Haa-aahh…" squeezing her chest she rested her hands on his ass now, pulling him forward, faster and harder.

"MMgh! MMngh… mmghn-hmmn…" letting his balls slap wetly against her face as she slurped, "MMgh! SLURP! GLUCK… MNPH! MNPH! MNPH!!" she thrust her head forward as he gasped, shaking as his thick warmth sprayed into her throat. "MMmn…" she held him to her face and drained his balls.

"Haa-ahh…" he too slid out as she licked her lips, her tongue spirally around her mouth as she opened wide.


"…This girl is freaky…" mumbled Crewman 1 as he promptly ignored his own statement and enjoyed her throat. "Ooooh god…" he couldn't control his own instincts rapidly pumping away at her face as he grabbed her head, pulling her quickly onto his cock to match his thrusting hips.

"Gluck-gluck-gluck-gluck-gluck-gluck…" she moaned rapidly, taking her sudden and totally expected throat fucking in stride as he pumped his hips against her increasingly drooling mouth.

"Ah-Aah! Sh-Crap!" he gasped suddenly pulling out and spraying her lips. "Ahh…" his cock spasmed, cum splattering around her open mouth as she moaned.

Crewmen 3 and 4 however were less than amused. "Come on!" grumbled Crewman 3, "Did you have to give her a… facial…"

Batgirl however, fingers, tongues, and moaning arousingly slathered her tongue around her mouth, scraping scooping and slurping the cum into her mouth and gulping it down until she was once more pristine. "Next… Ahh…" her tongue wagging invitingly. "MMmph…" Crewman 3 sliding right in as she gulped it down. "MMgn! Mmgnh! MMgnh. MPGH!?" his hand gripping her throat as she shuddered. "MMmhp…" she moaned, her throat contracting around his cock as he hissed through his teeth.

"She's like… a vacuum!" he groaned, pushing deep into her throat. "Haa-aahhh dang it…" he snarled as she easily drained him. "NNngh…"

"MMMnn…" she moaned, her stomach warmed as she swallowed him down. His cock popping out of her mouth as she was quickly filled back up. Literally…

Crewman 4 easily had the biggest and girthiest of the five. His respectively massive meat pried her lips open and filled her throat to capacity. "MMMGH!! MMN! MMNGh!!" she writhed on the table, hands on his ass as her body thrashed erotically, twitching and shaking as he bucked his hips against her face. the other four crewmen watched in awe as her crotch leaked arousal onto the table, dampening her swimsuit. "MMNgh! MMng-hmmn!!"

He buried his cock into her throat, his cock shaking eagerly before he pulled back… letting her hold his tip between her lips as he grabbed her head and wildly pulled it back and forth. "MMpgh! mMngh! mMgnh!!"

"Oh shit…" Crewman 5 laughed as her hair jumped up to smack against the back of Crewman 4's ass. "You're going to choke her on that thing…"

However it was not meant to be. "Haa!" he gasped and Batgirl's cheeks bulged. "Haa-aahh…" he sighed, cum flowing like a broken faucet into her mouth as his cock slipped from her lips leaving a streak of cum down her cheek as she shot up.

"MMMn…" she sloshed the cum in her mouth as she posed on the table, her head tilted back. "HA-agck… GULP!" she panted erotically, tongue lolling from her empty mouth as she licked her lips again, looking dazed. "…FUCK…" she purred. She took a deep breath and collected herself. Glancing around at their limp dicks before shifting off the table.

Then looking as relatively clean as she was when she entered, she began to leave. "Thanks for the drink boys… maybe I'll get thirsty again before I get off this tub." She swayed her hips out of their room, shutting the door behind them as Crewmen 5 stared at it. "…What just happened?"

Well, now that Batgirl's got what she wanted let's check in on another Superbabe… but with one oral gangbang earlier.


Hawkgirl felt relatively soapy and sweaty thanks to the sudden carwash competition, so not even bothering to find out where Jackie had wandered off too and who she was most likely sucking. She decided to head back to her room to relax instead of swimming… She yawned as she walked inside, she wasn't surprised to find Koji typing away on his laptop. His job allowed him to work away from the office, so he needed to spend a little time doing so. He suddenly stretched, a few joints popping satisfyingly into place after hunching over a computer for a few hours. He eyed his lovely wife, sweaty and wet she wiggled that latina booty into the bathroom. "Did you go swimming?"

"No, I won a sports car… well, actually we're not sure who won a sports car… I'll explain later." she replied honestly as he seemed to process that, then accept it.

"Alright then…" he noted, saving his work and closing his laptop as he got to his feet, following his wife into the bathroom before clapping his hands on her ass as she bent over the sink.

"Ooh!" she cooed greedily.

"…Know what I'm thinking, Chula?" he cooed as he squeezed her big phat latina booty as she cooed.

"MMMn! Playtime?" she giggled excitedly. "Please say playtime…" she purred.

"PLAYTIME…" he purred the word in her ear. Before glancing around the apartment and grinning. "Closet…" he said as he swatted her ass as she giggled sweetly then strutted out of the Bathroom.

"La-la-cha-cha-cha…" she purred happily as his cock hardened. "MMn… what are you thinking Papi…" she cooed curiously, twirling in her swimsuit as he adjusted their clothes in the closet, making some room. "…White? Brown? Black?" she purred curiously, "Big? Small?"

"Oh, lady's choice." He replied lovingly before winking at her and stepping into the closet. "I'll be here…" he declared promptly shutting the closet as she giggled.

"MMN! Be right back Papi…" she purred and strutted out of the room. "Hmm-hmm-hmmm…" she wiggled thoughtfully, tapping her cheek. "Where oh where should I go?" she cooed. Then grinned, coming to a decision as she skipped to the elevator…

The smell of sweat and hard work permeated the gym as muscular men and women eagerly flexed and worked out. Pumping iron, jogging on treadmills, rowing machines, pullups. Hawkgirl, still in her swimsuit walked right in and scanned the room like a sexual terminator…

…And BOOM. Target acquired. Using the barbells lied a big, strapping, muscular black man wearing spandex and sporting an obvious bulge. With chiseled features, a bald head, and glistening with sweat until his ebony skin shined like polished onyx.

Him+Her+Koji in the closet= Fucking good time… literally.

She strutted across the room, humming her 'La-la's and 'Cha-cha-cha's to herself as she drew the attention of multiple other gym patrons but her gaze was locked on target. She loomed over him as he strained at the barbells and she smiled invitingly and purred out her first shot. "Holaaaa…" she cooed like a siren song.

The only hair he seemed to be sporting was his eyebrows and one rose curiously as he rested the barbell on the holders and sat up, yanking a sweaty towel nearby and wiping his face. "Hey." He said curiously. "…Do you want to use the bars?" he asked, eyeing her sensual latina body as she smiled. "…If you need someone to spot you, I could use a break."

"Oh… no…" she purred sweetly. "I was looking for someone to help me… ah… work out." He gazed at her skeptically, then her tongue slid hungrily across her lips. "I'm on this new exercise program you see…" she purred playfully. "…And I need someone who's got a LOT of stamina…" she ran a hand over her thigh, sliding it towards her crotch as she cooed.

Something obviously clicked in his mind and he smirked at her, "…Oh yeah? I got PLENTY of stamina…" he said, getting to his feet as he subtly flexed his iron muscles. "So I guess I can help you out…" he smiled.

"That's great…" she purred, "…But we should do this back in my room…" she curled her finger invitingly at him, "…Wouldn't want you to get gun shy on me…" she added as she let that ass SWAY behind her as he chuckled greedily, grabbing a small bag of his things and following her.

If Hawkgirl would admit to anything, she'd admit that she knew how to pick them.

"MMN!" Hawkgirl opened the door to her cabin as the lucky Bodybuilder followed her in. the door had hardly shut before she was groping his bulge. "Ay! That's a gran polla!" she purred as he groaned eagerly, grinning with oddly shiny white teeth. "MMMn…" she purred up at him, rubbing him through the spandex as he began to remove it. She hissed eagerly through her teeth as she strutted towards the bedroom. Shaking that big culo enticingly as he walked naked after her. She paused at the bed, bending over and presenting her big brown ass to him as he swatted her cheeks. "Ay!"

"Look at that ripple!" he grinned as her ass cheeks jiggled with his blow. His 9-inch cock hardening as she began to twerk, making her ass cheeks clap as she glanced over her shoulder at him. Clap-clap-clap. "Got's some MOVES too…" he praised as she purred, turning around and taking his arms before hurling him onto the edge of the bed.

Conveniently in viewing range of the closet.

"Come here Guapo…" she purred, pulling him into her cleavage. "OOoh!" she turned her head as he was distracted by relatively big soft tits as she winked at the closet, then wiggled her ass playfully as his hands clapped on her ass cheeks. "Ay!" she laughed as he got two fistfuls of perfect ass before she pushed him playfully away and stepped back. Then off came her top.

"MMN!" he gazed at her big tits as she giggled, squeezing them playfully and swaying her samba hips, turning around as she wagged her ass at him, running her hands over them before bending over.

"Cha-cha-cha!" she laughed before standing up, dancing in place before suddenly dropping that ass on his lap. "Ooh!" she rolled her hips, grinding on his lap as she caught his cock between her ass cheeks. PAC-PAC-PAC

That ass did clap on the big man's lap.

"Damn." He grinned as her silky cheeks wiggled around his throbbing girth, his hand swatting her ass cheeks as she giggled, cooing softly as she gave him a lap dance worthy of Brielle. Leaning back against his muscular chest as she gyrated and wiggled, her big latina booty wrapped tightly around his length like a hotdog bun as his hands slid up to her chest and squeezed. "OOoh… Ah!" she suddenly jumped free and got to her feet, but he got the last laugh with another swat on her ass.

To be fair smacking Hawkgirl's ass is a fun Superbabes pastime… mostly for Veronica.

"MMN!" she turned around, gripping his more than ready cock as she stroked it. "READY?" she grinned, dropping to her knees.

"Shit yeah…" he sighed as her mouth opened.

"Ahh-ha-ha-ha…" she giggled, her tongue slithering out, "OOoh…" she ran her tongue slowly against his shaft as it shivered, his hand shooting to her red-haired head and guiding her open drooling mouth to his tip and promptly claimed it. Planting his cock like a flag into her throat. "MMpgh!" she smiled up at him, "MHPGH! GUCK! MMGh…" she salivated on the base of his cock, her tongue slipping onto his sack and tickling his balls before she shot up like a rocket and popped off. "Ayy…" she purred, running her tongue gently against his meat again.

One hand on his sack the other on his shaft she fondled and stroked, gently licking up before wrapping her lips around his tip. "Mmn…" and bobbing her head at her own pace, getting halfway down his cock before sliding up again, saliva dripping down as rubbed it into his skin. "MMph… mmpgh… mmnaa-aahh Ay Dios Mio's it's such a big dick…" she cooed. Rubbing it against her face. "How's it going to feel inside me?" she giggled, getting to her feet. She wiggled sensually slow in place, licking her cock sucking lips as she cooed. "Regular or…" she turned, swatting her rear gently, "Reverse?"

"Ladies choice…" he grinned as he stroked himself firmly.

"Hmm-hmm…" she licked her lips hungrily and turned around, spreading her ass cheeks as she slid her wet pussy onto his tip. He groaned as she wiggled all the way down until her ass cheeks rested on his lap. "MMMmm! Grande… MMN!" his hand clapped on her ass again as she rested her hands on his thighs, "Ah… ah! Ah! Ah!! Ay! Si!" she cooed, bouncing hard on his lap so the smacking of her ass cheeks could be heard in the closet. "Ah! AH! AY!" she gasped as his hand clapped on her ass before gripping her waist, "Ahh-aah-aaagh!!" he jammed his cock into her as she rocketed up and down on his lap. "Dios Mio you're tearing me apart!"

She laughed wildly, her tongue flopping from her open mouth as her eyes widened. "Ay! I'm cumming!!"

"NNNGH!! SHIT!!" he snarled, slamming her down on his lap as she shuddered, feeling his load pump into her before she fell forward and he fell back. He lied flat on the bed as his cock fired a burst of cum into the air.

"NNgh!!" Hawkgirl writhed on the floor her ass in the air as her face contorted whorishly, "MMN!" she waggled her ass behind her, her ass cheeks wobbling enticingly as the man got to his feet.

"Come here girl!" he praised happily as he lifted her from the floor and body slammed her on the bed. She squealed delightedly as her legs we roughly spread. He crawled over her, his throbbing cock aimed for a return to her insides as he tore into her.

"OOOH!!" his hands hooked under her thick latina ass cheeks, then he pounded her. Rough and hard his hips slapped up and down. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK ME!!" she squealed as he rampaged inside her. "Hijo de puta!" she squealed as his mating press continued relentlessly. "Aaay!!" she squealed as his primal grunts echoed loudly around the room, his sweaty body grinding against her.

"You're tight girl! You really want it!"

"SI!! SI I want it!!" she whined, "I want it all! All that dick juice!!" she squealed.

"Haa-aagh! Ugh!! Ah! FUUUUUUCK!!!" Thick, plentiful cum oozed into her body as he pinned her down to the bed his hands massaging her ass cheeks as he planted his cock deep. She panted heavily as he lied on top of her unmoving, occasionally thrusting his hips as she squeaked lazily.

"Haa-haa… did you like that?" she cooed, "Ah!" he suddenly started moving again, "A-AY! Ahh!! AH! Ahh!! Again? Ahhh?! Again!! Pump it! put that dick in me!" she panted as he railed into her body.

"Ugh! Ugh! GUGH!! FUCK! YES!!" he kept moving, his hips churning her insides as cum flowed out, "Ah-aaahgh!! AAagh fuck YES!!"

"Harder! Harder!! Fuck me harder! Créame como una perra!" she squealed as she orgasmed again, he buried himself inside her once more, giving her more of his thick cum as she bit into his shoulder. "MMMNGH!!!" shaking in pleasure.

He pulled out of her as she gasped, leaving her with her legs spread open and her pussy oozing. He flopped onto his back on the bed, absently kicking her arm as he grinned shaking his cock as she rolled slowly upright. "Come here baby… that mouth felt so good I want some more…" she crawled between his legs, opening her mouth wide as she wiggled her ass and dripping pussy. "Yeah…" he sighed, relaxing on the bed. His hand on her head again as she bobbed her head slowly up and down.

"MMMgh… mmgh-hhmm… umgnh!" she cooed as she slurped noisily further and further down his shaft.

"Oooh you really like sucking that dick don't you?" he hissed in a whisper as she smiled up at him with a mouthful of dick. "Ugh! Don't stop…" he clenched his teeth, "Shit you're so good at this! Nngh!!" he jerked from her mouth with a wet popped, "Aangh!" and pointed his tip at her face… coating her in jizz. "Nnngh…" he jerked his hand up and down his shaft aiming towards her open mouth but giving her a facial anyway. "Ahhhh…" he sighed as his cock stopped throbbing and went limp, smacking it against her face as she kissed his shaft.

He sighed, relaxing on the bed as she ran her lips up and down his limp length. "Damn girl… you freaky…"

"Hee-hee…" she giggled, worshiping his thick dick as he sighed. "Thank you…" she cooed.

"Damn I don't think I can cum anymore even if I tried! Give me a little while…" he grinned at her, "How about dinner later?"

"Oh… no I'll be busy…" she replied politely getting off the bed as he stared at her ass wobbling away to the bathroom. He groaned off the bed, stiff, sore and content before following her naked body to the bathroom.

"Doing what?"

"Probably something with my husband…" she smiled playfully at his grinning face, clearly visible in the mirror. Fell nervously.

"Uh… husband?"

"Yes. Husband…" she smiled playfully, "Would you like to meet him."

"Uh… no I uh…" he scrambled for his clothes, fidgeting as he tugged the spandex back on. "I uh… got to go!" and before he was fully dressed, he was out the door.

She giggled loudly as she washed her face. "Did you see the look on his face!" she laughed as Koji slid the closet door open, his dick hanging between his legs and dripping. "Hilarious…" she smiled, turning around and getting to her knees. "…Let me help you clean up Papi…" she purred lovingly, opening her mouth wide as he rested his hand on her head.

"Thanks, Chula… love you…" he teased

Meanwhile, but much later… Up on the pool deck, the other Superbabes and Tom were relaxing by the pool when a collection of speakers echoed out over the air.

"Hello! Attention cruise guests!" cheered Roxy, "This is your cruise director Roxy. I would like to inform you all that if you direct your attention to the starboard side of the ship, you'll find a pod of whales!"

Jae, lounging on the pool chair on the starboard side took a glance. "…Uh… that's a pod of whales alright… and Aquaman." That caught the groups' attention mere seconds before Roxy announced.

"And Aquaman!" the rush to the side of the cruise ship rocked it slightly as people were cheering and taking pictures of some sort of superhero battle. "I'd tell you to take bets… BUUUUUT it looks like he's fighting someone called fisherman so… yeah that's an easy one."

And sure, enough somebody went flying out of the water half a click away followed by an echoing OUTRAGEOUS!

"Huh she was right it was a safe bet." Mumbled Jae-Hwa, lying back down on her chair. "…You know if you think about it Aquaman might be the hardest working Superhero."

"Oooh. Explain." Smiled Joy, not really paying attention as she soaked in some sun to the echoing laughter of a certain bearded Superhero.

"Well, every hero's got a city or something right?" Jae noted, "So. Aquaman as ALL the oceans to guard… he's totally a harder worker than someone with a City like-"

"Oh don't say it." Joy warned.


"YOU WATCH YOUR DICK SUCKING MOUTH!" declared Sierra violently suddenly diving at a shocked Jae before Tom made a miraculous interception, catching Sierra in the air and stumbling towards the pool.

"What the FUCK?!" Jae hissed as Tom dove into the pool with his girlfriend as her screams of fangirl fury was snuffed by water.

"Yeah… don't say stuff like that with Sierra in hearing distance… ultimate Batman fan right there…" Joy mumbled as Tom let her go as she came to the surface and gasped for air.

"BATMAN!" she declared angrily, crawling out of the pool as water flowed off her body, "Has a CITY! Of criminals! Aquaman has like what? Three major supervillains? Blackmanta and… fuck I don't know!" she declared sassily.

"Apparently that Fisherman guy…" Tom noted submissively, hanging on the pool edge.

"Hush babe! Mama's making a point!"

"Oh no." he sighed reluctantly, climbing out of the pool.

"So! Hardest working superhero my glorious tits!" she added scathingly, "He's like a king or something! He's got other people to protect his 'oceans'." She mumbled, "Batman has to deal with the joker! On a nearly weekly basis! Boom… Batman wins."

"Okay okay…" Jae said nervously, "…You're not going to try and tackle me again are you?"

"Are you going to talk more shit about Batman?"

"No, I think I'm good…" Jae replied with a hesitant chuckle as Sierra scoffed.

"Damn right you are!" she replied confidently. As Roxy declared over the speakers.

"And it looks like Aquaman's being a good sport and bringing those whales closer to the ship! Have a good look ladies and gentlemen!"

"Aw, they're so cute!" Sierra said, her attention diverted from the bottom-heavy Superbabe, gazing out and watching the whales swim beside the ship, Aquaman waving to the people before driving away, dragging a costumed supervillain behind him.

"…I think Aquaman's better looking though…" Jae replied, reapplying her sunglasses and lying down.

"Like you've ever seen the Batman." Joy smiled.

"I've seen his chin…" mumbled Jae, remembering the night of her arrest and the thorough totaling of her car. "And Aquaman's got bigger muscles." Joy just scoffed and cooed softly as she soaked in sun. If muscles were everything, she wouldn't be dating a super geek.

The remainder of the day went moderately uneventful apart from a few things the group themselves did. They eventually found Jackie, and told her to brush her teeth, Rosa and Koji eventually joined them for a late lunch. They enjoyed themselves in the entertainment quarter for a bit before finally having themselves a quiet dinner.

Well, Rosa and Koji, as well as Sierra and Tom, had separate quiet dinners. The remaining semi-single girls partied it up at one of the clubs, scarfed down some pizza. Then went to crash for their eventual shifts at Superbabes…

Eventually… around three in the morning.

Jae yawned as she and Joy got off the elevator on Restaurant Row. "How come we keep getting the same shifts together?" Jae noted as Joy smirked.

"What? Don't like spending time with me?"

"I'm just wondering if I need to start thinking this is racist… both Asian girls getting put on the same late shift?"

"I figured it's easier since we share the same room." Joy shrugged. "We could start drawing straws…"

"Drawing Straws for what?" Power Girl asked as Hawkgirl got to her feet at the sight of them.

"Shifts." Power Girl laughed good-naturedly "She thinks it's weird that both the Asian girls keep getting put on the same shifts."

"Not 'weird' in so many words…" Jae noted as Power Girl stretched.

"Well, I'll work with you tomorrow Jae." Sierra groaned. "I just figured it would be easier to work if you shared the same room."

"See?" Joy noted, heading towards the bathroom. "Hey, Luke."

"Hmph." Greeted the cook as Jae eyed him suspiciously.

"Do you ever sleep?" she asked, not waiting for the answer as she walked in to change.

"…Hmph?…" Luke shrugged dismissively and kept cooking.

Power Girl and Hawkgirl stretched out their stiff arms and legs, stretching like erotic aerobics models before finally waving to Luke. "Nighty-Night Luke!" purred Hawkgirl as they walked off.

"Hmph…" he grunted in farewell.

Red Lantern and White Rabbit

The girls came out, and promptly sat their scantily clad butts on the chairs and animatedly began chatting about this and that: old relationships, new relationships, new hobbies, old hobbies, followed closely by recent events.

"Hey, Luke…" Red Lantern asked suddenly.

"Hmph?" grunted the imposing cook.

"Who gets to keep the sports car?" Jae asked as Luke's massive shoulders shrugged once more, "Ooooh don't give me that you silent giant!" she replied teasingly. "Who gets it?"

"Hmph…" Luke shrugged again, as White Rabbit laughed.

"Orders! Duh…"

"What the hell is Orders going do with a sports car? She doesn't go anywhere."

"I don't know, why does Orders do anything?" White Rabbit rested her face on her fists as she seemed to cutely think around it, her legs kicking back and forth. "A tax-free sports car? Maybe's she's going to turn it into a company car?"

"…We'd have to work around the clock for a year to buy one of those and you think she's just going to have us drive around delivering cheap food?"


"Not you Luke." She added quickly, "Yours is great. Best pizza I've had in years."

However before she found out whether that placated the potentially dangerous, mostly silent chef… the phone rang. The girls stared at it for a minute as it buzzed again. "…Huh… guess someone should get that." White Rabbit got up, and on the fourth ring she picked up the phone.

Time: 3:54 AM. Place: Superbabes (The Martha's Heart)

"Hello! Superbabes, we deliver."

"Hey! So we saw you guys earlier yesterday and we GOT to know… have you guys worked at the Gotham Superbabes?"

"Yes. But what would you like to eat?"

"OOoh hang on- *mumbled. Mumble mumble. LOUD mumble. Who uh… who's working there right now?"

"Well… there's me. And Redlantern."

"We'll take one of each!" (x2)

"Hang on… one of each what?"

"Meals and Delivery girls!" (x2)


White Rabbit hung up the phone, "Well… I guess we're going on a delivery."

"We? Red Lantern replied curiously.

"Yeah, they ordered us both…" White Rabbit declared, "Luke. One White Rabbit meal and one-wow look at him go." She noted as Luke quickly cooked their respective meals. Soon A perfectly packed bag of Superbabes food slid towards them as Red Lantern whistled, taking the bag and following White Rabbit down Restaurant Row to the elevators.

"So where are we going?" asked Red Lantern as they got in the elevator.

White Rabbit pushed the top floor, "7th​ floor, right where Orders want's us." She smiled as the elevator doors shut.

The top floor hallway was just slightly more expensive looking than their floor. A few pictures between every other door, of which they were significantly spread farther apart… implying the rooms were bigger and fancier. White Rabbit soon stopped in front of the doors, gesturing to it. "This is the one."

"Alright then." Red Lantern said standing beside her as they raised their hands and knocked.


Time: 4:12 AM. Place The Martha's Heart (7th​ floor Room 732)

"Special Delivery Service." They said together as the door popped open to reveal a man and his identical twin brother, Dark haired and brown eyed they grinned handsomely at the Superbabes as Twin one declared confidently.

"I KNEW I recognized you two from the website!"

Red Lantern pushed them inside and glanced quickly around. It was a bigger and more luxurious version of their apartment, except with an extra bedroom and a tiny hot tub. Oh and a few more expensive-looking paintings but she suspected they were copies… much like the two men in the room.

"So you two are frequent visiters?" asked Red Lantern as White Rabbit winked at Twin Two and they walked in.

"We usually get Killer Frost." Twin Two replied, pleasantly distracted by White Rabbit's corset contents, her big breasts wobbling with each step of her pink high-heels until she dropped onto the couch, crossing her legs.

"Oh, YOU two… yeah she talks about you…" White Rabbit replied.

Vaguely, Leslie VAGUELY talks about them. When you get regular poundings from identical twin brothers it tends to come up during 'Never has she (Veronica) ever' games, on sheer principle.

Red Lantern put the bag down on the table, which had more than a few empty beer bottles. Twin One, clearly enamored with Red Lantern and her large shapely ass followed her like an eager puppy as Twin Two sat on the couch next to White Rabbit who immediately leaned over and rested a hand on his thigh. Both of them were wearing swim trunks and light white T-Shirts. Although Twin Two was wearing blue. Twin One was wearing red.

Red's hands rested on Red Lantern's majestic ass cheeks as he buried his face into her leather-covered tits. She moaned softly as she was lifted on the table, bottles clattered, and rolled onto the floor. "Nngh. Shit…" sighed Red Lantern, laughing slightly. "MMmn…" and she fell onto the table, her legs dangling over the edge.

Blue had his hand between White Rabbit's supple thighs and sliding down her bottoms as she spread her legs. "Mmn!" she smiled, wiggling her hips as she felt his fingers slid immediately inside her. "Oooh!" her hips rose on the couch towards his hand as he buried his face into her cleavage, "Hee-hee!" she giggled as he motorboated, sliding her own hand down his shorts to find his cock. Hard and ready…

"Ah!" she recovered herself, shoving him down and against the couch as she tugged down his Blue shorts and lied over his lap, sliding her lips down his length. "MMn!" Sliding her lips up and down his shaft before she slid them up to his tip, running her tongue along his cock as he put his hand between her rabbit ears, and she wrapped them tight around his tip. "MMpgh…" sliding to the base.

"Ha…AH…" gasped Red Lantern as Red pulled her crotch aside.

"Wow you're pierced down here…" he teased as Red laughed,

"Not the only place…" she stuck out her pierced tongue as he shoved his into her pussy. "Ahhh…" her legs squirmed on his back as her thick thighs squeezed around his head. "Ahhhh…" her tongue lolling from her mouth as the metal bar wagged inside it. "Haa-aaah…" her hands slid along her body, rising over her breasts before hooking on the opposite side of the table. "NNgh… mMMN-shit…" she sighed, pushing her hips up against his face as he rested his hands on her thick thighs.

"MMgh-mmgnh…" he ate, tongue spirally into her as she shuddered, gasping for breath as her boot heels hooked into the back of her shorts as her legs writhed.

"Fu-uuuck…" she snarled. "Ha… ha! HA!" she gasped, shaking in pleasure.

"MMmph…" White Rabbit's lips quivered around the base of Blue's shaft, her tongue slithering out to wiggle on his balls, before she was bouncing slowly up and down on him. He lifted his hips off the couch and pushed his shorts down the rest of the way, his pants around his ankles as she rolled onto her knees. "Mmph-mmhn-mmn…" he gripped her head as it wiggled down his length.

"Ahh-w-wow!" he relaxed on the couch, head lying back as her head continued to jump up and down. "You have got to try this…" he sighed as White Rabbit giggled around his girth.

"Bit busy…" replied Red, getting up as his trunks hit the floor. He grabbed Red's hips, her ass so phat it raised her hips up slightly on the table. "Man…" he rubbed his cock on her pierced clit before adjusting his hips and pushing right in.

"Ahh-aagh!" Red Lantern squirmed erotically on the table as he buried himself into her. "Ahh-Aahh-fuck!" she gasped as he began bucking wildly. He slid his hands from her slender waist to her round breasts, squeezing them as she jerked back and forth, the table creaking under her as her ass was pounded against it. "Fuck me… fuck me…" she hissed through clench teeth as he grinned, ramming harder into her. "Haaa-! UGH!!" she squirmed as he squeezed her breasts.

"You're milking me! You're milking me with that body!" he hissed falling onto her and grabbing the end of the table over her head.

"Aaahh! Ugh!!" he ground into her as her legs hooked behind him.

"Here it cums! I'm! cumming"! he sneered.

"Haa-aah!!" Blue taking his turn in White Rabbit's very skilled mouth as his brother went still, lying down on a shuddering Red Lantern. "Ugh!"

White Rabbit jerked her head around the tip of his cock, her tongue spiraling around him as his cock twitched, his hand caressing her white hair as she moaned softly, taking his spurts of cum into her mouth. "MMh-hmmn…" she slurped loudly, her lips pulling slowly over his glans as his cock throbbed out the last drops of his first load. "MMn!" her head tilted back and down it went, her tongue slid out to lick her lips as he rubbed her leg.

Red pulled out of Red Lantern, a string of cum still connecting his tip to her pussy before it snapped. "This one is AWESOME." He declared as Blue grinned.

"Well she's no joke." He got to his feet as they approached each other, slapped hands and simultaneously declared.

"Tag in!"

"OOooh!" White Rabbit squeaked playfully as Red grabbed her bottoms and yanked them abruptly down exposing her wet pussy as he spread her legs, rolling her onto her back to lie on the couch. "Careful… this is the only uniform I brought!"

He spun her bottoms around his finger before tossing them away, undoing her corset as her big natural breasts burst out, he squeezed them in his hands before lying on top of her, burying his face into her tits as he wormed against her body, his cock hardening against her. Squeezing her like he was trying to milk her, sucking on her nipples as she cooed.

"Let's get you out of these tight clothes!" declared Blue as he promptly gave his complete attention to Red Lantern. Pulling her upright as she slid off the table. Her pussy leaked cum and arousal down her thigh as she unzipped the suit. It fell away exposing her pierced nipples as she stuck out her tongue like a punk rocker, squeezing her breasts as she let it wag.

She sneered as his hands clapped onto her ass cheeks. Hissing like a snake as he turned her towards the bedroom, he gave her a gentle shove as she walked towards it, letting him watch those ass cheeks wobble majestically as he followed close behind, so close the tip of his cock rubbed against her left ass cheek. She stood right beside the double bed, smirking as he smacked her right ass cheek. She crawled onto it, on her hands and knees as she swayed that ass behind her… then made it shake. Bouncing her ass just like Vixen (I) taught her.

Bouncing them together, rolling in a circle, then figure eights. Literally shaking her moneymaker.

"Oooh… OOH!-MMn!" White Rabbit Wiggled beneath Red as he slurped on both her nipples at once, squeezing her big tits as he suddenly pulled.

"MMM-Mwah!" her hardened nipples twitched as he held them towards her lips.

"Aahh-mmn…" sucking on them loudly as her tongue slipped in and out. Her hands replaced his, holding her tits as he slipped his hands on her ass. "MM-mmmn!" she wiggled her hips, feeling his length push against her pussy, "MMN!!" she trembled as he slid right in. "MMN! MMn! MMpgh…" she moaned as he began pumping

"Superbabes! Are! the best!"

"MMMPGH!!" she concurred sucking hard on her tits. He raised her leg onto his shoulder, and went to town.

Red Lantern kept clapping her ass cheeks, now with the added application of Blue's cock slipping between them as the squealing moans of White Rabbit's pleasure echoed into the room. "Sound's like she's having fun…" Red Lantern moaned erotically as Blue slid his hands over her ass cheeks and she stilled, he spread her… then crawled onto the bed, hunching down as the tip of his throbbing cock pushed against her asshole. "Ah fuck…" she hissed through clenched teeth. "Hangmun!" she snarled

Which is Korean for asshole… fitting.

"Aaahg! FUCK!!" she gasped as he rapidly clapped dat ass with his pumping hips. Her upper body on the bed as she raised up her wobbling ass, submitting to his bucking hips as his cock rampaged up inside her ass. "Ahh! Aggh!! God! Damn! It!!" she snarled shaking as his head rolled slowly backward, ramming against her wobbling cheeks as her ass claps echoed into the living room.

"MMGh!! Mmgnh!! UMNGH!!!" White Rabbit Squirmed, shaking and clenching around Red as he slowed down and-

"Haaa!!" pinning his hips to hers as she gasped, her breasts flopping free as he buried his face into her tits. She shuddered, her pussy quivering as warm cum flooded inside her. "Sugoi…" she cooed his cock twitching inside her before he promptly pulled out, and spurted a rope onto her stomach.

Blue railed into Red Lantern, grabbing her masked head and pulling her back as he churned into her. "Aha-aah… fucking… a big… ass… girl… RULES!!"

"HAaaaah!!" she gasped feebly as he pinned his hips to her spasming ass. "Haaaa-…" he let go of her head as he rolled his hips against her. then pressed them firmly to her ass… sighing contentedly as Red walked into the doorframe.

"Which one?" he said with an exhausted sighed.

"Oooh this one…" declared Blue contentedly, pulling out of her tight gaping ass. "Definitely this one…" she slapped her wobbling ass to punctuate his selection.

"Here that beautiful?" declared Red as she felt his and Blue's cock on her left and right ass cheek respectively. Her big phat ass cheeks wiggled alternatingly up and down. "We pick you."

"Lucky me…" she moaned, someone SENSING what they had planned.

"….OH FUCK!!" White Rabbit sat up, shaking slightly as she got of the couch. "SHIT! SHIT!! OH FUCK!! MEEE!!" White Rabbit watched in awe as Twin One and Twin Two double penetrated a shaking shuddering Red Lantern as she lied on her back on one Twin. Twin Two railing hard into her pussy from above. "Oh-Oh-OH! FUCK!!!" She clenched her teeth as they relentlessly rammed, her legs thrashing as she clawed Pussy Twin's back with her fingernails.

"Harder! Harder!

"Almost there!"

The twins' voices mingling encouragement to everyone involved as their legs twisted together, holding her open as they bucked and ground into her.

"This ass was made for fucking!"

"So that's just what we'll do!" they cheered together as she cried out in orgasm.

"FUCK! YOU!!" she hissed through clenched teeth as her limbs stiffed, "Haa-gaaggh!!!" Pussy Twin thrust twice into her spasming pussy as Ass Twin bucked several more times… both, however, eventually planted balls deep into her holes as she oozed cum around their girths. Pussy Twin sucked on her right tit as Ass Twin squeezed her left.

"Ooh she looks jealous…" grinned Ass Twin as they stared at a nervously wiggling White Rabbit.

"Supes jealous…" Pussy Twin giggled as Red Lantern's quivering holes squelched satisfyingly as they pulled out.

They crawled off the bed looming towards her like hungry slightly drunken predators as she absently rubbed herself, not looking away… like a trapped Rabbit… Pussy Twin slipped behind her, squeezing her big tits as Ass Twin rubbed against her pussy… then they switched names.

"Haa-aaahgh!!" she trembled as they penetrated her simultaneously. "Aaahh…" her tongue lolled as Both Twins slipped fingers into her mouth as she slobbered over them. "Mmgh-mghoooh!" she gasped, suddenly suspended from the ground, her legs opened wide as they buried deep into her body. "…Kuso…" she whimpered…

Which could be interpreted as 'fuck'… go figure.

"Aagh!! Ahh!! Aahhh!! IKU!!" she squealed as they railed into her body just like Red Lantern. Their cocks rubbing against each other through her inner walls as her legs flopped about, their bodies jerking back and forth as their hips pounded away. Pussy twin burying his face into her cleavage as Ass Twin licked her collar bone.

"She likes it… she really likes it…" purred Pussy Twin eagerly.

"You're clinging so tight to us sexy!" hissed Ass Twin happily.

"Ahh! Ahgh! Aggh!!" she gasped, eyes wide mouth open gazing blankly at the ceiling as the boys synced up, and rhythmically sent her to nirvana. Her climax hit her so hard she blacked out… white-ed out? She went limp, both boys loosing balance and falling onto the bed as she squirmed and writhed… shaking in pleasure as they collapsed on her body.

Then… collectively… they all took a breath.

"…Please don't tell Killer Frost you two made us tap out…" groaned Ass Twin as his legs quivered, shaking on the floor as he tried to pull out of a cooing White Rabbit.

"Yeah… I'm pretty sure she gets angry if we don't uh… give her out patronage…" Since both White Rabbit and Red Lantern was a little too out of it to care. They gave feeble thumbs up.

"…I think they blew out my back…" mumbled Red Lantern as she slipped into the bathroom with White Rabbit for cleanup. "…I don't think I'll ever get used to DP."

"It feels so wrong and right at the same time…" grumbled White Rabbit. "…No wonder all my JAV friends charged extra…" they rinsed and cleaned up, feeling good and pristine as they strutted out of the bathroom to get their clothes.

"…We went over." Mumbled Red Lantern under her breath as White Rabbit helped zip her up.

"…Actually is this a 2 for 1 or a catered party?" they stared at each other, then the recovering twins trying to process the thought.

"…Goooood question…" Red Lantern mumbled. "…Technically there ARE two of them…"

"But they're practically the same guy…"

"…Think Orders is up so we can ask?" They rubbed their chins. "…Fuck it, I say charge them for 2 for 1 time." Red Lantern mumbled, "…I'm going to be walking funny all the way back to our room…" White Rabbit shrugged and smiled.

"Okay boys…" both girls held out their hands as Twin One and Twin Two sat exhaustedly naked on the bed. "Time to pay up!"

…The girls wiggled out of the room as Red Lantern flicked her fingers over the stack of bills the boys gave them. "See you boys around…" Red Lantern replied, as the two waved sleepily.

"…Let's just get one next time…" Blue grumbled as their asses vanished in the elevator.

"…Yeah…" replied Red as they shut their door.

Time: 5:44 AM. Place: The Martha's Heart (Superbabes)

"Okay… what would YOU do with a sports car?" asked Joy as Jae-Hwa scoffed.

"First. Street racing… I was a pretty good getaway driver." She replied as Joy giggled.

"…Till Batman stopped you."

"Hush. Then. When I get the cash? I'd trip out the speakers, and some subwoofers and go around DJ-ing…" she declared smugly as Joy nodded thoughtfully.

"Huh… I can see that… but don't tell Ashley… she HATES subwoofers apparently…"

"…What?" Jae replied confused as they arrived back at Superbabes. Luke drinking coffee straight from the still steaming pot. "…Anyway…" she slapped the money on the counter as Luke took it, drinking scalding hot coffee as he flicked his thumb through it… giving the girls their cut.

He then waved them off with a soft, "Hmph." Which was Luke for 'just go on', and let them head back to their cabins for the night.

"Why does Ashley hate subwoofers?" Jae mumbled as they went to change.

"I don't know… it's Ashley! Why does she need a reason to hate anything?"

"…Fair point…" Jae replied as Luke quietly drank his coffee, sighing contentedly.


Day Three End

A brief cameo by Aquaman and another cameo... reference? To an animated Series Supervillianess... Will something come from that? Yes? No? Maybe?!... probably...

Also, the Twins are on the boat! Killer Frost's currently unnamed double teamers who also dabbled in the fantastic black ass of Green Lantern II! I'm only saying that because I couldn't remember who else they had sex with and it took me over an hour to find out... give me a break there are over a hundred chapters I had to check! and I'm sleepy...

Next time I think we'll journey into the Entertainment district, (floor? block? I'll admit my cruise ship lingo is kinda vague) and then... well we'll see how day five goes, I was originally going to do four days but that was kinda shit.

And finally the solo Rosa sentence. Créame como una perra! = breed me like a bitch!. The crazy cuckholds.

I'll post the rest later today.
