
Dreams and Nightmares: Batwoman: Slave Dancer

I don't own DC or anything

"NO! NOOO!!" the scantly clad girl charged towards her, only to clutch at the tight leather collar around her neck as she was dragged screaming back towards the throne, a large, monstrous, anthropomorphic slug creature licked his lips with a massive tongue, positively drooling as his hands dragged her back by a leash, screaming piteously for mercy as the surrounding members of the 'court' laughed at her fate.

"Worthless cunt…" he sneered in an unknown language before dragging her across a large grate-like floor. Her feet covered in slippery sandals to prevent any sort of traction as she clung to the groves of the grate. "Say no to THIS!"

"Master! No pleasure I'm-" but her pleads of mercy were promptly cut off as he let go of her leash, and slammed a button on an armrest as the floor suddenly opened. "NOOO!!" she shrieked in horror as a long, smooth tendril shot from the floor and lashed around her leg. "NO!!" she was yanked back as another and another lashed around her waist and arm. "NOOO!!!" unable to do anything but scream that horrifying word as another tentacle slithered rapidly around her leg and ripped through her skimpy clothes, piercing deep into her womanhood as she screamed. It pumped in and out of her as she shrieked, her eyes tearing up as suddenly… she was silenced.

A distinctly phallic tentacle slithered up from the opened trapdoor, and wrapped around her neck, before plunging into her gaping, screaming mouth. Weeping in pure muffled terror as she was lifted up, tentacles plunging into her holes… Dangling helplessly in the air as she was violated, suddenly she was yanked abruptly into the open floor as the trapdoor slammed shut behind her. The crowd laughed and cheered, some openly stroking themselves to the hideous show of the poor girl through the floor then, there was a brief scream of restrained terror, a painful shrieking groan… and a sickening CRUNCH... Followed by her ominous silence, only the sounds of squelching meat and writhing tentacles could be heard from the pit...

The silent crowd suddenly roared in delight as the beast 'finished up' with its prey, then feasted upon the remains… the mighty Bajja the Hutt wiped his lips with a slimy hand. "…Bring me another…" he said lazily, the life of his former slave simply a drop of water in a bucket of cruelty.

She was dragged out from a pile of attractive women, most were drugged up or catatonic… her long wavy red hair was braided down her exposed back. Her breasts were covered by a metal red bra… oddly in the shape of a bat. Her womanhood was covered by belt with long velvet cloth down her front and back, but one dramatic movement and everything would be exposed. The golden collar around her neck yanked her forward as the pigman guard dragged her towards Bajja.

The slug gangster licked his lips again as he lecherously undressed her with his eyes. "Princess Ciara…" he purred in a sickeningly sweet mamnner. The pigman presented the end of the leash to Bajja as he snatched it. She fidgeted, still a little unnerved at the death of the poor dancing girl. "…Come closer…" he yanked the leash as she slipped forward, then stood on his throne as he 'examined' her body… his slimy hand slipping over her leg and under her 'skirt' as he rubbed her silky womanhood. "Ho-ho-ho"… he chuckled licking his lips. "…Kiss your master hello…" he ordered, pulling his hand away to let it dangle unnervingly close to the 'kill' button

She clenched her fists, and leaned forward, falling against his massive body as his massive tongue lolled out and dragged on her face. "MMNGh!!" she closed her eyes and pursed her lips as he slobbered over her to the jeering of the crowd.

"Ha-ha-ha!" he chortled, caressing her body, squeezing her soft ass possessively. "You will behave… yes? You will entertain me…" he licked her again, "One way… or another." He pushed her as she fell onto the floor.

"Ahh!" she gasped, shoving instinctively away from the grate as he chortled. It would do her no good obviously considering the creature's reach.

"Play!" ordered the Hutt, "Play!" he repeated as the indentured house band picked up their instruments once more. Evidently, the death of the most recent dancing girl didn't put their master off that much. "Dance!" he laughed cruelly, whipping the leash like a lash as she flinched, getting to her feet. "Dance!"

She hesitated, biting her lip as she waited for the band to start… the bulbous lounge singer crooning. "Ab queck zenick fesi, Zong jup col im in na hiz jal, ooh-Wow!"

She shimmied in place, slowly at first despite the fast pace of the music, swaying her hips sensually as the monstrous gangster enjoyed her movements, for a time. But soon it was clear that her putting as little effort as possible in her dancing would not satisfy him. She suddenly twirled like a belly dancer, skipping across the room, raising her leg high in kicks, lunges, and twirls some more, holding the leash out as her body bent and coiled like a snake.

The crowd eagerly cheered and lecherously watched her supple body, her cloth coverings weren't even capable of keeping her modest. Her clothes were not meant for dancing, they were made for show… she was a trophy for his amusement. He licked his lips hungrily, gripping the leash and running his hands over it. "More! Move more!" he lashed the leash as it whipped at her neck, he tugged, making her stumble to the ground on her knees, before she wormed and writhed. "Yes…" he hissed, clearly enjoying her ground grinding as she rolled, bending and arching her back as she waved her arms around her, coiling and lashing like serpents.

She humped the air with her hips as he jiggled on the throne, as if dancing to the movement as she flipped to her feet, exposing herself briefly as the crowd cheered, the tempo of the music picking up as she twirled, kicked and danced on the floor. "NGh!" she was yanked closer to her 'owner' and she stood before him. His tail wagging eagerly on the throne as she bit her lip, put her hands on the back of her head and shimmied her hips, popping them left and right, the skirt of her clothes waving tantalizingly with her movements exposing her pussy to him as she grunted under her breath. "Ha!" she gasped as she was yanked forward, her hands planting on the throne as he tugged her leash tight.

"Dance…" he ordered cruelly, but refused to let her move, leaving her with only the option of twerking and shaking her ass for the crowd as he laughed. His tail raising and coiling on her face, before the tip probed at her mouth. "…OPEN…" he hissed, grinning lecherously… horribly.

"MMMGPh!!" she refused the slimy tip rubbing on her lips, threatening penetration.

"…MINE… or HIS…" he snarled, his hand drifting lazily to the 'kill' button.

"Nnnhg…" she whimpered, still shaking her ass as she finally, opened her mouth, "Acck…ACK!" she restrained herself as his nasty tail slipped between her lips and-


"What?!" snapped Bajja as he let go of her leash in shock as half a dozen various thugs were blasted with multi-colored fire. "Who dares-AAARGH!!" his massive body was peppered with heavy blaster fire as a massive, hulking red-furred warrior woman matched into the room roaring an undulating battle cry as she mowed down dozens of the crime lord's toadies.

"RWWAAAAAAAG!!!!" Ronbellcca roared her battle cry followed by a helmeted masked man in battle armor, holding a copyright safe phazer sword in one hand and a blaster gun in the other, covering Ronbellca as he approached the fallen Princess.

"Did you miss me?" he asked, his voice modulated as half a dozen troopers charged in to help subdue the crowds.

"No." she declared firmly, as he helped her to her feet, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close as she blushed. "Not in the least. You're late."

"Ronnie wanted to try out her new gun." He replied practically as the big furry lady grabbed a pigman guard around the throat, lifted him up, and slammed him hard into the stone floor as it cracked under the blow… "…I like the new clothes…" he cooed, attaching his phazer sword to his utility belt before wrapping a gloved hand around her waist, caressing her ass over the cloth as she gasped. "How's about when I'm done earning my keep…" he blasted the twitching corpse of Bajja. "We go break them in."

She blushed, leaning sensually against him as the carnage continued. "…You scruffy-" BLAST "Herder…" she gasped as he caressed her ass, sliding his hand away and gripping her leash.

"…Ronnie's got this…" he led her away through the violence, kicking open a room and holding the hiding thugs at blaster point. "Out…" they scampered out as he shut and locked the door. "Time to reward the bounty hunter princess." He declared, holstering the blaster.

"Haaa-Aaahhh…" she moaned sensually, leaning her red-haired head back as he slipped a finger of his gloved hand inside her beneath her skirt, "Oooh-oOOoh…" she trembled as he firmly held her leash. He pinched her bat chest plate before peeling it easily away. "Haa…" it clattered metallically to the floor as he led her to the bed, sitting down and leaning back comfortably.

"You should finish your dance." He declared as she sighed erotically, turning and bending her knees, putting her hands on them as she began to twerk, shaking her ass up and down as he laughed happily. "WOoo!" her modesty cloth bouncing up and down with her ass as she wiggled and waved it around, glancing seductively over her shoulder as she tossed her braided-haired head. She twirled, her long hair and leash lashing around her as she raised her hands over her head, gyrating and worming her stomach, shimmying her hips as he groaned, rubbing his crotch with one hand and holding her leash with the other.

Princess Batwoman leaned over, putting her breasts right in his masked face as she wiggled her shoulders and pushed her breasts together with her arms. Her hands sensually sliding up her rescuer's chest to cling to his helmet and lift-

"The helmet stays on." He declared, grabbing her wrists and throwing her onto the bed.

"Ooh!" she gasped, bouncing as he removed his pants. "…oh…" his rock-hard cock throbbing towards her as he pulled aside her modesty cloth. She spread her legs, sliding a hand towards her red-pubic hairs, spreading her wet pussy with her fingers. He tossed the leash aside as it dropped onto the bed, and crawled over her. "Haa-haaa…" she panted as he griped his long bounty hunting dick and pressed it to her wet lips.

"I've been waiting a long time for this." He said breathlessly, sliding easily into her pussy. "oooh…" he helmeted head rolled back as she embraced him. "You're so tight!" he hissed softly as she gasped, her pussy clenching around him as if it was made specifically for his cock.

"You're so big!" she gasped erotically, writhing beneath him as his throbbing length plunged deep into her, pressing against her womb. "Oh god…" she gasped, shaking in awe. His hand reached around her head, gripping her long braid as he pulled his hips back and-"Ahhg!" she gasped, shaking as he slammed deep into her. "GNh!!" he repeated his hip thrusts, over and over, his cock hard and twitching as he explored her tight pussy.

"Haa-Aah…" he panted, "It's… Amazing!" he slammed deep into her body.

"Ahaa-aah!" she clawed at the sheets as he stayed buried in her, enjoying her clinging pussy walls as she caressed him with her spasming insides. "Haa-aah…" his other hand slid under her back, lifting her hips as he began pumping again, "Haa-Ahh-Uugh…" she shuddered in pleasure, her breasts bouncing back and forth on her chest as her mouth opened wide, "Haa-Aah-AH!!" she gasped, tightening around his rapidly thrusting cock.

"You're so hot when you dance!" he hissed, gazing at her orgasmic face as she climaxed, "And you're always so horny when you do!"

"N-No! No, I'm not! I-aaaahhh!!" he railed into her body rapidly, his hips slamming in and out as he pulled her hair, her body tightening up and shaking in pleasure.

"Haa! Ugh!! I'm cumming!"

"Aah-Aahh-aah!" she gasped, feeling his cock bulge.

"Say you want it!"

"Aah-Aiii…Want it!" her toes curling, "I want it! I want IT-Aaahh…" her eyes widened and she trembled, feeling his hot pulsing load into her body. "Haaa…" she gasped, shaking in pleasure as he bucked his hips lightly, filling her with cum. "There's so much…" she whimpered, as he cupped her breasts with his gloved hands, silky on her nipples as he squeezed and fondled.

"Shake those hips for me…" he praised as she began to gyrate her hips on his cock, "Aaahh… see? You like moving that body…" he began to slowly buck his hips in her shimmying hips as he squeezed her breasts.


"You're such a sexy slave…" he chuckled as she moaned. "…Oooh…" his cock throbbing as he watched her writhe on the bed, her pussy rubbing his perfectly fitting length as he twitched eagerly back to hardness. He suddenly lifted her upright, wrapping his arms around her back as he shifted on the bed, sitting on the end as she sat on his lap. He smacked her rear playfully as she continued to dance and gyrate. "Ooooh…"

"Haa-aaammmn…" she moaned, grinding on his lap as his cock pulsated eagerly inside her. "You're already so hard…"

"Well when you dance like a Twee'lick stripper how could I not?!" he squeezed her breasts and ass as she moaned. Sliding her hands up to his mask again. Suddenly he gripped her wrists, sliding them around to her ass as he squeezed her tight. "The mask stays on!" he declared before cupping her ass cheeks and lifting her. "Bad slave!"

"Aahh-Aagh! Ahh-AHah! Aaah FUCK!!" she gasped, her head flying back as she was jerked up and down. "I'm not… your slave!! AHHH!!!" she clenched tightly, her teeth gnashing together as her legs wrapped around him. "Aahg-aagh GOD!!" she rode him hard as he pumped up into her body, her ass and tits rippling and jiggling as he slammed deep into her. "Fuck you so hard!" she whimpered, shaking as she gyrated on his cock. His hands clapping hard on her ass as she trembled.

"It's cause you're so hot!" he laughed, "More…"

"Ahah-Aahh!" he rapidly pumped up into her, lifting and dropping her abruptly.

"Give me more of this sex slave body!!" his cock shaking eagerly inside her as she rode him closer and closer to release. "Fuck!! I love this… body!!" he gasped.

"Oh god! Oh god! Oh FUCK!!!" she gasped, falling against him. Her forehead banging against his helmet as he roared his release, pushing up into her body as she clenched. "NNgh-MMNGh!!"

"OOoh get it out!" he clapped a hand rapidly on her ass, her body clenching and spasming around his cock. "Get out that cum! MMMn!!" her body instinctively on his lap as he swatted his gloved hands on that dancer booty. "You can't help it can you?" he purred sensually as she moaned. "You want to dance, and you want to get FUCKED." He smacked her ass hard as she gasped, resting a hand on his shoulder as she danced on his lap, gyrating and worming her body. "Look at you… look how quick you are to get me hard again…"

Her face red she didn't answer, only dance on him as he ran his hand down the leash around her neck as she bit her bottom lip. Running a hand over her modest bust as he gazed at her exotic dancing body. His hand lightly swatting onto her ass cheeks as she began to speed up, rocking back and forth on his lap. His cock throbbing eagerly back to life as he chuckled.

"You're lucky I like you so much…" he teased as she smiled, bouncing lightly on him now as he grabbed her waist and fully pulled her off.

"Ah! W-wait!"

"No…" he rubbed her pussy as she cooed at his touch, "I want to feel your lips around my cock…" she slid off his lap onto the floor, he leaned back on the bed, moaning softly as she stroked his length, opening her mouth wide as she rested her hands on his knees.

"Mmmn… mmmn…" she slid down his length, her eyes gazing up at him as he shuddered.

"Yes… show me how much you love it." he sighed as she slid up, then back down, her tongue sliding out from her lips as she stroked his cock. "Ahghh-shit…" his cock throbbed between her lips, her tongue lashing beneath him as she dove up and down, her ass jutting out behind her, wiggling under her modest cloth as she slurped.


"Keep sucking, don't stop… don't… stop." He sighed, "Aaahhh…" he trembled between her lips as she dove down to his base, letting his meat slid into her throat as it contracted around him.

"MMn-mMphg…" she closed her eyes, slurping and suckling as her lips massaged the base of his length. "Mmn-aammnnh…" she slid back up, her eyes twinkle as he sighed. "Ugh-ughh…" he twitched as she glided easily up and down. "…I'm going to cum… you want it don't you?"

"MMmn-hmmn…" she nodded her head on his base, letting his cock throb in her throat as she slid back up.

"Tell me."

"MMMn-mMN-ahhh…" she slipped off his tip, drooling onto the floor as she licked it. "I want you to cum…" she stroked him gently, "Please cum… cum in my mouth I want to taste it." she nuzzled against his cock, licking his shaft whorishly as she moaned. "Mmmng-aahh-aahh…" his cock bulged, oozing pre-cum as she wrapped her lips around it quickly. "MMgh!"

"UUugh!! Swallow! Swallow it!" he hissed as she lovingly opened wide.

"Mmmn-mmn! Mmmn…" his thick semen flooded into her mouth, her tastebuds sparked as she moaned sensually. "Mmn-so good-mmmn…" she cooed gulping it quickly as he pumped more endlessly into her mouth. "Mmmn-mmn!!"

"Haa-haa…" he sighed, shaking as his cock slipped free from her lips.

"Mmngh…" she tilted her head back and gulped the rest. "Ahh…" opening her mouth as she licked her lips. "…You taste so good…" she sighed, shaking in pleasure.

"Yeah? You really like it?" he teased as she leaned forward, tonging his dripping cock tip, fondling his balls.

"So MUCH…" she cooed, "I could get addicted to your thick cum…" her lips brushing his length as she spoke sensually, breathing hotly on him as it twitched.

"Turn around." He leaned forward as she pulled away, crawling on her hands and knees, raising her cloth-covered ass, and swaying it happily. "Oooh… already dancing for me…" he teased.

"Hurry… I know you want more! Hurry!" she begged as he groaned.

"I could never say no to this body…" he rested his cock on her cloth ass cheeks, feeling her ass cheeks clap around him as he lightly slapped a hand on her ass, his length trembling. "Shake it more… yeah…" her ass swaying, and bouncing, grinding against his throbbing meat as he grabbed her cloth and pulled it aside.

"Ah-AHHGH!!" she jumped, shaking in pleasure as his cock ripped into her asshole. "Aagh-FUCK!!" she gasped, shaking as he immediately began to pound into her. "HAa-Aaahg-aaagh FUCK!!" her hands curled into fists, her toes curling in pleasure. "MORE!!"

"YES!" he hissed, gripping her hips and railing into her ass as her cheeks rippled against his hips. "Ugh!! Ugh YES!!"

"Aahh-Aaagh Oooooh!!" she whimpered, falling forward as his hips slapped loudly against her. "AH-aha-ha-h-aaahaghgh!!!!"

"Tight! Oh shit! Tight!" he gasped, burying his cock into her ass as she trembled in pleasure, shaking from an anal orgasm. "Nngh!!" he swatted her rear, sliding his hands down her back as she trembled erotically, cooing and moaning as he ground his hips against her plump flesh. "You want more in your ass?" he gasped in his helmet. "Or should I fuck your pussy again?"

"F-fuck whatever you want…" she whined, still shaking in pleasure as he rubbed her ass.

"I want to fuck whatever you want me to fuck…" he teased, "Sex slave princess…" swatting her ass playfully as she spasmed.

"MMn-p-pussy… fuck my pussy…" she wiggled her ass, "I like it in my tight pussy…" he pulled out of her stretched ass with a wet pop. Her hole gapped and spasmed happily as he guided his length lower and into her wet snatch. "Haag-aaagh!!" he grabbed her braided hair as she tightened up around him, and immediately began to thrust. "OOooh! Oooh! OOOOOH!!" she howled, joining his grunting moans of pleasure as he rammed into her from behind.

"You're ass is tight… but your pussy was… made! For! Me!" he grunted, delving into her as she gasped, shaking erotically.

"Fuckme fuckme fuckme!" she gasped, "I love it! It's the best! C-Cock!! God I love cock!!"

"Whose cock!" he yanked her hair hard.

"YOUR COCK!! YOUR COCK IS THE BEST!!" she shrieked as the door kicked open, Ronbellcca standing before them she tilted her hairy head as he kept pumping hard into her pussy. "Haa-AAAGH!!" her eyes rolling beautifully in pleasure as he fucked her like a dog.

"Rrowl?" she mumbled tilting her head as he laughed.

"Almost… done!!" he fell forward, hooking his arm around her neck, forcing her to look at the grinning Ronbellcca as the hairy warrior woman chuckled.

"…Rrowl…?" she cooed.

"Not… YET!!" he slammed into batwoman as she clawed the floor. Opened her mouth and screamed her orgasm as he buried his length into her, filling her with cum. "Tell Ronbellcca who's cock is your favorite."

"YOoooooours…" Batwoman cooed, going limp and shaking as he pumped her full, cum oozing out of her as she whimpered. "This dick is best…" wiggling her raised ass against him as he cooed…

His helmet clattered on the floor, rolling towards Ronbellcca's feet as he kissed her cheek, grinning cruelly, "Awe… I love you too sis…"

"Oh-my-GOD! Sean?!" she gasped horrified

"AAAGH!!!" she shot up releasing a blood-curdling scream.

"AAAGH!!" Sean and Ronnie-Bell jumped staring horrified at her as the final scenes of Planet Battles Episode 6: Return of the Good Guys played on the TV. "What the HFIL?!" Ronnie-Bell gasped as Sean clung to the giant woman.

Ciara breathed heavily, glancing dazedly around… she was exhausted coming home from her dance practice, and immediately passed out during the opening sequence of the movie with the slave dancers and the puppets. "I… wha? Oh…" she rubbed her head. "…Weird dream… just tired…"

"…Take a breath Ciara…" mumbled Ronnie-Bell, sighing at the popcorn on the floor. "…Darn it, be right back Sugar." She dropped Sean on the couch as she went to retrieve the vacuum, desperately trying to avoid stomping popcorn kernals into the carpet.

"…You okay sis?" he asked, holding her the bowl.

"…Fine." She smiled. "…Just a bit of a shock."

"What about?" he asked as her eyes widened, staring off into the TV with a thousand-yard stare.

"…Don't worry about it." She replied quietly… choosing to just… ignore, the ending of her dream. "Just a dream."

Dream or Nightmare?

HA! Started with tentacle porn, then slave-play but HA! Surprise incest! Boom... well, it was kinda obvious considering what I was spoofing
