
Delivery Girl: Supergirl II

I don't own DC

DD Dallas was an escort with a gimmick. She dressed up as a sexy cowgirl and rode you hard all night for 2000 dollars. Pretty straightforward. But pickings have been slim since she moved to Gotham from Texas. Where the gimmick was more appreciative and the rich business tycoons were in high supply… there were still rich Business Tycoons in Gotham but they preferred their girls on the cheaper side.

Some might think it is a stupid idea to move from Texas to Gotham, and you'd probably be right. It's generally a dumb idea to move from anywhere to Gotham. But she was told that it would be a smart business decision, and it was a valid theory. Despite the crime, Gotham was still a tourist spot, and Wayne Industries and other companies brought businessmen from all over the world to the city… and travelers got lonely…

The problem was that she was an expensive piece of ass, and only the big bucks were willing to pay… she hadn't quite figured that out yet.

She barely got a night of work a week now. Sure, she was a top-quality girl, she was beautiful and fit, sexy was barely enough to describe her with large breasts, 6-pack abs, and a firm ass built from years of working out and riding hard, horses and men. She always wore black assless chaps, a black side-tie thong for quick removal, a skimpy black bikini top that barely contained her 'Double D's' they were actually bigger, and a black cowboy hat topped on her shoulder-length silky blonde hair.

The kind of thick girl you wanted to treat you like a stallion and ride you all night… but again, she was a quality girl for quality clients… Gotham was quantity girls for quantity clients, quick wham-bams and out the door… Not that a girl that gave you special attention wasn't a welcome and enticing idea, it just wasn't a lucrative 'quantity' business practice. At least not the way she advertised herself, but she'll figure that out in time.

She was on her first job in a while, a rich oilman came up from Texas and brought her pretty cowgirl ass in a heartbeat. Nothing like the taste of home to get a man hard... she was pretty sure it was the cowgirl hat she wore, but it was probably mostly her sexy ass body.

Her side tie thong had been tossed haphazardly onto the pillow with her top allowing her big beautiful 'double d's' to swing freely beneath her as he rode her. She still wore her chaps, and her hat, that was half the fun. "Ah-Ah ride me cowboy…" she moaned as he grunted, her ass wobbling on his thrusting hips as he gripped her shapely waist. A gunbelt with a fake revolver in the holster slapping against her sides as she rocked back and forth, her hat flopping lazily off her blonde head. "OOooh you stallion…" she purred as he groaned.

"Ahgh… ah yee-haw!" he roared as she moaned, he pulled her firmly against his body as he pushed in deep. "Ha-haaa…" he panted before he pulled out.

She smiled prettily over her shoulder at him, wagging her rear as his condom-wrapped cock dropped, the rubber bulging faintly at the tip as it filled with cum. He pinched and pulled it off, tying it up before tossing it onto her right ass cheek, then smacking her left. "Ooh!..." she mooed slightly as he sighed.

"Damn darlin that's a good body…" he rubbed her ass cheek as she swayed it enticingly. "…How about I ride you bareback?" he grinned lecherously, spreading her ass cheek with one hand to gaze at her wet pussy as he stroked his cock with the other

"Thousand bucks. Cash…" she replied with a cheeky smile as he scowled.

"I don't have a thousand bucks!" he declared indignantly.

"And I don't have time to raise any babies." She replied playfully, wiggling her rear left and right temptingly, "You want the risk? You got to pay 'darlin'." She cooed as he frowned. She took way too many precautions to be concerned about getting knocked up, of course, but if they want it. Charge it.

He snorted irately but gazed at that pussy. "…You stay right there." He ordered putting her hat back on her head. Men loved the hat. He began shifting off the bed. "Keep that body nice and warm for me while I get it." he pulled on pants, and a robe, grabbing his wallet from the table as he went to the door of the hotel room and slammed it shut behind him. She sighed, and rolled over onto her back…

…Gazing at the ceiling she absently rubbed herself… more out of boredom than necessity. Assless chaps and cowboy boot-dressed legs spread flexibly wide. She was barely scraping by now, 3000 bucks would get her through the rest of the month sure, but she'd still have to skimp and save, work was coming less and less and she didn't want to move back to Texas… maybe she could try Jump City? Or Vegas?


The building rattled and she got to her feet, she bounced to the window as the building rattled again. Solomon Grundy… she gazed in awe as the zombie man smashed and hurled cars in the middle of the street at the building… there was another man dressed as a scarecrow, hurling gas canisters and laughing as people in the street started screaming and running, or curling up into little balls and crying as the fear gas took over. She trembled as the building rattled again and quickly went to dress. She needed to get out of here as the hotel set off the supervillain alarm.

Then the screaming really began. Panic overwhelmed the building as once she tried to leave she was shoved to the side back into the room by a panicking tourist. She stumbled and fell onto the floor as the building rattled again.

"Hey, you alright?" She looked up and… was extremely confused.

"Harley Quinn?" she blinked, recognizing the Supervillian… however she was only half-dressed, her make-up running and not wearing the jester hat. She was holding the hat in her hand, her short blonde hair somewhat disheveled.

"…For now I guess." She said, entering the room and shutting the door.

"Don't hurt me." She begged as Harley looked at her oddly.

"What? Oh…" she glanced down at her suit, "Right. I'm not Harley. I'm Mel." She said calmly, way too calm for the circumstances. "Go grab towels from the bathroom." She said, then pulled her phone to her ear. "Room 616 right?" she asked and there was a quick response. "Okay."

Dallas stared at her confused. "What!? We need to get out of here!" she said getting to her cowboy boot-covered feet.

"In 3 minutes." Mel said firmly, "Scarecrow's fear gas is going to flood the lower floors." She said as Dallas stared. "Trust my boss. And get the towels."

Dallas a little confused went to get towels from the bathroom as Harley Mel handed her the phone. "Hold this." Then went to the door and stuffed the towels beneath it. She sighed in relief took the phone back and smiled at her. "Phew…" she sighed. Then went to the window. "Okay." She said into the phone, "Uh-huh… yep…" she pushed her face comically to the glass to look down at the rampaging supervillains. "Well I'm surprised boss, usually you're so on top of this-…yeah… uh huh… Superman?... neat." She said calmly as she pulled away from the window. "Okay then, good to know…"

She paused for a second. "…Yeah." She then eyed Dallas, who sat on the bed, shaking slightly as screams of terror began to echo in the hallway outside the door. "Yep…" she looked her body up and down, "…Yeah I could see it. Okay." She replied with a shrug. "Hey, Dallas."

Dallas jumped, she didn't tell this woman her working girl name. "…Y-Yes?"

"My boss wants to talk to you." She then held out the phone to her. Dallas stared at it, then took it with a trembling hand as a bat-themed man swung by their window, followed by a blue and red streak.


"DD Dallas…" came the calm, and surprisingly soothing voice on the other end. "You will be fine, I promise… but apart from that. How would you like a job?"

…She then listened to the strange woman's proposition.

A couple of weeks later

"So this stuff really works?" Supergirl II asked curiously as she pulled up her red skirt. The blue leotard with the supergirl 'S' on it tight on her thick shapely body, her big breasts stretching it out as her shapely ass devoured it like a thong, the skirt barely covering its smooth round goodness as her shapely thighs wiggled in the red high-heeled boots.

Orders supplied all of her girls with pills and 'chemical cocktails' to prevent any 'accidents' made on the job. She didn't care if the girls themselves brought and used condoms, of course, that was their choice. And Orders always gave them a choice. But the fact of the matter was she wouldn't cover their expenses for condoms… Most deliveries wanted it raw (including most of the girls themselves) and they paid through the nose for it. But she DID cover the expensive, top-of-the-line medication they took.

"No accident's yet." Replied Harley Quinn, patting her stomach for emphasis.

"And they try REALLY hard…" smirked (B) Vixen, her own big black ass wobbling in her tight bronze bodysuit as she walked behind Supergirl and gave her rear a playful swat.

Harley laughed as Supergirl stuck her tongue out playfully at Vixen before giving her suit one last adjustment and taking the pills handed to her by Harley Quinn. "Look. If Starfire hasn't gotten knocked up yet, it's not going to happen." She said firmly as Supergirl glanced at the pills, then popped them into her mouth. Swallowing immediately as Harley handed her water, she tried to wave it off.

"I don't need it-"

"It needs to be taken with water." Harley noted, patting her shoulder as she took the glass and tilted her head back, gulping it down.

After the Scarecrow/Grundy attack Orders hired her… at first, she was skeptical but Orders gave her a pretty good sell. She wasn't getting a lot of work, maybe one session a week if she was lucky… but Orders gave her some simple math. "2000 dollars every one or two weeks is chump change to what my girls can bring in every other day." Not to mention she was still getting paid to work the restaurant, so she would always have money coming in.

Seemed legit, not to mention the hours were pretty good so she wouldn't need to get a day job... And the girls were friendly and funny, there were no cliques or queen bitches… well there was Silver Banshee but she has some sort of disorder… probably.

And after the attack, she had accepted the fact that Orders' 'gifts' were… comforting. The fact that she wouldn't be in danger ever again, (or at least in danger of serious harm) was a comfort. More than once, her sessions had ended poorly, it was a fact of the business. Creepy guys or angry guys, there was always a degree of risk when she went out on her own. Even when she vetted them there was a good chance that they were clever enough to slip under her creepo radar.

"How do I look?" she asked with a hint of her Texas drawl as she walked through the locker room door. Her short hair framing her face prettily as the collective girls in the lounge nodded their approval.

"Looking good, hon." Giganta replied with her own southern Belle charm as Catwoman (I) walked out of the lockers behind her carrying a camera and patted Supergirl on her bubble booty.

"Picture time, come on." Many of the girls cleared out, leaving Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Giganta (and Orders of course but that was a given) to watch as Supergirl began to pose. "Oh. Well, you're a natural." Catwoman purred sweetly, taking a few pictures as Supergirl did her 'rounds'. Letting her get every potential angle to find a really good one.

"I used to model in Texas…" she said, pushing her breasts together and letting her tongue roll slowly around her lips as the camera continued to shutter.

"It shows… that's too sexy we're looking for subtly sexy." Catwoman replied like a professional photographer.

"Subtle Sexy?" Supergirl replied with a laugh as Orders noted.

"It's going on the website, we need you to look alluring enough to draw crowds but not sexy enough that we might get censored.

"Oh… you want a pinup then." She said, spreading her legs apart, putting her hands behind her head, and smirking teasingly as she flexed. She had some good muscles, and they showed in the tight leotard, but her other assets would probably draw more obvious gazes.

Catwoman took the photo and smiled, "That's the one right there." She said approaching the counter as she relaxed breathing out a soft sigh as she walked to the counter with her as Orders plugged it in. "You're lucky Starfire's off tonight or she'd want to drag you into her stall…"

"She has her own private bathroom stall?" asked Supergirl laughing. "What is she, the employee of the month?"

"She does not have her own stall, and we don't do employee of the month here." Orders replied. Setting up Supergirl's (II) on the website, "Alright, you're on there." She said, waving a hand to them and gesturing to the floor. "Get to work."

Catwoman put the camera down on the counter before walking with Supergirl onto the floor. "…Seriously watch out for Starfire, she's going to want to play with you."

"She wants to play with all the new girls." Harley added in her Harley Quinn voice, "She's got wandering hands and likes to squeeze the softer parts…" she added, clenching her hands like grabber claws as they went to work the floor. "Especially bodies like yours." But since Supergirl already resigned herself to pinching and butt clapping she figured 'Starfire' would be easy enough to handle...

Naturally, as it seems to be a tradition for New Hires: It was barely over an hour of her photo posting before her first call came in. Orders reaching for the phone…

Time: 9:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Hello? Superbabes. We Deliver."

"Good Evening... I'd like to order the... hmm? Supergirl Sandwich. please"

"One club sandwich. Anything else?"

"Delivered by Supergirl please…."

"Alright, we expect her back around 60 minutes or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery."


"Supergirl. You got one." Orders noted as Giganta giggled.

"Why does that always happen? It's like: 'I want to be first to tap the new girl'." She laughed as Supergirl walked into the lounge, lifting her skirt to reveal a small red band around her thick shapely thigh, a few crisp five-dollar bills inside it. She delicately yanked them out like she was plucking tissues from a box, before putting them onto the counter, smiling as her skirt dropped back down and she took the receipt. She glanced at it curiously.

"I don't-" she began however Orders beat her to it.

"Head north through upper east Gotham and take a right when you start seeing green, she said casually, then follow the road to the beach. You'll find it."

Once again Orders answered her question before she could ask it. She did it often so that she drilled into Supergirl's head that she was indeed clairvoyant, it didn't take long to make a believer out of her. Although she was positively furious when she asked to take her to Vegas to play Texas hold-um… She learned very quickly that Orders does NOT gamble… regardless, she decided to move on.

"…Gotham has a beach?" replied Supergirl surprise. She was relatively new to the city and didn't know her way around like the other girls.

"Gotham does have a few…" noted Orders lazily as the food slid out. "A big public one farther north, and a few private hideaways… all around the city." She pushed the food towards Supergirl who took it, then slipped her tips into her pile beneath the counter. "And there are some really nice beachfront properties…" Giganta and Supergirl stared at her curiously. "…What? I was looking for a vacation home…"

Supergirl decided she should get on her way taking the bag and strutting towards the back door, her skirt bouncing off her wide hips and bouncy bubble booty as Giganta asked. "How much money do we make you?"

She didn't quite hear the answer, but it made Giganta laugh. She got to one of the company cars and slipped right in, adjusting the mirrors, then speeding off towards Upper-east Gotham, evidently towards the beach.

She just slipped out of East Gotham, turning right as instructed as she started to see green, as in more trees and grass than the concrete jungle of Gotham. Then turned down a well-paved road that quickly made way to dirt and sand… It was dark, but thanks to the half-moon in the sky, the empty beach was clearly visible. It stretched for at least a mile ahead of her, the waters of the sea splashing gently on the sand as she parked the car onto a parking lot of grass that she imagined would have been filled in the early mornings with swimmers and beachgoers… she frowned and checked down the beach, there were a few houses, bungalows really, but they were dark and empty-looking… all except one. There was a light glowing out of it, flooding the sands before it…

…Well… it didn't take a detective to figure out which house she was supposed to go to. It was a few yards away and she didn't trust the cheap but efficient car Orders provided for deliveries to make it across the loose sands. She walked across the soft sand, her high heel red boots sinking in but she kept her balance and approached the front of the bungalow.

There was a long porch with wooden railings out front with wooden steps on one side close to her approach. There was an ATV parked beside the house with a wagon-like trailer hooked up to the back of it. Her boots echoed as she walked up the steps and down the porch to a sliding glass door. Apparently, it functioned as the front door. At the end of the porch was a lounge chair viewing the ocean, probably a nice view in the day… but a very appealing view at night with the moon out.

She glanced at the sliding door, there was a curtain for privacy, but it was currently open. A fit man in long trunks and no shirt sat in a chair watching TV and he hadn't noticed her yet. She put on her prettiest smile, which made her gorgeous, and raised her hand to knock on the glass, also saying the catchphrase. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:54 PM. Place: Upper-East Beach (Quaint Bungalow)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, putting a hand on her shapely hip, and watching as he glanced at her and smiled. He stood up, he had quite the swimmer's body, and it was just enhanced with the trunks. But he looked disheveled like he hadn't shaved in a while, and the last time he did he hadn't done it well. His black hair was long and unwashed, and his body looked like it's been scraped up once or twice on rough sand. She'd say he was a surfer bum, but this house must cost a fortune… but at least he was ruggedly handsome. "Howdy." She smiled sweetly as he opened the door.

He raised an eyebrow at that but smiled gazing into her pretty blue eyes, among other things, as she caught his attention again by holding up his food. She forgot for half a second that she was Supergirl now. Not DD Dallas.

"Hey." He greeted, his voice was gruff and manly. He took the food. "Come on in, shut the door behind you, would you?"

He backed up letting her walk inside, brushing the sand off her boots as she did, and shut the glass door behind her. "Oh…" she cooed as he put a hand on the glass door, leaning over her as she smirked sultrily up at him. Her big breasts just barely brushed against his hairless, lean chest. "…Hi…" she smiled up at him, winking as he grinned. He smiled like saltwater and low tide… one of those wasn't as appealing as the other but it was an oddly enticing musk.

"You're a pretty girl." He praised as she giggled sweetly.

"How nice of you." She purred, a bit of her old drawl slipping in but she collected herself.

He pulled away, and put a hand on his armchair, spinning it to face her and the glass door before he dropped into the seat, grinning at her as he took the food out of the bag. He watched her as she swayed 'innocently' before him. "…Why don't you show it to me, turn around for me." He said, before taking a big bite out of the sandwich.

"Hee-hee…" she giggled and swayed her hips far more prominently, raising her arms up, and keeping her hands together as she shimmied slowly in place. Around, and around her hips went in slow circles until she was facing the door, her ass popping slowly left and right, but her skirt rose up to show off each round white cheek as her breasts gently rubbed against the glass. "Should I shut your curtain and make this more… private?" she asked, still popping her hips.

"Nope. Keep going." He said abruptly as she wiggled in place… she was pretty much out in the open… it was… arousing. She put her legs together, slowly rocking hips back and forth, rolling her body as she bent her knees going lower and lower before she popped back up, pushing her ass out to him as she pressed against the glass. "Keep dancing for me…"

"Ahh…" she sighed, pressing her hands against the glace as she wiggled her ass slowly behind her. Legs spread shoulder length apart as he continued to watch her dance, eating his sandwich. She bounced her hip left twice, then she shook it to the right twice, bouncing her skirt off her hips and showing off her rear, as if it was peaking out from beneath the red skirt. She reached her right hand around, standing upright as her hips rolled around and around, she rested it on her right cheek and raised her skirt just a little, showing off her ass as she winked playfully and began to dance again… more gogo dancer than drunken club dancer…

Although in his opinion she'd make a damn good stripper.

He pushed the last piece of sandwich into his mouth, his gaze focused on her gyrating ass cheeks as he licked his fingers and got to his feet. Casually approaching her as she tossed her head left and right, her blonde hair waving around before he abruptly pressed his body to her. "HA?" she gasped erotically, pressed against the glass door. She smirked as her big tits were pushed up against the glass, she felt his erection through his swim trunks against her skirt as he pushed it between her cheeks. "Haaa…?" she sighed smirking at him in the reflection of the glass. "You should warn a girl…" she purred as his hands slid up her body to cup her tits. "OOoh… ah!" he pushed her against the glass, his hands sinking into her big soft natural breasts as the glass pushed against them. "MMMn!?"

"How wet are you right now naughty girl?" he moaned into her ear as she wiggled.

"Oh. I'm soaking babe…" she purred back as she ground her ass against his length lightly, her breasts bulging up against the glass as he squeezed. "Like I took a dip in the ocean." She giggled as he chuckled.

"MMMn… feel how hard I am, and you aren't even naked yet…" he squeezed her breasts and pulled his hands away before lightly swatting her skirt-covered rear. "Fix that for me…" he moaned as she wiggled her rear.

She pushed away from the glass and reached for the curtain, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled it away, she gazed at him hesitantly. "Nobody's going to see you. I'm the only permanent resident around here right now…" he squeezed her breasts from behind as she gasped, feeling his cock against her ass cheeks again. "Take off your clothes…" he gave her big tits another squeeze, and she glanced outside.

Nothing but the dark ocean and soft sand…

She bit her bottom lip, and seeing the reflection in the glass, slowly pushed her skirt down. "That's a good girl…" he praised as her body trembled, "…Look at that body." He whispered as her skirt hit the floor, displaying her wide hips and bubble ass. She pulled the stretchy suit down over one arm, then the other, before slipping it over her big beautiful breasts…

Then the leotard hit the floor as her naked-toned body was on display. She was thick in thighs, arms, breasts, hips, ass… she was beautiful, powerful, a work of natural art, honed and sculpted through years of effort, hard work, and training…

"…You are a top-quality woman." He praised, she glanced over her shoulder, smirking playfully at him as he stroked his big cock… he must have dropped his shorts when she herself stripped. She ran her hands up over her legs, hips, waist… then cupped her breasts in the reflective glass of the door. Shaking slightly at the thrill of potentially being spotted…

She felt his cock against her ass and twitched… this will be her first raw cock in a while, most were barely willing to pay her 2000-dollar fee, let alone the extra thousand to do it without a glove. The last time she could remember she was in Texas. He throbbed against her soft ass, grinding his hips slowly between her cheeks as she gasped softly.

"MMmn…" he moaned then pressed her to the glass again.

"Ah…" she wiggled her hips, ass cheeks rubbing his hot throbbing meat... her leg was sticky, arousal trickled slowly down her inner thigh. She was more than ready for this… "Put it in…" she cooed softly, licking her red lips as he groaned.

"Now how can I say NO-"

"Haaayeah…" she cooed.

"To that invitation…"

His cock buried itself into her tight, wet, and warmly welcoming pussy. She trembled excitedly as her breasts were pushed up against the glass, his hands on her waist as he pumped his hips slowly into her, burying his face into her shoulder, groaning and grunting as he slapped his hips against her bubble cheeks.

"Haa…ah yeah! Ahh! Ahh!! Ooh baby you're so good…" she moaned erotically, shaking in pleasure as he pushed her flat against the glass door. "Haa-aahh-gghgn!!"

"GHh! NGH!! This body!" he moaned into her shoulder, "Fuck me, it's so good…"

Fap… Fap… Fap… Fap…

His strokes were slow and deliberate like a lover, but deep and forceful like a man who knew what he wanted. Getting deep into her body, feeling that wet pussy around his raw cock, drooling and tightening as she was pushed up on her tiptoes, her breasts practically pushing through the glass as her pussy quivered and clenched.

"Haaa-OOOH!!" her head rolled back as she laughed, "Whoa nelly… OOoooh! That felt so good!" her body vibrated against the glass. "Haaa-mmmngh!" her orgasm running through her as her exotic body wobbled enticingly. He buried his cock into her, sucking on her shoulder. "MMMn…" she moaned as he wobbled her away from the glass door.

"You came? You're such a sexy slut…" he growled, groping her tits as she laughed, writhing her body against him erotically.

"You just fucked me too good babe…" she purred.

"MMMn…" he suddenly reached out and grabbed the handle of the glass door before throwing it open.

"Ha?!" she gasped and was pushed naked outside, she stumbled forward onto the railing. Bending over it as her breasts swung on one side. "Hey! AHhhg!" she cried out towards the ocean as he walked out behind her and jammed his cock back into her pussy. "Ah-w-wait! Ugh!! UGH!!" her breasts swung heavily forward beneath her and back as he rammed harder into her pussy.

"Ugh! MMN! Ahh yeah!! You're so much tighter!" he pumped rapidly against her ass cheeks as she gasped, clawing the railing as he bucked hard behind her.

Fap-fap-fap-fap-fap "UGHH NNGH!!" he pushed into her pussy, grinding his hips against her as he clapped a hand on her bubble ass cheek.

"Haaa… ah-l-let's go back inside…" she whimpered, as he started up again. "Ha-aha-aah!! UUUGH!!"

She has never been so exposed before. She barely had sex anywhere but outside a luxury hotel room. She was terrified, excited, and fucking horny even if she didn't want to admit it. "Haa-AHhh!!"

"Oh yeah… NNgh!" he grunted, pounding away rapidly as her boots scrapped on the deck wood. "I told you... no-one's around!" he grabbed her hair and pulled her back as she gazed out towards the ocean, panting and moaning erotically. "Ha-ah-ahh… Nngh…" he gritted his teeth, "Going to cum…" he declared.

"Not out here…" she whined, but clenched up, clawing the railing. "No someone will see…"

"Let. Them. WATCH… Haaaa!"

"UUunngh!!" she clenched her teeth, shaking as for the first time in a long time she felt a hot, thick creampie forming inside her tight pussy. "Nnnngh…" her eyes rolled as she 'stared' out towards the ocean, her hands shaking with her trembling legs as his cock pulsated inside her, thick cum spraying deep into her warmth…

"Haa… haaaa…" he breathed, caressing her plump ass cheeks as he released his load into her. "Fuck me…" he whispered, and slipped out of her with a satisfying squelch. Her ass wiggled behind her almost instinctively. "Haa…" he patted her rear as she moaned. Then walked briefly inside the bungalow… "HUP!"

He leapt over the railing as she blinked blearily at what he held. "H-hey!" she broke out of her well fucked daze as he walked naked towards the ocean, her suit in one hand waving behind him like a flag in the sea breeze. "HEY! Bring that back!" she shouted, but fidgeted, glancing around at the dark empty beach.

"Better come get it." he replied lazily as she growled quietly. "Come on… or I'm tossing it in the water…"

"Fucking dick." she cursed, scrambling down the steps to chase after him. Her body bouncing and jiggling in the dark as she quickly caught up with him at the tidemark. "Give it back!" she ordered as he tossed it into the sand behind her and grabbed her ass cheeks. "AH! Hey!" He pulled her closer to the water before rubbing her pussy "Haa-a-hey…" she fidgeted, leaking his cum onto the wet sand as the water's ebbed and flowed.

He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at his cheeky grin as the moon framed him from behind. "Going to fuck you right here." He declared.

"W-what? Ah!" she hit the sand a little roughly, but she quickly recovered as he knelt down between her legs. "AH…" she gasped as he spread them further, grabbed her hips and pulled her toward him. "Haa-cold!" she shrieked as the water ebbed over her ass and back. Her body jiggled at the sudden shock, her big breasts wobbling as he slipped himself back into her pussy raised up on his lap. "Haa-aah fuck!" she whimpered, glancing down as he loomed over her.

"Better warm you up then." He interlocked her fingers with his and pinned them to the sand before thrusting deep into her. "Ugh!" the water crashing around them. The water came up to her arm pits, before sliding back away as he pulled out, and quickly returned with the water.

"Ahh!... Ahh!! Shit!" she hissed through her teeth as he slipped slowly and firmly into her body, "Haa-aaaagh…" she grit her teeth as he pulled out and rushed quickly back in, her back arched in pleasure as he plowed her on the beach. It be romantic if he wasn't paying for it… "Haa-aahh-AHH!!" she bit her lip, trying not to yell out.

"I love pounding women on the beach, in the open, on the sand…" he grunted, his hips pumping faster, and faster. "They're always so damn TIGHT…" he praised, "Haa-AHHh…" his cock pulsated inside her, throbbing and quivering, he was going to cum and so was she.

"Haa… ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!!! AHHH!! GOD!!"

"YEAH!!" he roared, "OOOOoh!! Let em hear you!!!"

"OH GOD I'M CUMMING!!!" she squealed shaking as her legs thrashed in the wet sand, scrapping up grooves as she orgasmed hard, but the grooves were quickly washed flat by the tide as he pulled out his hips and gave her one final thrust, howling like a wolf in the moonlight as he rammed his cock deep and flooded her insides like the ocean itself was trying to fill her up.

His hips pinned hers to the sand, his back arched like as he held her hands tightly, her body writhed and shuddered as her legs continued to slid around. Her eyes rolled in her head as she gasped, her hair covered in sand now as she shivered. Both from the cold, and the orgasm. "Haa… haaa…" she panted as he fell onto her gently, and shoved his tongue into her mouth. "Mmmn…mmmn…" She usually didn't allow kissing… but… well…

She was too well fucked to give a shit at the moment. He pulled away and out, rolling off her and lying naked on the sand next to her. Her pussy oozing his cum as the tide washed up, and pulled it away. "Haa…" he sighed, before glancing at her heaving breasts, then reaching over to give her left on a squeeze.

"MMmn…" she moaned, pushing herself up and covering her breasts with an arm. "Tarnation." She breathed, "I have been fucked like that since-" she gazed as his cock throbbed back to life. "Fuck." She breathed exhaustedly as he grabbed her arm.

"Come on… get on it."

"Seriously?" she moaned with a nervous smile. "…Really?"

"I want to watch those tits bounce… come on, you're wasting time…"

She did only have an hour and a lot of that was teasing and dancing. When she was solo-act she gave them longer but the ones she usually had were well… ones and dones. "…Alright darlin." She moaned, throwing her leg over him as she guided his erection towards her gooey slit. "NNgh-MMMn!!" she sat on his lap, completely upright and exposed as she shuddered. She put one hand on his chest, like she was riding a bull… not to far from the truth apparently. "Haa… aahh… ah yeah…" she moaned erotically, rising up and down on his cock as his hands slid up her legs, to grab her hips. Her mouth opened wide, "Haa-ooh…hooo…" she moaned, her head rolling back, pushing her big tits out.

"Make them… BOUNCE!" he declared, lifting her up and slamming her down.

"HA! AHH! OOOH!!" she cried out as he pushed his hips up to meet her, the water splashing and sloshing around them as she roared out her pleasure. "Ahaa-! AHHHG!! God! Fuck me! FUCK ME!!"

ME! ME! ME!! Her voice echoed as she clawed his chest, then clung to one of her bouncing tits as he body clenched.

"Haa-AHHGH! AHHHH!!!" her eyes widened and her mouth opened as her voice echoed off into the night. She trembled as he roared his own bliss, pushing up into her body as they dropped to the sand, his cum pumping up into her body as she thoroughly milked him. She threw herself forward but kept herself steady with her hand on his chest. Shaking as her eyes rolled, his fingers caressing her waist as they sighed together.

He smiled contentedly, enjoying the warmth of her pussy as his cock went limp inside her. The mixture of arousal and cum oozing out of her down into the sand, as it too was quickly washed away. Slowly her cognitive faculties returned, and she covered her trembling breasts with her arm again and slipped off him. She dripped various liquids: cum, arousal, water. All over the sand as she bent down and grabbed her suit.

He stayed in the sand until she walked halfway back to the house, then the feeling in her legs returned and she moved a little more confidently and quickly. He took his sweet ass time coming back, hanging free as he walked up the steps to his home and walking in behind her as she frowned at him from the inside, out of sight from the door.


"In the back." He said casually, pointing to an open door as she walked back there leaving him dusting off sand as she helped herself.

A few minutes later she dried herself off and pulled back on the suit, pulling up her skirt as she walked out of the bathroom with slightly wet hair. He was still naked, casually relaxing in his armchair without a care in the world. He gazed at her as she gave him a polite smile, even off the clock she liked to give a good impression. "Alright. Time to pay the tab." He stretched out and sighed, gazing at her body before he pushed off the chair and made his way into another room by the bathroom. He was barely gone five minutes before her returned with a good helping of cash in one fist.

"…That was fun." He declared as she took the money from him, flicking her fingers through the bills. "…Don't suppose you want a round two?" he fondled her ass as she smirked, not looking at him as she doubled checked.

"Your time's up honey and I got to get back to work…"

"How about off time?" he grinned as she chuckled playfully.

"Ha-ha." She giggled sweetly, "I don't like you that much…" he shrugged acceptingly, before dropping back into his chair. "You're just going to have to order me again some other time." She smiled, winking at him. "…Or have 2000 dollars." She bent over the chair, showing off her chest as he smiled appraisingly at her. "I do more… private, and longer sessions…"

He raised an eyebrow. "…No kidding."

"MMn-hmmn." She smiled playfully, "Got pen and paper?" she smiled as he glanced around.

"Not really." He replied as she laughed teasingly.

"Then I guess it sucks to be you!" she purred and strutted towards the door as he chuckled, watching her ass sway. "Guess all you can do is order me again." she winked, blow him a kiss, and skipped down the steps, walking in the sand back to the car.

Time: 11:32 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Cheered the girls as Supergirl walked in through the back door, smiling as Mel and Yaya held up the banner as the girls clapped, she laughed sweetly.

"You girls are wild." She muttered as they laughed and began to roll up the banner. Yaya tossing it haphazardly under the counter as Orders glanced at her.

"Any trouble?" she asked casually as Supergirl shook her head, and sighed a little breathlessly.

"…Honestly, that might have been the most fun I've had on the job in a long time." She admitted, she put the money on the counter as Orders sorted it out. She leaned against it, her legs a little wobbly. "…I haven't had it raw in… I don't really remember. Texas." She replied as Orders chuckled.

"Well Tina, get used to it." she said rather bluntly as Tina smirked.

"MMng…" she wiggled slightly. "So… how would you feel-"

"Who you proposition off the clock is none of my business. That's your time." She finished sorting the money. "If you still want to be DD Dallas, that's fine. As long as you remember that you work for me. Your old moniker ALWAYS takes second place to my demands. If someone rents 'Dallas' but I need you to work. I take priority. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes Ma'am." She replied, intimidated, but respectful as Orders nodded with a faint smile. Orders pretty much saved her life, having a vision of her death if she didn't send Mel to the hotel… This relationship, this partnership was win-win in the long run.

Mel clapped a hand on her butt, making her jump. "Come on. There's a bunch of regulars out there on the floor who like blondes. Let's get you some of that." she smiled as she returned it prettily and followed her out. Pretty much making in a night, half of what she used to make in a week…

Now… if she could just wear her cowgirl hat she'd be able to make a fortune… guys really liked the hat.


You know what? I have to admit this... I love cowgirls, I really wish I could do more cowgirls... It's the hat.
