
Superbabe Shorts: Fire and Ice

I don't own DC



"Various snacks and chips?"


"Dr. Poppers?"


"Comfy couch?"

Both beautiful Superbabes, Fire and Ice, leaped over the back of their couch and bounced in the seats excitedly. Fire's big brown sugar breasts wobbling in her top as Ice's bouncy backside easily cushioned her fall on the cushions.

"Check!" they declared together happily as Ice grinned, uncapping one of the Dr. Poppers as she sniffed the sweet cola.

"Ahh… Movie night!" she sighed contentedly. "Cheat day." She replied as Fire chuckled good naturedly as she drank the Dr. Popper's bottle like a cup of tea. "Mmmmn…"

"I've always been a Pep girl myself." She replied as Ice turned to her somewhat aghast, but her smile still somewhat present.

"You should've told me, I would've bought Pep." She said as Fire rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry about it Querida, you should know by now that we'll drink just about anything…" she chuckled as she drank her Dr. Popper. Ice giggled.

"Not Plateau Dew." She noted as Fire scoffed.

"No, not Moose Piss."

"That's not what I-" Began Ice struggled not to laugh as Fire interrupted her quickly.

"You know what I said Querida." Ice stifled a cheery giggle and they sighed contentedly together starring at their DVD player menu screen for its lack of a DVD to play. "…So… now that I think about it. What should we watch?"

"Hmmn." Ice leaned forward over the stack of DVDs that their friends had loaned them for movie night. "Jessica gave us her Singing in the Squall."

"That Luke Kelly Movie? Eh… put it aside for later." Ice did so before picking up a big DVD box.

"Isabella gave us the extended edition collection of Lord of the Bracelets. Plus the Extended Prequels 'The Halfling' trilogy."

"I don't feel like watching that for ALL of our movie night... and the next." She added under her breath as Ice put it aside away from Singing in the Squall

"Brielle gave us a musical romance called Lubricant." Ice smiled.

"Seen it." Fire mumbled as Ice put it on the Lord of the Bracelets box.

"Same…Um… Ashley gave us. My Small Horsie the Movie…"

"Something is seriously wrong with that chica." Mumbled Fire, but eyed the box with some curious interest. "…But they do look cute, put it aside for later." She mumbled with a subtle blush.

Ice grinned, she also wanted to watch it, putting it on Singing in the Squall. "Leslie gave us Grey Ghost Beyond: The Beginning."

"Eh. Maybe." Fire replied as Ice put it close to their 'yes' pile. "It wasn't as good as the sequel."

"Joy gave us something called Spicy Mustard? But it stars a French guy."

"I've heard of that. it's supposed to be really good."

Ice put it in the positive pile. "And finally, Grace gave us Die Tough. But everyone's seen that."

"But it IS a good movie…" Fire purred softly as Ice put it in the yes pile and leaned back. "So… what should we watch first?"

"Babes!" Geoff, one of their building's co-super entered dragging along the other co-super, his brother Mikey, strolling into their apartment abruptly through their apartment front door,

"…I thought I locked the door. Did I not lock the door?" Fire grumbled, glaring as 'Surfer sage' Geoff dropped himself abruptly in their armchair and immediately put his feet up. "Seriously, Geoff you CAN'T just walk into our apartment, this isn't a Porra de Sitcom!"

"I invited them." Ice smiled sweetly at Fire as the beautiful Brazilian sighed exasperatedly before Ice began waving cheerfully at the always sheepish in her presence Mikey, "Hi Mikey!"

"Hey…" he replied blushing as she patted the spot next to her, but he hesitated to sit down. Mikey obviously had a crush on Ice, everyone but Ice saw it… the problem was that she's already slept with him for money, twice, and WITH Fire. It felt weird for him to have such a casual relationship with her without at least admitting his feelings...

Never really works the nerve up though.

"Sit DOWN Bro! Have a Dr. Popper!" he replied, as Mikey abruptly dropped nervously down next to Ice. Adjusting his glasses as she handed him an ice-cold bottle of Dr. Popper even as she helped him 'heat up' by her close proximity… and she wasn't even trying to! That's what made it worse… for Mikey.

Geoff and to some lesser annoyed extent Fire thought it was hilarious.

"So, Babes, what are we watching?" 'Surfer Sage' Geoff asked in his best Surfer Sage voice.

"Sweet. Lord of the Bracelets extended edition?" Mikey replied picking up the box.

"Oh, no. This pile." Smiled Ice serenely, patting the smaller (but with more DVDs) stack.

"Okay. I am not watching The My Small Horsie Movie." Geoff declared as Fire drank her Dr. Popper eyeing him irately.

"Then go away, because we want to watch it."

"What do you think Mikey?" Smiled Ice.

"Um." But Mikey was a little unavailable for the moment as he was staring into Ice's eyes and beautifully smiling face, so Geoff answered, mostly accurately for him.

"Mikey will literally watch anything Zoey picks." Geoff said, the words going mostly over Ice's head as 'Mikey likes the things she likes'. Before his eyes locked on something he liked. "Die Tough. Who doesn't like Die Tough?"

"People who hate Willy Bruce now?" Fire grumbled.

"…No, they still like Die Tough." Mikey managed to get out as Ice giggled at the joke, even Fire had to admit that was pretty funny giving the sheepish on and off 'delivery' a pretty smile that made him melt... Ice warmed his heart. Fire warmed his LOINS…

Fire warmed everybody's loins really… That metaphor is actually more accurate than expected if you think about it.

"Alright, that was a good one." Fire admitted, "…we can watch Die Tough. Maybe Geoff will bug off and we can watch The My Small Horsie Movie or Singing in the Squall."

"Don't bet on it I love Singing in the Squall." Geoff replied helping himself to a handful of popcorn as the girls looked at him. "…What? I can like musicals." He replied with a shrug, eyeing the 'too watch' stack again. "What's Spicy Mustard."

"It's a French movie based in Japan, the main character is a cop who has to protect his daughter he never knew he had from the yakuza." Mikey said, "It's an acquired taste, but it's pretty good."

"Sounds artsy." Fire mumbled.

"It's kinda is but. It's good… in my opinion…" as Fire's green eyes burned into his very soul. "…Maria." He added politely.

"…Relax Mikey it's movie night." She smirked, "…Die Tough it is… now." They all eyed the DVD player. "Who wants to put it in?"

"Mikey." Geoff declared.

"Mikey." Fire said quickly.

"Mikey!" Ice smiled, just really wanting to play along.

Mikey, probably willing to do anything Ice requested anyway, got to his feet, and slipped the DVD into the player. Before Geoff, Mikey, Zoey, and Maria spent a tolerable movie night together.


Pretty obvious movie references in there but a particularly tough one in the crowd, can you guess them all!? probably they're pretty obvious.
