
Superbabes Shorts: Vixen

I don't own DC

"OOoooh! Baby… give it to me… just like that… ahhh…" she sighed erotically beneath the middle-aged man on top of her as he thrusted his hips against hers, sliding his throbbing cock deep inside her warm wet pussy. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he planted his hands on her breasts. "MMMN!!" he pushed deep into her body molding her titties in his hands as she shivered. "Is today the day?" she purred erotically up at him. "Today the day you knock up your little black whore?! Ugh!" his hips soon began to rapidly pound away, a sure sign that he was about to cum as he panted and groaned.

He was the only man from her street walker days that she still saw on a regular basis. But this wasn't a 'rich client tries to save the poor hooker' scenario. They both knew and accepted what this was. She was his good luck ho.

Yeah. Didn't expect that did you?

Way back before she met Orders and was still selling it on her own she met him in a bar while fishing for johns, drinking away his nerves. Naturally, alcohol and her body were pretty convincing to get him back to a nearby motel and they spent an average evening together. She made him feel special and he gave her a good fistful of cash. Win-win. But turns out he was some up and coming deal maker, and superstitious… and after he worked out his nerves with her beautiful black body, he single-handedly cinched some big deal for his company. He then considered her a good luck charm.

Which was a lucrative business agreement in the long run. Before a big business deal, he called up her bouncy black ass, pounded it as hard as he could for the night, and then went on to seal the deal. Again, win-win. But once she started working for Orders she didn't troll the streets anymore. But he still found her, at first she was concerned but he BEG her, offered her double what he usually gave her as long as she didn't STOP…

And 800 some odd bucks on a consistent basis was too hard to pass up for her. And so far he hasn't gotten attached, this was all business…

The 'knock up your little black whore' thing was just his impregnation fetish she didn't mind playing up to his kinks or his 'rituals'.


"Ooh! Baby!!" she writhed as she felt his cock bulge and spurt out his load, he fell onto her as she shuddered in her own climax, shaking as he ground his hips against her, pinning her to the bed as he released every drop from his balls. "Mmmn just how I like it, baby…" she purred encouragingly in his ear. He kept grinding his hips until he was good and empty, and she was warm and content.

He lifted his head and pressed his mouth to hers, "Mmmn-mmmn…" she moaned sensually into the kiss, again… it didn't mean anything. Must guys just liked kissing a beautiful woman and it was part of his 'ritual'. He carefully pulled away as her tongue wagged in her open mouth, as if waving goodbye.

"Thanks…" he said, as he always did after every 'session'.

"You're welcome baby…" she smiled cheerfully, "Come on now, get it over with." She chuckled.

He slowly pushed off her body and just as slowly pulled out his spent cock, the condom filled and bulging as he carefully tugged it and it snapped off. He always wore a condom, and in a way, she admired that. But she did think it was funny that he had an impregnation fetish and he had her play it up. He tied off the rubber, the bag of cum bobbing in his hand as she closed her eyes.


And he dropped it right on her face where it melded over her right eye and against her nose, another part of his 'good luck ritual'. She hummed softly to herself as she felt him shift off the bed. "May I use your bathroom?" he was always polite and he was always a gentleman. Her favorite type of client: wild in the sheets, neat on the streets.

"Yeah. You know where it is baby…" she replied as he walked towards it, as soon as she heard the water running, she lifted the bag off her face and dropped it into her bedside's trashcan before stretching out her well-fucked body. She checked her phone, it was early morning, and she had a late shift at Superbabes… she was hoping to get some time on her Gamestation today, so should she sleep as much as she could… or just down some coffee later? She REALLY wanted to play her Gamestation…

He was barely in the shower for five minutes before he turned it off and walked out clean and sleek. He wasn't an ugly or a handsome man, just some average joe. But he did clean up nicely. He dressed quickly and pulled out a neat stack of clean, freshly drawn bills. "800 as always." He said as she winked. "On the side table?"

"Always, baby." She smiled as he put down the stack next to her. "Gonna need me again soon?"

"I'll be in Japan for the next month." He said conversationally, "And then a nice long vacation, I'll be fine for a while." She smiled at him. "Thanks again, Monique."

One of her many street girl names. She had like five or six and honestly, those were only the ones she remembered, she probably had more. Tasha however was her real name.

"Always Baby." she followed him to her front door, still very naked. "See you again." She blew him a kiss as he waved goodbye and she locked her apartment door behind him. "MMMN-HMNN!" she stretched sensually like a cat, jiggling and wiggling as she made her way back to her bedroom. "Gonna splurge today!" she giggled to herself, dropping naked into bed and flicking her fingers through the fifties he left her.

Tasha... TASHA...

She blinked, her eyes flickering over to her Gamestation IV beneath her TV. Play me Tasha... it said to her with its lovely siren song... She could play JUST a little... right? Tasha shifted her sexy naked body up, put the money back on the table and quite happily retrieved her controller as she booted up her Gamestation and promptly made poor choices that would come back to haunt her for the rest of the day...

...She'd still say it was worth it.

