
Delivery Girl: Red Lantern

I don't own DC

Gotham is the criminal capital of the world. At least 1 in 10 registered citizens had at some point committed some sort of crime, big or small. Hell for some it was a right of passage… she was just another one. That 'troubled' girl in class, with the piercings and attitude. The one public school teachers gave up on… In and out of Juvie from 15 to 17… Minor shit, asshole business father didn't care and drunk mother was so wasted most of the time she didn't know whose cock she was sucking on the rest of it…

Did she blame her parents for her lot in life? Was it just her luck she even did half the shit she did? No… she didn't blame the world… she blamed her shit fucking asshole of an ex-boyfriend who got her arrested… She spent three months in Gotham's woman correctional because he got meth'd up out of his fucking mind, shot some gas station attendant for 50 bucks in the register, and made her drive the fucking car by waving the same gun in her face. What was she supposed to do at the time but hit the gas.

She was not ashamed to admit that she PISSED herself when batman slammed onto the hood of their car. She sold her ex out for a plea deal by being an unwitting accomplice, she really didn't know he was going to commit a crime at the time, but still got three months. Her boyfriend got a Batman ass-kicking and year in Arkham. He didn't last a month, that's what happens when Joker's locked up that week… but fuck him.

She puffed her cigarette, her last one, as a matter of fact, and she pulled up her jacket around her slender neck, her bulging breasts pushing it open slightly as her noticeably big, thick ass, wobbled with each step. Sturdy legs and a tight butt is something she earned in the prison yard… but she was always good at picking pockets… A few bucks here and there wouldn't get her into that much trouble with her probation officer… she needed the money.

Nobody but criminals were going to hire a criminal in Gotham… even one that looked as sexy as her… with her punk two-toned dyed hair, and she had multiple piercings ALL over various places on her body. The most noticeable at the moment was her lip piercings, right nostril, the rim of her right ear, and of course her tongue… a nice metal bolt through the tongue for that extra special stimulation.

She was definitely the girl some young guy's mama warned him about, and then probably wanted to spend seven minutes in heaven with... cause she would put out. Not that she had the opportunity to prove them wrong or right.

She pulled out the money she lifted earlier from the nice-dressed woman counting the rather impressive wad… at least two-hundred dollars in 20s and 50's. She wandered into her 'apartment building' the only place she could afford right now… as it was condemned… and a drug den. Stoners littering the halls and a few upper rooms. Again, right now she was just trying to survive… hoping a few of the places she applied to would at least consider giving her work… She'd rather not beg, and beg HARD for a chance. But getting on her knees and sucking some guy off for a job was preferable to getting on her knees and crawling back to her fucking worthless shit parents…

She shut her shabby door, it was the only one in the building that still had a lock but that wouldn't matter with some effort. The thing was barely hanging on, but it kept the junkies out. She never EVER did drugs, at least the hard stuff. It might sound a little cliche but she needed a clear head when everyone else around her was fucking stupid… she puffed on the cigarette, put the money on her rocky table, then went to her run-down disgusting fridge for… whatever she had left… when.

Tap. Tap. Tap…

She sniffed, staring at her door curiously… she grabbed a kitchen knife. "Okie if that's you, fuck off. I don't want any and I'm not selling…" Okie being one of the regular 'pan-handlers' looking for a hit… she couldn't even begin to tell how many times she said 'no, he can't suck her dick for drug money.'… the main reason being that she had no dick to suck, obviously. See? Drugs make you fucking stupid.

Tap. Tap. Tap…

The door rattled curiously, as she approached, holding the cheap kitchen knife at the ready… she thought she heard someone talking. Then a deep chuckle. "…Who the fuck is it?" she asked sternly. Sometimes the junkies needed a stern 'bitchy' voice before shambling off.

"…Superbabes." Came a pleasant voice with a… was that a southern bell accent?

She was so stunned at what happened next that she wasn't sure it was happening at all. A MASSIVE red-headed woman in a leather biker jacket and jeans literally RIPPED through the door with her seven-foot muscular bulk.

"HAAGH!" she screamed as the giant woman slapped the knife from her hand away easily with her leather-clad arm, grabbed her, LIFTED her up, and slammed her down onto the floor in a textbook armbar… pinning her down with her massive weight as a familiar woman walked into the room. Right past her, and retrieved the money on the table like she knew it was there.

"Hello." She said, the purple-eyed woman's eyes flashing as she was easily restrained by the massive woman… she recognized her because she had ROBBED her less than a half-hour ago. She stared at her, pinned under the woman as a few junkies watched unconcerned from her broken door. "go away." she warned, her eyes flashing as some seemed to just… flow away, completely detached from reality… no help there. "Now…" she noted slipping the money back into her pressed pants pocket. "How would you like a job?"

She stared at the purple-eyed woman as her mouth slacked. 'confused' would be an understatement. "What?"

"…You're an attractive woman and you need a job. Correct? An ex-con? Need the money? I can give you regular work and put in a good word with your probation officer."

"How do you-MMGph!?" The massive woman covered her mouth, with a friendly, but dangerous smile on her extremely attractive face.

"I'd wait until she finished, HON…" she said, twisting her arm slightly as she flinched, but stayed still.

"I can go into deeper details later… but I'll start with. I'll give you a chance…" the woman said to her. She was honestly a little surprised… she didn't believe her, but something told her that she SHOULD. "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." She added calmly. "You will not rob me, or my girls, and you will be under my protection." She then looked around the literal hole in the wall she lived in. "And I can give you a better place to stay while you earn money to get your own place…" she nodded to the giant red-headed woman, who promptly removed her hand. "You can talk now." But she held up a hand, her eyes flashing. "…But let me save you some time… I'm clairvoyant… I'll know if you're lying…"

…She shuddered slightly… somehow she knew this woman was telling the truth.

"…And… if I refuse your offer?" she asked, knowing the answer.

"…Then my friend Ronnie-Bell breaks your arm, and we leave…" she replied as 'Ronnie-Bell' chuckled.

"She must like you, she called me her 'friend' to your face…" she added rather humorously, as the purple-eyed woman smiled.

"…Ready to work?" the purple-eyed asked calmly as she looked around her broken, rat-infested place… anything was better than this…

"…Yes." she said confidently.

Two and a half weeks on.

She had to admit… she didn't expect she'd go into the sex trade, but hey… it paid the bills and as far as anyone was concerned: She was a 'delivery girl'… Nobody talked, nobody mocked, hell the regular patrons loved her and her thick legs and ass… Granted she had to live above the restaurant, but it was significantly better than the drug den, and it was only temporary, Orders said she'd more than likely have enough money to rent a nice place by the end of the month.

A pillow was slapped onto her face as Giganta stood over her cot in her tiny little bedroom nook. "Hey. Come on. You're on shift…" she blinked nervously at 'Giganta'… The woman was mostly cordial and even fun to her, but the fact of the matter was… she was Orders 'deterrent'. The woman who would without question throw her out on her ass if Orders said so. Orders WAS clairvoyant, she believed that instantly, while it was possible to change her predictions, it was only through Orders' exact help…

Orders truly believed that she would not steal, rob, or otherwise endanger the other girls, intentionally. And by 'behaving' she was also under Orders' protection… but the fact of the matter is that she had to follow rules that the other girls didn't…

She could NEVER EVER, willing commit a crime under Orders employment. Unless absolutely necessary.

She could NEVER EVER, knowingly engage in contact with any former criminal acquaintances.

She could NEVER EVER, steal from, or willing endanger, any associate or member of the Gotham Superbabes location. That last one was most important

Orders would know, and Orders would not give her a second chance because she would know. She promised to always give Red Lantern the benefit of the doubt, but if she squandered it?... Going back to jail would be the least of her worries… Orders would somehow make her an example for the rest of the criminal element of Gotham, and she BELIEVED that. Call it superstition if you want… but criminals, even former and (partially) reformed ones like her, were a superstitious, cowardly lot.

"Come on, tonight's your picture night, and it's the rush…" Giganta noted in her southern-bell accent and a cordial smile as jerked a thumb over her shoulder before she went back downstairs. "You want to get paid don't you?"

She sighed, then opened the cheap dresser that Superbabes provided for her as she retrieved her 'costume'

She pulled the full black mask over her pierced but pretty face, the tiny bat-like wings jutting out either side as she slipped on the tight red and darker red (almost black) leather suit with a high red collar, a red X across her modest bust, the 'red lantern' symbol in the center of her chest as she pulled on her red 'clawed' fingered gloves that went up to her elbows… then finally the long thigh-length black boots that fit just right over her thick legs, high-heeled of course, with leather garters to attached to the suit. Biting into and emphasizing her sexy legs and thick ass…

…She looked like some sort of BDSM vampire… or at least some sort of blood-sucker…

"…Cock sucker…" she corrected herself absently in the tiny mirror as she applied black lipstick to her lips. Her own shade… she had to admit that while she never would've gotten into the suit if she wasn't being paid to do it… it did match her dark style.

Her boots clicked down the stairs as she walked through the kitchen, passed the floor with the many cheerfully smiling girls, including the most cheerful Ice, her ever-constant partner Fire apparently on her break. She strutted past Giganta, taking her usual bouncer position by the doorway leading to the lounge, leaning against Orders counter as Orders looked up. "Catwoman? You ready?"

"Yep." Catwoman replied, she smiled casually at her… it was odd, all the delivery girls know she's an ex-con (technically anyway: she only served 3 months)… but they didn't really care. She didn't find it particularly 'heartwarming' or anything sappy like that, but she did respect them for it. "Ready to go Red Lantern?"

"…Yeah." She replied, still not entirely used to the 'secret identity' thing, but rolling with it.

"Hmmmn…" Catwoman walked around her for a moment, then twisted her, adjusting her arm onto her hip, bending her slightly, jutting out her ass, and focusing on her powerful legs. "…Give me a look?" she said as she did. "…A better one?..." she pouted slightly, rubbing her pretty Asian face. "…Try… being dismissive? Like you smelled something foul and know exactly what it is?"

After a moment. CLICK.

"Done." She said, handing off the Camera to Orders as she viewed the picture, then plugged the camera into the computer. Red Lantern had to admit… Catwoman did make her look sexy… but again, like a BDSM vampire… or bloodsucking dominatrix… "MMMn!" she slapped a hand fondly on Red Lantern's thick ass, "Man, Vixen's getting some real competition."

She didn't bother to argue or complain about Catwoman's invasion of her personal space. She knew what she was in for the first time she met Starfire and she buried her face between her wide ass-cheeks without a second thought. It took Giganta to get her out…

"Hmph." Orders said simply as Catwoman went to work the floor. Not really commenting more than that.

…Red Lantern of course knew how to have sex, and she would honestly admit that she wasn't a slouch when it came to head. Nothing drove men and woman more wild than feeling her tongue piercing on them… It's how she made it through prison so intact, she belonged to a few tough bitches who granted her protection in exchange for being their personal bottom… a small indignity in exchange for three months of protection… so She had a lot of practice with her mouth, and her dexterous fingers were skilled with picking locks, pickpocketing, AND a good fingering or cock stroking…

But she was rather poor in grading when it simply came to 'working it'. She didn't have rhythm, she couldn't 'shake her ass' like Livewire or Vixen, as a woman working at Superbabes with her big firm and fuckable ass might imply. Yeah, she could talk dirty, she looked good naked, and she was a tight fuck… but otherwise she was pretty bland.

"Alright. You're up there…" Orders noted, jerking her thumb to the floor as she eyed her. "Work tables. Ask Wonder Woman if you need any help."

She put on a half-smile, she couldn't remember the last time she made one that wasn't forced but at least she looked as sensual as the rest of the girls, a little mischievous like the devilish woman she dressed up as. She did in fact need Wonder Woman's help, but only because it was barely twenty minutes of her posting before Orders was picking up the phone.

Time: 8:42 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Hello, Superbabes. We Deliver."

"…I would like… the Red Lantern meal please… for delivery…"

"Thick and Spicy blood Sausage and a drink of your choosing, anything else?"

"Yeeeees…. Delivered by your… devilish Red Lantern."



"…Alright then, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed, you will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name address and choice of drink please."


"Red Lantern. You have a delivery."

"20 minutes. A new record." Fire noted sarcastically from the couch as she got up, passing by Red Lantern to cover her on the floor. The vampiric-looking Superbabe had few fresh bills sticking out of her black garters on her thighs as she put pulled them out and them on the counter.

"Nah Mighty beat her I think." Giganta replied thoughtfully in her southern-bell drawl as Red Lantern had to admit that was believable.

Orders handed her the receipt as the food slid out. "Here. Enjoy yourself…" she sniffed, and walked out of the back door of Superbabes to the car, slipping right in and checking the receipt before driving off towards Old Gotham.

It was quiet tonight all things considered as she pulled up to the front of the low apartment building, dirty, graffiti bricks littered the alleyway wall of the building as she made her way up the stoop surprisingly inconspicuously. There was the occasional gawker on her wide ass as she entered, but it didn't bother her too much.

She made her way up to the third floor and found that there was only one apartment it must be a loft. She checked the receipt, and approached the only room, and knocked. She hesitated then quickly remembered the drilled-in catchphrase. "Superbabes!"

Time: 9:12 PM. Place Old Gotham ( Apartments 3rd​ floor Loft)

"Special deliver service." She said as the door, cracked open, hesitated, then opened the rest of the way… she raised a pierced eyebrow under her black mask as she eyed him.

His hair was long, dark and greasy, he had a gaunt look to him, he was thin and pale… but he wore a long paint-stained apron as he turned around and said rather dejectedly, "Come in." he said with the air of a man who lost everything only seconds before…

She entered the studio apartment and it was massive but mostly empty… in one corner of the room was a cheap, rundown bed and nearby was a tiny bathroom with a toilet and shower… there was a kitchen with a small table, sink, washer, and a refrigerator that looked like a model older than she was but seemed remarkably canvas white… she knew the color because the room was filled with canvases of all sizes… A handful painted, but many discarded…

He walked to a pile of paints surrounding a large canvas painting of a woman, no distinctly real features yet, but it rested on a large paint-stained sheet as he stared at it forlornly. She put the food on the tiny table. He was quiet for a moment before he put his hands on the portrait and tossed it aside with a crash, joining a pile of other indistinct portraits of women, all in suggestive poses, all different. "It's not right." He declared scathingly, replacing it with a fresh canvas before sighing… turning to face her. "…I need a new model."

He held his index fingers and thumbs in the shape of 'L's as he framed her, standing with one hand on her thick hip as she watched him rather hesitantly. Why did her first 'delivery' have to be a weird one? Couldn't she just suck him off and head back?... oh well, if he wanted her to 'model' for him that was a quick buck, and not really exhausting.

"Whatever pal, it's your dime." She said as his gloomy look chipped up a little as he moved the 'frame' of his fingers back and forth.

"…I need to be INSPIRED." He said dramatically, approaching her as she instinctively took a defensive position as he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the fridge. Pressing her back against the cold white aluminum on her back and ass cheeks as she shivered slightly but he eyed her pressed against the 'canvas'… "YEEEEES." He hissed, closing one eye and 'framing' her with his fingers again, "I KNEW you'd be perfect! So… devilish, so arousing, so beautifully exotic…

…She admits she kinda liked the praise…

"Writhe against the canvas." He said softly, "It is your prison… you cannot escape… but try…"


She wormed, slowly against the fridge, her red clawed glove fingers scraping across it faintly, the red lantern ring on her right index clicking across it as he licked his lips… she might as well try and sell it… so she groaned softly as if she was straining herself as her big firm ass bounced and rubbed across the fridge door.

"Yes… you need help, don't you? You want me to aid in your escape…" he moaned as she eyed him with her dark brown eyes. Clearly, his imagination was acting up. "…YEEEEEES…"

He grabbed her hips and suddenly pulled her from the fridge, surprising her, but he quickly turned her around and pressed her face to it. "Haa!" Her hands pressed flat to it, her modest bust faintly bouncing off as he pulled her big, wide ass out as she bent forward…

"…This is a beautiful shape!" he praised, admiring her lower body as MANY have had before. He ran his hands over her smooth, pale ass cheeks. "The color! The shape! It is inspiring!" he hissed sensually, dropping to his knees as if in worship of her ass… running his hands almost lovingly up and down her back legs, flicking his hands over the garters as they STRETCHED over her majestic glutes. "You have a body made for LUST… desire! Emotion!!" he hissed, before burying his face in her crotch.

"Ha-Hey!..." she hissed softly feeling his nose through her suit and press into her soft mound. "Warn a girl…" she growled quietly but moaned as he rubbed slowly into her crotch.

"Ahh… this body… most be explored thoroughly…"

"Wha-ahh! AHHHHH!!" her suit was pulled aside, exposing her clit ring, and her silky folds as he slipped his tongue right inside. "Haa-AHHh!!" her ass wobbled and her legs trembled as he ate her out, his hands on her thighs to steady her as his artist's tongue coated itself in her arousal, dripping down his chin onto the floor. His hands slowly rubbing up and down her smooth legs as he licked, and probed, and SNIFFED her.

She had grown so used to giving head that she had forgotten what it was like to receive it… then she remembered that she NEVER received it… head was always one-sided in her 'relationships'. But if this is what if felt like she now understood why her 'mama's' in prison were so happy with her work. "Haa! Uuugh…shit… that feels good!"

"MMngh! MMmmn…" he hummed into her body as she hissed her praised, clawing the fridge as her ass wobbled around his probing face.

"Haa-AHHHH!! FUCK!!!" her tongue lolled out as she climaxed, there was a soft 'click' as her tongue piercing tapped against the fridge as she licked it absently. "Haa-AHhh-NNNGH!" he pulled away, is tongue hanging from his mouth as he took his thumbs, and spread her spasming pussy open as a stream of hot arousal dribbled out

"Beautiful…" he stared inside her twitching pussy before standing up, pulling on his apron strings as it fell away, along with his loose pants. "I must paint it!" he hissed.

"Wha-UUGH-HHGH!!" she groaned as his cock slipped right inside her warm, snug pussy. "Oh-Hooo… gaejasig!" she hissed in Korean as she trembled… it's been a while since she had an actual dick, and bigger than her ex-boyfriend's.

"Haaa…" he sighed, as if suddenly very relaxed… sticking your 'paintbrush' balls deep in tight warm pussy tends to do that to a man in her experience… at least he isn't taking a piss inside her… another unfortunate ex-boyfriend memory. His hands rubbed her wide ass cheeks slowly, molding them in his hands as his cock shuddered excitedly inside her. "MMMn! Wonderful!" he praised dramatically again as he pulled back, and began to pump his hips.

Slowly at first, his hips smacking against her behind as it wobbled from his thrusts, she pushed against the fridge, grunting as he got deep into her pussy, his cock throbbing as he wrapped his hands around her waist, holding her firm as he began to move faster. "Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha…" he panted like a tribal chant, matching with his deep thrusts.


Bouncing off her big cushioned ass as he started to linger, pushing deep into her body, holding himself in there as she moaned, then pulled out, repeating as he wanted, enjoying her tight pussy as her feet clicked on the floor, wobbling as she tried to adjust herself, clawing the fridge as she clenched tightly around him.

"Haa-HAa-HAaa!" her head dropped between her arms, her leather bat wings on her mask flicking on them as she moaned, eyes rolling under her hood as her tongue lolled again, "haa-AAaagh!!"

"YEEEEES!" he hissed throwing his head back, gazing insanely at the seeling as his thick, plentiful white paint sprayed into her inner canvas. "Haaaaaa…"

She flinched slightly, almost imagining the 'ass smack' that always came when her former partners were done with her… but it didn't come. He rubbed her ass cheeks fondly, still gazing at the ceiling as he moaned.

"…Beautiful…" he sighed, his head swinging forward as his cock slipped free from her tight pussy with a satisfying squelch, "MMMn…" he spread her lips again as his thick seed oozed out, dripping onto the floor into the growing puddle of fluids between her legs. "…YEEEEES. That is inspiring…" he praised.

…Whatever got him off… she thought to herself, moaning softly, her ass cheeks spasming in pleasure as his cock twitched, and she took a steadying breath.

"Hey…" she said, turning around slowly, her back on the fridge to keep her steady as his cock dangled limply between his legs. Her hand reached out, silkily rubbing his length as her 'clawed' fingers traced along his shaft as she licked her pierced lips. "…How about I lick your paintbrush back into form?" she purred grinning as she knelt down, sticking out her tongue so her steel rod piercing in her tongue clicked on her lip piercings, then she wrapped her lips around his cock… sliding her head up and down so quickly it was like the rubber bat wings on her head were flapping her back and forth.

"MMgh! MMMn! MMNn…"

"Ahh… Amazing…" he praised, standing ramrod straight as she straight up sucked his ramrod. Her tongue piercing sliding up and down his shaft, writhing back and forth like a massager as he throbbed between her lips, as she engulfed the entirety of his shaft, tasting herself on his hardening manhood as he rested a hand on her head.

She IS very good at head…

"MMMNgh. MMGH! MMNNn!!" she purred, rubbing his legs as she squatted on her heels. She felt his cock pulsating warningly, he was going to cum…

"Haa-AHhh…" he shuddered, grinning madly again only for him to grab her batwings and yank her off. "Haa!" she gasped, tongue lolling as she was pulled off his cock, the piercing in her tongue wagging as she kept it hanging from her mouth.

He grabbed under her arms and lifted her, "Haa-" pressing her back against the fridge her legs spread welcomingly as his hard cock pierced into her body once more. "UGhh! Ttong!!" as his cock ravaged her pussy again, her hands pressed and clawed the fridge as it wobbled against her batting ram body and his thrusts.

"Haa. AHG! MORE!!" he praised, grabbing the top as he railed into her, faster and faster, lifting her up from the floor as her legs suddenly wrapped around his waist. "Ugh! NNGh!! This body! This BODY! My MUSE!" he roared maniacally as she climaxed, writhing on the fridge as she squealed the ceiling

"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK ME!!" she cried out, her pierced tongue lolling again… she's never had it so good before. Was he amazing? Or has it just been so long?

Her legs suddenly squeezed around him and her hands lashed around his body, "Come on! Come on!" she encouraged, her orgasm building again. "Fuck me harder! Break this fucking door with my body!" the fridge wobbled and tottered under his grip, banging loudly against the wall and the floor as she cried out, "Haa!! AHHG!! YES!! Fuck the maechunbu!"

"YEEEES! Yes! SUBMIT my muse!" he begged desperately, slamming deeper into her spasming, screaming body, "YES!!" he planted his cock into her as she squealed, shaking in pleasure as her toes curled in her boots her fingers clawed across his back through her gloves. "More emotion!" he praised.

"More fucking PAINT…" she groaned, shaking in orgasm as her tongue lolled, "Haaa-aahh… so thick and warm…" her legs lost strength and he pulled out. "Haa! FUCK…" she grunted, landing on her plump ass as she grunted angrily, but shivered in pleasure.

"MMMn!!" he lied against the fridge, staring into space as his cock rested against her rubber mask. Twitching against her lip rings as she gazed up at him… he pushed away slowly, taking his cock and hand and brushing his tip absently against her mask, she flinched but gave him a tired smile as if silently asking.


"…Straighten my 'brush' again please, my muse… I must paint you…" he replied, practically stuffing his limp meat into her face.

Taking his cock in her hands, she stuck out her tongue and ran it over the top of his cock, the piercing rubbing along his skin as he trembled, "Yes… YEEES! Inspiring…" he praised as she licked, and licked, and licked… before wrapping her lips around the throbbing tip. "YEEEEES…" he groaned, hand on her masked head as her wings began to flap again back and forth with her twisting head game…

Her pussy oozed his previous loads and her arousal, mingling on the floor as her numb legs twitched slowly back to life as she began to feel them again, her sore ass becoming less sore as she adjusted herself, sitting on her knees as her head slowed, back and forth on his cock, gazing up at him again, her tight lips pert and ready. "MMMn… MMnn-hgnhm…" she moaned softly, inhaling his scent, distinctly paint as she buried her pierced nose into his pubes.

"SHHGigh!" he grunted as one was plucked, caught on her nose ring as she tried not to laugh, and just keep sucking.

"Hmmn-HMMN! MMMN…. Mmnmgh!"

"Look at me…" he breathed, not a command, "YEEEEES." He hissed as her beautiful eyes locked with his, "I must burn your image into my mind!" he praised as he gazed manically back. "…I must paint you… do not look away…" he said, as he moved her face. "…I…" he grunted, staring into her eyes. "Must!..." he grunted. "PAINT!"

His cock bulged, and before she could stop him he yanked her head away as she gasped. "Haa!-NNGh!?" she grunted, as thick ropes of seed sprayed onto her masked face. "Fuck!" she grunted, her right eye closing just in time as a glop splattered over it. "NNgh!!!" finally without thinking, and without anything else to really do, she closed them both and opened her mouth as he stroked himself over her face.

Gooey, warm… sticky… she sat on her knees as he sighed, the final few dollops of his load oozing from his tip down onto her face… like splatter painting. His cum clashing with her dark mask… he REALLY painted her alright…

"Haaa…" she grumbled softly, shaking a little in pleasure as it began to seep under her eyeholes… "HA!!" she was suddenly pushed forward, her ass lifted into the air. "W-wait what are-YOOU-F-FUCK!!" she squealed as his cock slipped right up her ass… "NNNGH-NGHHG! AAAAGH!!"

She never really LIKED anal… but she was expected to do it, and without going into detail that was yet another bad memory of her ex. But…

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!" face down ass up, her body was taking his cock like an experienced pro. "Haa-AHH-AAAGH!!" she cried out, shaking in foreign pleasure as her legs tried to straighten but he continued to pound down into her wide ass cheeks, burying his cock into her ass like a madman.

"YEEEES! YEEEES!!! MORE! PERFECT!!" he praised, practically lifting up her lower body to meet his thrusts, "Haa! AHHG! YEEEES!! MY! MUSE!!"

"FUCK! YOU!!!" she screamed back and climaxed, HARD. "JojkkaAAAAAAAA!!!"

"Ahhhh YEEEEEEES!!" he rapidly slapped his hips against her spasming, quivering ass cheeks before finally he buried his spurting cock up into her bowels and painted them as well. "Haaaaa…"

"…You piss in me…" she shuddered, shaking in pleasure. "I'll fucking STAB you…" she breathed, and yes, that was another bad memory. But whether he heard her or not, he just didn't care.

"…Magnificent!" he breathed, staring at the ceiling again as he let her drop to the floor, shivering as his cock flopped right out, "Yes… YEEEEES!!" and he quickly left her lying on the kitchen tiles as he scrambled to the empty canvas. "INSPIRATION!"

"…Gaejasig." She grunted, getting slowly to her unsteady feet. "…Fuck me…" she breathed to herself, waddling to the shower. "…That felt REALLY fucking good…" she had to admit…

Whether it was him, her, or the simple fact that she had never had sex like that before: passionate and primal… she had a really good fucking time. Usually, her sex was, for a lack of a better word: forced. But as she stepped towards the bathroom, she remembered that Orders had assured her that she'd NEVER make her do anything she didn't already agree to do… and there was a lot of bases covered on the things she would and would not do. Oddly she agreed to do a lot.

She stepped into the bathroom and shut the door as The Painter laughed madly, obviously taking his paints and splattering the canvas… she sighed, wiping her goo covered eye with some toilet paper and removing the mask.

Her attractive, pierced punk girl face came into view, her pixie cut blue and purple two-toned hair was starting to show a bit of her natural black at the roots, but she was going to dye it again… red and dark purple this time. Stick with the theme… she licked her lips of the painter's cum, flinched, and spat it into the sink. Sighing softly to herself. The guy might potentially be a good lay, but his jizz tasted like shit. Not that she was a connoisseur or anything…

She stripped down, her upper arms tattooed with spiderwebs and across her shoulder blades, a tiny tattooed tarantula nestled just over her right shoulder, she slipped her big wide ass cheeks into the shower, carrying the cum covered leather mask in one hand, and hosed herself down… she lost track of time, but long enough that The Painter stopped his mad laughing. She stepped out of the shower, dried off, and redressed in record time before exiting…

She stared at a… surprisingly accurate representation of her on the canvas, in the suit, but her skin was an ominous red, along with her eyes, and she had thick leather bat wings sticking out of her back. "YEEEES!" he said excitedly, framing the painting with his fingers, it might need a little more work but it was an amazing attempt for 10-15 minutes of shower time. "THIS is a masterpiece!" he hissed.

"…Great." She noted sarcastically, "…Hey, you got to pay up…" she said, her lower body still a little sore… and twitching happily.

"Hmm? Yes. Yes…" he said, waving her as he critiqued his own artwork. "Left-hand drawer by the fridge. She frowned and made her way to the cabinet and opened it.

"…Fuck me." She breathed, staring at the WADS of cash just… sitting in there. Thousands… maybe at least TENS of thousands… her hand leveled over it… it would be just… SO easy… he clearly didn't even care.

She dipped her hand in… and felt the bills in her fingers.

.... "Alright." She said, slipping the bills into the intricate pockets of her suit. Approaching the door. "Order again." she added absently.

"Hmmn." He replied dismissively, "Yes I just might…" he said absently, either not listening or perhaps thinking of just ordering a different 'muse'. She trotted down the stairs as a man eyed her coming up, she stuck out her pierced tongue almost seductively, and ran the bar across her teeth with an arousing hiss as he stared in… fascinated awe… then he stared at her wide wobbling ass as it went right out the door and back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:38 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

She entered Superbabes, removing the money from the pocket under her red 'X' across her suit and handing it to Orders. Orders eyed her for a moment, and gave her just the littlest hint of a smile, before she took the exact received payment of the delivery, sorted it out, and gave her back her cut.

"…Not even going to ask if that's all of it?" she asked, more out of a curiosity than anything.

"Now why would I ask if you took more out of his money drawer by the fridge if I didn't already know the answer Jae-Hwa." She replied calmly.

…She didn't take more than was necessary, truthfully, but it was shit like THAT that convinced her Orders was legit.

"Oh… and by the way." Orders added snapping her fingers as-

"CONGRATULATIONS!!" roared out the collective girls as she jumped in shock, ready to run like a rabbit only for Ronnie-Bell to grab her as they held the 'Happy first time' banner over the locker rooms.

"…See Boss? That's why it shouldn't be a surprise thing." Ronnie-Bell declared.

"Yes… still funny." Orders added as the girls gave Jae-Hwa hugs, pats on the back, friendly ass fondles as she was twisting left and right confused at the sheer… 'joyfulness' of it all… soon as quickly as they came, they were gone, heading quickly back to work. Yaya rolling up the banner as Jae stood at the counter by Orders and asked.

"What the fuck?" Jae breathed confused.

"A bit of tradition Jae." Declared Maria strutting back to the couch with the ever-cheerful Zoey. "Don't worry about it."

"I love that banner! It's so cute!" Zoey grinned as she sat next to her partner.

"Alright… anyway." Orders then ripped off a piece of paper and held it to Jae.

"What's this?" she asked.

"Your schedule for the next month. You're too bland."

"…What now?" she asked surprised, going down the list. Ciara/Tasha/Brielle: Mornings. Ronnie-Bell/Rebecca/Ashley(?): afternoons. Veronica/Lucy (mostly Veronica) Evenings. Listed in various days in descending order after that, somewhat different but mostly the same. And Friday's and Saturday's listed as 'Free days' "What's this for?"

"Your training… you'll be learning how to dance with the best I have. You'll be taught self-defense from the best I have… and… well… you'll understand what Lucy and Veronica will teach you in good time. Plus, they offered to let you sleep in an actual bed until you can find a better place than here."

Jae stared at her. "…Why?" she asked slowly

"Because I take care of my girls, and my girls take care of each other." Orders replied as Ronnie-Bell nodded with a sheepish shrug.

"No, I mean why do I need training?" she asked surprised as Orders raised an eyebrow over her flickering purple eyes.

"Oh…" she took a second, then smiled rather mischievously, almost in a mean way. "Well… you know how you've stayed away from using drugs your whole life?" she said casually. Jae never told her that, but she imagined Orders figured it out anyway. "…Well now you ARE the drug." She said with some ominous smugness, "And I just need to make you more addicting…"

"And learning to shake this ass is a good start." Tasha declared confidently, lightly slapping Jae's wide behind out of nowhere as she strutted out of the locker room dressed up. "Come on girl, lesson one now." She said as she strutted onto the floor with a rather reluctant Jae, but she at least tried to imitate Tasha's bootylicious movements.

"…You're terrible sometimes." Ronnie-Bell smiled at Orders, "…Lucy AND Veronica? I still think you haven't forgiven her for picking your pocket."

"…Give me time." Orders said irately but smirked to herself as Tasha and Jae wiggled and jiggled on the floor. "Even I have my limits... let's find hers shall we?" she added as Ronnie-Bell chuckled.


When the inspiration lands… it lands perfectly.

Now for the bu-…the mangling of the Korean language, remember, this is google translate, so it's not exact and it's phonetically written, the INTENDED words are what they mean in the story. Take the following 'translations' with a LOT of salt.

gaejasig= Son of a bitch

Ttong = SHIT

Maechunbu = whore

jojkka! = Fuck me

The first and probably only Superbabe to have her inspiration selected by the masses. Basically, Gogo Tomago, if you haven't looked at the Roster... I do love me some Gogo
