
Special Order 2 for 1: Batgirl and Power Girl

I don't own DC

Twas the week of Christmas in Gotham and for such a festive season,

Superbabes was closed, most didn't quite know the reason,

Apart from the girls who worked there, of course,

For to work during snow season, Orders would not force,

For you see she was greedy and her business kinda shady,

But she was still a very practical (and secretly gold-hearted) lady,

Because skimpy clothes and snowy Gotham weather, do not mix,

No matter HOW much money they'd get for giving horny men their kicks,

But we're not here for them, as I imagine you'd guess,

So allow me to continue, let's get to the proper address.

Time: Doesn't matter. Place: Oh GOD, it's so COLD!!

Ring-Ring Click*


"Oh… uh-h-hey… is… is S-Sierra, Ha-ha-home?"



"H-H-hey…c-can I ca-ca-come over?"


"G-g-great… I-uh… n-need to ask a favor…"

"Kay. See you soon sexy… also… why are you chattering?"

"I-I-I'll t-t-tell you w-when I get there…"

Meanwhile, several minutes later…

Knock knock knock…

Power Girl, dressed in a batman T-shirt and snug boxers, both of which belong to her boyfriend, went to answer the door as Batgirl slurped eggnog from the couch. It was too cold outside for her traditional vanilla shake. The door popped opened to reveal her boyfriend, Tom Kirby. Dressed in a winter coat with a small suitcase beside him. Positively shivering.

"Hey baby." She asked rather surprised as he slipped right in, she shivered a little from the sudden cold before shutting the door. "What's up?"

"Oooh god its so warm…" he sighed happily, pulling down his hood. "So… uh… can I… stay here for a about a week?"

"I don't see why not, you spend half of your time here already." Noted Batgirl, Power Girl eyed her sternly but she just sipped her eggnog.

"…She's not wrong." Smiled Power Girl sultrily, helping Tom with his coat. "What happened?"

"Basically? Solomon Grundy went flying through my wall… and now there is a big gaping hole in the apartment building… AND the heaters have been damaged so it's already cold as hell... not to mention snowing inside." He sighed as Power Girl took his coat and tossed it on a nearby hanger, already fawning on him to warm him up. "My landlord says it'll be a while before they can get around to fixing anything…"

"Not like it's the coldest week in Gotham or nothin." Batgirl added as Power Girl pressed her big, soft tits to her boyfriend and rubbed his body. He WAS freezing… but he was warming up pretty quickly.

"Hmmm... well you COULD stay here but if it would make you uncomfortable, you could stay over Superbabes it is closed for-" the phone suddenly rang nearby on the wall, she reached for it and answered. "Yes?"

"No, he fucking can't." declared Orders promptly as Power Girl glared at it. Unable to argue as just as quickly as she called, Orders hung up.

"Fine..." Power Girl put it back on the hook. "...She's really good at that." she cleared her throat and as if that call wasn't the LEAST bit odd. "Well, you can stay as long as you want. The girls won't mind…" Power Girl cooed, already guiding him to her room. "You can stay with me. AND we get to spend Christmas together.

Which was less than a week away.

"You sure you don't mind?" he asked nervously, more directed to Batgirl chilling on the couch.

"Nope. We're used to you… besides. Britney's spending most of her time with her Pirate…"

Tom chose not to ask why they kept referring to the attractive british Vixen's boyfriend as a pirate. But he was looking forward to spending at least a week, and Christmas, with his girlfriend.

"…Oh!" Power Girl smiled, once they got into her room. "…One little thing…" she said, rubbing his arms, smiling serenely into his eyes as he melted in her arms. "…No sex."

"…What?" he blinked, somewhat surprised.

"No. SEX…" she said firmly, and coyly. "We can't have sex until… hmmmn…" she fidgeted coyly. "…Christmas?" she said, as if coming to a decision but had a look on her face that said 'I planned this all along'.

"Uh…" Tom began his erection already apparent. "…But… why?"

"…Because why not?" she smiled cheerfully, brushing her lips playfully on his chin, again, and again… "No touching yourself either." She added licking her lips, "…Save… every… drop…" she purred, emphasizing her words with a kiss on his face. "Kay?" she winked, taking his suitcase and opening an empty drawer in her dresser and dumping it all in.

"…It's going to be a long week…" he whimpered, already gazing at his girlfriend's rear forlornly while she quickly folded his clothes…

Her butt cheeks looked REALLY good in his boxers.

So dear Tom resigned himself to his fate,

His abstinence set to the very special date,

Choosing not to ask questions about his hot girlfriend's request,

Because let's be honest, he can't think when's she's in a state of undressed,

So Tom spent about four days with the three Superbabe beauties. Although to be fair Vixen spent most of her days with her 'Pirate', so she spent very little time at the apartment with Tom. Who, while disappointed that his 'sessions' with Power Girl were consigned to cuddling and petting, was still quite happy for the extra warmth after spending a cold, COLD, day in his ventilated apartment.

Plus the girls were on vacation with Superbabes closed, and he could think of worse things to do other than cuddle with his extremely hot and sexy girlfriend, and to some lesser extent doing so in the company of her hard-to-read sexy redhead roommate. Of course… they DID make it hard… and by 'it' I mean his cock…

The girls had very loose morals to begin with and with Tom now living under their roof he was wondering if they just turned them completely off while he was here. He never imagined that girls would just walk around naturally in skimpy clothes, doing oddly sexy things like stretching or yoga right in front of him without even asking if he minded… but he always hoped.

Apparently since the employment of one of the Green Lanterns the girls have been doing Yoga… in their underwear.

"Normally we do it naked buuuuut you're here right now." Power Girl had said, adjusting her sports bra as it struggled to contain her majestically big breasts.

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" he mumbled, watching as she and Jackie exercised to the TV as an equally fit woman guided them through poses.

"You might be able to sit down and do nothing all day…" Batgirl noted, "But we actually have to keep our figures… do you think this ass just comes from genes?" she asked, running her hand notedly over her big, round, Pawg booty, wrapped in tight bikini bottoms.

"…I need… the bathroom." He mumbled, hurrying quickly to one of the two. as Power Girl cooed sing-song.

"You better not do what I know you WANT to do…" she purred erotically, gazing at him from between her firm legs, her fit ass in the air.

And other such cock teasing things like that… there was one moment when Batgirl walked naked out of the shower back to her room… and that kept happening mostly until Christmas. And amazingly Tom held out, but that's because he's pretty whipped when it comes to Power Girl. Christmas day arrived with very little fanfare. In Gotham, Christmas isn't really so much of a holiday when you have to risk things like Calendar Girl, a frustrated Mr. Freeze… or a bored Joker.

But then the day came and our very pent up Tom… woke.

"Nnngh-mmmmn…" he stretched in the bed as Power Girl cooed into his shoulder, snoozing softly as he slipped out of their bed and, with his raging erection, went to the bathroom to shower. Cold at first to calm down, then nice and hot to warm back up because it was FUCKING FREEZING outside.

He dried off quickly and pulled on his clothes before making his way back to her room as she herself jiggled out in his batman t-shirt and boxers… apparently a favorite sleep outfit of hers… and he certainly didn't mind it either. "Merry Christmas." She smiled kissing his cheek, and stretching again, all the best bits jiggling as she went to the bathroom. "Ready for your present?"

"My present…" he blinked then a lightbulb went off in his head as he ran to her room, quickly going to his bag as he fiddled with it, unzipping a very stuck zipper as he reached in and retrieved her present. He grinned at it, he had founded it at work after a particularly harrowing attack from Two-Face and his gang.

He didn't wrap it but he also didn't think she cared. It took her a minute to return, a towel wrapped around her body as she smiled knowingly at him. "What do you have there?" He held up the genuine article. A real-life batarang: The edges were still kinda sharp. "Oh my god!" she squealed, yanking it from his hand as she held it up to the light. "Where did you get it!?"

"Two-Face attacked Wayne Industries and the Batman showed up... surprisingly quickly." He said, adding sheepishly, "Merry Christmas?" she squealed like a schoolgirl just meeting her favorite pop-idol, prancing and jumping around in place until the towel fell off and she bounced much more enticingly.

"OOoh!! MMMn come here!" she growled hungrily, dragging his face forward and SHOVING her tongue into his mouth as she devoured his saliva like necter. "MMMn-HMMMN!!!" she pulled away, giving him the best 'fuck me now' eyes she'd ever given him. "You're the best boyfriend ever!" she grinned, before turning him around and pushing him out of her room, "Now out you go! Go sit on the couch!"

"Wait-what?" click. The door shut behind him and he blinked at the opposite wall that contained a picture of her and a few girls at Superbabes, "…At least she liked the gift." He mumbled, still tasting her lips on his as he went onto the couch. After a moment he heard the door click open, then.

"Hey close your eyes…" she cooed as he blinked, scratched his head and closed them. "Are they closed?"


"They better be or you're in trouble." she said playfully, he sat on the couch, as foots steps pattered around the apartment… "…Uh… 'Power… Girl'?" he asked curiously, knowing internally that he should be using her 'secret identity'."

"What?" came a harsh and annoyed whisper, but it was Batgirl's voice.

"Keep them shut!" Power Girl replied as more footsteps pattered around the apartment again. "I'm prepping your present!"

'…I'd be concerned… but it's all pretty normal' he had thought, and almost falling asleep with waiting, eventually Power Girl's sultry voice returned.

"Okay… open wide."

…Well that's not something he wanted to hear with his eyes clothes, but he opened them.

Power Girl was Power Girl, dressed in her one piece and boob-window suit, but with her arm around the waist of Batgirl, wearing her mask, a smile, and not much else apart from a broad ribbon that wrapped around her breasts and crotch, with a big easily removed bow around her breasts.

"I am… not surprised. But I do like my present." He said rather flatly as Power Girl smiled, running her hands over the curvy Batgirl.

"That's good… because you're HER present too…" she leaned next to Batgirl's ear. "There's at least a week's worth of hot, backed-up cum in his balls…" Batgirl trembled as Power Girl cooed happily, "You want it too, don't you? You want to suck it ALL out."

Batgirl cooed a shuddered gasp, writhing in Power Girl's arms as the busty blonde ran her hand down Batgirl's smooth, flat stomach to her crotch, already dampening the crisscrossed ribbon. "Yeeees…" she whimpered pleadingly as Tom's erection became apparent, throbbing eagerly and happily at the fact that his embargo on sex was lifted.

Power Girl, watching Tom's awed face, slowly licked Batgirl's cheek, "MMm-aah…" she smiled, rubbing Batgirl gently along her pussy through the ribbon. "I made him hold off this WHOLE time… hot, fresh… straight from the balls." Tom was naturally a bit aroused, but apparently not NEARLY as much as Batgirl. "She's gone almost two weeks without fresh cum…" Power Girl cooed, before smacking her hand on Batgirl's big pawg booty. "Go get it."

"Holy crap!" he yelped, jumping upright on the couch as Batgirl DOVE onto his crotch. He WAS wearing shorts, he wasn't anymore. They wrapped around his ankles as she expertly and quickly removed them.

"Haaaaa…" she drooled, literally, a trail of saliva dribbled from the corners of her lip and dripped onto his twitching cock as she stared at it. "God I can SMELL it…" she panted, burying her face into his crotch.

"HO-ly crap…" he hissed as Power Girl dropped next to him on the couch, pressing her soft body to him, her breasts on his arm as she began to tongue, lick, and suck on his neck and face… while Batgirl opened her mouth, and promptly applied them to his… very sensitive at this point, ball sack. "NNgh…" his arms and legs went as stiff as the rest of him, his cock twitching wildly as it bounced off of Batgirl's masked face as she lovingly slurped on his nuts. Her tongue coiling and swirling around his balls as she slurped them gently into her mouth…

On her hands and knees before him she inhaled his scent as she worshiped his balls, or more likely the fluids contained inside, as if encouraging them directly to squirt into her mouth. Her big pawg booty wagged behind her like a dog with a bone.

"Hey, watch this." Smiled Power Girl, leaning over Batgirl, still sucking, and raised her hand-SMACK.

"MMMNg!" almost on instinct on being smacked on the ass she began to twerk, bouncing her pawg booty up and down as her bubbly ass cheeks wiggled pleasantly in the reflection of the TV.

"Shake it like Vixen taught you." Smack. Batgirl's ass did a figure eight, hips popping and cheeks jiggling. "Hee-hee…" she smiled, "I love doing that…" she ran her hand up Batgirl's back before grabbing her hair and yanking her head off of Tom's sack with an audible pop.

"Ahh…" she sighed, tongue sticking out to continue licking his balls.

"Thirsty?" purred Power Girl as Batgirl moaned eagerly, she grabbed Tom's pulsating length and aimed the tip at Batgirl's open mouth. "SUCK…"

"AAH!!-MMN!" down she went in one quick stroke, his cock stretched her throat as she kissed his base. Inhaling his clean smelling crotch through her nose, she was briefly annoyed that he smelled like their soap, but that was mostly because he didn't smell like a man who hadn't cum in a week.

"Oh my god…" he sighed, his cock twitching in her warm throat as she began to focus, her tongue rubbing and rolling against his length, coiling, and curling… her throat contracting around his shaft, squeezing it lovingly as Power Girl stroked her lush red hair. Before taking a fistful and pulling Batgirl's head back until only his tip remained between her talented lips… then she pushed her back down.

"MMMn… mmmmn… Mmmmn…" Batgirl hungrily sucked Tom's cock as Power Girl pulled away watching as Batgirl began to move on her own. "MMpgh! MMNh! MMmgh!" she dove back and forth eagerly on his bulging length as his toes curled in the carpet.

"Give it too her, it's her present." Power Girl's tongue slid along his cheek, coiling in his ears. "She'll drink it ALL down."

"MMmgh! MMMgh!!!" she slurped loudly, happily. Sliding to his tip as his cock bulged warningly.

"Ah-haaaa…" sighed Tom, hands clawing the couch as Power Girl wrapped her arms around him holding him in place as she laughed, kissing him as Batgirl wrapped her hand around his shaft and stroked out his load.

"MMmn-hmmmn…" she moaned, eyes rolling as her hand stroked up and down his throbbing cock, pumping shot after shot of cum into her mouth. Her tongue flicked around his tip as his hot, salty load stuffed her cheeks. "MMMn?" she moaned softly as his cock went limp in her mouth, her hand sliding slowly up and down as her cheeks sunk in, slurping loudly before she slipped off his tip. She ran her tongue from his base, to his tip. "Oop…" she gasped as a final spurt shot onto her cheek, "MMMn…"

She smiled at him, and opened her mouth, tilting her head back as her tongue churned the thick, plentiful goo he stuffed her with. "Ahh-haaaa…" she ran her finger on her cheek, scraping the final spurt into her mouth, slurping her finger as she gargled his seed. "So THICK…" she breathed, her words muffled slightly before she shut her mouth. "GULP-haaa!" she gasped, panting as she showed off her empty mouth, "Haa-aaahhhh…" he body shaking in orgasm as Power Girl smiled.

"Taste good?"

"YEEEESSS…" she hissed, clawing his legs as she knelt before him, still shaking.

Power Girl took his length in hand, smacking it lightly on Batgirl's cheeks before holding the tip under her nose, she inhaled the scent of cum and saliva, shaking eagerly. "Suck it some more." She giggled, wagging his hardening length as Batgirl tried to catch it with her lips, finally entrapping it back into her mouth as she slid up and down.

"She's your present too you know…" Power Girl cooed as Tom shuddered, his cock throbbing between Batgirl's expert lips. "Grab her head, make her take it all…"

"S-She's doing that anyway on her own…" he groaned as Power Girl licked his ear again. Whispering honeyed words of encouragement as he trembled.

"I'm just saying baby, you can do whatever you want…"

"Whatever I want?"

"Whatever you want…" she smiled playfully as his hand clapped onto her ass, "Oooh! Hee-hee-mmmnngh…" she was pulled to his lips as his hands began to fondle her breasts and ass, her body grinding against him as Batgirl's loud slurps echoed around them, diving rapidly on his length as it pulsated in her throat. "Ahh…" she pulled away grinning. "I get you the best dick sucker in Gotham, and you still want to play with me?" she purred as Tom shuddered, Batgirl slurped particularly loudly, running her tongue firmly against his shaft.

"…I have excellent taste?" he groaned, gripping her ass cheeks in both hands now as she cooed.

"Yeah you do…" she smiled, "Come here…" she kissed him again, slithering her tongue into his mouth before pulling away. "Finish feeding her…" she cooed, feeling his hands squeeze her ass cheeks. "Then we can go play…" she rubbed Batgirl's head as she continued to bob on Tom's cock. "Just get up and do what you want."

He slowly got to his feet, legs spread on either side of Batgirl as he grabbed her head, more on instinct than anything. He guided her head slowly back, slurping gently on his length as she seemed to submissively surrender, not exactly what he was used to with her.

"MMMn…MMPGH!" her head was abruptly pulled onto his cock, she hungrily gargled around his shaft before she was pulled back, then back down again, his hips bucking against her face a she gacked and gulped. "MMMpgh!-MMMGH!-MMMGH!-MMMNGH!!-HHHMMMMN!!" she shuddered as she was pulled down onto his cock, feeling it bulge in her throat as he made a direct deposit into her stomach, her arms wrapped around his waist, holding tight as she gulped it greedily. "MMMn…mmnn-hmmmn…" her eyes glazed over as the warmth filled her belly.

"Merry Christmas!" purred Power Girl as Batgirl cooed happily. She ran a hand over Batgirl's masked head as the hungry cum-addict slurped noisily, then slid slowly off of Tom's cock.

"Ahh!!" she sighed, his cock dangling before her face as she gave it a loving lick, it dribbled onto her thighs as she licked her lips. She rubbed his face on his limp shaft as it began to twitch, licking it affectionately. Her hands delicately cupping his sack, hefting his limp length as she worshiped it. He wasn't particularly big in his opinion, but she certainly made him feel like it. "I love cum…" she cooed lovingly, as his cock twitched.

Power Girl, stripped of her suit and very naked, ran her hand over Tom's shoulders as she slid to Batgirl's head, "Was it tasty?"

"Yes…" Batgirl cooed.

"Are you still hungry?"

"MMMn-hmmn…" she replied, suckling Tom's sack again.

"How about we make you a creampie?" Power Girl giggled playfully, taking Tom's hand. "Let's go make her a creampie…" she smiled as they scampered to her room.

"Woo!!" Power Girl bounced on her bed, lying on her back she lifted and spread her legs, hooking her arms behind her knees as she wiggled. "Come get me baby." She purred encouragingly. Tom loomed over, her guiding his hardening length to her welcoming pussy before he pushed inside her, "AH-yeah… been so long…" she giggled, as he pulled back, and began in earnest. "Come on… baby! Oh… yeah! Ah!Ah! Ah!! Yes!" she encouraged, her breasts bouncing eagerly up and down on her chest as Tom climbed onto the bed, adjusting himself to pound down into her.

"Ha…AH…AHH!!" she grunted as his hips went up and slammed down, her fingers sunk into her legs as she squeezed tightly, her eyes rolling as she stared at the ceiling, "NNgh…NGH!!" she clenched her teeth, thightening around Tom's length as her breasts wobbled up and down. His hands clung to them, falling onto her as he buried his face into her massive breasts. "Come on baby… come on!" she grunted, his cock slamming deep into her tight body. "Come-come… cum CUM!! CUM!!!" she clawed her legs, tightening painfully around him as she climaxed, "Ha-AAAH FUCK!! Baby!-OOH!!"

Tom's weight slammed onto the beauitufl woman as she climaxed, hard, screaming and shaking as her toes curled, "NNGh! FUCK…" she milked his load, pussy trembling around his shaft as his thick wad rushed into her body. "MMMN!! I missed that…"

"…It's only been a week…" he moaned into her tits.

"And it was just as painful for you as it was for meee…" she growled hungrily in his ear. "…You're not getting ANY rest tonight…" she purred lovingly, wiggling her body beneath him. "Ooh!" she gasped as a talented tongue slathered over his crotch, then up his shaft, swirling around his balls before probing Power Girl's pussy again. "Better give her what she wants…" she cooed, pushing him from her breasts as he rolled off. A rope of semen sprayed onto her inner thigh but it didn't stay their long.

Batgirl, sensually, ran her tongue along Power Girl's leg, slurping up the string of semen until not a trace was left. By that time, Power Girl's pussy oozed her lover's semen. Batgirl's tongue sipped up to escaping seed, then she slurped Power Girl's insides.

"Ah-HAaa!" Power Girl's legs stretched out over Batgirl's shoulders, rubbing and writhing on her back. "Oh-ooh!! Fuck me…" she shuddered, clinging to her tits and squeezing as Tom watched. Her shapely legs wrapped tightly around an uncaring Batgirl's head as she continued to eat. Her arms wrapping around Power Girl's legs to hold them in place, pushing on her stomach for more.

"NNgh…MMMNG!!" Power Girl grinned happily as her body tightened and she climaxed, her tongue lolling out, "Haaa!! Fuck!!" her body shuddered wildly, "Hooooooo!!" she twitched, "MMngh!"

"…Ahh…" Batgirl sighed, giving Power Girl's quivering and quite empty, pussy a final lick. "Yummy…"

Power Girl sighed happily, her body still shaking as Tom watched with a raging erection, Batgirl got to her feet, absently licking her lips… then her fingers… Power Girl's hand rubbed Tom's thigh. "…Want to fuck my friend in the ass?"

Tom's cock throbbed as Batgirl turned, putting her hands under her pawg booty and making it bounce with her fingers. Tom's length bobbed up and down at the sight, but he sighed after a moment, with a nervous smile. "Seriously?"

"What? She's your Christmas present…" Power Girl added, licking her lips as she pushed her breasts together. "…Want to fuck my tits instead?" The ribbon wrapped around Batgirl dropped to the floor as she tugged at the bow. Then promptly bent forward, bending almost in half as she grabbed her ankles, wiggling her jiggly booty behind her, her ass bouncing tantalizingly from side to side.

"…Can I just have her mouth again?" he asked hesitantly as Batgirl shot up.

"Seriously?" Power Girl asked but Batgirl was more than happy to drop back to her knees at the edge of the bed and already take him back into her mouth.

"MMMN…mmmn-mmmn." He rested a hand on the back of her head as she cooed, guiding her faster and faster as she noisily sucked. Batgirl's head dove up and down on his length as Power Girl slipped off the bed, sitting beside Batgirl.

"Hey move over."

"MMPGh!" Batgirl snarled-or at least growled angrily-at Power Girl speeding up faster on Tom's cock as he groaned loudly. Power Girl just laughed, squeezing the greedy girl tightly, sticking out her tongue to slobber over Tom's sack.

His cock twitched, his balls quivered, both beautiful Superbabes tending to his dick like priestesses of a cock worshipping cult, a priestess with two heads, side by side, slobbering and sucking as he pumped his hips, bucking against Batgirl's face as her eyes rolled dizzyingly in her skull, Power Girl's hands sliding down her body, fingering and spreading her wet pussy as she dripped saliva and arousal onto the floor.

"MMMN! MMMN! MMMN! MMMN!!-AHH!!" she shrieked as she was yanked off his cock, moments before he declared his climax with an apologetic grunt.


Power Girl restrained Batgirl, holding her in place as thick ropes of semen sprayed across them. "Ahhh…" she smiled, "…It's snowing…" she laughed as Batgirl opened wide, trying to catch his diminishing wad in her mouth but really succeeding to get it further onto her face.

"Ah! AHhh!! Noooo…" she whimpered, wrapping her mouth around his limp cock as the last drops splattered onto her tongue. Power Girl licking her face of cream as she desperately tried to suck out more. Her face cleared, Power Girl took it in hand, tilted Batgirl's head back and let the amount she collected drip into Batgirl's open mouth. "Ahh-MMMN!!" they hungrily kissed.

His cock reinvigored, the girls got to their feet, standing side by side as Batgirl hungrily cleaned Power Girl's beautiful face. "Wow… hard again baby?" Power Girl cooed as Tom got to his feet.

"…You did technically cut me off for a week…" he said, stroking himself absently as she let one hand join him, letting the other remain around Batgirl's waist.

"…Sure you don't want to fuck her ass?" Power Girl asked as his cock twitched in her hand. "It's nice and jiggly…" she teased, spanking it lightly.

"Why are you so insistent on that?" Tom laughed as she led him by the dick towards the shower.

"…Because I WANT to watch you do it…" she replied, sensually. His cock practically exploded in her hand, if anything REALLY got him going… it was making his girlfriend happy. Which was relatively easy to do.

They skipped into the bathroom, pushing Batgirl and her jiggling pawg booty against the wall as she patted her ass cheek, Batgirl's hands rested on both of them, spreading them apart as Tom joined the two beauties in the shower.

The water came down as Power Girl turned the knob, it was NATURALLY cold, spraying across Batgirl's ass as she shivered, making it jiggle side to side as Power Girl playfully smacked it, guiding her boyfriend's cock to the tiny, tight, puckered asshole of her friend and roommate.

"Come here baby…" she pushed just the tip into Batgirl's tight ass, getting a satisfied gasp from both, "Now we do… this…" she took Tom's hand, wrapping it around Batgirl's neck, jerking back her head as she pushed her boyfriend SLOWLY into Batgirl.

"Ahh…hAaa…nnngh…" she hissed through her teeth, wiggling her pawg booty on his crotch as he pressed it firmly to her cheeks as Power Girl took his other arm and wrapped it around Batgirl's waist. Kneeling on the tiled floor at their connection.

"Now, fuck." She declared rather ingloriously. Batgirl's tight backdoor trembling almost excitedly. Tom hesisted for a moment before Batgirl growled.

"FUCK ME!-NNGH!!" he slammed her against the wall, "Haa!-" before pulling back and ramming into her again, "HAa! Haa! AHH!!" she squealed as she stared at the ceiling, going limp as he squeezed her tighter and pounded her, "NNgh! HA! HA! UGH!! FUCK! ME!!" she squealed happily.

He pressed her against the wall, grinding against her ass as it wobbled from his pumping hips. "AHHHHahAAHHHHaaaAHHHHH!!" her voice undulating as he slammed in and out, her eyes rolling as her toes curled in the water, he hands flopping against her thighs as she grinned.

Power Girl smiled happily, eagerly fingering herself as her boyfriend fucked her friend up the ass… She didn't necessarily get OFF on it, sure she did enjoyed it, but it wasn't a particular kink she had. Sometimes, considering her professional work, she felt she had to do something nice for her boyfriend, and letting him pound her friends once in a while qualified…

"Fuck! AH! Ahh!!!" Batgirl's legs lost strength and gave out but Tom didn't stop, his hips slapping wetly on Batgirl's ass, seemingly bouncing off the pawg booty as Batgirl groaned. "Uuugh-UUGH!!"

"Ahh… AHHH!!"

"Cum here baby!" Power Girl declared as Batgirl dropped unceremoniously to the floor, shaking in orgasm. He turned, facing Power Girl who cupped her huge breasts around his length and, "Ahhh…. MMMMn…" thick seed sprayed onto her face as she smiled up at him, wrapping her lips around his tip, suckling out the rest, before letting it ooze from her mouth onto her cleavage. She smiled prettily up at him as he collapsed against the shower wall, exhausted. She kept squeezing his length between her breasts, a dollop of semen oozing out of his tip as she smiled. "Loove you…" she cooed playfully as he slid to the floor. "…I'll let you rest."

He didn't rest long…

"Ahh! UUGh!!" Sierra groaned as he plowed her onto her bed, "Ugh! Oh baby!" she lied prone beneath him as he slammed his hips into her, his cock delving into her pussy as she clawed the sheets. "NNgh!! Ahh!!" he pushed her down, wrapping his arms around her before jackhammering against her ass, "AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH!!!!" her eyes rolled as she clenched her teeth, grinning at the orgasm he let ripple throughout her body. "Haaaaa!!!" she sighed, feeling his lips on her skin as he kissed her, squeezing her tight, his hands finding his favorite squeezy toy. Her tits…

She giggled as Jackie strutted naked out of the shower. Drying her red hair with one hand and holding her mask with the other. "Hey have either of you two heard from Britney?"

Tom continued to kiss the giggling Sierra, ever since they got out of the shower he had been insatiable, he just pushed her down and kept pounding her prone… "No… ah! Baby!" she laughed as he kissed her again. "Oooh…" she cooed, shivering beneath him as their legs coiled around each other. "…S-she probably just stayed over at Edwards… getting her booty pillaged…" she giggled as Tom rolled her over, grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head as her breasts jiggled enticingly from the movement, he dropped low, wrapping his lips around one nipple and giving it a loving suckle as she happily laughed.

Jackie sat naked on the bed, watching as Tom nursed on Sierra's big soft tit… a favorite pastime on anyone with access to Sierra's tits. "I guess Christmas with her Pirate would be tempting."

Tom's lips popped off Sierra's tits as her soft breast wobbled firmly back into place on her chest, she cooed lovingly. No longer able to contain his curiosity he asked, "Why do you two keep saying that?"

"Her boyfriend's name is Edward Teach." Sierra smiled up at him.

Tom stared blankly at nothing for a moment, before finally making an 'O' with his mouth. "I get it!" he declared before Jackie reached up to the back of his head and pushed him back to Sierra's tits.

"Come get some more baby…" she cooed as Jackie rubbed his leg, crawling over him and lying between them as she began to lick… and lick… and fuck… then more licking… spending much of their day, and the next, pretty much in bed.

Enjoying their Christmas presents.

So that's the story of how Tom spent his stay,

Balls deep in Jackie's throat, giving Sierra a good lay,

And when his apartment was repaired, he was reluctant to go,

But at least his place was now absent of snow,

But as always, he will be a warmly welcome sight,

At Superbabes proper, now to all a good night.


Know what this is? NOT an official 2 for 1, or Batgirl and Power Girl #3. This is a 'freebie' you're welcome, or if you prefer your early Christmas Present . Or Like Girl's Night Off but more official... even though it's kinda unofficial. It's complicated.

Hmmmn... how about some fun facts?

1. I was going to make Jackie Jewish or she practiced Kwanza, but that was going to be an 'I don't celebrate Christmas' joke in the end and I didn't find it all that funny anyway.

2. Sierra was so insistent on having her boyfriend bang Jackie because she feels just a 'little' guilty that she bangs people for money. But that seemed a little too deep for this chapter and I didn't want to break the moment dropping that bomb for a paragraph.

3. Orders spent Christmas with Ciara, Sean, and Ronnie-Bell... as she's the closest with Ronnie-Bell of all the girls. Some Orders canon for you.

This was a Christmas present. That's why it's special.I am Snowwolf I'm a long-time writer and Character author with a collection of stories on Hentai Foundry have a look if you have the time. I like to think I got a little bit of everything.Quote ReplyReport Edit Delete Reactions:Clearly a tourist, anirocks, baabomb and 9 othersSnowwolf35Jun 9, 2022Reader modeAdd bookmark Threadmarks Threadmarks Delivery Girl: Black Canary Order #3 Threadmarks Snowwolf35Come for the Porn, stay for the Plot.JoinedMay 22, 2022Messages2,332Likes received25,096Jun 10, 2022Add bookmark#95I don't own DC

Orders rubbed her temples as the girls chattered animatedly, it was way too early for her. "Rough night?" Giganta asked, pushing a painkiller and a glass of water towards her as she groaned, the pill quickly disappearing into her mouth and sent water after it.

"I'm a bit hungover, yeah."

"You drink boss?" Canary asked, tossing on her jacket as her fishnet wrapped legs strutted across the counter. "Don't seem the type."

"I usually don't…" Orders grumbled, "But yesterday was just a DAY to drink…"

A District wide lockdown was nothing to joke at. Joker being Joker of course. The MAIN problem was the dozen or so girls in the immediate danger area that Orders had to protect, that was a LOT of predictions. Deadened only by the burning sensation of anything particularly hard she had on hand… Luckily nobody at Superbabes was hurt, did not make it any easier.

"Well, how's that going to work out for you the rest of the day?" Black Canary asked with a grin as she jiggled her way onto the floor.

"…Why do I keep her around?" Orders grumbled as Giganta supplied.

"Guys like blonde bombshells in fishnets?" Orders grunted, "And it'd be a bitch to find another like her with the same morals."

"…Stupid logic." Orders mumbled, rubbing her head again as the painkiller slowly did its work. "NNNNNGH!!" she groaned, "Oooh that's worse…" she hissed, reaching for the phone.

Time: 8:04 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Hey I'd like The Black Canary treat, please"

"An extra-large blondie topped with vanilla ice cream and comes with a vanilla shake. Anything else?"

"I would like my dessert delivered by Black Canary, Please…. Oh and-"

"Have her come around the back. Yes. Fine."

"Hooooow did you know that?..."

"…We expect her back around 60 minutes or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery.


"Tell Canary she has one." Orders mumbled rubbing her forehead before her eyes flicked. "Wait-"

However she couldn't stop Giganta from roaring out a brief, "Black Canary!-ooh…" mumbled Giganta sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Just… punch me in the face, that'll hurt less." Orders groaned as Black Canary strutted back into the lounge. The shake and thermos sliding out from the kitchen beside her as she picked it up with a graceful twirl. "Here." Orders slipped her the receipt as she took it, "Go around the back." She added as Black Canary gave her a flat.


"You'll know when you get there." Orders mumbled, as she turned and walked to the car as Orders added with a groan. "Seriously. Knock me out." To a rather amused Giganta.

Black Canary stored the thermos and shake in the cupholders before sitting her big blonde ass down, checked the address, and sped off into the Gotham night. She was halfway there when she was delayed somewhat by Gotham PD… it certainly wasn't life-threatening, in fact, the cop guiding her on after a moment looked more bored than anything, as she slowly drove past she saw lights and cameras… were they filming around here?...

Gotham? Are they seriously filming in Gotham? That's just asking for trouble.

But she ignored it and drove on until she came to a Deli. It was closed, but she parked upfront and checked the receipt… it was the right address. Then she remembered Orders told her to go around the back, so glancing down a surprisingly empty alleyway to a parking lot in the back her boots clacked across the pavement.

She hardly walked free of the alleyway and managed to spy a police car when-"Don't move!"

"Ah!" she shrieked, raising her hands and dropping the food. She then blinked around, leaning next to the cop car was a heavyset cop, and there was a younger one holding a gun on her… wait. "Wait a fucking minute." She suddenly approached the younger cop and slapped him. "Baxter!" The younger 'cop' started to laugh as she hit him again. "You scared the SHIT out of me!"

The heavyset 'cop' chortled as 'Baxter tried to protect himself with his very fake gun. This was Baxter part-time bartender, part-time intern, full time out of work actor… usually. "Oh come on ah… 'Black Canary'." Grinned Baxter, "Pretty good right? The producers of Black Blooded thought so."

Some sort of drama vampire cop show… NOBODY in Superbabes watched it.

"Well good for you, dickhead." Growled Black Canary. Smacking him again for good measure. She knew Baxter from a few part-time jobs herself. He worked a few nights in the Iceberg Lounge with her once upon a time before she left. He was always going to one job or another, usually bartending between what few roles he could scrape up…

"Come here." He said grinning, hand on her ass, and guiding her to the car. "Check it out. I get to drive a real Gotham PD car!"

"It's been retired." Noted the heavyset 'cop'.

"But it's pretty spacious in the back, Black Canary…" he grinned, as he rubbed her ass. "Come on… you got to say it, right?"

"Seriously? You want to do it right here in the back of a cop car?" she mumbled, hands already on the hood as he played with her ass cheeks… what? Just because she knew him didn't mean she wasn't going to do her job.

"Come on…" he grinned as the heavyset cop actor pulled out a pack of cigarettes and walked away. "I could use the practice frisking you…" he said, hands already on her hips, "Seriously They're going to call us back to the set in an hour…" sliding his hands up and down her sides, flicking over her fishnet legs as she sighed.

"…Timer starts now." She rapped her knuckles on the window. "Superbabes…"

Time: 8:22 PM. Place: Gotham Village (Parking Lot behind the Deli)

"Special Delivery Service." She sighed, "MMMn…" he rubbed between her legs, back and forth across her pussy though her Canary corset-unitard. He smacked her bubble blonde ass as she smirked, wiggling it behind her.

"Are you packing any deadly weapons miss?" he grinned, as she chuckled.

"A great pair of tits…" she said, turning around leaning against the car, "Want to see?" she said, not even giving him the choice as she pulled her top down, freeing her big breasts as his hands groped them firmly. "Mmmn… nothing there for you officer…" she smirked running her hand over his pants, feeling his erection. "That's quite a weapon you're packing officer…"

It wasn't really that impressive, but she was playing the role…

"Ha-ha…" he laughed nervously, squeezing her breasts as she rubbed his hard on through his pants… not tactical pants which a cop would wear, but a close enough imitation… and she only knew that because Veronica's blown a few rookies… "Just like the Iceberg lounge…" he grinned.

…Coincidently that was because she blew him for 100 bucks… she was drinking and she needed a quick hundred bucks. Seemed like a good trade… but…

"You're paying me a LOT more this time…" she grinned, running her tongue over her bright red lips and starting to take off her jacket.

"Uh hey… leave that on." He said grinning as she rolled her eyes.

"I have to take THIS… off…" she said, removing the jacket before putting it on top of the car. "To take THIS… off…" she said unzipping as her costume came undone… she skipped daintily out of it, making sure it didn't touch the ground, before putting it onto the car… and slipping the jacket back on…

Leaving her in her boots, and now her jacket, framing her big soft tits as she tossed her hair. Winking at him. "There… better?"

"Much…" he said, unzipping… he's… not tiny cock slipped out as he shifted in place watching her silently as she laughed slightly.

"Look… I WILL suck this…" she said, gently stroking his hard-on as he groaned. "But I'm not putting my knees on pavement… not only does that hurt…" she purred, "But I don't know who's been pissing on it." she added. This WAS Gotham, after all.

"Right… right." He grumbled, open the door as she shifted into the surprisingly spacious back, turning around. Lying on her hands and knees on the back seat, lick a cat ready to pounce on a mouse from above, she stuck her head out through the door, and opened her mouth.

Her big breasts pressed together by her arms as her tongue lolled out, her blue eyes gazing up at him. "Ahhh…" she wagged her tongue invitingly as he approached, leaning on the car as his cock was shoved into her face, rubbing her cheek before she managed to catch his tip between her lips. "MMmn…. mmmmn…" she hummed softly, sliding quickly up and down, twisting her soft lips on his cock.

"Oooh… damn you really do give the best head in Gotham, Jen-EEEE" he hissed as she glared up at him, her teeth had pressed warningly down, "C-Canary. Black Canary…" he groaned as she began speedily sucking on him again. Head bobbing up and down rapidly as her tongue swirled over the tiny teeth indentations. Before popping off his cock.

"No real names…" she growled, before kissing his tip and swirling her tongue around it, wrapping her lips back around it and sliding up and down. She didn't consider herself as 'best head in Gotham' material… meaning that he's never had Huntress for one.

His hand went from the roof of the car to her wavy blonde hair, he pushed his hips forward as his cock twitched between her lips. She rolled her eyes, Baxter was always a quick shot. Easiest 100 bucks she ever earned.

"MMMn…MMMN!" she moaned, feeling him twitch in her mouth as he groaned.

"Ooh… Ooh. Ugh…" he clawed the roof and held her head as he shot into her mouth.

It was pretty thick… he probably hadn't had any for away. "MMMn…mmmn…" she mouthed his cock, as if squeezing out the last drops before slipping off, smiling as she looked up at him, closed her eyes, and gulped it down smooth. "Ahhh…" she stuck out her tongue, swirling it around her mouth before sitting up, and rolling back.

Her legs spread as she hooked her ankles on the back of the passenger's seat and the back seat, rubbing her blonde furred pussy, as she bucked her hips, bouncing on her bubble ass as she moaned, eyes rolling slowly as she fingered herself, "NNg… MMMn… Let me help you discharge your weapon, 'officer'…" she moaned erotically.

He crawled in after her, looming over her as he cupped at her big tits again, his dangling cock rubbing against her pussy as she pushed it towards it. "Ahh yeah…" she moaned, biting her bottom lip as he pushed his cock into her. "Oooh… we're going to talk about my charges when you're done right?" she whimpered, licking her lips.

"What?" he grunted, focused more on thrusting his hips then keeping up the play. "Oooh you feel so damn good…" he groaned.

She sighed, rolling her hips up against his thrusts, "Learn to improvise." He hands on the window to brace herself as she wormed benath him, "Oooh yeah… mmmn…" she moaned, playing HER role perfectly as he fell onto her, "Nngh…" she groaned, "Harder officer, give it to me…" she opened her mouth, moaning erotically. "Oh yeah, oh yeah…. Ooh fuck me…"

Slap-slap "Hey Bax."


"Haa…" she gasped as Baxter pushed deep into her and let it out. "…Ha?" she sighed, glancing down as he bucked his hips. "Nnngh…" she felt his gooey warmth rush into her pussy as he slipped out.

"What?" he asked a little irritated, a little satisfied.

"Production's looking for you. They want to do scene 23 again." The heavyset 'officer' said, puffing his nearly stub cigarette.

"Ah c'mon!" he grumbled, slipping his dick back into his pants and crawling out. "I had like three lines!"

"And they want you to say them." He said, dropping his cigarette on the ground and stamping it out. "If you want the money to pay your pretty friend, you better hop to it."

"Uuugh… he grumbled, "I'll be right back." He said to Black Canary, rubbing her pussy absently as she rolled her blue eyes.

"I'm still on the clock…" she said, a little dismissively at not only her lack of climax but the implication that he doesn't have the money to pay her. "Haaa…" she sighed as he scampered off, the heavyset cop left behind as he glanced into the car… she continued to masturbate. "Haa… ha…" she panted erotically, licking her lips as he stared at her, interestedly.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Like what you see?" she asked, fingers slipping slowly in and out of her wet pussy as he stuck another cigarette into his mouth but not lighting it. "Him being here or not…" she purred erotically, "I'm here to get fucked… mmmn" she trembled as she stuffed her fingers inside her, spreading herself as she pulled them out, and slapping her pussy. "Seems like such a WASTE… not to stuff perfectly good pussy."

She was already getting paid… might as well try to have a bit of fun.

He smirked as she rubbed herself some more, he slipped the cigarette back into the pack. He slipped it into his pocket, and unzipped his pants. "Mmmn…" she smirked as his cock was pulled free, he was barely bigger than Baxter but he was thicker. He reached into the car, grabbing her slender hips and pulling her towards the open door. "OOoh…" her legs, hooked on the seats were spread wider as her ass and pussy stuck out the open window. "So forceful…" he purred as his cock pushed inside her, "Oooh yeah… OOOH!" he immediately began thrusting rapidly, back and forth as her head slapped onto the seat, "uuughhg-ugh!" her big breasts bouncing up and down on her chest, framed by her open jacket.

He held her waist tightly, pushing and pulling her roughly on his cock as her toes curled in her boots, "Ooooh yeah… mmmn!" she cooed erotically, clawing the seat before reaching for her tits, her fingers sinking into her jiggling flesh as she moaned. "Oooh yeah… how long has it been since you FUCKED a woman like me?" she cooed, writhing erotically as she clung to her tits.

"Oh I've never had a woman like you." He pushed his hips to hers as she giggled, eyes rolling slightly as her legs shivered. "Which tells me…" he leaned into the car over, her putting his hands onto her tits and squeezing them with her. "I should enjoy it… and fuck you harder."

"Haaaa-oooh!" she howled as he began wildly slapping his hips against her, "Ooh oooh!" she clung to the seat, clawing above her head, as he stopped squeezing her big breasts and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her back towards his thrusting hips. "Oooh shit… OH… OOH yeah!!"

"Gonna cum?" he grunted eagerly, feeling her spasm as she began to rub her clit, "Such a slutty little hooker…" his hips slapping loudly against her as he groaned.

"Fuck the hooker… ahh-ahh-oooh yes OFFICER…" her mouth opened as her body writhed, her orgasm building as his cock throbbed eagerly inside, "Haa-haaaa!!"

"NNGhh!!" he dropped onto her, she shuddered and grunted from his weight and gasped open mouth as she came.

"Haa-aaaaa…" she shuddered as she climaxed, feeling his thick plentiful load rush into her. "Oooh ooh shit… mmn! Officer…" she whimpered, "So much spunk inside me…" she cooed as he twitched, growling as he bucked against her before slowly pulling out. "Ahh mmmn…" her legs flexibly folded from the seats as she slipped out of the car, squatting wide-legged onto the pavement before him as she spread her pussy and let it drip out of her. "Oooh officer… you shouldn't nut inside like that…" she purred playfully as he put a hand on her blonde head, she gripped the open door and the doorframe of the car as he slapped his sticky dick on her cheek.

"You shouldn't be such a pretty whore…" he cooed as she whimpered, "Open your mouth and clean me up."

She opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue whorishly, then closed her eyes. SLAP! "Ah!" she gasped surprised as he jerked her head back with his other hand.

"Look at me when you suck on it." he said, he didn't even hit her that hard. (She's had a LOT of rough sex over her tenure at Superbabes) but she still gave him a 'Jerk' look, and wrapped her lips around his cock as he stared down at her over his stomach. She dove onto his cock as his hand tightened in her wavey blonde hair.

"MMmgh-mmmn-hmmmn…" thanks to his stomach, he lost sight of those pretty blue eyes but the result was the same. His cock in her mouth as her tongue slid up and down his length, tasting her juices and his seed.

"Bax says you give the best head in Gotham…" he groaned, one hand gripping the car as his gripped tightened in her wavy blonde locks. "He might be right-oooh…"

"MMmn-mmmn-gluck…" she slobbered over his length as his handheld her hair, jerking her up and down as he thrust his hips towards her diving face… her hand slipped from the doorframe to rub her spread pussy, still dripping semen and arousal as he sped her up.

"Uuh… mmmn…" he pulled her head down to the base of his cock. SMACK.

He slapped her cheek with his other hand as she flinched, "Mmgh!" she flinched, but kept sucking as he let go of her head. "Mmmn-mmmn-mmmn…" she moaned, sucking rapidly as his cock twitched between her warm lips. "MMM-hmmmn…" she moaned, holding his tip in her mouth as she tongued his urethra, "Mmmn-mmmn… ah!" she gasped as he pulled his cock from her mouth, slapped it wetly on her cheek as she kept her mouth gaping before he shoved it back into her mouth.

"You're just a dick worshiping whore…" he groaned, grabbing the back of her head.

"MMmpgh!!" he pulled her deep, then fucked her face. "MMMph! MMn! MMMpgh! MMmmnnn…"

"Swallow it! Swallow it…" he groaned, holding her head in place as she shuddered, fingering herself wildly as she squirted over the pavement. "Ooooh…. Damn…" he groaned, rubbing the back of her head as he spurted into her mouth.

"MMmn…. Mmmn…" she mouthed over his cock, her lips quivering as his salty load rushed into her mouth. She gulped it down, "MMmn…mmmmn…" as he kept his cock planted between her soft pouty lips. His cock kept twitching a fresh spurt seemingly coming every gulp as he sighed. "MMmn…MMPGH!" CLAP. He slapped a hand on her face again as she glared up at him gasping off his cock. "Ahh!-you realize I have TEETH right?!" she hissed angrily, rubbing her cheek as he rubbed his cock on her face.

"You suck harder when I slap you." He said, slapping his limp length on her cheek, leaving a tiny drop of pre-cum.

"Well knock it the fuck off…" she replied, rubbing her cheek. "…And no I fucking don't!" she added indignantly, standing up as he stroked himself, his cock hardening against her thigh. As he rubbed her wet pussy, and smacked his other hand onto her ass.

"Bend over… put your head in the car…" he said as she frowned at him.


"You pushed the button girl." He added firmly, rubbing his cock against her fishnets. And clapping a hand on her blonde bubble butt, making it jiggle. She sighed, and rolled her pretty blue eyes before turning around, pushing her big bubble but at him as she put her hand on the seat of the car… her ass hanging out in the air as he grabbed her hips.

"UUgh…" she moaned, slowly as he stretched her pussy again. "Ooh mmmn…" he went slow, sliding in and out of her as she wiggled her ass tantalizingly behind her.


His hips pressing against her ass cheeks, letting it moan against him before he pulled back and repeated. SMACK! "MMNmn!!" she moaned as his hand clapped her ass cheek, and he railed away, "Ah-ha-ha-aahh…" she clung to the seat, "Nnngh… I think you… I think you just-mmmn!-like hitting pretty girls…" SMACK!! "Oooh!! SHIT!!" he hissed as he grabbed her hair and yanked, her forehead brushing against the ceiling as she bent her arms, "Haaaa-gh!!" she hissed, her hands lashing to the seats again to keep herself up, but low enough so her head didn't bang the roof with him yanking her golden locks. "Ugh. uUgh! NNGh!! I'll be a… good girl… officer!" she growled, "Don't hurt me!"

She laughed as he slammed away at her pussy, she rocked wildly back and forth, her tits swaying beneath her as he pushed into her. "Ugh-haaa!!" her body shuddered, and her hands slipped, she fell onto the seat, shaking as he fell in after her, jerking her hair as he slammed into her harder, faster. "Nngh! MMMNGH!!"

"Tight. Little… WHORE…" he sighed, pumping his hips a final three times, and smacking her ass as she trembled, her boots scraping the pavement as he pumped his cum inside her, still jerking her hair as her eyes rolled, her body spasming. He let go of her hair, smacked her ass one last time, and pulled out. "Haaa…" he sighed as she slowly slipped out of the car again, squatting as she oozed semen and arousal onto the increasing pool of fluids.

"Fuck me…" she mumbled, slowly getting to her feet as he pulled out his cigarettes again, "…Can I have one of those?"

He popped one out for her and lit it as she gave it a quick puff, "Haa…" smoke slipping from her lips as his cock twitched, she glanced at it, holding the cig between her fingers like a madam. "Put that away… time's up." She said lazily, taking another puff before tossing it away quickly. He flinched at the waste as she mumbled, "Trying to quit." She added as she got up, grabbing her suit from the hood of the car, and taking off her jacket to put it on, shimmying her 'bimbo' body into it.

"Okay, I'm back." Baxter ran from the alleyway, "Oh… come on where are you going?"

"Time's up." She added, flatly, "And unless you want the real cops to show up, I got to go." She grabbed the thermos, "…Do you want this?" she added, as he pouted.

"…Not really." He mumbled, as she rolled her eyes.

"If you have a problem with only having half the fun, then maybe order me when you're free." She said simply, holding out her other hand. "Come on. Cash." He grumbled under his breath as he reached into his pocket, getting his wallet and opening it. "And not surprising Baxter, you're short…" she noted, taking all of his money and sighing.

Dick size, height, monetarily? Possibly all of the above. But she didn't hold it against him, he was always strapped for cash. Unemployed actor after all. She turned to the other guy, puffing his cigarette and holding out her hand.

He sighed, and shook his head with a laugh. Despite his rough treatment, he was a decent enough sort of man... and she DID just have hardcore sex with him. He reached into his own wallet and handed her a surprisingly large amount, she counted and handed him some back before making her way back to the car. "See you around Baxter." She added, "Good luck with your big break. Call me when you actually have money and time." She laughed, under her breath, and went back to the car.

Time: 9:47 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Haa-UUGh!!" he wrapped his arms around the pretty redhead's head between his legs, "Haaa…" he bucked her against the dark brick wall as her hands rubbed his legs.

"MMM…mmmn…" she hummed happily as he slipped from her lips, passing her a twenty as lights flashed behind him.

"Thanks Veronica."

"See you next week!" she smiled at the young rookie as he slipped back into his tactical pants, took his cap off her head, and put it back on his before going back on patrol, none the wiser. Nodding politely to Jenny as she jiggled out of the car… as if she DIDN'T know he was one of Veronica's 'midnight snacks'.

"Hey Jenny." Veronica smiled, licking her lips as she followed the busty blonde and her bubble ass back into Superbabes.

"Veronica." Jenny said lazily smiling, SLAP! "Hey!" she yelped angrily as Veronica playfully smacked Jenny's bubble ass. It wobbled in her fishnets as she skipped ahead. "What the hell?" she growled indignantly, rubbing the fresh handprint as she slapped the money and the thermos back onto the counter.

"Orders said I could!" Veronica chirruped sweetly as she reached the doorframe to the floor and gyrated, "She said you would like being slapped tonight!" she added, wisping away like a manic pixie dream girl.

Jenny glared at a rather tired looking Orders, absently rubbing her temples. "Veronica." Orders noted as Veronica popped back in.


"Do Jenny's cut would you?" she rubbed her forehead as Veronica happily skipped over, sorted Jenny's cut in record time, and back out onto the floor she went. Orders glanced at a still furious Jenny, "…Yes?"

"I didn't have fun." Jenny pouted as Orders shrugged.

"I had a hangover and you intensified it…" Orders replied, "We'll call it even." Jenny snorted, and jiggled onto the floor as Orders eyed the still full thermos, she pulled out a bowl, opened the thermos, and dumped the sweetened contents into the bowl and began to eat. She took a deep breath, and sighed contented, continuing to enjoy the Canary Treat.

…And letting Jenny get slapped in the face a couple of times DID improve her mood just a bit.

End of chapter
