
Delivery Girl: Green Lantern II

I don't own DC

…The ultimate Gotham Work hazard had struck. Joker in his chaotic randomness picked a random place and essentially went literal upon it... meaning he lit the place on fire because of its name. The Disco Inferno was a 70's throwback club, with roller skating and dancing, live music… THANKFULLY nobody was hurt, but the club WAS burning to the ground as Batman fought the Clown Prince of Crime in the dramatic blaze…

She watched her old place of work burn down… dressed in green bellbottoms and a tasseled bikini top she sighed softly as the cackling of the mad clown echoed from the burning building and was promptly silenced. She had dark chocolate skin… large bulging breasts, and thick hips and thighs… she was THICK… but you wouldn't tell that to her pretty face. She took off her huge sunglasses and rubbed them on her bikini top, her big round tits jiggling as she did before she put them back on.

"Come on girl, we got to go!" hissed one of her old coworkers, a rather effeminate man as he grabbed her wrist.

"You'll be fine." Said a new voice, they hesitated as the purple-eyed woman watched the blaze, "…He'll be done in a moment."

"AH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA-OOF!!" the clown prince came flying out of the building and lied on the street, "Uuuugh…" he groaned. "Spoilsport…" he spat, and as if on cue the fire trucks reported in, spraying the blaze as the Batman swooped onto the Joker, grappled him to a post, and used his Bat-Grappling hook to swoosh away.

"Huh… good call." She said, glancing at the purple-eyed woman… even though she was in platform heels she would still tower over the purple-eyed woman. "How'd you know?"

The Purple-eyed woman glanced at her and smiled casually. "I'm Clairvoyant."

She chuckled as her coworker walked away, chatting animatedly to his mother on his cell to assure her he was safe. "Clairvoyant huh? Well, can you tell me where I can get a new job?" she eyed the burning rubble, the Disco Inferno sign melting in the fire even as the firehoses restrained the flames. "...Cause it looks like I need a new one."

"As a matter of fact, yes." The purple-eyed woman noted. "Want to work for me?"

The woman eyed her for a minute then chuckled again, "Alright I'll bite. What do you want me to do?" A purple-eyed woman lightly touched her hand smiled then looked her in her brown eyes.

"…Basically? What you'd LIKE to be doing right now…" the purple-eyed woman whispered, "…Dress in TIGHT leather… and let men play with your body."

…The woman's eyes widened behind her glasses, "…I… what? Y-you're crazy…" she hissed in a desperate whisper. "Keep it down! What? Are you stalking me?"

"No… I'm Clairvoyant." She cleared her throat, then said, "No Mama I'll stay at Trevor's place. Yes Mama I'll call when I get there."

Then almost immediately, word for word. "No Mama I'll Stay at Trevor's place. Yes, Mama I'll call when I get there." Said her former coworker some steps behind her.

"…Holy shit." She breathed, eyeing the Purple-eyed woman with new interest, and a bit of fear.

"So… about your hobbies… how do you feel about cosplay?" she then held up her hand, and said playfully. "…Don't answer. I already know…"

One week later.

Her afro wobbled as she pulled on the brand new green sunglasses Orders had given her, they were pointed on either side, really more of a facemask than sunglasses… she brushed her fro out of the points as she promptly applied black lipstick to her lips. Puckering them together before making them pop in the mirror. She stood up, turning to the side as her front and back jutted out perfectly in her tight suit… the black and green striped pants squeezing her thick thighs and ass as she ran a hand over it, her soft ass flesh molding in her firm hand as she brought it up to her big soft tits, giving them a firm squeeze in her top.

The front of her costume was really more of a buttoned on 'plate'. It could easily be removed and expose her big soft black tits for anyone's viewing pleasure… her body trembled at that. As her hands slid up to the tight suit collar, it squeezed her slender neck JUST right… like she was wearing her collar…

…She had a secret she never told ANYONE… She LIKED to be dominated: leashes, collars, handcuffs, tight BDSM leather. She was a sub, not only that but for a while, she was a PROFESSIONAL sub. Every Saturday night she'd be able to make a good few bucks letting some rando have a go giving her big ass a spank or the crack of a horsewhip, lead her around on a leash… make her BEG for it… but never get it.

It was the ultimate rush and disappointment… her regular place never allowed any penetration. No sex. Only domination… and for awhile that suited her. But being an object for men and women's sexual domination didn't pay all the bills… not only that but her regular place was having legal issues, and other Professional clubs had even more complicated issues in hiring a black women as a submissive… so now she couldn't even scratch her monthly itch.

She rubbed her huge tits through her top, her fingers flicking the easily removable buttons as she sighed softly, feeling her nipples through the leather. She had misgivings about Orders and her 'deliveries', and she was moderately creeped out… and after she first met Orders she pretty much ran away… but Orders had slipped a card in her bellbottoms without her knowing… perhaps knowing she'd run… and after a day and a half of nervous thinking… she accepted.

Now… she was Green Lantern… II. She jumped slightly as a hand clapped onto her big booty as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn walked just behind her, Poison Ivy's hand moving away from the pleasantly jiggling ass. Green Lantern's body trembled, and she barely restrained a moaned… she LOVED getting spanked.

"Come on GL… don't make Orders lock you in a closet for quick changing lessons." She took a breath, brushed up her Afro. Put on a pretty smile, and strutted out. Her hips popping so her big ass bounced left and right as she walked, her tits wobbling up and down teasingly in her top.

"Looking good, girl." Big Barda praised, leaning on Orders' counter, arms crossed as Ivy and Harley walked onto the floor.

"Thanks." Green Lantern replied, taking a breath. "Are you sure this is the right size?" she asked, glancing at Orders as Orders' lips twitched.

"I can't order it any tighter." She said as Green Lantern coughed slightly, Big Barda grinning knowingly nearby, her eyes on the restaurant floor.

"Alright." Green Lantern replied, "So… on the floor?" she asked, jerking her thumb to the restaurant as Fire and Ice strutted out of the kitchen from their 'totally not an apartment' upstairs.

"Ideally yes." Orders noted, suddenly reaching for the phone.

Time-oh wait

"Superbabes, we Deliver." Orders noted, "Yes. Poison Ivy is working tonight…" she waved Green Lantern along, dismissing her. "One Poison Ivy Salad, extra Estate dressing…"

Green Lantern walked onto the floor, put on her prettiest smile before taking over for Poison Ivy as Orders eventually shouted. "Ivy! You got one!" Poison Ivy winked playfully at Green Lantern, handing her the tray of food she was carrying to deliver to table 4 as she walked into the lounge.

Green Lanturn had worked a few restaurants in her time, most born in Gotham have, so she handled that very well… and she definitely has been pinched before… and while she didn't encourage it. She didn't stop it… after another walk-by of the man, the other girls called 'Pinchy Joe' she heard Orders' phone ring once again.

Time: 8:33 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring *click.

"Hello. Superbabes. We Deliver…"

"Hello. A Green Lantern Meal… please."

"One Large Granola Lemon Parfait. Anything else?"

"Yes. Delivered by Green Lantern, please."

"Very well, we want her back in 60 minutes or less and you will be charged on the completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Lantern. You got one." Declared Orders as her voice carried into the restaurant as if the words swarmed through the patron chatter directly at her. She nodded to herself, her afro bobbing as she handed her tray to Ice and passed Pinchy Joe, expecting the pinch.

"Pinchy! You're going to LOSE that hand!" declared Barda warningly as Pinchy Joe was quickly cowed back into his seat, going back to enjoying his Starfire Spaghetti.

The food slid out of the kitchen across Orders' counter as she walked towards it, picking up the Parfait and eyeing it curiously as Orders pushed the receipt into her hand. She read it and nodded. "Okay. Anything else I should know?"

Orders glanced up at her, her purple eyes flickering, before shaking her head. "No. Roads are clear, and no supervillains are on the attack tonight. You're good."

"…I mean… should I…" she let the word linger as Orders eyed her again. Brushing Barda's arm and pointing at Pinchy Joe as the night's enforcer began to approach Pinchy seconds before Ice let out a cute squeak as she passed by.

"You do whatever you need to do to enjoy yourself." Orders noted. "When the girls have fun, so does everyone else…" she then added, a little louder. "You don't have to be so tight-lipped around here you know. I assure you. NOBODY will judge." She added, tilting her head to the back door. "Go on. Good luck…" and added firmly as she walked out. "Have fun." Green Lantern took a breath and approached one of the company cars, slipping into the seat, and promptly driving out of the parking lot and heading to the Midtown.

Midtown Gotham… located in the MIDDLE OF GOTHAM… hence the name. Scenic shops, scenic buildings, scenic Robinson Park... apart from the occasional Poison Ivy 'stroll' it surprisingly did not see a lot of high-level crime. She pulled up the car to one of the few hotels with a view of the park, she drove into the parking lot beside it, heading up three floors. She grabbed the food, got out, and walked to the elevators to take her down… her recognizable strut making her ass wobble just right.

She walked into the hotel, getting a view looks from the more curious of tourists… Gotham residents however were more than used to costumed weirdness. Besides, she didn't have a gun. She casually strolled to the elevators, secretly excited at the stares as she pushed the button and got in. Heading to floor 29.

She walked out onto the 29th​ floor, walking left a little… then correcting herself and heading right. She reached her destination, stopping in front of the door as her ass stopped moving a second after she did. She put the receipt in the bag, raised her hand, and knocked hard on the door. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:01 PM. Place. Midtown (Midtown Tower #2905)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, hardly waiting a minute before it popped open.

The words 'Mild-mannered' get thrown around a lot for some reason, but he certainly was the type. He looked mid-forties, lightly tanned skin like he spent a good deal of time in the sun, he had dark hair with some grey and thick eyelashes… if she had to guess she'd say he was from the Mediterranean, Greek maybe. He was wearing a suit, with an open tie, a jacket was tossed lazily across a chair deeper into the room.

"Come in." he said, she strutted right in, feeling his eyes on her ass as she walked towards the table. It was a tight hotel room. In one room A small table with a chair tucked in a corner, couch, and Tv in the center in one, and the bed in another. With an adjoining bathroom with a standing glass shower. It did have a great view of the park, however. But he clearly wasn't admiring the park. She bent over the table, slowly, placing down the parfait and giving him a clearer view of her thick ass cheeks wrapped tightly in her black leather.

If one listened, you could hear her pants SCREAMING to release her ass to the world.

She stood upright as he approached the couch, she glanced over her shoulder, her eyes twinkling behind her sunglass as he gazed unapologetically at her ass while sitting down and smiling approvingly. "Like what you see?"

"Indeed." He said, as she strutted towards him, standing over him as his eyes went from her thick thighs to her obvious big breasts. "You are beautiful."

She smiled, 'beautiful' was a word that could describe ALL the Superbabes, but usually the blood wasn't going to the brain so the easy compliments were given a little leeway. Her hips slowly swayed as she rested her hands on them, his eyes followed them like a snake charmer to a snake. "You're sweet…" she cooed softly, her hands sliding to her knees as she bent forward, gazing into his eyes as her big wobbly as swayed behind her as her tongue slid across her dark lips. "I bet you taste good."

He grinned excitedly, much like a child in a candy store, and then telling him it's all you can eat. He fidgeted on the couch as she dropped to her knees, hands on his opened thighs as they slid to his crotch, already undoing his belt. "Want me to see how sweet you taste?" she cooed in a seductive whisper as she felt his cock bulge against her fumbling hands. He relaxed as she freed his cock, it jumped to her lips as she cooed… he wasn't huge, but he wasn't small, and it was somewhat lighter than the rest of his skin thanks to his tan.

Her body ached in excitement as her mouth suddenly wrapped around his tip, "MMMN!"

"Ooooh…" he sighed, his cock shivering between her lips excitedly as she suckled loudly, her tongue flicking against his urethra as he sighed under her tongue.

"MMMn-mmmn…" she pulled off his cock, slowly, her lips leaving a light black smear upon it as she smacked her lips, "mwah…" her tongue slathered over his shaft, slowly sliding along the side, then beneath as she gazed up at him. "mmmn-ahmmmnn…" he put a hand on her afro as her head rolled around his cock, sliding her tongue over every inch as it trembled against her lips. His hand bounced in her hair, before he pushed it to her skull, and pulled her lips to his tip again. "MMmmn-mmmn…" she moaned lovingly as his cock slipped between her lips. His head rolling back as his sighed blissfully.

"Uuuuugh…" her breasts against the side of the couch she rested on her hands and knees as she slid her head to the base of his cock, sliding up, and back down again easily as his hips pushed forward to meet her.

"MMmn…mmmn…mmnm. MMPgh!" she moaned as he held her firmly on his cock, it pulsed in her mouth as she sucked loudly, "SLURP!" her tongue lashing against him, her cheeks sinking in as she sucked all the air out of her mouth.

"OOooh! Stop! Stooop!" he laughed, pre-cum oozing into her mouth as she relaxed, it was salty on her tongue but she relished it as he slipped from her lips, his cock slapping against her face once free. The smell of his cock and her saliva mingling in her nose. "…I could quite happily spend all evening between those lips but let's get you naked…" she was almost instantly on her feet, eager to get her ass out for his enjoyment as he chuckled, hands lashing to her thick thighs as she swayed in his hands playfully. "MMMmn… this body…" he praised as she turned, his face inches from her huge ass as he pressed his cheek to her cheek and laughed, before giving it a playful. SMACK

It took everything she had to NOT moan in orgasmic pleasure as her ass jiggled, she grabbed her waistband and pushed it quickly to the floor. "OOoh!" he sighed, her big black moon in view as it wobbled side to side before she straightened up. Her gripped her huge ass cheeks in both hands, jiggling and wiggling them as she unbuttoned her top, her big black breasts bursting forth as it fell open and she practically tore her top away. Standing naked, her hourglass dark chocolate body naked and excited as she gazed over her shoulder at his ass worship.

"You like my ass handsome?"

"YEESSSS." He hissed like a snake, grinning greedily at it. Still squeezing and moaning, into it as he pulled his hands away to gently clap them back, lifting her ass cheeks again. "They're like fucking dough!" Jiggling her ass side to side again… Her pussy oozed excitement, her eyes rolling into her head behind her glasses as her mouth opened in a silent moan. Her mind came shooting back however as he spent over three minutes just toying with her ass…

She needed MORE than that…

"Spank me." She said with a soft whine, her ass twitching in his hands.

"What?" he asked, not really listening to her. But to her submissive mind that 'what' was translated as 'are you giving me orders?' And it made her NEED it.

"Smack my ass." She repeated, she begged. He blinked… then deciding not to look a smacked ass in the hole.


"Oooh!" she cooed, shaking as she leaned far forward, bent at ninety degrees, her hands on the TV stand as she braced herself, swaying her ass. "More…"

Smack. Went her other cheek.





"Haa! God! YES!" she hissed, trembling in excitement as clear arousal drooled down her leg, "FUCK yes! MORE Daddy!"

He was getting into it now, her ass cheeks rippling and jiggling with each stinging blow of his hands as she yelped in pleasure, gasping, begging for more as his hands cracked across her ass cheeks. "Oh Fuck! OH! YES! That's your ass daddy! It's yours!"

SMACK!... SMACK!... SMACK!!! Her ass was printed with red hand marks as she swayed her ass, he shook his hands, still grinning despite their own stinging.

"Haa…haaa…" she raised her head, smiling beautifully as her pussy trembled. "…Grab my hair… pull it… smack my ass some more." They came out orders, but they were PLEADING…

He got to his feet and stood beside her on her left, running his right hand over her ass, and gripping her afro with his left. Her body trembled excitedly, as he yanked her hair, her smile wide and her teeth clenched as he raised his right hand from her ass and-


Like he was pushing a 'cum now whore' button her entire body rippled, her knees collapsing as she screamed through her clenched teeth. "NNNGHAAAAGH!!!" panting heavily her head hung in his hand as the other slipped into her pussy, his fingers prodding her wet hole, spreading her to see her pink insides as he licked his lips.

"…You… are REALLY… turned on aren't you?" his cock was iron-hard, and it looked like it was actually hurting him.

"Haaa…haa…" she panted, reaching for his cock and gently stroking it. "…I'm so horny daddy… please use me… just… USE me, Daddy…" she licked her lips, "…I want it. I want you… please fuck me Daddy…"

His cock throbbed up and down as if nodding in agreement, and he grabbed her hair and yanked her to her feet. "Ahh yes!" she hissed as he dragged her along, pushing her through the doorway into the bedroom. "Yes Daddy! Ooh!" she was flung on the bed, she spread her legs, for him, exposing her pussy as her ass wobbled to a stop. Placing her hands on her ass cheeks, spreading herself as he crawled after her.

"Ahh-haaa!" she shuddered, feeling his cock spread her pussy easily as he slipped inside her.

"Ooh you're so damn tight!" he groaned, shaking slightly before grabbing her hair again and yanking her head back. "NNGH!!" she tightened eagerly around him as he pulled his hips back and slammed deep, yanking her head back with each thrust as her fingers tightened on her still stinging ass cheeks.

"Ah-ah-ahha…ah! AH!" she grinned, the pain in her scalp, the tightness of her pussy, her stinging ass… she loved all of it. "Harder. Faster… nngh! Nngh!!" she panted as he yanked her harder, slammed in deeper. "Ugh! AH! GOD yes! Inside! Put it in me! Keep fucking me! Use me!!" She came, hard and loud, gasping for breath before shrieking her pleasure as he tightened his fist in her hair.

"Ugh! UGH! FUCK! Here!! OOOOH!!!"

It was well worth the wait according to her, "Haaa-aaaahhh…" she sighed, feeling his molten load flow into her like a river. "MMMMNgh…" she stared into the headboard, not seeing anything… but feeling, EVERYTHING. He let go of her hair letting her head drop limply onto the bed, still panting as he rained stinging blows onto her ass as he pumped his hips, his cock softening inside her with each thrust.

"Haa-haa-haaah…" he sighed, pushing deep into her as he gave her body one last squirt. "Haa…"

Her eyes were rolling behind her custom glasses, grinning stupidly as her body twitched. Her pussy tight and full, her ass stinging, her afro a yanked mess. She loved today.

"You're a dirty girl." He laughed, lying on her back, sliding his hands onto her sideboobs before slipping them beneath her to squeeze them.

"I'm a dirty girl." She giggled playfully, but mindlessly; the orgasms were too strong.

"…Damn your tits are huge." He sighed as she giggled again.

"Want to fuck them?" she asked seriously. He squeezed them again, seemingly thinking about it, then pulled his cock from her pussy. "Oooh…" her hole seemingly seal tight, keeping his cum inside as he spread her ass again. "OOOH-FUCK!!" she whined, and grinned broadly as his flaccid cock was shoved into her ass, twitching back to life again, "Ahh-haaa-aahghgnngh!!" she groaned as he fish hooked her mouth, opening it wide as he immediately began to buck his hips. "NNGH-nnghmmn!! AHHGH!!" she drooled from her stretched mouth as he yanked her back, slamming his hips on her jiggling ass as her eyes rolled up.

"Haaa-aahhh!!" he moaned, as her ass squeezed and stretched on his shaft. "Fuck this hole is tight…"

"Harder…" she slobbered greedily around his fingers, tongue swirling around her lips.

"You slut…!" he gasped, "Oooh you slut!! NNGH!!" her back arch somewhat as he pulled her, her tits left the bed as she shivered, his cock deep in her ass as he rapidly bounced on her.


"Haaa-aaah-aaaahhhhhh!!" she roared wildly in pleasure, her arms flat on the bed, making her look like a sexy sphinx. "AHHHG!!"

He slammed his hips against her sweaty ass as his cock twitched, "HHAAAGH!!" his hot cum rushed into her ass as she sucked it out of him, he let go of her face as she dropped to the bed, shaking, twitching… moaning incoherently as her eyes trembled, so far up in her head they were almost reversed… suddenly her hips bucked… and a pool of squirt formed between her legs as she climaxed again.

"Wow that's fucking hot…" he said, breathlessly, grinding his cock in her ass. "…but you're a dirty bitch. I have to sleep in this bed…" he grabbed her hair, yanking her up again as she smiled blissfully happily.

"I'm sorry daddy… please punish me-AH!" his hand clapped on her ass cheek before he slipped out of her, her gaping ass breathed excitedly as cum oozed out, he smacked her other cheek, pushing them together so cum rubbed between them.

Then she was on her back, her big firm tits wobbled pleasantly as he crawled over her stomach and pushed his cock into her mouth. "MMMN-mMN!!" She pulled him deeper into her mouth, squeezing his ass as he straddled her face, his balls on her chin as she sucked loudly… "mMMN-MMMN!" he grinned down at her as he held her hair, jerking her head back and forth on his cock… the pulled away with a wet pop. "AH…" she moaned, her mouth feeling empty before he sat on her stomach, cupping her huge tits with his hands and-

Pitto! He spat between them, rubbing his saliva together with her tits as she gazed at them. Pitto! She spat between them holding her own breasts and helping him before his cock slid protruding between them. She wrapped her arms tightly around her tits, staring up at him as he began to slid back and forth. "Fuck my tits daddy…" she cooed as he pumped. "Keep using me." He holes filled with cum and oozing arousal she desperately wanted to touch herself… "Daddy. Daddy more…"

"Ugh. Ugh! Ugh…" he grinned happily, pounding away at her firm, but soft breasts wrapping around him.

"Ah-AH-AH… ah…" she panted, her mouth opened wide as his cock pumped between her breasts. "Ah-ah… spit on me! Spit in my mouth!" he hesitated.


"Ah!" he spat right in her mouth, "MMMn!" she licked her lips as she swallowed it. Slamming her breasts against his thrusting cock, "Yes Yes…"

"Filthy slut." He moaned.

"More. Call me more names…"

"Stupid whore!"


"Fucking… WHORE!!"

"Oh yes Daddy!"


Cum sprayed across her face, "Ahh…" she sighed, and her lower body trembled as another rope sprayed onto her lips, then chest… "Haaa…"

He pulled away, wildly stroking his cock over her tits as a dollop oozed out onto them, "MMmmn…" she moaned, watching his thick white cum dribble on her chocolate tits before she rubbed it into her skin… and slid her hand down between her legs. "NNNgh… MMNN!!!" her body arched up as she fingered herself, "HAa-aaahhh!!" he watched as her sticky tits slapped against her face before she finally dropped back to the bed. "…Haaaa…"

He took a breath and collapsed beside her… she smiled, sliding a finger over her cum covered glasses… then slipping his seed into her mouth. Suddenly a look of horror crossed his face. "Oh… wow I'm a bad person…" he said a little ashamed as she blinked.


"I'm… usually not so… abusive…" he said apologetically. "I am so sorry…"

"…Pffft-Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!" she laughed, sitting up on the bed. "Ooh… oh… you poor thing…" she grinned before getting off the bed and smack her black ass, his handprints vanishing once he had finished. "Baby if I didn't want to do ALL of that we wouldn't have done it…" she declared proudly. "…MMMN!!" she rubbed her huge, sticky tits. "…God… I wish I brought my collar…" he fidgeted uncomfortably as she strutted to the bathroom. Leaving a hand on the doorframe. "Want to watch me daddy?... want to join me?" she cooed, completely serious.

He stared at her hourglass body… then hurled himself off the bed. "That's the spirit daddy…" she purred as they stuffed themselves into the shower. He slammed her against the wall, as she gasped excitedly, already feeling his cock against her pussy as he groped her tits, she cooed submissively as he jerked the water on, "Ahhh…" he was already fucking her as the water cascaded down.

"Ugh. Ugh. Ugh!!" she was lifted up the wall as his hips smacked against her, cock burying again and again into her wet pussy as her huge tits bounced up and down, pleasurably on her chest. Her toes curled on the floor behind him, her hands clawing the wall as his hand slapped across her tits.

"Ooh!" she crooned excitedly, pussy clamping tightly around him as he slammed deep into her with a groan, his hands squeezing her ass. "Use me daddy. Use me to get off…" she stared into his eyes, obediently pleading for more. "More Daddy, more…" he hands one his ass, pulling him in deeper, faster. "Please… Please fuck me lots…"

"AHHH-AHHHHGH!!" he roared, pounding hard into her body as she writhed erotically.

"Yes! Daddy! Yes!!" she squealed delightedly as his wet smacks echoed in the shower. "AH! AH! AHHH!!" her feet slipped on the floor and they collapsed to the base. "AH!!" she hissed as she slid to her back, he climbed over her as she moaned, "Oh god yes. Ah-ah-ah-ah!!" rapidly he pounded, squeezing her huge tits… before lashing to her throat, and squeezing.

… "Haaaaaaa…." She released a muffled squeak, her mouth stretching as she lost air…

Then everything was warm… her body went limp, he pushed deep falling onto her he released her neck and she sucked in air. Thick gooey cum rushed into her, but not as much as before as they writhed together on the floor, she pissed herself… he didn't even care he was too busy filling her up.

…Once he finished they were both mindless animals… he was on his feet, grabbing her hair with both hands and yanking her upright and sliding his cock right into her mouth, it hung open but her tongue still moved as he fucked her face… her mind was too blissfully gone to care about the sloshing cock sliding into her mouth as her glasses FINALLY feel to the floor, her brown eyes rolling in her dazed head.

"Haaa…Haaa…" his load burst into her mouth but it just drooled out onto her tits, he pulled his cock from her lips and aimed at her face, she briefly closed her eyes feeling the feeble load on her dark chocolate skin as he sighed, collapsing against the wall and breathing heavily as she tentatively licked his cock.

Burying her nose into his crotch, and inhaling… shivering pleasurably as her body oozed his loads.

They both didn't know how long they were in the shower but it was too long… she crawled to her feet, making sure she grabbed her glasses, before washing off and putting them back on her face. she strutted out of the shower, drying off with the hotel towel before checking to see if he was getting ready… he was at least recovering.

She strutted back into the living room, all her good jiggly bits jiggling as she stretched her suit back over her ass, tossed on her shirt, and buttoned up her chest plate. She fluffed her afro, then went to make sure she got paid. He had the towel wrapped around his waist as he left the bathroom, she watched him patiently as he slipped into a closet and pulled a suitcase to the floor, reaching in and collecting a roll of bills that he handed to her.

She took it, then his hand wrapped around to her ass, squeezing it and pulling her close as he fondled it. "MMMMn… I am definitely ordering you again…" he praised as she smiled, her eyes twinkling behind the glasses.

"Hmmn-hmmn… anytime daddy." She cooed, as he smacked her ass. "Ooh…" she smiled, "Get me going…" she turned and wiggled her ass to him as he clapped the other cheek. "That's my daddy…" she strutted to the door, blew him a kiss, waved with the same hand… then left.

Time: 10:44 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

As was tradition. The 'Happy First Time' Banner waved over the girls as they clapped at Green Lantern's jiggly return. She got a 'what the fuck are you doing?' look on her face, but walked to Orders with a bit of pep in her step, rolling the roll of bills towards her mild-mannered purple-eyed Boss. "Here, Orders."

"Had me worried for a minute. Thought I would have to call the cops…" Orders noted as Green Lantern shrugged.

"…You'd really do that? I thought it was a bluff."

Orders leaned back in her chair as Green Lantern blinked behind her glasses. "I don't bluff. I take my girls very seriously." She said, sternly. "You'd do well to remember that Daphne."

Daphne chuckled nervously but Jessica wrapped an arm around her waist. "Oh, don't mind Orders when she's being stiff… come play cards with us!" Daphne was sat down at the card table currently about to be used for poker as Bessie and Mel soon joined them.

"So, Daphne." Jessica began, studying the beautiful black woman intently. "What is your kink?"

"What?" Daphne replied confused.

"What gets you going?" Daphne stared at the green beauty before turning to look at Orders indignantly who replied without looking at her.

"No, I didn't encourage her. She REALLY asks that of all the new girls eventually…"

Both Bessie and Mel both nodded reluctantly, confirming the fact. as Daphne cleared her throat hesitantly as Jessica stared at her intently. "…I… like leashes and collars…" she said blushing behind her glasses as Jessica grinned. "…And being dominated.

"Oooh… tell me more!… I've been fascinated about that since I've turned green!"

Daphne blinked at her, then began to share.

