
Delivery Girl: Wonder Woman Order #2

I don't own DC

It was a relatively slow day at Superbabes, low foot traffic, and hardly a call. It happens sometimes. So, bored of Uno, Poker, and Jessica's poor attempts at massage. A group of them decided to play a game.

Grace, Laura, Britney, Kathy, and Veronica sat at the poker table, currently being used to play a variation of 'Never have I ever'. Alice, sat on the couch, reading a celebrity mag that Jessica had bought for the make-up tips. Mainly because Alice didn't want to play 'Never have I ever' with Veronica… never ever.

You see, they could not play the regular version. Which is someone says, 'Never have I ever' and then names something they haven't done… sexy things. If someone else has done it, they raise their hands… see the problem yet?

…Veronica's done just about everything. So the game becomes 'Never has SHE ever'. And the goal is to get her to lower her hand within twenty questions.

"Never have I ever slept with a Furry." Kathy said, frowning as Veronica waved her fingers at her. Her arm staying in place. Kathy sighed, adjusting her Supergirl costume. "Damn I forgot about your last 2 for 1 with Katie…"

"Never have I ever…" Britney purred in her Londoner drawl, moving on. "Sucked over 10 different knobs in one night?" Veronica smiled and waved to Britney, hand still up. "Bugger." She said smiling good-naturedly.

Laura slapped her hands on the table dramatically, "Never have I ever starred in porn?!" Veronica just kept smiling as Laura sighed with a reluctant grin, they other girls eyeing her with looks that clearly said...


"…I'm actually not surprised at that, now thinking about it… wow, this is hard." she mumbled sheepishly.

"I warned you." Alice noted, one long shapely leg over the other as her raised foot bounced absently. "You guys are going to have to be creative. Get bold." She said, turning the page of her magazine.

Grace smiled thoughtfully, "Hmm… never have I ever… slept with a relative?"

Veronica's eyes widened and she started to lower it, then paused. "Um… wait… blood relative? Or like a step-sibling? Stepfather?... really close friend of the family who I consider an aunt?"

"…Not a blood relative." Grace noted suspiciously at the specifics moments before Veronica's hand went back up.

"Aw!" the other girls groaned as Alice scoffed.

"Pretty sure she's sucked off her cousin so it's the same thing anyway."

"Well, we're pretty sure he is the result of an affair, so it's fine." Veronica smiled, as Alice raised an eyebrow at her best friend as if saying '…Really?'. Veronica wiggled her hand at the girls. "Come on this is fun! It would be better with shots."

"…There's something wrong with you…" Alice noted as the girls went for another round of questions as Orders returned to her desk from her office.

"No shots. Can't have any of you drinking on the job." She said as Jessica, watching the game pointed out diplomatically.

"It's pretty quiet tonight Orders, what with the Joker on the loose… why don't we close up for the night?"

"You will all be perfectly safe here." Orders reassured them, "Joker will be caught tonight." She said confidently as the girls relaxed. Orders wasn't wrong about things like that. "However, Business is business and every dollar counts-" she suddenly reached for the phone.

Time: 9:24 PM. Place Gotham (Superbabes.)


"Superbabes. We deliver."

"I would like to order Wonder Woman… Special! The Wonder Woman Special! I mean. Please..."

"Two thick and juicy chicken thighs with a stack of waffles, thick shapely fries, and a soft drink of your choice."

"Yes. Thank you very much."

"Anything else?"

"Uh Um… uh…"

"Delivered by Wonder Woman?"

"Yes! That-I mean, her!... Please…"

"…We want her back in 60 minutes or less and you will be charged on completion of delivery. Name, address, and your choice of soft drink. Please."

Meanwhile, moments later.

"Wonder Woman." Orders noted, holding the receipt as Wonder Woman adjusted her bodice and her 'lasso of truth' at her slender, shapely waist. She got up from her chair to approach Orders' desk.

"Never have I ever slept with a politician." Said Laura.

"I'm legally bound not to say who. But yes." Veronica grinned as Wonder Woman rolled her pretty brown eyes and collected the order and the address.

"Have fun with it." Orders said lazily as Wonder Woman raised an elegant eyebrow at the unnecessary ambiguousness of her words but smiled prettily at her, heading to the door.

"Pause the game girls." She noted as the other three huddled up to discuss, Veronica waving her off with her upraised hand. She stored the food in the saddlebag on her badass motorcycle, hopped on, and roared loudly off into the city. Her long silky black hair waving behind her…

It didn't take her long to get to the Upper-East side, the biggest of districts in Gotham city. The western section she went too was mostly just apartment buildings and office spaces as far as the eye could see. Unlike the fancier seaside properties… She found the buildings she was looking for, one of the nicer looking ones between an old brownstone and one that seen much better days, possibly even condemned. She drove into the nearby parking structure before finding the elevators that led back down to the ground floor, remembering where she parked and entering the elevator, pressing the button.

"Hold the elevator!" an attractive woman in a suit lunged into the elevator. She looked familiar: she had long dark hair, a pretty face and a very nice body neatly wrapped in a professional suit, like a teacher or sexy librarian. Wonder Woman frowned, she looked SO familiar but could not place her. "Thanks." She mumbled, standing up and staring at her. She smiled prettily back at the surprised look on the woman's face. "…Nice costume." She added, eyeing Wonder Woman up and down.

"Thank you…" she said politely as the woman stood next to her, still eyeing her curiously.

"…Why are you dressed like that? Going to a costume party?"

"No…" she replied airily, "It's just part of the job."

The woman frowned at that, a well-groomed eyebrow rising curiously as they rode the elevator in silence… "Well… it looks good one you…" Wonder Woman smiled beautifully at her, she gave her a small one back before adding rather knowingly. "You're wearing the lasso on the wrong hip." She said helpfully as the elevator opened and they walked out together.

"Really?" she replied curiously as the painted rope bounced gently on her wide hip with each step.

"Yes. She wears it on the other side." The woman said with a polite, playful smile. "Stay safe. Have a nice night." They exited the structure together, but the woman suddenly ran off like she was being chased by the Batman, charging into the nearby brownstone.

"Hmm." Wonder Woman glanced at the lasso, shrugged, then wandered past the staring doorman as she made her way up the fancy apartment building. 10 floors up. 5 from the top. Her boots clacked down the marbled flooring of the hallway, her bountiful backside swaying subtly as she counted the doors, smiled as she reached her goal and putting on her prettiest smile she raised a hand and knocked on the door. "Superbabes."

Time 9:41 PM. Place Upper East Gotham (Apartment 1504)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, hand on her hip and waiting as the door slowly opened.

"Whoa…" she smiled at the young man, he had light brown skin, and dark hair, tall but thin. Wearing little more than a gaming shirt, and sweatpants. He took her food politely and stepped aside to let her walk in.

"Thank you, sweetie…" she said, flicking a finger under his chin as tiny hearts seemed to form and pop around his head as he grinned at her. The living room was vast and luxurious, the entire far wall was glass looking out over the parking structure, and the brownstone, along with the skyline of Gotham with its towers of steel and concrete… in the center of the room facing a large widescreen TV with a collection of gaming systems was a large L-shaped couch and a large matching ottoman…

He placed the food and drink haphazardly on a nearby kitchen table, the kitchen itself was just as luxurious but not nearly as important as the soft couch cushions as she strutted across the hardwood flooring, her boots tapping loudly in the silent apartment.

"MMmn…" she moaned, gazing out the glass window at the closer buildings. "Lovely view." She said as she felt him staring at her star-spangled bottom. Her hands-on her big soft rear as she subtly squeezed it.

"Uh… yeah…" she said, as she glanced at his sheepishly grinning face as she turned fully around, and strutted back towards him, her big breasts bouncing in her corset as she reached out, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him close to her beautiful face as she slowly licked her lips.

"Flatterer…" she purred as she felt her breasts on his chest. "Where should we start?" she cooed, feeling his sweatpants bulge against her legs, "Ooh…" she grinned at his eagerness. "Right here?"

"I…uh… um…" he fidgeted, "…I can… do anything?"

Her eyebrow rose, but her smile didn't fade. "That's right sweetie. One hour, and I'll do ANYTHING you want…"

His hand slowly went to her waist, and he took the lasso holding it in both hands. "…Turn around?" he asked, sweetly as she realized EXACTLY what he wanted.

"Ooh… naughty boy…" she cooed, turning around to look out the window and feeling the rope wrap around her wrists, "Ooh… nice and tight now." She said, wiggling her rear slightly as he wrapped the rope around and around, "…Don't want me to escape…"

He tied off the rope in simple bow not, her arms bound behind her back as his hands slowly slipped around her waist and up to cup at her big breast, "Ah…" she gasped as he felt, and squeezed, gently at first, then firmly. "MMMn!" her head rolled back onto his shoulder as he rested his chin on hers, gazing down her body, deep into her cleavage as he squeezed her chest.

"I have you NOW Wonder Woman!" he said, with a bit of dramatic flair.

And suddenly, remembering Orders' words before she left, she was suddenly in character. Head shooting up and gasping indignantly. "How DARE you!" she said firmly as his hands continued to squeeze her breasts, her rear pushing back against his body as he pulled her firmly to him, feeling his bulge against her star-spangled cheeks. "Release me at once!"

He hesitated for a moment, then firmly groped her breasts as she gasped, in pleasure, his tongue sliding up the curve of her shoulder and neck to her face as she trembled. "I think NOT, Wonder Woman… I have dreamed of this for many nights…" his fingers hooked her top, and yanked it down, her big breasts bouncing free as she gasped in 'shock'.

"You fiend! How dare you! Ahh…" his hands thoroughly groped her breasts without restriction. "MMmn!!" her hard nipples rubbed against his palms before he gently pinched them.

"Your body betrays you Wonder Woman…" he cooed, releasing her breasts and slowly pulling down the top of her uniform, until her big soft ass was freed. "Wow…" he mumbled as she swiveled her hips, restraining a giggle as he stared at it. "Ahem!" he coughed as the clothes crumpled on the floor and she stepped out of them, he stood back up, groping her breasts again as she moaned, "Allow me to introduce you to the pleasures of being a woman…"

She was quickly turned around and pressed to the glass, "Ahh…" she shuddered at the cold feeling on her smooth skin, her ass pressing firmly against it as his mouth pressed to hers, "Mmmn…" she moaned, opening wide and fighting his tongue… easily… he clearly didn't have a lot of experience, but his saliva tasted good, his hands groping her breasts as he messily made out with her, drooling onto her chest, slicking her skin. He pulled away, "Ahh-hhaa…" she moaned, smiling proudly and licking her red lips. "I will NEVER surrender to you." She declared, in character…

He gazed at her body in awe, she opened her legs a little more, standing submissively and vulnerable, but he stared. "…Ahem. Sweetie." She purred as he jumped. "This is the part where you make me surrender." She encouraged, swiveling her lower body as moaned…

"R-right…" he said, clearing his throat, "Right." He took her arms and pulled her from the glass, leaving an imprint of her big soft ass on it as he guided her to the L-shaped couch, pushing the ottoman between the curve so it made one big 'bed'. He guided her onto the end of the couch, resting her chin on the armrests, her arms still bound behind her and her big soft ass swaying as he rapped a hand gently on it.

"Ah!" she gasped, opening her mouth as he stood on the other side of the armrest, his crotch at her face as he pushed down his sweat pants. "…Ah…" she stared at his cock as it jumped free of its bindings, he was bigger than average, but not by much… He kicked his pants aside and slowly slid his hands over her head, sliding her hair back and out of her face as his cock tip pushed against her lips. "…Lick it Wonder Woman." He said dramatically as she 'hesitated' at first, flinching away, but with a slightly tighter grip on her hair, she gasped as if in pain. Opening her mouth and letting her tongue slid out to flick against his tip. "OOoh…" he shuddered wildly, his cock vibrating on her tongue as she twisted her head left and right, licking, and licking, and licking…

"Mmmn-mmn-ahhh…" she opened her mouth wide, constantly flicking her tongue beneath his shaft as it bobbed on it.

"L-like the taste of men?" he said, shaking wildly as he tried to hold himself back.

"No…" she said firmly but serviced his cock as if she did. She had no opinion: it varied. Some guys tasted like ass. One time she had one that tasted like strawberries.

"You will." He said as she moaned, trying to hold back her grin as he bucked his hips slowly back and forth, his cock sliding up her face as he rubbed her against it. "Suck on it…" he said as she ran her tongue along his length, gazing up at him, opening her mouth wide. He slipped right in.

"MMmmn…" she moaned, staying still as his hips slowly rocked back and forth, his hands firmly on her head as his rolled back on his neck.

"OOoh… OOOOH!!" he moaned as he slid in and out of her mouth.

"MMmn! SLURP!! MMMn…" she sucked hard on him as he pulled back, pushing her head slightly forward as he went in. "MMn! SLURP!! MMN! MMMN!!!"

"Ooh! Oooh! OOH!!! GOD! OOOH!!!" he rode her face, she easily took it, moaning and slurping lovingly as he fell forward slightly. "NNgh!! AH! Ahh!!"

She squeezed her rear with her bound hands, moaning as she readied herself for his load. Gazing submissively up at him with her pretty brown eyes as she licked away at his thrusting cock. "MMMn! MMmwah!!" she gasped as he slipped free, his cock shivering on her face as she panted erotically, her breath cooling on his quivering balls as he let go of her hair to cling to the couch, trying to stay standing as he shivered. She inhaled his scent as it rested on her face, she grinned.

"I told you I'd never surrender…" she said proudly, kissing his shaft. "Mmm-Mwah!…"

He breathed heavily, lifting her up and shoving her back onto the couch and ottoman, "Ah!" she gasped, gazing at him indignantly, spreading her legs wide as her pussy drooled arousal, his shirt came off as he crawled over the couch after her, lifting her further onto the couch, as he spread her legs.

"You misunderstand Wonder Woman…" he groaned, feeling her silky pussy lips on his sensitive cock as he slid it between them, she moaned in repose his hands on her breasts, "I could have of course used your mouth for my release!"

"You could have…" she purred teasingly, and he turned red, but composed himself.

"But I decided." He said, squeezing her breasts as she moaned, worming her hips as he lifted one leg on the back of the couch, and putting the other on the ottoman as her lower lips suckled his member eagerly for entry. "To put all my fertile seed into your Wonder Womb!"

"Gasp!" she gasped... literally. She shivered excitedly as she felt his tip ooze pre-cum against her, pressed against her entrance. "You fiend! NNGh! OH-YES!!" she cried, writhing as he pushed his cock inside her, wrapping his lips around her right nipple as she bit her lower lips, "MMMn!!"

He moaned himself as her tight, welcoming insides, not daring to move unless risk immediate pre-mature ejaculation, distracting himself with her breasts as she shivered, her headrest on the back of the couch as she gazed at him sucking and squeezing her tits, "Ahh… MMMn!! AH-I'll never submit-AHH!!" he began bucking his hips, "Ugh! Ugh! Ahh! Ahhh! Yes!!" her body jiggled and shivered as he pounded her, her eyes rolling as she grinned, worming her hips up against his pumping cock as he slapped his hips against her, pinning them to the couch as her boots kicked over the edge of the ottoman and the back of the couch as they thrashed wildly.

"MMMMNGH!!" he sucked hard on her tit, firmly squeezing both as he pinned his hips to hers.

"Ah-AHHH YES…" she hissed, writhing beneath him, arching her back as her arms struggled in the rope, her legs twitching as she clenched her teeth. "OOoh it feels so good… MMMMn…" she gazed at him as he bucked his hips, seemingly in a trance as his cock pulled out and slammed back in, another rope of cum shooting inside her as she purred.

"You bad boy…" he popped off her right tit, switching to her left, "MMMn…" she moaned, pushing them against his face as best she could.

"OOoh these beautiful tits…" he praised after a few minutes of sucking and squeezing his cock hardening inside her as she cooed. "I could suck on them forever… Nnngh…" he moaned as her pussy quivered around him. He gazed at her as she grinned playfully back… he turned his attention from her tits to her lips, pressing his against hers as she moaned… then squeaked as he began bucking his hips in her again.

"MMmn! MMN!! MMMn…" she moaned as his hands slid to her soft ass cheeks, pulling her up to his pumping cock as she trembled excitedly. "MMMn! MMNgh!!" her eyes rolled up pleasurably into her head as he pounded her on the couch, her legs cramping as her muscles clenched. "UUgh!!"

"Ooh God!" he praised as she climaxed, clamping down on him as he pulled back, sitting on his knees as he pulled her from the couch to lie as flat on her back as she could, lifting her hips and bucking wildly as she gasped, legs wrapping around him.

"Ah! Ahh! AH yeah! Ahh!! Ooooh that feels good, sweetie!!" her breasts flopping on her chest as she gazed wide-eyed at the ceiling. "Ahh! Ahh!! OOOH!! NNNGH!!!" she shivered as he roared.

"SO TIGHT!!" he groaned, "OOOH!!!" he pulled her down his cock as it shot another thick load inside her, "OOoh…" their bodies trembled as he fell forward onto her tits, she giggled contentedly as he groped her soft upraised ass on his lap.

"Ha-ha…" she giggled sweetly as he rubbed his face between her bit tits. He slowly pulled out of her, pulling away and leaving her lying on the couch, spreading her legs as her pussy oozed his load down her rear onto the couch covering… "MMMn…" his cock slowly throbbed as she swayed her hips, "…More?" she cooed, but a little pitifully, as if she didn't want it. but she rolled off the couch, swaying her rear as she lied her upper body on the ottoman, her pussy dripping onto the hardwood. "I can't possibly take any more of you thick… manly… cock…" she whined eagerly, hoping he'd give her EXACTLY that…

He stared at her as his cock shuddered back to erectness, before reaching down and grabbing her hands, "Ah…" she gasped, softly, yanked upright and walked back to the glass window, her breasts firmly pressed against the cold material. "MMmn!!" she shuddered as she felt his cock against her soft ass cheeks, grinding slowly back and forth as she stared out into the night.

"I want to show the world what a SLUT you are Wonder Woman…" he cooed almost lovingly in her ear as her pussy flooded in excitement. "With a belly full of cum… and screaming in lust."

"Ahhhh…" she sighed, feeling his cock slid into her, "MMMMmn!!" he pushed slowly into her body as her breasts bounced on the glass. "UNNGh!! Yeeeees…" her tongue slid on the glass, "Ahhh…" as he pulled out, and slammed back in.

"Ah! AH! Ugh! Yes! Yes!!" she cried out, rocking on her heels as he thrust up into her body, her pussy drooling cum and arousal on his delving dick. "Fuck me! Fuck me sweetie!! AHHh!!!" she pressed her lips to the glass, whorishly kissing it as she licked and slobbered, saliva sliding down the glass like a waterfall onto her tits. Her banging soft body banging hard on the glass as he pumped her from behind, pinning her firmly upright to it as his hips slapped against her soft ass.

"Ahh! Oh yeah! You feel so good!!" he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her roughly back as they lost all interest in the role play.

"Hah-ah-ha!! AH!! Fuck me!!" her breasts bouncing her back against him with each thrust as she bucked her ass back, her feet clawed the hardwood. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum all over this…DIIIIICK!!!" she grinned broadly, then her mouth opened wide. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!" her pussy flooded the glass and the floor as she climaxed, shaking wildly as he roared out. Unable to take her tightened pussy as he pressed her to the glass.

"You cum in me sweetie…" she cooed softly, twitching as his load rushed up into her. "Oooh you give me all of that… don't pull out…" the glass was a mess when he finally let her off it, slobber, saliva, cum and squirt… plus the oily imprint of her tits… he fondled her breasts from behind as she giggled.

"Oooh wow… now that's how Wonder Woman does it…" he praised exhaustedly as he slipped out of her… her ass suddenly bounced back against him, but bumping him onto the armrest of the couch as she approached, kneeling down between his legs and licking her lips.

"Maybe…" she purred as his cock twitched, "But this is how I do it…" she slipped her tongue on his tip, flicking it up and catching it between her lips as she began to suck, "MMmn! MMMm…"

"Ooooh…" he slowly rolled back onto the couch as she bobbed her head on his cock, adjusting herself so the constant steady sucking never ceased.

"MMnpgh! MMMn!! SLURP!!! MMNN!! LICK!! GACK!! MMMN!!!"

"Oh god! Oh GOD!! ENNGH!!! CUMMING!!" he roared as she sped up, faster and faster, bobbing wildly on his cock until his thick seed rushed between her lips.

"MMmmn…" she moaned, slowly sucking on him as every drop rushed out, "MMmmn…" she slipped off his limp dick, "MMN!!" she tilted her head back, and gulped it down, before sticking out her tongue, smiling, "AH…" she gave his dick a lick as it tried to twitch back to life. "This cock was SOOOO good…" she cooed perfectly as he groaned in exhaustion, desperate to get hard again. "Mwah…" she got to her feet easily, and before he could sit up… her hands were free, the rope dropping to the floor behind her as she rubbed her bracer covered wrists.

"You could get out of those anytime?" he asked, sounding just a little disappointed. She smiled sweetly at him.

"Sweetie it's a trick rope…" she cooed as his cock twitched, "Can't have sexy boys tie us up and keep us now can we?" she smiled at his twitching length, wrapping a soft manicured hand around it, "Here I'll make it up to you…" she stroked him for a moment watching his face contort as he submitted to her care… then as his cock hardened, she let go, taking her breasts in both hands, bending over, and resting them around his cock. Quickly and wildly tittyfucking him as he moaned in utter bliss.

"That's it! That's it…" she cooed, "You just lie back and let me tug it out…" she rubbed her breasts alternatingly around his twitching cock, spat on it, then continued her wild bouncing, grinning serenely at him as he bucked up against her pounding. "MMMn! MMMN!! MMM!!" she moaned biting her lip, feeling him get closer and closer every time she engulfed his tip. "I. Love it. When. They. Cum. All. Over. Me! AHHH!!" she sighed as it rained sperm on her face and tits, "Ahhh that's it sweetie…" she smiled playfully at him, hair and face cum covered as she squeezed his dick between her wonderful tits, a few remaining drops of cum oozing out onto her breasts as she kissed his tip and stood up.

He breathed heavily, and even looked a bit thinner, like she sucked out all his fluids. "Sweetie…" she cooed, sitting on the couch and shaking him. "I need your shower…" she smiled as he raised a hand, pointing to a hallway she blew him a kiss, "If you can get up… you can watch." She purred, strutting beautifully to the bathroom, leaving a trail behind her as cum dripped down from her tits and her wet pussy.

The bathroom was fancy too, she casually stepped into the wide shower, turning the water on and helping herself to the soap, scrubbing his load and shampooing her hair as she scrubbed clean. She was just about to get out when she saw him limp into the door frame, she smiled to herself, pretending she didn't see him before turning away, putting her hand on the wall… and giving him a freebie…

"MMmn…" she slipped her fingers into her pristine pussy as she masturbated, her soft ass shaking as she quickly stroked herself. She didn't have a lot of time left, and she needed to head back, she could hang around all night fingering herself for her cute client. "Haa…. Ah… HAAAA!!" she gasped, head rolling back, hips swiveling as her ass trembled, legs clenching… "MMmn…" she moaned pulling her fingers to her lips, licking them briefly, then rinsing them off. "Wooo…" she sighed, smacking wet hands onto her ass, the water enhancing the sound as she turned off the water and reached for a towel, winking at the awed young man. "Shows over sweetie…" she giggled sweetly, grabbing her accessories and scampering naked to her clothes…

She danced and jiggled back into her costume, fresh as spring, before retrieving and looping back up the rope in her hands… making sure to put it on the OPPOSITE side of what she had before. He pulled on underwear as she smiled prettily at him, "Alright sweetie. Come on." She said, holding out her hand.

"Uh… right… um…" he held up a finger and ran away back down the hall. She sighed… at least she knew he wasn't going anywhere… she glanced out the window, spying the bat-plane fly by and low, she glanced out the window as someone dropped onto the brownstone building then leaped over the back into the alleyway.

Batman. NEVER. Sleeps…

"Here you go." He said returning with a stack of fresh bills. She counted, smiled, and stuffed it between her cleavage, leaning forward and kissing his cheek as he blushed.

"If you want to be a bad boy again sweetie, call and order." She winked and strutted to the door, "Enjoy your food." She added sweetly, heading out to the elevator, and back to her bike.

Time: 11:03 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Grace entered Superbabes and right to Orders, pulling the money from her cleavage before putting it down on her desk as Orders counted and divided her cut. "Okay. Who's turn was it?" she asked strutting to the girls at the table.

"Yours." Britney noted as up went Veronica's hand.

"Never have I ever… done it with an amputee?" they sighed as Veronica smiled and remained unmoving.

"Never have I ever sucked off my teacher for good grades." Kathy said, and sighed as Veronica winked at her. "…Alice is right, there's something wrong with you."

"Told you." Alice noted flatly not looking up as Veronica pouted with adorable anger at her.

"Never have I ever had sex with another girl's boyfriend… while she was in the same room." Smiled Britney, but immediately scowled at Veronica's composure. "Seriously?!"

Veronica shrugged nonchalantly as Laura stared at her, pondering her question as Grace suddenly realized something… Laura had a striking resemblance to that woman she met earlier that night in the elevator. She looked an AWEFUL lot like Laura… suspiciously so… maybe they were sisters. But that, in a roundabout way, brought back memories of the bat-plane outside her recent playmate's window…

So… the second Laura's guess failed…

"Never have I ever been in a golden shower?" Britney and Kathy stared at her a little disgusted, but she shrugged, "Well me neither, It wasn't worth the pay." But Veronica remained firm, shrugging as they cringed at the implications…

"Never have I ever had sex with a superhero." Grace said as Veronica's smile faded, "A real one…"


"Liar." Orders noted dismissively from the counter as Veronica pouted and FINALLY lowered her hand in defeat.

"YES!!" the other girls cheered in victory as Veronica sighed.

"…Let's play Uno... this would be better with shots… and dicks." She added as Orders produced the cards from the counter. A small smirk on her face.


PS. Yes. Grace Met the REAL Huntress. No, she didn't put two and two together... That's half the fun.
