
News From The Core

As the temple of Malachor V reassembled before his eyes, Lelouch felt the ebb and flow of time pulsing beneath his fingertips. The broken shards of the ancient structure slowly realigned, reversing their ruin as though reality itself bent to his will. Each crack sealed, each toppled stone righted itself, and soon the grand edifice stood whole again—a relic of a forgotten war, veiled in shadow and the deep, reverberating hum of the Dark Side, not only its structure, but also the space mended together as it brought forth the past before his eyes... 


Lelouch took a step forward, his boots echoing faintly against the stone floor as he entered the temple's threshold. The air within was heavy, thick with the remnants of ancient power, as though every stone was steeped in dark history. He paused for a moment, surveying the vast hall that stretched before him. Shadows clung to every corner, and the only sound was the distant rumble of shifting debris as time continued its gradual rewind. 


With a subtle twist of his hand, Lelouch reached out through the Force, pulling at the threads of time. He could feel the passage of eons slipping beneath his control as he pushed deeper into the currents of the past. He saw brief flashes of the temple's long history—moments of war, betrayal, and death—flickering before his eyes. But they were mere glimpses, nothing substantial. He needed more, he reached across and the Dark Side surged as space and time itself cracked under the pressure. 


He stepped further inside, closing his eyes as he concentrated. Time bent around him, folding and twisting as he searched for a moment of significance, a clue hidden in the endless stream of the past. Again and again, he pushed back, rewinding the temple's history, yet each time, the answers eluded him. 


The Force rippled around him, each wave bringing him closer to something... and then, finally, there was a pull. A strong, undeniable pull from the Dark Side, as though the very planet itself was calling out to him. He opened his eyes, and before him, a vision unfolded—ethereal and yet vividly clear. 


Darth Revan, his imposing form clad in dark robes and armor, stood at the center of the vision. Beside him was another armored figure, equally shrouded in shadow. They both stood over a massive map, its holographic display casting an eerie blue light across their faces. Revan's vision focused on the outline of a star system—a system Lelouch had never seen on any map. 


The Lehon System. 


Lelouch's brow furrowed as he stared at the map. The system wasn't marked on any Republic charts he had come across. It was obscure, hidden away, yet tantalizingly close to the Core Worlds. But what truly caught his attention was the system's connection to Skustell, the home world of the Ongree—half a galaxy away in the Outer Rim. Coleman Kcaj's people had harbored some ancient artifact, and now it all made sense. This system, this map, held the key. But something was amiss. A Sith of Revan's caliber was surely able to retrieve the artifact, so why was it still on Skustell?! While he wasn't aware of many things regarding Sith, he knew one wouldn't pass the opportunity before him... and yet Revan gave the artifact to the Ongree meaning they had likely moved it to Susktell at some point, meaning this map... this vision of a map from the past was up to date thousands of years later while not even existing anymore as a physical object. 


But as Lelouch's thoughts raced, he quickly realized the magnitude of what lay before him. Traveling to the Ongree home world would be easy enough, a simple campaign close enough would suffice to serve as an excuse, especially with the Jedi Master at his side now... though Lehon System would provide a challenge. It wasn't just the distance—it was the layers of political entanglements that stood in his way. Navigating through the Core would require significant maneuvering, not to mention the complications of bringing an entire warship undetected through the heart of the galaxy. 


He turned the pieces over in his mind, assessing the moves he would need to make, the alliances he would need to exploit. His political capital was facing a steep trip downhill in the near future. 


Sighing with a shrug "It is serving the purpose it was meant for." 


'It won't be long,' Tzeentch's voice cut in, the presence materializing behind him once more, now a 'her' in a serpentine form blending seamlessly with the dark ambiance of the temple. 'Soon, we won't have to tiptoe around them anymore.' Her voice carried a certain amusement, as though she found the constraints of mortal politics trivial. 


Lelouch allowed himself a slight smile. He didn't turn toward Tzeentch, his eyes still fixed on the vision in front of him. "Perhaps," he mused, his voice low and contemplative. "But until that time comes, we'll play the game by the set rules." 


With a snap of his fingers, the vision before him vanished, dissolving into the shadows of the temple. In an instant, he was back aboard the Excalibur, standing on the bridge, the vast expanse of space stretching out before him. 


Not a moment had passed. 


The bridge was silent, the crew awaiting his command. Lelouch stood still for a brief moment, his mind already calculating the next steps. The Lehon System—he needed to know more. 


"Set course for Skustell," Lelouch ordered, his voice cutting through the silence with decisive clarity. 




The Excalibur cut through the blackness of space, nearing the Core. Inside the bridge, Lelouch stood, as ever, a figure of composed authority, his sharp gaze fixed on the stars beyond. His mind was always moving, analyzing, predicting the next steps in his intricate game of galactic domination. The journey toward the Lehon system, obscure as it was, required careful navigation both politically and logistically. But this was a challenge Lelouch relished. 


Suddenly, the quiet hum of the bridge was interrupted by a voice from the communications station. 


"General," the officer called, her tone urgent but controlled, "we're receiving an emergency transmission from Coruscant." 


Lelouch's eyebrow arched slightly, the only outward sign of interest. "Relay it," he ordered calmly, his voice betraying no surprise. 


As the message came through, Lelouch listened, his expression unreadable. Coruscant had been hit by a Separatist infiltration force—a suicide mission carried out by droids, one of the main reactors in the heart of the galactic capital destroyed in the attack. The shock of such an assault was palpable even from the tone of the report. 


The Chancellor's voice was calm but grave, and the implications of the attack on the Core World rippled through the galaxy. The sudden escalation of the war came as a surprise, even to Lelouch. 


'Sidious is accelerating the clock,' Tzeentch's voice echoed beside him, the god's massive form twisting in the shadows. 'The war is escalating faster than anticipated. Either everything is proceeding better than expected... or something has gone terribly wrong.' 


Lelouch's mind sharpened, dissecting the situation in seconds. This sudden aggression—this bold assault on Coruscant itself—either signaled a carefully planned move by the Sith to further entrench his power, or it indicated some unforeseen vulnerability. Either way, it demanded Lelouch's full attention. 


Nodding to the officer, Lelouch signaled for the channel to be opened, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous curiosity. 


The hologram projector flickered to life, and there, standing in full view, was Chancellor Palpatine himself, his face a mask of concern and authority. Behind him, the assembled members of the Senate Council stood, their presence lending weight to the broadcast. It was a carefully choreographed display of unity in a time of crisis. 


"General," Palpatine greeted him, his voice carrying the gravity of the moment. "I trust you are aware of the situation. Coruscant has been attacked. A bold, unprecedented strike by the Separatists." 


Lelouch nodded slightly, his mind already processing the deeper layers behind the Chancellor's words. Palpatine was an expert manipulator—every sentence, every gesture carried meaning beyond its surface. This was not just about an attack on Coruscant. It was about control, about shaping the war to his advantage. 


The Chancellor's voice remained steady as he continued, "The Republic has suffered a grievous wound. But we will not let this stand. A new bill has been passed by the Senate—one that deregulates the banks, allowing for an increase in funding for the war effort." 


Lelouch's eyes narrowed subtly. The deregulation of the banks—a calculated move. The galactic banking system, once tightly controlled to ensure stability, would now be free to lend and allocate funds without the traditional safeguards. This meant more money for the war machine—unrestrained, unchecked. The Chancellor was using the chaos of the attack to push through a measure that would allow him to control the war effort with far fewer restrictions. 


With the banks freed from oversight, the Republic could print credits, loan vast sums, and fund military projects without concern for financial prudence. It was a short-term victory that could ensure the Republic's military dominance but at the risk of economic instability. But, of course, Palpatine had no intention of allowing the war to last long enough for those risks to materialize. This was a temporary destabilization for long-term consolidation of power. 


Palpatine continued, his voice unwavering, "With this new funding, we can strike back. I trust you, General Lelouch, to lead the retaliation. The Separatists have overstepped their bounds, and it is only fitting that we respond with overwhelming force." 


A chorus of voices from the Senate erupted in agreement, the holographic images of various senators nodding and murmuring approval. It was a display meant for the public, a demonstration that the Republic would not be cowed by terror. 


"General Lelouch," Palpatine's gaze sharpened, his words a mixture of flattery and command. "You may draw from the Republic's reserves and garrison forces as needed. You have the full support of the Senate Council at your back." As he said that, numerous senators nodded ina greement, though Lelouch still caught glimpses of few neutral and some clearly against, Anakin's wife chief amongst them.


Lelouch stood silent for a moment, allowing the gravity of the situation to settle. With the deregulated banks and massively increased funding at his disposal, Lelouch had been given a blank check.


"Chancellor," Lelouch finally spoke, his voice smooth and controlled. "I understand the importance of a swift and decisive response. I will marshal the necessary resources and ensure that the Separatists pay dearly for threatening our people." 


Palpatine's eyes glimmered with approval. "Very well. May you emerge victorious." 


As the transmission ended, Lelouch stood in silence.


'The deregulation of the banks, 'Tzeentch murmured beside him, her form twisting into view once more, 'There are numerous senators who must have been opposed to it.' 


Lelouch smiled slightly, his mind already calculating the next moves. "Indeed," he replied, his voice laced with cold amusement. "But they have no ground to hold. The outer worlds will see this bill as their lifeline, while the core will see it as an opportunity to recuperate their standing and perhaps curb my rising influence within the population in the core. It will be great PR for them." 

'That is without including the pressure from Mandalore and its allies.' 


He turned to the bridge's command crew, his expression returning to its steely focus. "Prepare for a new course towards Coruscant" he ordered. "We will launch a retaliatory campaign. Send a high priority message to the main force of the Legion to empty the cargo holds, all requests for equipment are to be granted if they are available and according to priorities. Notify them to expect the new supply of equipment in the coming days." 


With a nod and a salute, the officer got to work as Lelouch leaned back. 


Sukstell Cluster was fairly close to Eriadu, meaning he'd have to designate Eriadu as the staging grounds for the assault... though it was an area he had campaigned not too long ago, meaning it would either be seen as redundant or thorough... probably both. 


To tilt the table, he'd need to direct Grievous to be sighted near Eriadu, and that, would give him sufficient cause.


A.N: Work has been a bit** and a half. Wrote this over the days, i hope that it doesn't show as much, anyway, the last part was mostly to remind that the events are still unfolding in other parts of the galaxy, some differently, some earlier and some might not happen at all. 
