
Attack of The Clones (I)

Lelouch stood before the massive viewport in his private quarters, staring out at the stars that streaked past as his ship moved swiftly through hyperspace. The events on Geonosis were unfolding just as he had anticipated, with Obi-Wan Kenobi walking headfirst into the trap laid by Count Dooku. Lelouch had allowed it to happen, knowing that it would serve as the perfect catalyst for the next phase of the plan. 


A soft chime echoed through the room, signaling an incoming transmission. Lelouch turned, a subtle smile playing on his lips as he approached the console. He activated the holographic projector, and the image of Chancellor Palpatine materialized before him, surrounded by several key senators. 


"Lelouch," Palpatine's voice was smooth, calm, and laced with the gravitas of authority. "I trust you are aware of the situation on Geonosis." 


Lelouch inclined his head. "Indeed, Chancellor. The Separatists are broadcasting on an open channel." 


Palpatine's lips curled into a knowing smile. "The Jedi Council has been informed of Kenobi's predicament, and they have already dispatched a rescue team. However, the situation on Geonosis is more perilous than they realize. The Separatists are massing their droid armies, preparing for a full-scale assault." 


The senators surrounding Palpatine exchanged uneasy glances. Bail Organa, one of the more vocal members, stepped forward. "With all due respect, Chancellor, this could mean the start of a war." 


"War is inevitable, the Jedi and the republic itself might as well have invaded Geonosis, Senator. Not to mention one Jedi who we could have claimed to have gone rogue... but the unannounced landing of a Republic vessel without prior notice or warning gave the Separatist all the excuses they needed." Lelouch interjected, his voice calm yet firm. "Geonosis is merely the opening salvo. The Republic must be prepared to face this threat with the full might of its military. The Jedi alone cannot hold back the tide. The concertation of Separatists fleet is concerning, however it also presents an opportunity. Let me be frank, the separatists' forces outnumber us so far that it isn't even funny, even with the clone army at our disposal." 


A silence filled the chancellor's room. 


"Your point Lelouch..." 


"A rapid strike at this concentration of forces. If we are the ones throwing the first strike, we might as well make sure it's worth it. A decisive victory on Geonosis could cripple their military capabilities and send a clear message to the rest of the galaxy: the Republic will not tolerate dissent." 


Bail Organa, his face etched with concern, spoke up. "But at what cost? If we strike too aggressively, we risk alienating systems that are still on the fence. We need to be careful not to push them into the arms of the Separatists." 


Lelouch's expression remained calm, but there was a steely resolve in his voice as he replied. "The galaxy respects strength, Senator. If we hesitate, if we show any sign of weakness, the Separatists will exploit it. They will use it to rally more systems to their cause, and the Republic will find itself outmatched. We cannot afford to fight a war of attrition." 


Palpatine, who had been silently observing the exchange, finally spoke, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Lelouch is correct. The time for diplomacy has passed. The Separatists have chosen their path, and now we must choose ours. The Republic must stand united, and we must strike with all the power at our disposal." 


The Chancellor's words seemed to settle the room, and the senators, though still uneasy, nodded in agreement. Mon Mothma, always the voice of reason, added cautiously, "We must ensure that our actions are justified and that the galaxy understands why we are taking this course. We cannot allow the Republic to be seen as the aggressor." 


Lelouch gave a slight nod, acknowledging her point. "Agreed. We will frame this as a necessary defensive action, a preemptive strike to protect the Republic and its citizens. The Jedi's presence on Geonosis will serve as the justification we need. We'll make sure the narrative is clear: the Republic acted to prevent a greater catastrophe." 


Palpatine's lips curled into a smile, one that did not reach his eyes. "Then it is settled. Lelouch, you will lead the strike force on Geonosis. I am granting you the rank of General, and with that... full command of the clone army stationed on Kamino. Coordinate with the Jedi and ensure that this operation is carried out with precision." 


Lelouch bowed his head slightly in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Chancellor. I will not fail." 

Palpatine's holographic image flickered for a moment before he added, "Remember Lelouch, the eyes of the galaxy are upon us." 


As the call cut, Lelouch turned to talk to the Kaminoan prime minister who was waiting on the side. 


What can you tell me as far as weaponry is concerned? 


"All 200'000 troops have a full loadout depending on their units and accompanying equipment. This of course includes some very heavy weaponry capable of bringing down even capital ships while at lower altitudes." 


"I would presume this heavy equipment just so happen to be delicate?" 


"You would be correct. They are made to be used on stationary or slow-moving targets while having full advantage. They would be hard pressed to survive direct fire from anything bigger than a grenade and still remain functional." 


"And the transports?" 


"Durable. But lightly armed. Anything above a corvette would hold for hours under sustained fire, and even if you do eventually break their shields, you'd be hard pressed to penetrate their armor." 


Lelouch pondered for a moment before addressing the prime minister again. 


"And how many transports can you spare, excluding the ones needed for the troops?" 


"We currently have a total of 40 Acclamator-I Assault ships. The 192,000 troops that are battle-ready, including their equipment will need 36 Acclamator-Is for transport based on previous drills." 


"Any others? As long as it can make the journey to Geonosis, it'll be of use." 


Lelouch asked with a knowing smile. 


"Well... there are 2 with depleted ammunition and 1 whose shield generator overloaded due to faulty wiring. We are waiting on a repair crew with the necessary parts from Kuat. The other 2... well they aren't space-worthy." 


A smile formed on Lelouch's face. "It will do." 


As Lelouch strode toward one of the towering Acclamator-I assault ships, the air hummed with disciplined energy. Clad in gleaming white armor, row upon row of clone troopers snapped to attention with a synchronized thud, their boots striking the deck in perfect unison. The sound reverberated through the hangar, a testament to their unwavering commitment and readiness for battle. 


Lelouch's voice cut through the silence, commanding and sharp as he issued the order to prepare for launch. 


The hangar buzzed with controlled chaos as the clone troopers began their systematic loading of equipment and supplies into the Acclamator-I assault ship. Crates of ammunition, rations, and medical supplies were hoisted by heavy lifters, while platoons of troopers moved in organized formations, their every step calculated and efficient. AT-TE walkers, their hulking frames casting long shadows, were guided into the ship's cavernous holds, their metal joints hissing and clanking with each movement. LAAT gunships, sleek and menacing, were secured in place, their blasters and missile launchers primed for the coming battle. 


The clones moved with a precision that spoke of years of intense training, despite most of them being barely out of their accelerated growth tanks. Their armor gleamed under the hangar's harsh lights, each trooper identical in appearance yet carrying the unspoken burden of their shared purpose. Their faces, hidden behind emotionless visors, reflected the calm before the storm—a storm they were born to weather. 


Lelouch observed the operation with a critical eye, every detail falling into place as if part of a grand design. The rumble of engines powering up echoed through the hangar as the Acclamator-I's systems roared to life. The air thrummed with anticipation, the weight of the impending battle hanging heavy over everyone present. Lelouch's presence was a silent command, his mere gaze enough to inspire the troopers to swift action. 


As the last of the equipment was secured, Lelouch gave a final nod, and the massive loading ramp began to rise. The ship shuddered slightly as its repulsorlifts engaged, lifting it from the deck with a deep, resonant hum. The hangar doors slid open, revealing the black expanse of space dotted with stars. One by one, the Acclamator-Is ascended from Kamino, their formations tight and disciplined, as they moved toward the void. 


Lelouch, now clad in the same armor as the clones, stood at the observation window, the stars streaking past as the ship entered hyperspace. The journey was brief, the quiet hum of the ship's systems the only sound as the clones made their final preparations, checking weapons and securing their gear. The atmosphere was tense, but the troopers remained focused, their minds on the mission ahead. 


It wasn't long, at least amidst the tense atmosphere, the ship dropped out of hyperspace, and the planet Geonosis filled the viewport, its reddish surface a stark contrast against the blackness of space. 


Lelouch stood on the bridge of his command ship, an Acclamator-I Assault ship that had been hastily prepared for this mission, containing no landing party aboard, merely the skeleton crew required to run it. The stars were no longer visible; only the ominous planet filled the viewport as the fleet emerged from hyperspace. 


"All ships, prepare for descent," Lelouch ordered, his voice calm and commanding. 


As the Republic fleet descended toward Geonosis, the sensors began to pick up massive concentrations of enemy forces. Thousands of battle droids, led by the Separatist leaders, were already mobilizing. The Separatists had fortified their positions well, anticipating a confrontation, but they had not expected the swift and overwhelming response from the Republic. 


"Commander, status report," Lelouch said, turning to the clone commander standing at attention beside him. 


"All units are ready, sir. Ground forces will begin their assault on the main droid foundry as soon as we land. Air support is standing by to engage any Separatist forces in the skies," the field commadner replied with military precision. 


Lelouch nodded, satisfied with the preparations. He knew that the success of this mission depended not just on brute force, but on careful strategy and timing. The Republic needed a decisive victory here, not just to weaken the Separatists, but to send a clear message across the galaxy. 


"Deploy the first wave," Lelouch commanded. 


The order was relayed, and the Acclamator-I ships opened their massive hatches, releasing hundreds of LAAT/i gunships that quickly filled the sky, heading toward the surface. The gunships, packed with clone troopers, swooped down toward the enemy lines, accompanied by the roar of engines and the hum of blaster fire. 


On the ground, the droids began to respond, their ranks surging forward to meet the invading forces, the sky above became a chaotic mess of explosions. 


"P1 through six, maintain formation. P7 fall back slightly." 


"Yes, sir." 


After a few moments, a transmission came through. 


"Commander, tell me you have them." 


"Yes General. Transmitting coordinates, good hunting." - The clone commander said with respect in his voice. 


"Copy that commander." Lelouch said with a light smile and chuckle. 


'I have missed this.' he thought as he lay back in his chair, a hand on his face with an almost sweet smile in his face. 


'You can thank me in due time.' 


'Indeed, for this, I do thank you...' 




"Helm, take us to those coordinates." 


It was at this moment that Lelouch realized that all the clones in the bridge were staring at him weirdly. 


"Y-YES, my lord. Full-speed ahead." 


It wasn't long before the target was within their sight. 


"Target in sight. We have target in the air." One of the clones spoke in alarm. 


Lelouch rose from his seat as he gave his next orders. 


"Ignore all above our altitude. All units break formation. Keep off each other. Calculate trajectory for maximum targets. We don't need to hit them head on, just cut them deep enough so they can't take off." 


Finishing, he put on his helmet and sat back down, strapping himself in his seat as all others followed suit. 


"CONTACT IN 10." The helmsman yelled over the coms. 



















