

Lucian walked into his chamber and angrily slammed the door behind him, even though Zane was following closely behind. But Zane had lived with the prince long enough to know his behavior when he was in a foul mood. Thus, he stood back and allowed the door to slam on him before he sighed and opened it again. Entering, he found Lucian pacing the room, his anger more intense than it had been before, almost causing the room to seem chillingly suffocating.

Though earlier in the hall, everyone had assumed he had beaten up that young man because of Madeline, Zane knew better. Lucian had left the doomed palace after his time with Ave in the stable in a bad mood; he had looked so mad Zane had thought he would shift into his beast form and storm into the forest to release his anger, as that was the only way the prince could release his anger apart from killing or causing pain to others.
