
The brats at the royal carrige

Ave didn't wake up on time despite the fact that Lydia had tried to wake her to get ready for the morning. She had repeatedly swatted at Lydia's hand and turned to bury her head in the pillow, and by the time she woke up, it was already midmorning, with every single person in the palace up and done with breakfast.

When she finally opened her eyes, her entire body was aching. She hadn't slept well last night due to that terrible nightmare of her being a ghost. The nightmare had left her feeling drained. And now that she was awake, she stretched her arms and glanced to the other side of the bed where she believed Lucian had slept.

But as expected, it was empty, and with the brightened room, she didn't expect he would sleep in that late. Rubbing her eyes, she climbed down from the bed just as Lydia walked in with a bucket of hot water.
